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January 14, 1945 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-14

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SUNDAY. JAN. 14. 1045

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Present Library Erected on Campus During orid War I;
Fir-st 'U' Building Conpieted in 1883, Dedicated by Duffield

to bring the lighting up to the stand-
ards of the present decade in the pro-
posed post-war building program.
A drive to beautify the library
produced the casts from the Par-
thenon frieze now in the circula-
tion corridor, bought originally to
hide an unsightly wall above the
delivery desk in the old library.
The Reproductions of Donatello
and Luca Della Robbia panels in
the study hall are from the Cathe-
dral at Florence. The Lunettes in
the reference room by Gari Mel-
chus first graced the Chicago
World's Fair of 1893.
The history of the General Library
.,a . jdates back to 1837 when the secre-
tary of the Board of Trustees of the
University made a nuclear contribu-
ted in 1919, cost ?6501000. It con- tion of 11 volumes. One floor of the
single University building, then in
Detroit, was set aside for a library.
In 1856 the present Mason Hall.
Bdilt during World War I on the then North Hall was remodeled to
site of the old, the new building, de- house a library and museum, estab-
signed by the late Albert Kahn of lishing the first active library. By
Detroit and completed in 1919 at a 1870 some 45,000 volumes were in
cost of $650,000, moved a step fur- use and in 1878 the library was moved
ther on the scale of progress. Its to the old law building.
newly-installed electric lighting sys- At present the combined volumes
tem was, Detroit Edison reported in of the University libraries total ap-
1922, exemplary. The library plans proximately 1,200,000.

Valiant Nisei
Return to U.S.
Three battle-weary Japanese-Am-
erican infantrymen, members of the
famed Merrill's Marauders, after
completing one of the toughest as-
signments ever handed U. S. fight-
ing men landed at Miami Army Field
just three and one half days after
leaving India in an Air Transport
Command plane.
One of these three American-born
Japanese men was S/Sgt. Katsuhiro
Kono '42L, who has won the bronze'
star for gallantry in action. When
asked about the decoration, he was
Pioperly modest and replied, "Just
tell them it was for meritorious
achievement." "I didn't do anything."
Exploits Quoted
"Except hold your post while Japs
fired on you from all sides," inter-
rupted T./Sgt. Robert Y. Honda. "He
wouldn't move until an officer order-}
ed him to leave." Honda told ofI
being completely surrounded for 13
days and without water for three
days until supplies could be dropped
from planes.
The other man in the group was
T./Sgt. Herbert Y. Miyasaki who was
personal interpreter for Gen Frank
Merrill throughout the Northern
Burma campaign. He participated
in the battle of Nphum Ga Hill,j
often called "Little Corregidor" and
"Maggot Hill."
Mission Told
In speaking of one mission S./Sgt..
Kono told ATC' officers, "we hit Jap
patrols 22 times. One night we camp-
ed just 200 yards from a Jap Bivouac,
We watched the Japs cook and could
see enemy trucks moving up. Our
battalion, spear-heading a regiment
of Chinese troops, cut through the
jungle and placed a road block just

from Burma


over a million volumes.

early as 1910 Librarian Theodore W.
Koch expressed the now perennial
lament "Too many students go
through college without reading any-
thing but what is required of them
in the courses they take." This
might have been the result of the
attendant discomfort-they read by

three miles south of an important Jap
stronghold. It took the enemy by
complete surprise. That was a beau-
tiful tactical maneuver. The Japs
shelled us for 36 continuous hours
without a letup. but we had com-
pleted our mission.
"I most certainly appreciate the
fine work of the Air Transport Com-
mand for they were the sole means
of obtaining supplies and ammuni-
All three wear the Presidential
Unit Citation and Combat Infantry-
men Badge in addition to CBI thea-
tre ribbons. They have .returned to
this country to attend Officer Candi-
date School at Fort Benning, Ga.
Honor Society
Phi Eta Sigina Banquet
To Laud Freshmen
Initiation for 21 new members of
Phi Eta Sigma, freshman men's hon-
or society, will.be held at 1 p.m. today
in Rm. 302, Union, Channing P.
Lipson, president, announced today.
Prof. Robert D. Brackett of the
English faculty will deliver the main
address at a banquet for the new
members to be held in the University
Club following initiation ceremonies.
Those s lectedl for initiation are:
Richard Agranoff', Howard Berger,
Walter Bergner, James Carpenter,
Maurice Dubin, Russell Duff, Robert
Epstein, Thomas Ferraro, Donald
Foringer, Milton Freudenheim, Mur-
ray Grant, Richard Hording, Henry
Kaminsky, Henry Keiser, William
Kiessel, William Miron, Reuben Pet-
erson, Arthur Shef, David Wagner,
George Whaley and William Wolber.





