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January 20, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-20

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SATURDAY, JAN..20, 1945

____________________________ I_

FDR Studies War, Diplomacy





WASHINGTON, Jan. 20-As Franklin D.
Roosevelt begins his 4th term as President
of the United States, two great problems to the
exclusion of almost all others are on his mind:
1. Winning the war as quickly as possible, and
2. Winning the peace after the war.
Many of those close to the President say his
concentration on these problems is so intense
that when they are settled he would like to-
step out and retire to the peace and quiet
of Hyde Park.
Roosevelt's absorption with things military
and diplomatic, his veering away from things
domestic is the most important basic change in
the twelve long years since 1933.
In the days before the war he met with scores
of politicians, economists, business leaders. Eve-
nings after dinner in the early years his brain
trust would bat out ideas galore on the economic
state of the nation-bat them into the air,
discuss them, reject many, accept a few. Those
were ;the relatively carefree days of "picking
the rabbit out of the hat," having a new trick
for the economic ills of the nation.
4t that time also, Roosevelt got around
amongt his fellowmen, despite his physical
hanidicaps, more than any other President in
history-even more than William Howard
Taft. His travel record formed a restless
zig-zag graph across the map of the U. S. A.
When .he wasn't traveling, Mrs. Roosevelt
was, and her reports caie in almost daily
by private White House wire or telephone.
Today the old Roosevelt brain trust is gone,
and the new brain trust which surrounds him
is composed of admirals and generals. His
concentration at night is not upon economic
ideas tossed up by the Columbia professors, but
on. the ii'ap of the Pacific and the map of Eu-
rope, where blue, red, green and yellow tabs
indicate the number of divisions Stalin has
thrown into the battle of Poland, the amount
of armor Von Rundstedt has in reserve in the
west, the exact whereabouts of the battleships,
cruisers, airplane carriers and destroyers guard-
ing the islands of the Philippines.
*ore than any other one man, Roosevelt
helped to build up that armada, and he
watches every barnacled bottom-knows when
it was last scraped, the calibre of its guns,
how many hits it took in the last engagement
-almost as if each were one of his children.
The President's Health
IT IS NO SECRET that the President's health
has suffered somewhat from the wear and
tear of the most relentless, ravaging job in the
world. Many others have broken completely
under the strain, and the lines on Roosevelt's
face show he has not come out unscarred. Yet
the rumors about his health have been grossly
The chief facts are that after his illness last
spring, his doctors advised him to cut down
his weight, and he has lost about twenty pounds.
This shows in his face, already lined with the
worry of watching an ever-mounting casualty
list and a war which has dragged on and on.
Also the President has lost most of his teeth
in his lower jaw and has a new set which is not
too comfortable. During important and most
embarrassing moments, such as in the middle
of a speech, the new teeth sometimes click.
Finaly, the President has become more
,rd-boiled about being seen in public in a
wheel chair. During the early years in office
lhe was super-sensitive on this point. He
didn't like to have people realize le couldn't
walk. But now he knows that during twelve
years in the White House everyone is quite
aware of this fact, so he frequently rebels
against weaiing his stiff and uncomfortable
iron and leather braces, without which it is
impossible for him to stand.
Not only has the President become relatively
callous about his physical condition, but he is
not averse to telling a story on himself, the
frankest of which is regarding the Philadel-
phia Convention which nominated him in 1936.
The President was walking up to the platform
when the bolt came out of the brace on his
left knee and he started to fall, in fact would
have fallen to the platform; but secret service
men hcld him up and stood around him so
that few people could see what was happening.

The bolt was replaced, and the President con-
tinued, but, he said, very much shaken. up. In
addition to this, Jimmy Roosevelt had dropped
his speech and the pages had scattered all over
the platform.
Loneswme Presidlent -**
Franklin D. Roosevelt has never lost the old
sparkle and verve which have characterized his
private and public conversations for twelve long
years. Sometimes in press conferences, he is
irritable, but he always snaps back. He has his
ups and downs.
After the day's work is done, however, after
dinner in the White House, after the last inti-
mate callers who sometimes come as late as 11
p. m. have departed,. then, in the Lincoln study
you will sometimes catch a rare glimpse of
Franklin Roosevelt as he really is in these war
One evening a friend came over to the resi-
dence part of the White House to confer with
the President on a troublesome strike problem.
He walked along the thick carpeted corridor
outside the Lincoln study. The President did

