h A 4
Sir igmi0 6F 40
Parily Cloudy with Little
Third Fleet Airmen Blast Jap-HeldCinese
Kapers Tickets Go
On Sale
Entire Campus Will Be Covered For
Sales For the Sunday Night Prod ction
General ticket sale for the second production of Kampus Kapers will
open Thursday with sales captains in every sorority, and league house
and the women's dorms with a general sale being conducted in the Union
and League.
The coed captains will receive their instructions and ticket packets at
meetings to be held at,4 p. m. today in the League. Ticket sales to women
on campus will be under the direction of Marge Hall. head of Women's
War Council.
Bomb Hongkong,
Switow, Arnoy
300-Mile Sweepino Attack Comnes Only
Two Days After Raids on Indo-China
By The Associated Press
U. S. PACIFIC FLEET HEADQUARTERS, Pearl harbor, Jan. 15-
Third Fleet fliers bombed Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy Saturday in the
first fullscale carrier attacks of the war on Japan's lifeline ports along
the China coast, the Navy announced today.
This bold sweep of more than 300 miles, extending in behind Formosa
which was pounded anew at the same time, followed by two days. Third
Fleet carrier attacks along the Indo-China coast which wiped out two
Extension of
Draft Ordered
More- Men 26 to 27
To Be Called : Byrnes
Mobilization Director Byrnes today
called on Selective Service to draft
men 26 through 29 years old in such
a way as to minimize disruption of
"essential activities."
Will Effect Production
The War Production Board and
Federal Procurement Agencies have
reported, Byrnes said, that the with-
drawal from their civilian jobs of
men in this age group will have an
adverse effect on production.
Byrnes announced that he had
asked Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey,
Selective Service Director, to ask
local boards inducting these men "to
give consideration to a priority of
withdrawals which would call:
Fine Points Outlined
"1. Registrants not employed in
any of the activities on the list (of
essential .activities).
"2. Registrants engaged in rel-
atively unimportant jobs in the es-
sential but not critical activities, and
registrants who may be replaced
without difficulty.
"3. Registrants employed in rela-
tively unimportant jobs in critical
war programs, and registrants in
such programs who may be replac-
ed without difficulty.
"4. Registrants engaged in rela-
tively more important jobs in essen-
tial but not critical activities.
"5. Registrants engaged in more
important jobs in critical activities."
A FL Opposes
Pressure' Plain
National Service Law
Hit by Union Leader
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.- ()-
Flatly opposing work or fight legisla-
tion, the American Federation of
Labor said today the Army and Navy
are backing a "pressure" drive for a
National Service Law.
"Nobody's kidding us," Lewis G.
Hines, AFL legislative representative,
told the House Military Committee
after stating that the adverse Euro-
pean war situation had been chosen
as "the psychological time" for the
armed forces to press for a National
Service Law.
Hines said he had been informed
that the Army and Navy Journal,
unofficial service publication, was
planning to circularize the parents of
servicemen and request them to write
to congressmen in behalf of pending
work or fight proposals.
Today Richard Picard to give a
French lecture at 8 p. m.
in the League.
Today The Coffee Hour, for all
Journalisni sunrts, at 4
p.. m. in Haven Hai.
Today 19th Century text bos
through are on display at Univer
Jan. 19 sity Elementary Sch u
Jan.'19 Fifth annual Chamber
through Music Festival featuring
Jan. 20 the Budapest String
Quartet in three concerts
At the same time members of the
Union council under the supervi-
sion of Ton Bliska, president, will
conduct an extensive campaign
among all men on campus with
special sales in the East and West
Quads for servicemen.
"The small admission fee of 25
cents is being charged," the commit-
tee, "to outlay expenses for the show
and all net proceeds will be given to
the Bomber Scholarship Committee
and the USO."
This production of Kampus Kap-
ers, which made its debut on cam-
pus last November, will be held at
3:30 p. m. Sunday, January 28 in
Hill Auditorium. A program feat-
uring outstanding campus talent is
being prepared for the show.
The forces of the Union, the
League, and the Daily are again com-
bining their efforts to bring this all
campus show to the student body.
A novelty dance team composed of
Bev Wittan and Dot Murzek will be
featured in the show. Both girls
are active in League activities and
will be remembered for their out-
standing dance work for the Co. D.
show here last spring.
Doc Fielding, king comedy, will
be on hand to serve as master of
ceremonies and is preparing some
new specialty acts "guaranteed for
their laughs."
Bill Layton, who says he "has a
few surprises in store for the campus"
and his' orchestra will be musical
hosts for the afternoon. The band's
star singer, Judy Ward who is leav-
ing Ann Arbor, will be back especially
for the show.
