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November 02, 1944 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-11-02

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Three-Day Press Meeting To Be Held Here'

Five New Scholarships
Given Students by China

State EditorsPublishersI
To Convene Nov. 9-10-11
Department of Journalism Will Play Host
To Conference; Lectures Are Open to Public I
The 27th annual meeting of the United Press Club of Michigan, whose
members include -editors and publishers throughout the state, will meet
Nov. 9-10-11 under the auspices of the Department of Journalism, and
besides the regular business meetings, it will conduct a series of lecture
sessions that will be open to the public.
The first session which will be held Thursday, Nov. 9 in Rms. 316-20
of the Union will deal with the contribution science will make in the post-
war world. Speakers for that day are to be Prof. E. F. Barker discussing
"Physics for Tomorrow"; Dr. M. H. Soule presenting "New Friends to
Man"; "More Oil for Michigan" will be Prof. K. K. Landes' topic; Prof.
S. T. Dana will consider "Farming Our Forests"; "Good Neighbors" by
H. H. Bartlett, and the final speaker of the day will be Col. H. W. Miller
with "War Technology and Society" as his subject.
President A. G. Ruthven will ad-v .
dress the group at a 6 o'clock dinner. the afternoon at the Illinois-Michi-
His topic is to be "Are We Prepared gan game.
for Peace?" Due to the difficulty in obtaining
The Friday meeting which will be sufficient housing facilities for the
held in Rackham Amphitheatre, will convention, Prof. Brumm expressed
have as its guests Dr. John W. Rigeal the hope that faculty members would
director of the Bureau of Industrial open their homes to the Press Club
Relations, who will discuss "Indu- members during their three-day stay
strial Relations"; and Dr. Robert M. on campus.
Maclver, head of the Department of
Sociology of Columbia University, l
whose subject will be "World Com- Speech Clinic
The general session that day will Runs Pro rn am
discuss government and industry and
will present Prof. I. L. Sharfman,
member of the National Railway A comprehensive program to aid
Labor Panel; Victor Reuther, assist- deaf and hard of hearing students,
aht director of the War Policy Divi- 16 years or older, will begin Tuesday
sion, UAW-CIO; and Edward E. at the University SpeechClinic, ac-
Cookandircto oftheMichigan cording to Ollie L. Backus, professor
Cookman, director of the Michiganof speech, and acting director of the
WMC who will speak on Michigancin '
manpower. problems. clinic.
Presdntrofthis.assocThe clinic provides a year round
President of this association of intensive training course divided into
250 members is Elton R. Eaton, edit-ipeivsraningcseekviedch.th
or of the Plymouth "Mail," and periods running six weeks each. The
Prof JohneL. Brmmhair,"and ofprogram requires students to spend
Prof. John L. Brumm, chairman of from four to six hours daily in the
the Department of Journalism, is clinic.
permanent secretary-treasurer of the The program includes individual
group. and group instruction aimed to pro-
In honor of the newsmen and their vide socialization and application of
wives, University carollenneur, Perci- speech to social situations.
val Price will give a concert at 4:45 The clinic has its own 29 room'
p. m. on Nov. 10, while the wives building on campus with a staff of
will be feted at a tea at the Interna- four, including a physician and jun-
tional Center at 4 p. in., Nov. 9. ior staff of six. Applications are
After a tour of the campus on acceptable now and applicants will
Saturday, the convention will be be admitted subject to judgement of

.,. .t. .,.

