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January 25, 1945 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-25

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Disease Deadlier Than Bulles

WASHINGTON, Jan. 25-When General Mar-.
shall delivered his private report on the war
to President Roosevelt and congressional leaders
last week, he disclosed the Belgian winter forced
thousands of American soldiers into hospitals---
not because of wounds, but from pneumonia, flu,
and trench foot.
These ailments, resulting from over-expos-
ure and feet in mud and water for daiys at
a time, perhaps have taken more men out of
the front line than bullets. The situation also
has resulted in complaints that the Army has
failed to supply adequate clothing.
Actually, records of the Quartermaster Corps
indicate that plenty of clothing has been sent to
France. However, many soldiers discard surplus
clothing during battle only to regret it later.
Also, men in advance positions sometimes get cut
off and left in rain and snowstorms where they
suffer severely no matter how much clothing
they have on.
It is admitted the standard government
issue shoe probably is not adequate for the
incessant, never-ending mud of the Western
Front, and can't compare with the water-
proof, felt-lined, heavy leather boot the Rus-
sians have developed for winter fighting. These
warm boots have been one reason why the
Russian Army always have been able to out-
walk, out-travel, and out-fight any enemy in
the winter-time.
Suggestion to lend-lease officials: why not get
a million Russian boots on reverse lend-lease
from the Soviet Government in exchange for air-
planes, tanks, and guns we have been sending
Another Statier Diuter .. .
HOST FAMOUS dinner of the election cam-
paign was that given by the Teamsters Union
at the Statler Hotel in honor of the President,
following which two naval officers in the Statler
lobby engaged in a brawl with dinner guests who
wore Roosevelt buttons.
It didn't make the same headlines, but an-
other dinner took place in the Statler recently
also attended by President Roosevelt,' this one
given by the radio broadcasters. This time Jack
Benny, not Dan Tobin, was toastmaster. This
time Army and Navy officers were present, not
in the hotel lobby but at the dinner table.
They were General Marshall, General Ar-
nold, and Admiral King. And as they were
introduced to the guests, President Roosevelt
suddenly asked for the microphone and an-
nounced to the entire banquet hal:
"The guests may feel quite secure as they
leave the hotel tonight. Your hosts have shown
good judgment in choosing their military guests,"
FDR's Elephant Memory*
THOUGH the President made his obligation to
Henry Wallace, the official pretext for re-
questing Jesse Jones' resignation, the inside fact
is that Jones was out anyway.
To close friends, F. D. R. has never made
any secret of this ever since the Texas Demo-
cratic Convention where Jesse Jones' nephew
plotted to steal the vote in the electoral col-
lege. Even in his conversations with Jesse-
such few as there were-the President made
no effort to conceal his feelings. Jesse saw
the handwriting on the wall, and knew his
political goose was cooked. At the last cabi-
net meeting Friday, even before he got F.DR.'s
letter, Jesse shook hands with everyone, even
said good-bye to the White House Secretariat.
One of the interesting little details of the
Texas situation which leaked back to the Presi-
dent, was a plan to put Jesse's nephew, George
Butler, in the Austin State House as Governor
of Texas. Lt. Gov. John Lee Smith was to give
way on the ticket to Butler, and then Gov.
Coke Stevenson was to resign, permitting But-
ler to become governor.
Lt. Gov. Smith actually sent a telegram of
resignation to the Dallas Democratic Conven-
tion. By that time, however, the Jones-Butler
move had been defeated and Smith's telegram,
addressed to oil lobbyist Wallace Hawkins, was
never made known to the convention.
F. D. R. may have a line-up of Democratic
donkeys on his desk, but he has an elephant's
memory. As early as last summer he deter-
mined that Jesse Jones would never sit in
his 4th term cabinet. When Wallace asked
for the Commerce Department, he knew the
job was open.