The 60 member University
Women's Glee Club headed by Jean
Gillman will be on hand to do
some special numbers and to sing
with the audience some Michigan
Official approval was granted the
production Saturday aind all plans
are moving forward to place Kampus
Kapers in Michigan's Hall of Fame
of long remembered campus activi-
Smoker Planned
By Engineers
All engineers on campus, male and
female, are urged to take part in
extra-curricular activities at a smok-
er sponsored by the Engineering
Council Thursday.
Freshman and transfer students
will be the special guests of the meet-
ing which will feature short infor-
mal talks describing the more than
twenty professional, honorary, and
service organizations within the En-
gineering College.
The Naval Architects Club, one of
several to present exhibits at the
smoker, will show examples of scale
models of ships made by students.
PART OF LARGEST AMPHIBIOUS FORCE IN T HE PACIFIC-The largest amphibious force in the
Pacific, under the command of Vice Admiral Dan el I. Barbey, sails through Japanese-controlled,
waters for the invasion of Luzon, Philippine Islands.
Yanks Drwe Play Production Will Presen
Into Heart of "The Steadfast Tin Sokier'
ilPeter. the little boy who didn'tay, Jan. 20, at 2:30 p.m. Tickets
First Takes Houffalize believe in toys, is the title role to be are on sale in all grade schools this
Si Miles f oi S Z played by Mavis Kennedy in "The week, or may be purchased at the
Six Miles from St. Vitl1 Steadfast Tin Soldier" which will be Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre box of-
By The Associated Press presented by Play Production for the fice Thursday, Friday and Saturday
PARIS, Jan. 16, Tuesday-The U. Children's Theatre this Friday and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
First Army drive into Houf[falize in
the heart of the Belgian bulge yester- Saturday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
day carried within six miles of St. Theatre. t I_____
Vith in an all-out attack, and es- The' play, which is based on the
tablished patrol contact with the well-known story of Hans Christian A rt IsR slt
U.S. Third Army which, at the east- Anesntlsho eeksdel
ern end of its line, overran three Andersen, tells how Peter suddenly
German towns in a new assault. I finds that his toys have come to life. Of Sui feii
Contact Made South of LaRoche Upon entering his nursery one night,
Contact of the two armies was he finds Garoo, the wicked golliwog
made south of La Roche by patrols played by Mary Ruth Acton, quarrel- S
of the First's 84th Division and a
division of the Third Army. Since "Great art is sometimes the result
neither encountered any opposition Lysa, the crisp Paper Lady. Jeanne of suffering," Vladimir Horowitz,
in effecting this token link-up, it was Parsons will be seen as Lovely Lysa.
Raggedy Ann is the most beloved Russian-American pianist stated in
WITH THE U. S. SEVENTH of all the toys, and is played by Betty an iterview after his concert at Hi
ARMY, Jan. 15.- (P)- Recent Godwin. Also included in the cast Auditorium last night.
German prisoners have been found are Claire Meisels as Popeyes, the Horowitz added that suffering is
carrying conies of a mythical Teddy with the pink bow; Mary necessary for creation, particularly
speech to be delivered by Hitler in Bronson as Monty Mac; and Joyce for composers, if they are to depict
1950 in which he announces an- Siegen as Pidgeon Toes, the mischie-
nexation of the United States as a vous Teddy with the blue bow. Jean in their compositions the feelings of
German colony. Adams will be seen as Nurse Nellie, the greatest followers of art, the
The speech thanks Nazi converts Jean Murray as Mrs. Peter, and poor.
Churchill and Stalin for their as- Elizabeth Needham as the Head Tin "Suffering is sometimes necessary
sistance in setting up a new world Soldier. The other Tin Soldiers are for interpretation too. This is true
order, announces appointment of Jeanne Burns, Betty Korash, Betty fritrrtto o.Ti stu
Dr. Alfred Rosenberg, Minister of Kowalsky, Carol McCormick, Jac- because most great artists have been
Civil Affairs for Eastern Occupied queline Shepherd, and Margaret poor," he stated.
