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January 26, 1945 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-26

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JAN. 26, 1945


"IJ, Tit

Navy V42 Unit To Present Boxing Card To



Taking the Gou t
Associate Sports Editor
FOR.24 YEARS, baseball enjoyed solid unity under the guidance of Com-
missioner K. M. Landis, but now only two months after Landis' death.
there is evidence of a growing rift among baseball's policy-determining
Latest indication of a break in policy is followed by the revelation
that Ford Frick, president of the National League had conferred recently
with Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, National Selective Service Director, re-
garding the plight of baseball, in reference to the "work-o -fight" legis-
lation now pending in Congress.
Clark Griffith, owner of the Washington club, accompanied Frick
on his sojourn to the Capitol, but Griffith acted only in a perfunctory
nature, with Mr. Frick engaging in a disproportionate share of the conver-
Frick, who is actively campaigning for the commissioner's office, did
not act in any official capacity for baseball in his Hershey conference in-
sofar as the American League office and the office of commissioner are

Don Lund May Warm Bench Tomorrow
When Wolverine Cagers Face Indiana Five

First Exhi bition of Kind

"I know nothing about any such
conference," said Will Ilarridge,
president of the American League.
"Mr. Frick did not represent the
American League and neither did
Mr. Griffith represent this office in
any official capacity."
Just as emphatic in his denuncia-
tion of Frick's right to represent
organized baseball was Leslie M.
O'Connor, chairman of the Major

League Advisory Council, the three-
man governing board for baseball,
that includes Frick and Harridge.
"So far as I know and have
heard, Mr. Frick did not represent
baseball nor did he act in any of-
ficial capacity on behalf of the or-
ganization," said O'Connor. "No
such conference ever was discussed
by the advisory council nor have I
heard from any club owner in that

Both Harridge and O'Connor refrained from making any further
comments on the Frick-Hershey confab. Likewise, Frick and Griffith were
unwilling to discuss the matter any further. Gen. Hershey's non-com-
mital stand made the issue even more obscure.
Frick's trek to Washington was in direct defiance of Landis' hands-off
policy. Landis reiterated time and time again that baseball would seek no
favors and would accept none during the present emergency. He tried to
avoid at all cost, any meeting with government officials, which could be
construed in any way*so as to suggest that baseball was making a bid
for special privileges.
THOSE OFFICIALS who still advocate Iandis' program feel that no
matter how cooperative Frick may have been, the speculation gen-
erating from this unofficial huddle has had a deteriorating effect on base-
ball's reputation. These hands-off adherents are determined to pursue
their former scheme of operation and they do not relish public reaction
which is suspicious of their motives.
With the next meeting of the Major Leagues scheduled for February
3, one can only hope that some compromise will be effected between these
two divergent streams of thought.

Michigan's Victory
Chances Lessened
With veteran center Don Lund a
possible bench-warmer owing to a
troublesome sprained ankle, Michi-
gan's basketball team will attempt to
snap a three-game Big Ten losing
streak tomorrow night when it meets
an up-and-coming Indiana five at
Lund, whose fine defensive play and
new-found scoring ability have spark-
ed Wolverine efforts in recent games,
suffered the injury last Saturday as
Michiganelost to Ohio State, 61-47.
He has been hobbling ever since and
may see little, if any, action against
the Hoosiers.
Wolverines' Chances Weakened
The Wolverines' chances for a re-
peat performance of their earlier
54-53 triumph over Indiana will be
considerably lessened if Lund is un-
able to take his regular place in the
lineup. The big center ranks among
SexetWill Meet
13rant ford A.C.
Four Torti Brothers
To Face Wolverines
When the Wolverine sextet meets
the Brantford A.C. tomorrow night,
they will face a strong and fast team
that has won four games so far this
season and is in first place in the
Intermediate Ontario Hockey Asso-
The Brantford squad has four
members of the Torti family; three
hold down defense positions and the
other brother fills the wing spot on
the forward line. The visitors start-
ing team will have defensemen Tony
Torti and Ken Kipp, wings Clare
Easto and Angelo Torti, center Ron-
ald Manning, goalie Wilford Beck-
ham, and the other two Torti broth-
ers, John and Tom, are reserve
Coach Vic Heyliger said that the
practice sessions for the rest of the
week will follow the same routine of
the previous workouts, stressing pas-
sing, shooting, covering up in front
of the net, and power plays. Michi-
gan's hockey mentor also stated that
the pucksters are working on getting
the puck in the opponent's zone
faster and thereby taking advantage
of the visitors' penalties.
Senator Goes To Bat
Baseball is worth continuing during
wartime and Congress should look
into its case, Senator Chandler (D.-
Ky.) said today.
When work or jail legislation comes
up in the senate, the Kentuckian as-
serted that "he Will go to bat" for the
game's continuance.