Capital Cha f
R EPUBLICAN Congressman Ham Andrews of
New York, in conferring with the President and
other congressional leaders regarding manpower,
advised there would be only 4 to 5 votes in the
entire Military Affairs Committee for the May
bill unless the provisions for military compulsion
were removed. The adoption of the Kildhay Am-
endment, providing civilian penalties for those
failing to work, bore out his advice. . . . Andrews
and a good many other congressmen contend
neither the Army nor Navy wants any 4-Fs
On Second Thought
POKER playing is not supposed to be nice on
Sunday, but Kampus Kapers is still looking
forward to a full house.
*y * **
West is west and east is east, but never the
twain shall transport Nazi troops between
them if the aircorps has anything to say about

as limited service men; also that it isn't fair to
the many patriotic 4-Fs to put them in labor bat-
talions when they are already working in war
Mayor La Guardia has told President Roose-
velt he wantsto go to Italy after all. FTlorello
had shied away from Italian duty in recent
weeks, but now seems to think he can do a
job there in connection with the rehabilita-
tion of a new Italian government. .. . CO's
Phil Murray has abandoned plans to attend
the World Labor Conference in London next
month. He will remain in Washington to keep
an eye on the "work or fight" legislation.
Tom Clark, able Assistant Attorney General
who will prosecute the two Nazi saboteurs at
Governors Island, N. Y., next week, is deter-
mined to get the death penalty.
Homer Cummings, venerable, astute ex-At-
torney General, is being urged as the compro-
mise choice as Senator from Connecticut to
fill the seat of the late Senator Francis Maloney.
Cummings is a Democrat and Gov. Baldwin
who does the appointing is a Republican. How-
ever, Baldwin must appoint with the consent
of the Democratic legislature, and both sides
like Cummings. Only trouble is that Cum-
mings doesn't want to become a Senator. After
years in public life he says he has had enough.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Rsi an Offensive
NEW YORK, Jan. 25--The great Russian offen-
sive has many meanings. One is that the
problem of how to "stop Russia in eastern Eu-
rope" has become obsolete. This problem has
been a favorite of many American and British
minds for a generation. Some of our journalists
have been able to make their livings out of just
that and the gold standard alone.
But the march of the Russian armies has
obliterated the problem of how to "stop Russia
in eastern Europe." The problem no longer
exists, or, rather it is no longer a reasonable
problem; and problems have to be reasonable,
too, as well as solutions.
Any publicist tempted to retire to his study
and fiddle further with the problem of how to
"stop Russia in eastern Europe" would do better
to devote his talents to finding the Northwest
Passage, or the elixur of life, or to any other
of that long list of ancient problems which died
before they were solved. The question of our re-
lations with Russia no longer has meaning if it
is set up in the narrow form of how to "stop"
Russia; it must be translated to the higher level
of how to live with Russia and how to get along
with her. In that form, the problem does have
meaning; it is real, and it is solvable.
The Russian offensive tells us that we have
to get used to this higher conception. He have
to get used to the idea of Russia in a new way;
we have to come to accept Russia as a fact,
just as Britain once had to come to accept Amer-
ica as a fact.
The offensive tells us that the problem of
how to "stop Russia in eastern Europe" is Hit-
ler's problem alone, and should be left to him;
he has devoted his life to it, and is dying with
it, and history has never taught a plainer
lesson. The time has come for us to move on
to richer and more meaningful conceptions.
But it is hard to give up an old problem; a
problem is sometimes as convenient a thing
to have as a solution; it gives one something
to do, and the appearance of purpose in life.
I may have been moved to these reflections
by the meeting of the Republican National
Committee in Indianapolis. The Committee
voted to put the Republican party organiza-
tion on an active, permanent all-year-around
basis in Washington, with staff, library, etc.,
Mnstead of just hiring some offices during a
But what is the purpose of this sudden height-
ening of organizational activity? It is, ac-
cording to the program officially and unani-
mously adopted, to "show more clearly the fal-
lacies of New Deal doctrines," and to "ferret out
the waste, extravagance and bungling of the
New Deal agencies," etc.
To me there is something infinitely pathetic
in seeing the Republican party formally address
itself to those narrow objectives, in the thir-

