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'U' Statement on
Peace Draft Told
Assumes Likelihood of Conscription;
Proposes Civilian Administration
Winter Offensive
Gains 25 Miles
Russians Slam Poland, East Prussia,
Czechoslovakia on 600 Mile Front
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Sunday, Jan. 14-Premier-Marshal Stalin announced
last night that the Red Army had opened its eagerly-awaited winter
offensive on the Eastern front, breaking through 25 miles toward. the
heart of Germany on a 37-mile front in southern Poland.
Striking powerfully beyond the Vistula River, the Russians swept to
within 69 miles of industrial German Silesia, reaching the Nida River,
last big water barrier before the Reich frontier. A "decisive" Soviet
barrage from massed cannon paved the way across the frozen plains,
Stalin said in a special order of the day.
Berlin reports said 2,500,000 Russian troops were on the move.
The new blow put Germany in a; " :
An eight-point program for one
year of post-war compulsory training
of all civilians coupled with means
for University participation in the
set-up was issued by the University
Advisory Board on Policies yesterday.
The program, designed to supple-
ment governmental plans for antici-
pated universal peacetime conscrip-
tion, was prepared last year by the
Board and re-issued when current
nationwide discussion again focussed
interest on national service.
Training Not Advocated
"The report does not advocate com-
pulsory military training"; President
Alexander G. Ruthven explained, "it
merely assumes the likelihood of
some such system."
Prepared on a national, rather than
local basis, the report was written
under the assumption that peace-
timeconscription would beinaugu-
rated and that education should have
a stake in shaping and administering
the program.
General Points
Among the general points of the
report are provisions for conscription
of women, preparation for civilian as
well as military activities and means
of financial maintenance of the
Warning that "control of young
people during a decisive period in
their lives would present the gravest
danger of militarization and indoc-
trination," the Board urged that a
civilian, non-partisan administration
be established to work with military
heads running the national service
Period of Service
The period of service was planned
to extend for one year, with excep-
tion made for students enrolled in
college officers' reserve training pro-
grams. The program suggested that
the best time for the individual's ser-
vice would be immediately after high-
school graduation.
The 'program should "provide for
the rehabilitation rather than rejec-
tion of those physically or mentally
unfit." The Board proposed a coun-
selling and testing service to assure
placement of trainees where they
were most qualified to serve. The
program should also be designed to
develop trainees for the benefit of
the nation.
Specific Methods
The eight points of the program
suggested specific methods for ap-
plying the plan. Among the sug-
gestions were comprehensive health
examinations for remedial treatment,
education in citizenship and physi-
cal conditioning.
The Board also suggested that
trainees found deficient in the ele-
mentary subjects should be instruct-
ed as under the present war-time
Colleges Should Help
Colleges and universities should
participate in every way with the
program, the Board recommended,
both in lending its facilities and in
guiding phases of national service.
Recommending that the govern-
ment provide financial support dur-
ing the period of training, the Board
suggested that present methods of
fiscal maintenance be retained.
Show Revived
Kampus Kapers II
Planned for Jan. 28,
Preliminary plans have been com-
pleted for the second production of
Kampus Kapers which will be held
at 3:30 p. in., January 28 in Hill
First hailed as an innovation when
it hit the campus last November, this
all campus show is now being term-
ed a "real part of the campus" and
will again bring to the student body
a variety of entertainment featur-
ing all student talent.
Combined Efforts
The Union, the League, and the
Daily have combined their efforts to
make Kampus Kapers a living part
of University life and these organ-
izations are sponsoring this second
production. The heads of these or-
ganizations have indicated that "no
effort will be spared to make this a
great show."
The University Committee on The-
atre Policy and Practice headed by
Dean-of Students, Joseph A. Bur-
sley, gave official approval to the
production in their meeting yester-
day and Dean Bursley indicated the
hope that "this show will receive the
same enthusiastic support as the
first one did."
4,000 at First Show
It will be remembered that the
first show headlined campus activi-
ties and drew 4,000 people to Hill
Auditorium, and included seven big
all student acts with singing, danc-
ing, comedy, and music.
The January 28 production will in-
clude the campus favorites, Billy
Layton, his band and Judy Ward;
the campus comedy king, Doc Field-
ing; the acrobatic dancing of Bev
Wittan and Dot Murzek; the
Women's Glee Club; and other out-
standing acts.
Nominal Fee
A nominal admission fee will be
charged for this show, the committee
indicated, to allay expenses and net
proceeds will be donated to the USO
and the Bomber Scholarship Fund.
Complete details regarding ticket
sales will be carried in the Daily,
this week and the committee put out
the suggestion that "every student
circle January 28 as a red letter day
in campus life."
YANKS COAST WITH BELGIAN CHILDREN-During a lull in duty, Sgt. Harman Barber (left) of Iola,
Kansas, and Sgt. John Aylor of McKenzie, Tenn., enjoy coasting with a group of children somewhere in
Horowitz Will Appear
In Concert, Tomorrow
Pianist Is Sixth in
Choral Union Series
Vladimir Horowitz, Russian-Amer-
ican pianist, will appear in the sixth
Choral Union concert at 8:30 p. m.
tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
He was born in Kiev on October 1,
1904 of a cultured and artistic fam-
Coeds To Use
Main Entrance
At Union Party
Women will be permitted through
the front door when the Union holds
its 25th annual open house from 2
to 5 p. m. Saturday, according to
Bob Lindsay, USNR, chairman of
the House committee.