Yank Bomnbers IT'S A SM ALL WORLD:
Hit Seven Rhine Meeting of Alumnae Re uIts
River Bridg(es In Piano for Army Hospital
T.C NTIC , az N T, - -.~, - r nv'_ -



Former classmates from the old
days at Michigan have a way of
popping up and perhaps reminding
you, "I am the red-head who sat
next to you in so many classes back
in the early "nineteen hundreds."
That is the way one friendship
was revived at a recent luncheon in
Chevy Chase, Va, Lilian Werney,
'06, and Hazel Whitaker, '06, who
have since married, are now Mrs.
R. R. Tinkham and Mrs. Arthur H.
Vandenberg, respectively.
irs. Vandenberg
Mrs. Vandenberg who is chair-
manrof Public Relations of the Dis-
trict .of Columbia Red Cross Camp
and Hospital Council, was never
loath to talk about her position. At
a University of Michigan Alumnae
meeting last May she gave an outline
of the work which the group per-
Mrs. Tinkham who is a person of
action promptly decided to do some-
thing for the Camp and Hospital
service. From June to September,
she decided to set a goal of $300 to
be app iedwherever it was most
needed when raised.
Mrs. Tinkliam Saves
Instead of going to the hospital{
Japan Struck
By The Associated Press
An earthquake struck Honshu,
main island of Japan, yesterday
(Saturday Japan time) and although
at least one American seismograph
recorded it as severe, Nipponese re-f
ports said it was slight and thAt it
caused only small damage.
It was Honshu's second earthquake
in a little more than a month. The
heavily populated island was shaken
severely Dec. 7.
The Weston College seismograph
at Weston Mass., recorded yester-
day's tremors as severe and showed
they lasted about three hours. How-
ever, they did not register so strongly
as the December quake.
'lT (radulaie ilollore1
John Y. York Jr. '16L of the Com-
bined Chiefs of Staff is the only
graduate who has received the ap-
pointment of Air Corp Major Gen-
The appointment was confirmed
Dec. 6, 1944. He is now stationed in
Washington, D. C.

when- she sprained her ankle, she
saved the money and also that which
her husband wanted to use to give
her an anniversary present, and mon-
ey which she would have used to hire
a maid in the summer.
A white elephant sale at which she
furnished the refreshments, resulted
in a sizeable addition to the grow-
ing pile and with a few personal con-
tributions from interested friends, the
goal of $300 was reached.
Check Presented
The check was presented at a
meeting of the Camp and Hospital
committee and because the personnel
of this group was so impressed with
the selflessness of this gift it was
decided it must go into something
tangible in memory of the contribu-
It was discovered that patients at
the Station Hospital at Camp
Springs, the big new air-field near
Washington, greatly desired a little-
piano-on-wheels so at a ceremony
in October a piano which bears a
suitable plaque marking Mrs. Tink-
ham as the donor was presented.
Conference at
Willow Run Set
Practicin Democracy at Home"
will be the theme of the Willow Run
Region Intercultural Conference, to
be held Thursday in Charles Mc-
Kenny Hall, Ypsilanti.
Dr. Edward Blakeman, Religious
Counselor, Prof. Leslie White, an-
thropology department, Prof. Wil-
liam Trow, educational psychology
department, Prof. Lowell Carr, so-
ciology department, T. Scott Miyak-
awa, research assistant, Edgar John-
ston, Bureau of Cooperation with
Educational Institutions and Rabbi
J. M. Cohen, Hillel Foundation, will
attend from the University of Mich-
The conference, sponsored by the
Willow Run committee on race rela-
tions and the Michigan council of
churches and Christian education,
will investigate problems of intercul-
tural relationships, and propose solu-

Prof. Piche,
rganist, Will
resent Concert
Prof. Bernard Piche, brilliant
young French-Canadian organist of
Montreal who is making his first tour
in the United States, will open the
second part of his program, with the!
harmonious "Piece Heroique" b~y
Cesar Franck, founder of the modern j
French school, in a recital at 4:15
p. m. today in Hill Auditorium.
He has chosen a program of works
by Bach, including the majestic
"Toccata in F major," "Chorale"
(Jesus Christ, our Saviour) and "Fu-
gue in C major," and a group of,
French composers. This latter group
includes a "Toccata" by Gigout,
"Le Rappel des Ciseaux" (written
for clavichord) by Rameau, "Les
Cloches" by LeBegue, organist to
Louis XIV, and selections by Vierne,
Widor,Dupre and Tournemire. le4
will also play his own "Rhapsody 1
sur 4 Noels."
Prof. Piche who has studied at
the Royal Conservatory of Brussels,
in Paris under the late Tournemire
is titular organist of the Cathedral
of Trois Rivieres in Quebecand has
concertized extensively throughout
Canada. He is also professor of or-
gan at the Provincial Conservatory.
Since the installation of the pres-
ent organ in Hill Auditorium in 1928,
it has been the custom of Prof. Pal-
mer Christian, University organist,
and the School of Music to invite
distinguished guest recitalists from
other cities each season. Prof. Piche
is the first guest to appear during the
1944-45 University year and will be
followed with other r.ecitals by Frieda
Op't Holt Vogan, Mary McCall Stub-
bins and George Faxon, all of Ann
The recital is open to the public,
but small children will not be admit-
International Center
To Show Fihn Today
The film "Michigan on the March"
will be featured at the regular Sun-
day program of the International
Center, 7:30 p. m. today.
The movie will depict the Univer-
sity during the war, and will be fol-
lowed by a snack, George Hall an-

rs is 11 TIME!
It's not too early to begin buying your
VALENTINES. We have a grant assort-
ment, especially for the servicemen, that will
guarantee a lift in their morale . . . as well as
guaranteeing YOU a place in their heart.
7is2o Bo NVCy
723 North Universityr;





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