Students May
Register Now
For Rushing
Freshmen Are Eligible;
Few Houses Left Open
Registration for fraternity rushing
will take place all this week in the
Interfraternity Council office on the
third floor of the Union.
Tentatively, fraternity rushing will
begin on Monday and pledging will
start two weeks later. Since the be-I
ginning of the war. fraternities have

Site Chosen Awards of $1,500 Each Will Be Made To
For $1,000,000 Strengthen Cultural Ties with United States
Five scholarships of $1,500 each are being offered students of the
University by the Chinese government for the study of Chinese language,
Observatory literature, history and art or the social sciences in relation to China.
The offer, which was made to the University by Ambassador Wei
Project To Be Built Tao-Ming on behalf of his government, has been accepted by the Board
Near Portage Lake of Regents. Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, president of the University, is to
appoint a committee to administer the scholarships and make selections.
A new $1,000,000 University observ- Michigan is one of six schools in the country and ten in the world
atory and a model of a new type chosen to give these awards. Columbia, Harvard, Yale, California and
dual purpose telescope which will be Chicago are the others in this country while Oxford and Cambridge in
are beingst plantne d the iver s England and the University of Calcutta and the International University
astronomical staff according to Dr. oIndia in India are also on the list.
W. Carl Rufus, acting chairman of In its letter to the University, the Chinese government stated that
the department. these awards are to be given to students in the interests of "promoting
Site Chosen and strengthening the cultural rela-'-

Press Club Officer
Union Smoker
Held Tuesday
Participate in Activities,
Freshmen Are Told
To more than 250 civilian men-
which some claimed to be some kind
of record-campus activity and ath-
letic leaders stressed the importance
of extra-curricular activities at the
annual Union Smoker held Tuesday
night in the Union.Ballroom.
The new freshmen men were in-
troduced to traditional Michigan
songs led by Prof David Mattern,
dean of University singers and head
of the Varsity Men's Glee Club.
The smoker was sponsored by the
Union and George Darrow, Union
Executive Secretary, acted as master
of ceremonies and introduced lead-
ing male citizens of the campus.
The list included Matt Mann,
swimming coach, Jinx Johnson, con-
ference tennis champion, Hugh Wil-
son, varsity wrestler, Ross Hume, con-
ference mile leader, Stan Wallace,
city editor of The Daily, and Gene
Derr.icotte, star freshman back on
the grid squad.
Each man introduced his activity
to the gathering and all were in one
accord in urging men to participate
in campus activities

been permitted to initiate freshmen The site for observatory and tele- tions between the United States and
who receive five or ten week grades scope was chosen last month by the China." All students except those
staff. Including three separate build- of Chinese nationality who have
and have an over-all C average. Up- ings and domes, each with its own shown merit in the study of subjects
perciassnen and transfer students I telescope, the project will be built related to China will be eligible for
who are not on probation are eligible Eon high knobs in a forest now owned the scholarships. The awards will be
for fraternity membership. by the University just south of Port- called Chinese Cultural Scholarships
However, no man is eligible for age Lake on the Dexter-Pinckney and are for one year but may be
Road. renewed for a total of three years.
ruisliing or initiation unless he has The new 98-inch reflecting mirror University authorities stated that
been r glstered with the IFC. type telescope can be usked either as a this is the first time in the history
At the present time only four fra- Schmidt Camera for wide angle of Michigan that a foreign govern-
ternities have managed to keep their photography" of faint heavenly ob- ment has given scholarships for the
houses op'en in spite of the war man- jects or as a Cassegrain Reflector study of its own country.
power drain. These are Phi Delta for spectrographic and spectrophoto-

Theta, Sigma Chi, Sigma Phi Epsilon
and Theta Delta Chi. Some Alpha
Tau Omega's are living with the
Theta Delts and Phi Sigma Delta is
[lasing the Kappa Sigma house. Sig-
ma Phi Epsilon is playing host to
members of Acacia.
'U' Leases Houses
The University is leasing 16 frater-
nity houses for the duration for use
as residence halls for women and one
(Psi Upsilon) as a freshman boy's
dormitory. Other houses under the
supervision and maintenance of the
University are being occupied by Jap-
anese faculty members and service
employes, South America students of
the English Language Institute, by
students under the sponsorship of
the International Center and by a
group of Army and Navy officers.
Post-War Plans
The first thing that will be done
after the war according to Bliss "Bo"
Bowman, president of the IFC, will
be a general overhauling of all houses.
The Alumni Executive Committee, a
permanent post-war fraternity or-
ganization, is now making plans for
the supervision and expansion of all
phases of fraternity activities.