Territories, as "Pope Pius XXV," Walsh. He elaborated on this subject by
and of Goebbels as "Chief Rabbi of "The Steadfast Tin Soldier" is under remarking, with a puzzled reflection
Palestine." the direction of Valentine Windt, in his voice, that the rich never seem
and the setting has been designed by to play. To add to this he stated that
believed that the area west of Houf- Herbert Philippi. Jeanne Parsons is he too was born poor "so there must
falize was empty of the enemy ex- the choreographer. Two performan- be something to it."
cept for stragglers. ces will be given-one Friday, Jan. Horowitz, who returned to the con-
The First Army's Second Armored 19, at 3:45 p.m., and the other Satur- cert stage in 1940 after an absence of
Division smashed more' than a mile five years because of illness, termed
down the highway into the outskirts his absence his "intermission."I
of Houffalize and a front dispatch s onor Societ think I really began to live then," he
said the doughboys were battling stated, "for I had nothing to do but
less than a mile from the center of E le i, rest and concentrate on music itself
sthacomunairomstnctoI think I grew as an artist. At any
the communications junction now t rate, I have new things in my music."
German wedge. kyiiEthe shmankene-t. An attack of appendicitis, followed
Six Divisions in St. Vith PushE SeIecs by an operation and a long conva-
Lt.-Gen. Courtney H. Hodges threw Keissel as President lescence succeeded a tour of nearly a
at least six divisions into the drive Whundred recitals. He had nothing to
on St. Vith-only four miles from William Keissel, '48, a second sem- do for weeks, for the first time since
the Reich border- shredding the ester freshman in the engineering his debut at the age of eighteen in
Salm River line, overrunning eight school was elected president and Kharkov, Russia, but rest and take
or more towns and drawing up an Russell Duff, Navy trainee in the stock.
assault arc six to nine miles from engineering school, vice-president at His further comments on his tem
that major highway and rail center the meeting of Phi Eta Sigma, fresh- porary retirement were "I know tha
on the north, west and southwest. man men's honor society, held Sun- I learned more during that time than
With the once dangerous Belgian day in the Union. I could possibly have learned it had
bulge now no more than a bump on Others elected were Murray Grant, I been continuing the exhausting
the western front, the Third Army '48, L.S.andA., a member of The round of practicing, rushing fol
swung out east of the Moselle River Daily sports staff, who was elected trains, and giving concerts, montI
in Germany between Luxembourg secretary; Robert Epstein, '48, engi- after month."
and the Saar basin. neering school, elected treasurer;
enemy convoys and sank or dam- "
aged a total of 69 enemy ships.
Details Unavailable
Adm. Chester W. Nimitz said no
details yet were available on the
China coast raids but he moved
sharply upward previously announc-
ed totals of at least 25 enemy ships
sunk and 13 damaged off Indo-China.
Forty-one Japanese ships totalling
about 127,000 tons were sunk and 28
more ships aggregating about 70,000
tons were damaged by carrier planes
in the bold strike last Thursday on
ports and convoys off Indo-China.
Destroy 112 Jap Planes
Third Fleet Airmen destroyed 112
Japanese.planes and damaged about
50 more in the Pacific Fleet's as-
tounding dash across the South China
Sea to attack the Western Pacific's
most distant shoreline.
They also hammered major ground
installations at Japan's vital Saigon
and Camranh bay bases.
Oil refineries in the Saigon area,
critically important sources of Japa-
nese fuel supply, were heavily dam-
Fires Are Started
Fires were started in " the Saigon
navy yard and a large dock at
Camranh Bay was demolished.
Sixteen Americanplanes were lost
in the Indo-China air sweeps. This
was a remarkably light cost for the
crippling results achieved on the base
area from which the Japanese most
likely would be able to attempt rein-
forcement of Luzon.
Nimitz' communique gave this
summary of Adm. William F. Hal-
sey's highly-profitable attacks on In-
do-China shipping:
Two convoys were wiped out.
One convoy entirely sunk were
one oiler, four medium cargo ships,
two destroyer escorts and four coastal
cargo ships.Y
Nips Say Yanks
Hit Ise Shrine
By The Associated Press
Japanese propagandists today
claimed American Superfortress raid-
ers yesterday bombed "the outer
shrine of the Ise Grand Shrine" and
called upon the people of Nippon to
farm themselves into "one ball of
fire" in indignation.
Press and radio reports, as record-
ed by the Federal Communications
Commission, said Premier Kuniaki
Koiso had left a cabinet meeting to
be received by Emperor Hirohito aft-
er he had "tendered his sincere
apology to his majesty for the un-
toward incident."
Yank Drive.
noHits Tarlac
By The Associated Press
Reds launch attack on 600 mile
front from Budapest to Baltic,
Soviets take Kielce near Warsaw.
reach outskirts of Houffalize, drive
within six miles of St. Vith.
AIR-More than 1,600 heavy
bombers hit Nazi rail centers and
oil refineries.