teenth year of the New Deal, in Roosevelt's
fourth term, and in a winter when the whole
world is pregnant with change. The New Deal
"problem" is now so old that it is no longer
a problem; the Republicans might just as well
try to wipe out Cleveland's first administration
as to attempt to efface Roosevelt's first three.
The G. 0. P. recognizes this truth itself dur-
ing actual presidential campaigns, in the last two
of which its candidates have been compelled to
praise much New Deal doctrine, and to admit
that a great quantity of it has been integrated
into American life. Why go back, between cam-
paigns, and try lonesomely to do what one no
longer dares to do during campaigns?
Perhaps it was the fact that the Republicans
met during the great offensive, but uttered
not a single word about it, or about its meaning
for the world, that gave me the feeling that
the party has become too attached to Roosevelt,
almost too fond of him, almost as if it makes
its living from him. It hates to give its little
burden up, in a world ringing with the chal-
lenge to constructive enterprises and new en-
(Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate)

Nurses Object
S a member of the nursing pro-
fession, I think my expression of
protest against the bandying around
that, is being. handed this group of
professional personnel deserves a
When a minister entreats with
his flock to contact all of their
nurse friends in order to awaken
these nurses to their moral duty
of enlisting in the army, not only
does it make the intellectual func-
tioning of that individual question-
able, but it decidedly casts asper-
sions upon any congregation. When
such a message is allowed to go out
over the air under the guise of a
"recruitment effort," it promotes an
antagonism that hinders rather
than stimulates action.
This crucial army and navy nurs-
ing shortage has been of relatively,
short standing, and I feel that it was
not until the President's recent re-
port on the state of the nation, that
the critical need for nurses was
brought out. It has not been the
threat of a draft that has filled the
nurse recruiting offices these past two!
weeks. It has been the nurses' re-
sponse to a known need-this re-I
sponse activated by an inherent rec-
ognition of moral duty!
Public opinion and public pressure
can only be successfully utilized if
well directed. Disastrous results are
bound to occur when hysteria is at1
the basis of action. Clear thinking
is essential in working out the best
program. whereby nurses will be ac-
cepted or assigned for military or
home front duty in accordance with
the greatest contribution they can!
make by reason of background and
To strip hospitals of essential per-
sonnel or to strip the community of
those nurses who are leaders in the
fight against disease, will cause a set-
back equal to any major military
We must get the nurses needed
for military service! But let us
use the far-sighted method and
curb these "childish recruiting ef-
forts" that out of ignorance can
precipitate a major defeat .
-Patricia Chut
Van1 usen . .


YOU can depend upon it: when the
Southern Democrats and conser-
vative Republicans say Henry A. Wal-
lace doesn't know anything about
commerce and therefore they will not
confirm his nomination for Secretary
of the department, they're talking
through their hats. If he were really
as dumb as they make him out to be,
they would be voting for him, on the
assumption that he would listen re-
spectfully to their advice. No, they're
not afraid of his stupidity, but of
his wisdom, and the fact that his view
of United States' commercial rela-
tions may be slightly different from
their own.
Among the Indian troops sent
by the British to fight against the
EAM-ELAS forces in Salonika,
Greece, there was neither "passive
resistance" nor the feeling that
"theirs was not to reason why."
Very simply, and in orderly man-
ner, the troops declined to fire
against the side they considered in
We Pleae
politeness, perhaps, Premier Koiso
intimates that he is grateful for our
13-29 raids on Tokyo. Says he, "They
heighten the fighting spirit of the
Japanese and strengthen the unity
of the nation."
That being so, we certainly can't
allow the Nips to outdo us in cour-
tesy. It they like our bombs, we
will just have to keep pouring 'em
on. -Chicago Daily News