not hear him. As the adviser came to the door,
which was open, he glanced inside.
The room was dark except for one lamp
on the President's desk which illuminated
his face almost as if in a stage setting. The
President sat there, gazing off into space.
He was not reading, he was not smoking, he
was thinking. And on his face was a look
of almost tragic loneliness. A man surround-
ed by people, problems, and war, and com-
pletely alone.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
"THE STEADFAST Tin Soldier" by Dorothy
Iolloway. Direction, Valentine Windt. Set-
ting Herbert Philippi. Cast:
PeterN...v................. .... .....ais Kennedy
Nurse Nellie.............................Jean Adams
Mrs. Peter.......................Jean Murray
Lovely Lisa.................... eanne Parsons
Popeyes ..............................Claire Meisels
Pidgeon Toes....--....................Joyce Siegan
Garoo-the Jack-in-a-box...... ... Mary Ruth Acton
Raggedy Ann........................Betty Godwini
Monty Mac..........................Mary Bronson
Head Tin Soldier ........... ....Elizabeth Needham
Tan Soldiers: Jeanne Burns, Betty Korash, Betty
Kowaisky, Carol McCormick, Jacqueline Shep-
ard and Margaret Walsh.
THIS ADAPTATION of Hans Christian And-
erson's story was received amidst childish
gurgles and much kiddies's delight yesterday
afternoon in the Lydia Mendelssohn and even
your aged reviewer snickered here and there.
Mavis Kennedy played the theater's version
of Barnaby, doing right well as Peter who, if ho
does not commune with pixies, at least enjoys
the company of his toys-suddenly become ani-
mate. I must say the lad struck me as being
somewhat bratish but everything was so cute
and fanciful, maybe the youth of Ann Arbor
will not be corrupted by his example.
Raggedy Ann flopped and flipped and
drooped and swayed until one almost sup-
posed Betty Godwin, in that role, to be a real
doll newly come into spindly existence. The
dance she performed with two sleepy bears
-Misses Siegan and Meisels-in the last
scene was a high point of nlayful gaiety of a
sort that enlivened the whole production.
Particularly charming, adeptly gesticulatory,
and generously pulchritudinous was Jeanne Par-
sons, Peter's Lovely Lysa. Her own choreo-
grapher, Miss Parsons, dances with obvious
grace and dexterity. It is over her that Garoo
and Pidgeon Toes duel, the latter for Monty
Mac who soon arrives on the scene himself to
win his loved one. As Pidgeon Toes parried
and Garoo thrust, two little fellows behind me
shuddered and pressed themselves closer to
their mother. But, a sigh of relief ensued
when Garoo, that villain, was subdued. Some
crying, not a little applause and other such
demonstrations followed. Now I understand
Aristotle's theory of catharsis.
-Bernard Rosenberg
(NE OF THE most knotty questions which
! will confront the peace-makers is the recrea-
tion of Poland, and as the Red Army surges
closer to the German frontier, the problematic
question clammers for a conclusive and realis-
tic answer. It seems that in considerations
of both history and the principles we are fight-
ing for as expressed in the Atlantic Charter,
the recreation of a Free Polish State would be
most imprudent.
Poland has never shown any "self determi-
nation" towards democracy, and its rulers
have shown little inclination toward the best
interests of the Nation. Even when Poland
strained and sweated under the Nazi yoke,
the Polish Government in Exile continued
the ruthless supression of its minorities.
In one instance, Polish Jews deserted the
Free Polish Forces because of arbitrary dis-
crimination and militant anti-semitism by their
Polish officers, and tried to join the armed for-
ces of other countries opposing Hitler, So grave
became the situation, that the British Govern--

mnent had to intervene.
Granted that Poland fought in the ranks of
the United Nations and that her soil soaked up
almost more blood than the rest of Europe com-
bined, but our memories are short if we forget
that it was merely a matter of expediency and
that her chief war aim is revenge. Clearly, her
motive is not representative of the spirit of in-
ternational cooperation to which most of the
United Nations sincerely subscribe.
It is a matter of record that Poland's histo-
ry is naturally bent toward Fascism, and has
proven herself politically ignorant in the past
as well as the present. Before the first Parti-
tion of Poland in the Eighteenth Century,
the country was culturally stagnant, econom-
ically famished, morally depraved, and politic-
ally impotent. In recent times, when Neville
Chamberlain and Adolf Hitler partitioned
Czechoslovakia, Poland, along with the other
totalitarian vultures did not hesitate to de-
vour a slice, seizing part of Czech Galicia.
And on the eve of her fall to Germany, Pol-
and was thoroughly devoid of democratic in-