Like the ban on women entering
the Union front door, the Union open
house is also a campus tradition.
"This year's open house promises to
be bigger and better than any held
previously," Lindsay stated.
Afternoon Stag Dance
There will be an afternoon stag
dance from 2 to 3 p. m. and from 4
to 5 p. m. An exhibit of._gymnastics
will be given at 3 p. m., when the
huge tamperon, usually kept at the
Field House, will be used.
Members of the WAA swimming'
club will present a water ballet in
the Union pool at 3:30 p. m. Intri-
cate formations have been promised
by the water ballerinas.
Facilities Open
The billiard room, ping pong room,
and taproom of the Union will be
open for everyone all afternoon. In
addition all Union facilities will be
on display. Those interested will be
given the opportunity of investigating
the guest rooms, kitchen and kitchen
facilities, and student offices.
"Since so many fellows gripe about
the food they have to eat in the
Union diningrooms, we are going to
give them an opportunity to see just
how that food is prepared," Lindsay
"Everyone is invited to attend, for
in true campus tradition, the Union
on this day will be open for the
pleasure and inspection of all," Tom
Bliska, Union president stated.
ily, one of three talented children.
His father was an engineer, his
mother a musician and a graduate
of the Conservatory at Kiev. He be-
gan to be a pianist at the age of six
under the careful tutelage of his
Second Teacher
His second teacher was Sergei
Tarnowsky, with whom he studied
from the age of twelve until his
sixteenth year. Then he entered the
Conservatory, in the classes of Prof.
Felix Blumenfeld, pupil of Arthur
Rubenstein, world famous pianist.
He was a graduate two years later.
His uncle, a music critic of Khar-
kov, arranged for his debut there.
The concert was successful enough
Hot Stuff!.
Fletcher Henderson and his or-
chestra played the twelfth (and a
half) Interfraternity Ball last
night on instruments borrowed
from the University Band, with-
out music or stands, starting two
and a half hours late.
While traveling in the band's
special bus midway between De-
troit and Dearborn, an oil heater
in the bus blew up, sending the
whole rear end of the bus into a
mass of flames. Almost all of the
orchestra's instruments and music
together with all of the personal
belongings of the band were de-
stroyed. The band's manager es-
timated the damage at $4,000.
Special 1:30 permission was
granted girls attending the dance.
During the two and a half
hours while the band members
struggled in, Dean Walter B. Rea
rounded up instruments, IFC
President Bliss Bowman assured
the crowd of 500 dancers that it
"Was just one of those things,"
the patient couples sang frater-
nity songs and Henderson-who
came on ahead-improvised on the
giant vise with more than a dozen
Allied armies striking concertedly
from east and west.
36 Miles Northeast
Overrunning more than 350 places
in two days the Russians drove to
within 36 miles northeast ,of Krakow
and to within 11 miles southeast of
Kielce, threatening to collapse the
entire German front between Warsaw
and Krakow.
The northern end of the westward-
moving Russian front was 100 miles
south of Warsaw and 45 miles west
of Sandomierz, Vistula River bridge-
head base.
Greatest Offensive
Berlin reports, describing the Pol-
ish offensive as "the greatest of all
time," said that two other major
Soviet offensives had begun--in Ger-
man East Prussia and southern
Czechoslovakia - accompanied by
smaller attacks at intervals along a
600-mile front from Memel in the
north down to stricken Budapest in
Hungary, where the German garri-
son appeared to be on its last legs.
The German high command offi-
cially termed the Polish offensive,
launched by Marshal Ivan S. Konev's
massive First Ukraine Army, the
"long-expected winter offensive" by
which the Russians, hitting from the
west in concert with Allied western
blows, hope to crush the Reich.
Yank, Motorized
P at rolsaDrive
Nazis Continue Inland on Luzon
. . . to appear tomorrow
GOP Nominees for Regents
Vacancies Are U' Graduates
to warrant a tour, his first, which
took him all over Russia.
Subsequent Tours
Subsequent tours took him to Ger-
many, Austria, Czecho-Slovakia, Hol-
land, Italy, France, Spain, Belgium,
and England. He played with the
first orchestras of the world, and has
been honored by the King and Queen
of Belgium.
He made his American debut on
the night of January 12, 1928 with
the New York Philharmonic-Symph-
ony Orchestra at Carnegie Hall, play-
ing the Tchaikovwsky piano concerto.,
Illness caused Horowitz to leave
the concert stage in 1935. America
did not hear from him for five years.
He returned to the stage in 1940, and
since then has appeared in concerts
all over the country.
