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November 02, 1944 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-11-02

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AY,' NOV. 2, 1944

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War Chest Ser
Men, Alies, N(

When you give to the Ann Arboi
Community and War Fund cam-
paign, you will be contributing to 13
local health and welfare agencies
and 23 national war relief organiza-
tions at one time.
This year Ann Arbor faces a task
10 per cent greater than last year.
The 1945 goal is $140,742, an increase
of more than $13,000 over last year's
goal which was over-subscribed.
The Community Fund in Ann Ar-
bor is administered by a seven man
budget committee which only last
August reviewed the needs of all the
agencies in the community and re-
vised estimates upward.
The University quota of $23,000 is
part of the local campaign and goes
into the general fund which is divid-
ed as follows:
1 To Community Agencies in Ann
Arbor, $88,797.
2 To local non-fund agencies,
3 To the National War Fund,
The campaign slogan-"Help All
Three"--has been nationally used
and accurately gives a picture of
what the money is used for. The
funds are given to aid and comfort
our fighting men overseas, to provide
fodd, clothing, and shelter for our
stricken Allies, and to the needy
among our~own citizens here at home.
Agencies Increased
To include a greater number of
persons in its work, the National War
Fund has increased the number of
agencies it helps to support from 17
to 22 this year. Of these, three are
directly working for our fighting men,
the USC which receives about 54 per
cent of the quota, the United Sea-'
men's Service and War Prisoners'
Campaign leaders point out that
this year more money is needed be-
cause of the dislocations on the home
4th Annual Church
Festival To Be Held
Fourth annual choir festival of
the 59 parishes of the Ann Arbor
district of the Methodist Church will
be held in Ann Arbor at 7:30 p.m.
on Sunday, Nov. 26, according to
Hardin Van Deursen, director of the
Bringing together a united chorus
of approximately 350 singers, the
event is sponsored by district super-
intendent Luther B. Butt of Ypsi-
lanti. The festival is open to the
public and will be held in the sanc-
tuary of the First Methodist Church
of Ann Arbor.

eedy at Home
front caused by the stresses and
strains of war. This year there are:
more neglected children, more youth i.>
exposed to disrupting influences and
more juvenile delinquency.
Contributions Are a Gift
Coupled with this work is the added
problem of maintaining high enough {
wages to keep trained welfare work-
ers in the service. These things and
many more provide adequate reasonw
why the campaign this year must be.
a success, they point out.q
To wipe away the argument that
people are already over-taxed by
buying war bonds and paying high
taxes, it is pointed out that con-<4 ,
tributing to the War Fund is a gift
to our fighting men for their comfort.
and enjoyment; bonds are an invest-
ment and taxes help to support the
war effort by buying munitions and THE "ALL AMERICAN BAND"-Pictured above is the University Ma
equipment. formations between the halves of the Michigan-Northwestern game. C
Campaign workers have been on the marching band has a reputation throughout the nation as one oft
the job on the campaigning for the and was voted "All-American" by radio broadcasters and newsmen.
past month while the campus drive
has been extended to Monday to per-I
mit students who are just getting ALL-AMERICAN CHOICE:
back to school an opportunity to con-
trbue.aioalWr un rie s Marching Band Recognized as
The National War Fund 'Drive is{
held only once every year and doese
away with 15 or 20 campaigns for u e
funds. It is one drive at one timeI
serving all worthy organizations in Michigan's bands, an integral part of student life. will again be heard
the nation. on the campus this year, participating in every major event and forming
a nucleus for Michigan school spirit.
Newcom b W ill Under the leadership of Prof. William Revelli, the marching band
appears at all home games of the football team at the Stadium this
" fall as well as at military parades, reviews and at Friday night pep
e iver alk at sessions. It has a wide reputation+>-------
ffor its intricate and well executed to the University in 1935 women were
H el Services formations and the ability to pro- denied membership in the bands. Al-
duce, at the same time, excellent though the marching band is still re-
field music. served for the male students, he be-
Prof. Theodore Newcomb, who Band Acclaimed lieves that the addition of capables
came to the Sociology Department The marching band has been ac- women instrumentalists would add
after six years at Bennington, Vt., claimed as "The All-American Band" both charm and musicianship to the
women's college and returns after by Associated Press sports writers and group.
two years with the OWI, will open has been enthusiastically received in All bands, including the "pops"l
the weekly series of talks and dis- Piaepi e adofcaiga oebsebl
cussions to be presented at the B'nai ladelphia, New York, Boston, New band officiating at home basketball
Brith Hillel Foundation this fall, Haven and many other college sites. games, are open to all students on
when he speaks on "Politics and During the past year the band ap- campus. Men in the Army, Navy as
Propaganda" at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow peared on 64 different occasions or well as civilians are invited to audi-
at the Hillel Foundation, Haven and better than twice each week through- tion.
Hill Streets. out the year. Starting weeks before Auditions for membership for the
Prof. Newcomb's talk will follow the opening of school in the fall, the marching and concert band will be
religiouĀ§ services, conducted in He- band season continues to June and I held from Oct. 23 through Nov. 4
brew and English by Rabbi Jehudah Commencement Day. at Morris Hall, Prof. Revelli an-
M. Cohen and Sam Krohn, '44, and Another unit is the symphonic nounced. The hours are from 9 a. m.
which begin at 7:45 p.m. band which gives several programs to noon and from to to 5 P. m.
Refreshments provided by the during the year on campus and in Positions Open
Foundation will be served at the con- near-by communities. The famous "All students with previous high
clusion of Prof. Newcomb's address New York bandmaster, Dr. Edwin school or college band experience are
by members of the Hillel social com- Goldman, has said that it stands urged to audition for membership,"
mittee under the direction of Zena without peer among college bands. he added, "as there are positions
Etkin, '46. Until the coming of Prof. Revelli open in every section."