ERFECTION in the idiom of to the Menuetto. The quartet as a
chamber music was attained last whole utilizes the instruments for
night by the four superbly accom- the purpose of complete unity rather
plished members of the Budapest than for that of interdependence of
String Quartet. . players such as the Beethoven re-
Attendance for this type of con- quired. Demonstration of the latter
cert seems to have reached a new was successfully manifested.
high. It is encouraging to observe Samuel Barber's Quartet in B mi-
that more and more music lovers are nor received treatment that could
learning to appreciate the most abso- only be described with superlatives.
lute form of musical entertainment. One may go so far as to say that the
The Budapest ensemble is con-interpretation overshadowed the qua-
Thee d asteainemlennistyon lty of the composition. The almost
sidered by international unanimity organ-like effects produced deserve
to be one of the finest string quar- notable mention.
tets today. On hearing its per- T.
formers one can easily understands, The highlight of the evening
why heyhav ganed ucha rpo- was, without doubt, the Beethoven
why they have gained such a repu- Quartet in C-sharp minor, Op. 131.
tation. Clearness, balance of tone, No one can ask for anything more
precise attacks, and fluidity in than one of Beethoven's most ma-
teamwork are characteristics that ture works coupled with four of the
ucellence of playing great master's unexcelled expon-
ents. The remarkable volume
The music evening commenced achieved is comparable to that of
with the reading of the Mozart Quar- a larger group. Individual inde-
tet in D major, K. 499. The graceful' pendence was simultaneously blen-
spirit and synchronization of playing ded to attain faultless integration.
that this selection called for was The writer only regrets that Schu-
expertly executed by this splendid bert will not be represented on the
group. Especially gratifying to hear program of this annual Festival.
was the vigorous interpretation given e-Kay Engel

SATURDAY, JAN. 20, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 63
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mi-
hers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, College of Pharmacy, School
of Business Administration, School of
Education, School of Forestry and
Conservation, School of Music,
School of Public Health; Fall Term.
Schedule of Examinations, Feb. 17 to
Feb. 24, 1945.
Note: For courses having both lec-
tures and quizzes, the time of exer-
cise is the time of the first lecture
period of the week; for courses hav-
ing quizzes only, the time of exercise
is the time of the first quiz period.
Certain courses willsbe examined at
special periods as noted below the
regular schedule. To avoid misun-
derstandings and errors, each stu-
dent should receive notification from
his instructor of the time and place
of his examination. Instructors in
the College of LS&A are not permit-
ted to change the time of examina-
tion without the approval of the
Examination Committee.
Time of Exercise Time of Exam
Mon. at 8-Thu., Feb. 22, 10:30-12:30
Mon. at 9-Sat., Feb. 17, 10:30-12:30
Mon. at 10-Fri., Feb. 23, 8:00-10:00
M. at 11-Tues., Feb. 20, 8:00-10:00
Mon. at 1-Wed., Feb. 21, 2:00-4:00
Mon. at 2-Mon., Feb. 19, 8:00-10:00
Mon. at 3-Thu., Feb. 22, 8:00-10:00
Tu. at 8-Fri., Feb. 23, 10:30-12:3
Tu. at 9-Wed., Feb. 21, 10:30-12:30
Tu. at 10-Tues., Feb. 20, 10:30-12:3
Tu. at 11--Mon., Feb. 19, 2:00-4:00
Tu, at 1-Sat., Feb. 17, 2:00-4:00
Tu. at 2-Thu., Feb. 22, 2:00-4:00
Tu. at 3-Tues., Feb. 20, 2:00-4:00
Conflicts, Special-Sat., Feb. 24, 8-10
Special Periods, College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts:
Time of Examination
Speech 31, 32; French 1, 2, 11, 31,
32, 61, 62, 91, 92, 93, 153-Mon., Feb
19, 10:30-12:30.
Chemistry 55-Mon., Feb. 19, 8:00-
English 1, 2; Economics 51, 52, 53
54-Tues,, Feb. 20, 2-00-4:00
Botany 1; Zoology 1; Psychology
31--Wed., Feb. 21, 8:00-10:00.
Sociology 51, 54-Thu., Feb. 22,
Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32; German 1, 2
31, 32-Fri., Feb. 23, 2:00-4:00.
Political Science 1, 2-Sat., Feb. 17,
School of Business Administration:
Courses not covered by this schedule
as well as any necessary changes will
be indicated on the School bulleti
School of Forestry: Courses not
covered by this schedule as well as
any necessary changes will be indi-
cated on the School bulletin board
School of Music: Individual In-
struction in Applied Music, Indi-
vidual examinations by appointment
will be given for all applied music
courses (individual instruction) elec-
ted for credit in any unit of the
University. For time and place of
examinations, see bulletin board at
the School of Music.
School of Public Ilealth: Courses
not covered by this schedule as well
as any necessary changes will be