the right. Instead they co-operated
with the Greek patriots.
Let those who question the sin-
cerity and courage of the Indian
people in their struggles for free-
dom from the British Empire take
Secretary of State Stettinius is do-
ing a good job in remodeling the
State Department and bringing it
into closer touch with the oter gov-
ernmental departments and the
people's will. In line with the Atlan-
tic Charter, the Big Three Confer-
ence declarations, the approaching
conclusion of the European War, the
daily increasing understanding on the
part of the peoples of the Allied na-
tions as to what fascism is and how
it acts, we hope that the new Secre-
tary thoroughly reconsiders our re-
lations with Fascist Franco of Spain,
and then breaks them.
1 The anti-Russians are having a
terrible time. First they wanted to
know why the Red Army wasn't mov-
ing faster during the German coun-
ter-attacks at Christmas-time on the
Western Front. And now they can't
! see how our armies are going to get
to Berlin before those persistent
If the student body is capable of
putting on a good Kampus Kapers
show, (and that it is, will be obvi-
ous on Sunday to All who are
doubtful), then the student body is
certainly also caIable of putting
on a Spring Parley to discuss our
part in the world. If we know how
to satisfy our fancies with tap
dancing and song, we surely can do
likewise by filling our heads with
good talk.







THURSDAY, JAN. 25, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 6"7
Pubiication in the Daily Omflelal Hol-
letis is constructive notice to all mem-
hers cf the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should he sent in typewritten
farm to the Assistant to the President,
16251 Anigell Hall, by 3:1,0 pi}~r. of (he day
preceding putblication (11=36 a= in. Sat-

NDOUBTEDLY others of those
who had the rare privilege of
hearing Dean Henry P. Van Dusen,
president of Union Theological Semi-
nary, Monday night at Lydia Mendel-

ssohn Theatre were as disappointed as To Members of the Faculty, Col-
I when they read the report of it in lege of Literature, Science and the
Tuesday's Daily. T should like to Arts: There will be another special
recall briefly a few of the things Dr. meeting of the Faculty of the College
Van Dusen really emphasized: of Literature, Science, and the Arts
"It is the destiny of Christian at 4:10 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 29, in
youth today to live out their lives Rm. 1025 Angell Hall, to continue
dynamically, rejoicing in their tasks the discussion of the Combined Re-
of meeting and conquering the prob- port of the Curriculum Committee
lems of the world. and the Committee on Concentration
"The status of the American and Group Requirements. A large
Church today is the exception to the attendance is desired.
Church's new status in the rest of the - -

the East Engineering Building. All
persons interested are cordially in-
vited to attend.
Geometry Seminar: Today at 4:15
in Rm. 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Erdos
will make some remarks on questions
previously discussed and Mr. Wil-
liams will speak on 'our-dimensionia
Geometry. Tea at 4.
Dr. Lawrence Preuss of the State
Department will discuss the Dum-
barton Oaks Proposals at an informal
meeting this afternoon at 4:15 in
Rm. 1025, Angell Hall. All students
and members of the faculty are cor-
dially invited.
Alpha Phi Omega service fratern-
ity will hold a special meeting today
in the Michigan Union at 7:30 p.m.
The purpose of this meeting is to
nominate candidates for officers dur-
ing the coming semester. All mem-
bers are requested to be present.
A. J. Muste, leader of the Fellow-
ship of Reconciliation, will speak at
Lane Hall at 7:30 p.m. on aspects of
the world situation as viewed from
the standpoint of reconciliation and
achievement of a permanent peace.
He is being sponsored by the campus
Fellowship group.
Thp Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert will be held in the
Men's Lounge of Rackham Building.
The program will feature Diveri-
mento by Mozart, Archduke Trio by
Beethoven, Variations Symphoniques
by Franck, and Two Songs for Alto
by Brahms. All Graduate Students
are cordially invited to attend this
concert which will begin at 7:45 p.m.
The Leadership Training Course
for girls interested in working with
Girl Scout troops will have two more
meetings. These will be held today
and Feb. 1, in the Girl Scout Office,
303 South Main St.
Corning Events