Ruthven Will Present Plaque
To Center Honoring J. Nelson

-Photo by John Horeth
arching Band during one of their
Composed of more than 100 pieces,
the country's leading college bands



Radio Service
Airs Nine New
Fall Proarams
Nine weekly programs originating
in the University broadcasting stu-
dios at Morris Hall and broadcast
over station WKAR, East Lansing,
and WJR, Detroit, during the sum-
mer term will continue as regularly
scheduled programs this fall.
Fan mail amounting to 200 weekly
requests for manuscripts of the
"Problems in Medicine" talks by fac-
ulty members of the medical school
places this program on top of the
popularity list. Sixty letters in praise
of or submitting questions to the
" 'Stump the Professor'' quiz program,
on which 'U' professors must answer
the questions, cram the Morris Hall
mail box each week.
"Juvenile Delinquency," a program
of interviews on juvenile problems,
led by Prof. L. J. Carr of the sociol-
ogy department, and "Moments of
Music," featuring classical music
presented by students and faculty of
the music school, will continue to be
broadcast Wednesdays over station
WKAR, while "Dentistry and Speech
Correction" and "Campus News" giv-
en by Larry Towe, director of the
University News Service, will be
broadcast Fridays over WKAR, as
during the summer.

A Plaque honoring Director Emer-
itus J. Raleigh Nelson of the Inter-
national Center will be presented to
the current Director, Dr. E. M. Gale
at 8 p. m. Wednesday in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre by President Alex-
ander G .Ruthven.
Nelson was head of the Center for
more than ten years before- he re-
tired two years ago. Largely through
his efforts, the Center has gained the
Union Aids
Exclusive Men's Club
Retains Its Traditions
Throwing open its doors to the
numerous service units on campus,
the Michigan Union, the exclusive
club of all University men, is one of
' the outstanding contributors to the
University's war activities.
Union tradition goes back to the
beginning of the century. In 1903-04
plans were first formulated for a
Michigan men's organization. Three
years later, the Union was formally
opened to members and was housed!
in the former Judge Cooley home
which featured one billiard table, a
lounge and two dining rooms serving
a total of 70.
Cooley House Inadequate
By 1914, it was recognized that the
"Cooley House" was inadequate and
a campaign to raise $1,000,000 for a
new. clubhouse resulted in the con-
struction of the present Union build-
ing in 1920. The Michigan Union is
now one of the largest and most com-
plete college Unions in the United
New University men make their
first acquaintance with the Union
during orientation week. As soon as
a student has enrolled in the Uni-
versity, he may go to the Student
Offices located in the first floor of
the building and register as a mem-
ber. No dues are charged since part
of the University tuition goes for this
Union Pin Given
Upon registering each entering
student will be presented with a Un-
ion pin which is the common badge
of all Michigan men. Men on cam-
pus are eligible to use the 22-table
billiards room, the table tennis room,
the bowling alley, swimming pool,
Pendleton library, lounges, confer-
ence rooms and hotel facilities. ,

reputation of being one of the finest
institutions of its kind in the United
The University International Cen-
ter which was established for the
purpose of aiding foreign students
in adjusting to their American en-
vironment serves both as a club for
foreign students and as a place
where Americans can come to know
students from many lands.
Counseling Offered
At the present time there are over
300 foreign students studying at the
University to whom the Center of-
fers counseling service as well as
opportunities for recreational and
vocation activities.
The International Center was first
opened in 1938. One of the most im-
ortant phases of its program is the
English Language Service which aids
foreign students -in speaking and
comprehending English.
Weekly Teas Given
One of the Center's most popular
activities is the weekly. Thursday
afternoonteas. Various language
tables are always organized for these
Sos that foreign students can be aided
with their English and American stu-
dents can be helped with other Ian-
guages they may be learning such as
Spanish, Russian, German and
The Counselor's Office was organ-
ized by the University in 1933, even
before the formal organization of the
International Center itself. The
Counselor's Office helps foreign stu-
dents with their problems of housing
and employment registration and
classification, language, immigration
and naturalization and personal af-
Summer Activities Varied
Among the Center's activities dur-
ing the summer were picnics, month-
ly dances, clubs such as the stamp
club and the camera club, a large
reception; for all the new students,
and other recreational activities.
With the Spanish Department the
International Center sponsored a
series of lectures during the summer
session which was delivered by many
prominent Latin Americans taking
courses at the University.
Games Provided
The Center entertains foreign stu-
dents not only by special parties,
but also in their free hours during
the day. Ping pong, bridge and
chess are popular leisure time ac-
tivities among the' foreign students.
During the coming months the
Center plans to expand its activ-
ities in conjunction withgthe inter-
ests of the many foreign students
who are expected.

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