indicated on the School bulletin
College of Engineering, Schedule of
Examinations: Feb. 17 to Feb. 24
1945. Note: For courses having both
lectures and quizzes, the time of
exercise is the time of the first lec-
ture period of the week; for courses
having quizzes only, the time of ex-
ercise is the time of the first quiz
Drawing and laboratory work may
be continued through the examina-
tion period in amount equal to that
normally devoted to such work dur-
ing one week.
Certain -courses will be examined
at special periods as noted below th
regular schedule. All cases of con-
flicts between assigned examination
periods must be reported for adjust-
ment. See bulletin board outside of
Rm. 3209 East Engineering Building
lirtween Feb. 1 and Feb. 7, for in-
struction. To avoid misunderstand-
ings and eirrors, each student should
receive notification from his instruc-
tor of the time and place of his
appearance in each course during
the period Feb. 17 to Feb. 24.
No date of examination may be
changed without the consent of the
Classification Committee.
Time of Exercise Time of Exam.
_ Mon. at 8-Thu., Feb. 22, 10:30-12:30
Mon. at 9-Sat., Feb. 17, 10:30-12:30'
Mon. at 10-Friday, Feb. 23, 8-10
Mon. at 11--Tuesday, Feb. 20, 8-10
Mon. at 1-Wednesday, Feb. 21, 24
Mon. at 2-Monday, Feb. 19, 8-10
Mon. at 3-Thursday, Feb. 22, 8-10
Tues. at 8-Fri., Feb. 23, 10:30-12:30
Tues. at 9-Wed.,-Feb. 21, 10:30-12:30
Tues. at 10-Tu., Feb. 20, 10:30-12:30
Tues. at 11-Monday, Feb. 19, 2-4
Tues. at 1-Saturday, Feb. 17, 2-4
Tues. at 2-Thursday, Feb. 22, 2-4
Tues. at 3-Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2-4
Draw. 2, 3-'Monday, Feb. 19, 8-10.
E.M. 1, 2, C.E. 2, Draw. 1 *Satur-
day, Feb. 17, 8-10.
M.P. 2, 3, 4, French-*Monday,
Feb. 19, 10:30-12:30.
Economics 53, 54-Tuesday, Feb.
020, 2-4.
M.E. 3-*Wednesday, Feb. 21, 8-10.
Surveying 1, 2, 4-*Thursday, Feb.
22, 8-10.
E.E. 2a, Span., Ger.-*Friday, Feb.
23, 2-4.
Irregular, Conflicts or Make-up-
*Saturday, Feb. 24, 8-10.
*This may also be used as an
irregular period, provided there is no
conflict with the regular printed
schedule above.
A special examination schedule is
provided for the prescribed V-12
, School of Education Faculty: The
January meeting of the faculty will
be held on Monday, Jan. 22, in the
University Elementary School Li-
brary. The meeting will convene at
4:15 p.m.
Senior & Graduate Students in
Engineering & Bus. Admin.: Mr. S.H.
Nelson of Eastman Kodak Company
will interview for prospective posi-
tions with that Company, in Rm. 218
. W. Engineering Bldg., Tuesday, Jan.
23, after 2 p.m. Students interested
may sign the interview schedule post-
ted on the Bulletin Board at Rm. '221
-gW.-Eng. Bldg.
Important Notice in re Rationing
of Certain Materials for Research:
t Stricter rules and regulations govern-
ing the rationing of "Processed
Foods, Meats, and Sugar" have now
gone into effect. This applies to all
laboratories and departments manu-
facturing or carrying on research
work, and to the feeding of animals
for research which use rationed items.