world. We alone here in the United
States still criticize the Christian
Church as decadent. People were
saying it was weak and reactionary
in Europe before the war, too, but
when war came all other human in-
stitutions fell sooner or later (higher
education, the press, politics, indivi-
dual writers) but the Church con-
tinued to oppose fascism and con-
tinues today with new vigor while
other institutions crumble.
"The living philosophy of the
WSCF is summed up in the words
Inclusiveness and Incisiveness. When
applied to their fullest extent, these
ideas are inseparable, and mean
Christian fellowship and service to
students everywhere, unmindful of
skin, faith, or nationality. The Fed-
eration has been the most inclusive of
all, the most progressive of all inter-
national student organizations in the
world for thirty years. Christian stu-
dents everywhere are peerless pio-
neers in all new movement for social
advancement. After an extensive
tour of American colleges and univer-
sities a purely secular Russian high
official recently confessed that the
most alive students on U. S. cam-
puses are Christian students. The
WSCF was the only international
body to live through the First World
War, and it was the first to reorgan-
ize afterwards. What the soul is to
the body, Christians and the Christ-
ian movement are to the world. They
are what hold the world together."
For the 500-odd active Christian
students on campus his words are a
challenge and inspiration. As the
time for the World Student Service
Fund drive approaches, may we recall
our own comforts and privileges as
unbeleagued university students in
free America, and give liberally for
fellow students in devastated and
desolate countries throughout the
world. -Gale Potee, '45
By Crockett Johnson:

Notice to Men Students: Men stu-
dents living in approved rooming
houses who intend to move to differ-
ent quarters for the Spring Term or
who expect to leave the University at
the end of this Term, must give no-
tice in writing to the Dean of Stu-
dents before' 11 a.m. on Saturday,
Feb. 3. Feb. 24 is the official closing
date for the Fall Term.
Application Forms for Fellowships
and Scholarships in the Graduate
School of the University for the year
1945-1946 may now be obtained from
the Office of the Graduate School.
All blanks must be returned to that
Office by Feb. 15 in order to receive
French Lecture: Dr. Francois Du-
valier, from Haiti, will give the third
of the French Lectures sponsored by
the Cercle Francais today at 4:10
in Rm. D, Alumni Memorial Hall.
The title of the lecture is: "La Cul-
ture Haitienne."
The lecture is open to the general
public. All servicemen are admitted
!'free ofchge
E Concerts
The University of Michigan Sym-
lphony Orchestra, Gilbert Ross, Act-
ing Conductor, will be heard in a
program of compositions by Haydn,
Wagner, and Beethoven, at 8:30 p.m.,
Sunday, Jan. 28, in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre. The public is cordially
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Twenty Lithographs, by
prominent artists, loaned through
th e Museum of Modern Art, New
York City. Ground floor corridor,
Architecture Building. Open daily
I to ii, except Sunday, through Jan.
_,9 Th ~e pulblic is invited.


Geological Journal Club: Meeting
in Rms. 4065 and 4054. Natural Sci-
ence Bldg., on Friday, Jan. 26 at
12:15 p.m. Program: Dr. Robert H.
Hatt on "Paricutin volcano (Mexico)
in the summer 1944." All interested
are cordially invited to attend.
Dr. Kenneth G. Nance, of the De-
partment of Speech, will lecture on
"The Big Five and the Little Fifty"
on the Dumbarton Oaks Week pro-
gram at the International Center on
Friday. Jan. 26, at 7:30 p.m.
The Post-War Council is sponsor-
ing an evening of movies on the war
effort both within our country and
with our fighting forces overseas Fri-
day evening at 7:30 in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. All those interested
are invited to attend.
There will be dual Sabbath Eve
Services at the B'nai Brith Hillel
Foundation, on Friday evening, Jan.
+7G - r, 4A.- - e IY«~ . tlHY: .Y[-111




" x

So Mr. Cott hired Sables O'Ryan's gang to

4 Catt has been arrested? Fine. That winds it

fI was telling the Lieutenant

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