metric work. By means of mechani-
cal devices, it can be changed from
one type to the other; it can not be
used for both at the same time. The
51/4 ton glass blank for the instru-
ment was cast in 1936 and is now in
storage at the University. In addi-
tion to the new telescope, Dr. Rufus
said that the 372 inch Cassegrain
Reflector now at the University and
the 27-inch refractor-using lenses'
and not mirrors-now at the Uni-
versity's Lamont-Hussey Observatory
in South Africa, would be set up here.
One of World's Largestj
As a Schmidt Camera, the new
telescope is the largest planned or
projected; as a Cassegrain, it will be
exceeded only by the 100-inch reflect-
or at the Mt. Wilson observatory and
by the famed unfinished 200-inch re-
flector on Mt. Palomar, both in Cali-
"The telescope, used as a Schmidt
Camera, will open to university sci-
entists here a new and most impor-
tant field-research on the so called
Spiral nebulae or outermost galactic
systems as applied to the 11 cosmo-
logical theories, one of which is the
expanding universe," Dr. Rufus said.

New rates for money orders be-
came.effective yesterday according to
Oswald J. Koch. Ann Arbor post-
In all cases the rates have been
reduced considerably. The new rates
for money orders are as follows: Up
to $2.50 the rate will be 6c; to $5.00.
8c; to $10.00, 11c; to $20.00, 13c; to
$40.00, 15c; to $60.00, 18c; to $80.00,
20c and to $100.00, 22c.

guests of the Athletic Association in'

the staff and quota.

Have a Coca-Cola = Soldier, refresh yourself

Itic itan I en at ?dae
Editor's Note: This is the second of a series of articles which will appear in The
Daily throughout the year bringing news of former University men and women
serving in the armed forces. Copies of The Daily are sent to servicemen all over
the world and we reauest your participation in making this column a success.
You may do so by contributing by mail information on former Michigan men
and women in the armed forces, addressing all mail to the Military Desk, The
Michigan Daily.,



way to relax in camp

To soldiers in camp, from the Gulf Coast to the north woods,
Coca-Cola is a reminder of what they left behind. On "Company
Street" as on Main Street, Coca-Cola stands for the pause that
refreshes. Ice-cold Coca-Cola in your icebox at home is a symbol of
a friendly way of living.

The promotion of Captain Richard[
McClugg from the rank of 1st. Lt. has
been announced by the commanding
officer of the "Thunder Dragons''
group of Maj. Gen. Chennault's
Fourteenth Air Force in China.
Capt. McClurg, who received a B.
A. degree at Michigan in 1940, has
also served in Algeria, Tunisia, Sicily,
and Italy.
1st. Lt. Joe Roshak, class oi 1939,
a veteran of 50 missions over oc-
cupied Europe, has been awarded
the Distinguished Flying Cross
and the Air Medal with three oak
leaf clusters for meritorious
achievement while navigating his
B-17 Flying Fortress against the
A graduate of this University, Ma-
rine 1st. Lt. Walter Lawler, just re-
turned from the Pacific where he
served as ordnance officer with a
Marine fighter squadron. During his
tour of duty overseas, Lt. Lawler was
stationed in Hawaii, Samoa, Funafuti
and Roe Atoll in the Marshalls,

University until he entered the
service in February, 1943, was re-
cently graduated from the combat
crew training school at Davis-Mon-
than Army Air Field in Arizona
and is destined for overseas combat
duty as a pilot of a B-24 Liberator.
Sweetheart of the San Diego Naval
Hospital and the Coronado Amphi-
bious Training Base, WAVE song-
stress, Ann Shortt, a former vocalist
with the University band, is starring
in the Navy's musical comedy, "Leave
'Em in Stitches," now touring Naval
bases in the Eleventh Naval District
after a two-week run at the San
Diego, Calif., Naval Hospital where
Pharmacist's mate, 2-C, Shortt is sta-
Lt. Charles O. Long received his
commission as a pilot in the AAF
when he recently completed twin-
engined advanced training at Pampa
Army Air Field, Texas.

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