the top five in Conference scoring
and has also done the lion's share of
Michigan's rebound work off the
Even with Lund in the lineup Coach

verines, Indiana has trimmed two
other Conference foes and last Mon-
day hit its peak by extending unde-
feated Iowa before going down, 56-51.
Following their loss to Michigan,
the Hoosiers gained a highly-prized
50-51 decision over Purdue, their tra-
ditional intra-state rivals, and fol-
lowed it up with 48-46 win over Min-
nesota. Against Iowa, Coach Harry
Good's youngsters managed to give
the league-leaders some anxious mo-
ments before losing out.
Faris, Kralovansky Are Key Men
Key men in the fast-breaking Indi-
ana attack are forward Gene Faris
and center Al Kralovansky, who to-
gether accounted for 31 of Indiana's
53 points in the first encounter with
Michigan. Faris, a sophomore, bag-
ged 16, one more than Kralovansky,
who also contributed some fine play-
making at the pivot position.
Indiana's other big gun offensively
is veteran guard Ray Brandenburg, an
out-court sharpshooter whose two
timely goals in the closing minutes
gave thetHoosiers a momentary lead
the last time the two teams met. The
fineup is rounded out by Jack Kope-
land at the other forward and Jack
Mercer at guard.
Mullaney May Start at Center
If Lund is unable to start, Ooster-
baan will shift forward John Mul-
laney to center and insert Keith
Harder in Mullaney's place. Mul-
laney started at center in Michigan's
first few games, while Harder has
seen a good deal of action as a sub-
Bob Geahan is a sure starter at the
other forward, as are Don Lindquist
and Walt Kell at the guards. The
latter pair has started in every Con-
ference game to date.

To Be Given
Event To Be Held in M
Ex-Golden Glovers To
The smoke will be curling above
Madison Square Garden) when the Na
7:30 to 9:45 at Waterman Gym whi
This is the first event of its ki
on its success depends the possibil
boxing exhibitions as the feature oft
The boxers who will participate in
this evening's bouts have been train-
ed, for the most part, by Cpl. Rich-
ard Rankin (U.S.M.C.) and Sp. (A)
3/c John Garrett. These instructors
will act as the seconds tonight.

The main event of the evening
will be the contest between Joseph.
Aucoin (Marine) and Vincent
Yirak (Navy). Both are former
Golden Glovers and have seen act-
ive duty in the Pacific before they
were transferred to Ann Arbor. Six
more bouts fill the card for the eve-
In the capacity of referee will be
John Johnstone, of the Physical Ed-
ucation Department. The judges will
Bouts Held on Islands
ELIZABETH, N. J.-()P)-Boxing
will come out of World War II as r
America's most popular sport in the
opinion of Freddy (Red) Cochrane,
the welterweight champion who re-
cently was honorably discharged from
the Navy.
"I was on 54 different islands, and
every one of them had a home made
ring and a boxing tournament," the
twenty-nine-year-old Elizabeth bat-
tler said.

on Campus
Vaterman Gymnasium;
Compete in Main Bout
the ring tonight, (just as it does at
avy puts on al Athletic Smoker from
ch features a boxing card of seven
nd to be given on the 'eampus, and
ity of holding more smokers with
the evening.
be Major John Wilbern of the Marine
Corps. and Lieut. P. L. Blancertt of
the Navy. Sp. (A) 1/c Watson is
the time keeper for the events.
As there' is seating accomodations
for about 600, and the officers of the
unit and their wives have been tend-
ered invitations, it is advised that
those students who wish to attend
come early in order that they may get
a seat.
The card for the evening is:
V. E. Yirak (N) vs. J. Ancoin (M)
L. W. Hetrick (M) vs. J. W. John-
son (M)
Valiere vs. Barkant
W. P. McGrath (M) vs. F. E. Dy-
son Jr. (M)
R. B. Iorton (M) vs. G. Avila
W. Taylor (N) vs. Martin (N)
Hart (N) vs. Schneiderman (N)

Bennie Oosterbaan's proteges have
their work cut out for them if they
are to leave the Hoosier stronghold
with their third Big Ten victory of
the season. Since losing to the Wol-


__ _ --- i

Wolverine Swimmers To Seek
Second Big Ten Win Tomorrow

Seeking their second Big Ten Con-
ference victory,, the Wolverine nata-
tors will journey down to Lafayette,
Ind., to take on a Purdue team, which
so far this season has lost to Great
Lakes, 46-38, and has nosed out
Northwestern University, 43-41.
Commenting on the meet, Matt
Mann, Michigan swimming coach,
said, "Purdue has a well-balanced
squad this year, and fought that
Great Lakes team almost to a stand-
still; although they lost to the Wild-
cats, it must be remembered that
they performed against them, at a
time when Northwestern was at full
strength, having the services of Bob
Tribble, Conference ace backstroker."

"I think, however, that we will be
ready to go, and I have no doubt that
the 'boys' will give a good account of
themselves. I am also more than
pleased with Bob Mowerson's show-
ing last week, and with his aid I'm
sure we're going to garner more
points than we expected."
When the Maize and Blue mermen
go down to Lafayette Saturday, they
can expect to meet a most formidable
opponent in the Boilermakers of 1945.
Spearheading the Purdue attack this
year is Harry Ahlquist, former North-
western captain, who was transferred
to Purdue this year under the Navy
V-12 program.



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