PACIFIC-Yank carrier planes
hit Hongkong, Swatow, Amoy, Jap
ports in China, in strike from
across China Sea; Americans oi
Luzon widen beachhead to 45 miles.
By The Associated Press
QUARTERS, Luzon, Jan. 16, Tuesday
-Sixth Army Yanks completed one-
fourth of the distance from Liigayen
Gulf to Manila Bay by entering Tar-
lac province and capturing the road
junction of Camiling, 28 miles inland
from the gulf, headquarters an-
nounced today.
The communique, covering fight-
ing through- the sixth day, Sunday,
told of advances in all sectors against
surprisingly weak opposition.
Planes Support Drive
This opposition was kept disorgan-
ized by Liberator and :Mitchell bomb-
ers, attack planes and fighters
smashing highways, railways, troop
and supply concentrations.
Parallel columns from Mangatar-
em southeast of Lingayen city and
from Bayambang on the Agno River
made the deepest thrust to Camiling
on the right flank. It is a road junc-
tion inside Tarlac province and rep-
resented the first penetration to Tar-
Steadily Advancing
The southward move was approxi-
mately six miles beyond the deepest
advance reported yesterday. At that
point the steadily advancing Yanks
are approximately 80 miles from
Camiling is on the road to Tarlac,
capital of Tarlac province. From
there a good highway leads down to
First Truck Convoy i Over
Two Years Reaches Burma
Britar i Anxious over Reports
Of No Trial for High Germans
LONDON, Jan. 15.-()P)-Anxiety
grew in Britain tonight over reports
that the Allied War Crimes Commis-
sion had jettisoned plans to try Hit-
ler and other Axis leaders, and Mos-
co b, i dcast that Russia intends
t ceal ' German war criminals
in her own v y.
Two members f the Commission,
on which Russia reuiresented.
already have sieppe(1 ; ; -Chairman
Sir Cecil Hurst of Britain and Nor-,
__ -_Ck0Q-i r .rstP- an qr
enburg, Moscow's best-known news-
paperman, writing in Pravda, as say-
"We ourselves will judge our tor-
turers and this we will entrust to
To Bring Before Commons
A move was under way in London
to bring the whole question of the
British policy on war crimes before
the House of Commons to be thresh-
and Henry Keiser, '48, L.S.andA., also
a member of The Daily sports staff,
who was elected historian of Phi Eta
At the banquet, which followed
initiation ceremonies, the group was
addressed by Dean Joseph A. Bursley
and Prof. Robert D. Brackett, head
of the engineering English depart-
Initiation into Phi Eta Sigma was
held for 24 students, three of whom,
as members of the armed forces,
were initiated in absentia.
Tokyo to Korea, or
Japs Plan Exodus
NEW YORK, Jan. 15.-(IP)-The
.7ann e -P nvrnmpnt is ennsidrina
Troops Leisure
To Be Utilized
Former U' Student
To Serve as Teacher
land-With the advent of V-E Day
(victory day in the European Theatre
of Operations), the War Department
plans to inaugurate a vast educa-
tional program to utilize the leis-
ure time of U. S. personnel awaiting
shipment from the United Kingdom.
Sgt. Burke G. Vanderhill, 1941
graduate of University of Michigan,
MYITKYINA, Burma, Jan. 15.-
(IP)-Chinese troops under Gen.
Sun Li-Jei today captured Namh-
kam, last remaining major Japan-
ese stronghold in north Burma.
Only the Japanese garrison at
Wanting in China near the Burma
border separates the route of the
new Ledo road to China from a
junction with the old Burma road.
Another element of Chinese
troops from Burma also pushed up
the valley north of the Shweli
River today and made contact with
a Chinese force pushing east from
NEW DELHI, Jan. 15.-(A)-The
first truck convoy carrying war sup-
plies to China in more than two and
a half years has arrived in Myitky-
ina, North Burma, after an historic
262-mile trin from Ledo. India. It is
engineering history will have been
completed-a two-year battle against
jungle diseases, driving monsoon
rains , and Japanese troops by work-
men of four nations, the United
States, China, India and Burma.
The new China supply line, more
than 1,000 miles long, will. be in two
sections. The western portion, wind-
ing through malaria-infested jungle
from Ledo to Myitkyina-and known
throughout the theatre as "Pick's
Pike"-was constructed under the
guidance of Brig.-Gen. Lewis A. Pick
of Auburn, Ala. It was officially
declarM.l completed yesterday. The
eastern section will run from Myit-
kyina to Kunming.
First Ground Troops Entering China
The first string of vehicles now
marking time in Myitkyina is made
up of heavy, medium and light Amer-
ican trucks loaded with ammunition.