failing to make this report may
xpect to find themselves denied
their necessary supplies.
Acadenc Notices
Psychology 31: Makeup examina-
tion will be Tuesday, Jan. 23, at 4:45
p.m. in Rm. 1121 N.S.
The Budapest String Quartet, made
up of Josef Roismann and Edgar
Ortenberg, violinists; Boris Kroyt,
viola and Mischa Schneider, violon-
cello, will give. two concerts in the
Fifth Annual Chamber Music Festi-
val today at 2:30 and 8:30, in the
main Lecture Hall of the Rackham
The programs will be as follows:
This afternoon: Quartet No. 2,
Op. 18-Beethoven; Quartet No. 7,
Op. 96-Krenek; Quartet in A minor,
No. 2-Brahms.
This evening: Quartet No. 3, G
minor- Haydn; Quartet in E-fiat
major-Hindemith; Quartet No. 3,
Op. 59-Beethoven.
Tickets may be procured at the
offices of the University Musical So-
ciety in Burton Memorial Tower
daily; and in the lobby of the Rack-
ham Building preceding each con-
Faculty Concert: John Kollen, As-
sistant Professor of Piano in the
School of Music, and Mrs. Marian
Freeman, guest violinist, will appear
Wednesday evening, Jan. 24, in a
program of sonatas for violin and
piano by Mozart, Schumann, and
Brahms. Scheduled to begin at 8:30,
the recital will be open to the general
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Twenty Lithographs, by
prominent artists, loaned through
the Museum of Modern Art, New
York City. Ground floor corridor,
Architecture Building. Open daily
9 to 5, except Sunday, through Jan.
29. The public is invited.
Events Today
The Westminster Guild will have a
Winter Frolic in the Social Hall of
the Presbyterian Church from 8 to 12
p.m. There will be fun'for all, dan-
cing, games 'and food, too. Tickets
are 25 cents.
The Angell Hall Observatory will
be open to visitors to observe the
Moon from 8 to 10 p.m. today if the
Sky is clear. Students and the public
are invited. Children must be accom-
panied by adults-
U.S.O. Barn Dance: Tonight, 8 to
12 p.m. There will be square and
social dancing, entertainment, and
refreshments. Regiment X is in
charge of the dance,, and all the
Junior Hostesses of this .group are
required to attend, or to send a sub-
stitute. This substitute must be a
Junior Hostess.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild
will meet at the Guild House at 8:30
this evening and go from there to the
Baptist Church where they will be
the guests of the Roger Williams
Guild for an evening of Square Dan-
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, is having a "White Elephant"
Bingo Party this evening at 8:30 at
the Lutheran Student Center, 1511
The Hillel Foundation will present
a United Nations Party tonight at 9,
Songs and dances of the Allied Na-
tions will be a part of the entertain-
ment. The refreshments will be Rus-
sian. An admission of ten cents will
be charged at the door, all proceeds
going to the March of Dimes Cam-

Coming Events
U.S.O. Sunday Morning Breakfast
will be served from 10:30 to 12 noon.
All servicemen are invited.
The March of Time picture "Can-
ada" and Mr. Paul LaChance of
Quebec as the speaker will be the
program at the International Center,
Sunday at 7:30 p.m.
Ann Arbor Bird Club: Meeting for
members and for others interested,
Monday evening, Jan. 22,, at 7:30. Dr.
Hann: Migration. Dr. Test: Field
Identification. Museum of Zoology,
rear door and elevator to third floor.
Student Members of American
Society of Mechanical Engineers:
All members must be present Mon-
day, Jan. 21 at 7:45 p.m. in 316
Michigan Union to have picture tak-
en for the Michiganensian. Navy
'men bring dress jumpers. Civilians
wear coats and ties. Bring $1 fee.
Firs Presbyterian Church: 10:45
a.m., Morning worship. Sermon by
Dr. Lemon, "God of the Possible."
5 p.m., Westminster Guild discussion
followed by supper. Dr. Esson M.
Gale will speak on "Three Religions







-Sylvan M. Berman


By Crockett Johnson

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