Retreat Under
Yank Assault
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Sunday, Jan. 14-Field
Marshal Karl Von Rundstedt's Ger-
man armies continued to fall back
through their Ardennes salient last
night as the U. S. First Army-in a
grand attempt to cut off from the
Reich these retreating enemy forces
-scored gains of up to two miles in a
general assault against the Germans'
northern flank.
The first army struck before dawn
from the south of Malmedy and
Stavelot toward St. Vith, Belgian
town four miles from the German
border, where Von Rundstedt was ex-
pected to make his next stand against
the mounting Allied drive. To the
southwest, tanks reached Mont-Le-
Ban, a village only a mile from the
last good escape road from Houffa-
lize, German base which once was
the center of the shrunken Belgian
German resistance was light at
first but stiffened during the day.
The enemy used tanks against the
advancing Yanks and supported his
infantry with heavy artillery fire
QUARTERS, Luzon, Sunday, Jan. 14
-(IP)-Motorized patrols of American
invasion troops on Luzon Island have
penetrated inland 20 miles from the
Lingayen Gulf beachhead, headquart-
ers reported today.
The report of the Yank penetra-
tion on the main Philippine covered
action through Friday, the fourth
day since liberation forces came
ashore on the gulf coast, an aver-
age rate of progress of five miles a
This deepest penetration puts Am-
erican ground forces about 100 miles
north of Manila, the Philippine cap-
Patrols are operating in the vicin-
ity of Obriztondo and Bayambang,
at the points of deepest penetration.
The Yanks have added the towns
of Santa Barbara and Mapandan to
the more than 30 already reported
Bayambang is a road juncture
about 20 miles southeast of Lingayen
Gulf and six and one-half miles
north of the Tarlac, provincial bor-
der where desperate fighting occur-
red in Dec. 1941, when the Japanese
invaded Luzon, and is about 90 miles
(CQ) northwest of Manila.
By The Associated Press
stedt's men continue to fall back
through Ardennes salient-First
Army scores gains gainst German
northern flank.
PACIFIC FRONT-Silence con-
cerning Naval battle off coast of
Indo-China suggests new develop-
ments- Patrols penetrate more
than 20 miles from Lingayen Gulf
beachhead on Luzon.
nounces beginning of Red winter
offensive on eastern front-Forces
advance 25 miles toward heart of
Germany on 37 mile front.
Annual P°olio
Drive Opens
Official Today
Campus Campaign T
Be Held Jan. 21-31
The 1945 fund-raising appeal of
the National Foundation for thfa-
tle Paralysis in celebration of .
President's birthday will open offi-
ially on campus tomorrow and cow-,
tinue until January 31, according to
Jim Plate, general chairman of the
The national drive opens officially
today. The student drive, however,
will be held from Jan. 21-31. This
week members of the student co-
mittee will contact faculty nmembers,.
University employees, and local mer-
Faculty To Be Contacted
Since it is impossible to contact
each faculty member individually,
the members of the committee have
requested that professors turn in
JAN. 1441
their contributions to the office of the
secretary of their respective depart-
The student committee is compos-
ed of Jim Plate, general chairman;
Deb Perry, women's chairman; Pat
Coulter, assistant to Miss Perry; and
Joe Milillo and Henry Horldt, assist-
ant to Plate.
Contribution Boxes
Boxes for contributions will be set
up in every house on campus and
all campus stores. There will also
be a booth set up in the bank all
Members of the Veterans Organ-
ization, using as its slogan "Pitch in
for Polio," will be stationed with their
buckets in the center of the diag-
onal, Liberty and State, and Liberty
and Main.
Fifth Army
Both Otto Eckert, Lansing, and
Dr. Charles Kennedy, Detroit, who
were nominated for the open seats
on the Board of Regents by the Re-I
publican State Convention Friday
are graduates of the University.
The positions on the Board, now
held by Edmund Shields, Lansing
Democrat, and John D. Lynch, Dem-
ocrat of Detroit, will be vacant when
their terms of office expire at the
end of this year.
Today Bernard Piche to present
organ recital at 4:15 p.m.
in Hill Auditorium.
Jan. 15 Vladimir Horowitz, pia-
nist, will be heard in
Choral Union concert at
8:30 p. m. at Hill Audit-
Regent Shields has already indi-
cated he will not run for re-election
while Regent Lynch has not made a
public statement on his position.
Lansing Director
Eckert who celebrated his fifty-
fifth birthday yesterday is director
of the Lansing Municipal Water
Works. He was born in Saginaw
in 1890 and received his B. S. from
the College of Engineering here in
Dr. Kennedy is chief surgeon at
Grace Hospital in Detroit and re-
ceived his M. D. here in 1913. He
was born in Detroit in 1887 and took
a combined lit-med program while
in the University.
High Esteem
Since his undergraduate days when
he was active in most engineering
Dough boys Fight, But Generals Still Say I'
Associated Press Correspondent
IN BELGIUM, Jan. 10-(Delayed)-When there is time it would be
interesting to do a little research as to why Generals say "I" so much.
It's a long-accepted habit-one of the things you learn toexpect around
an Army. As a matter of fact, some people have been heard to insist that
the first thing a new general does is to stand in front of a mirror and
nrmrtice it.
flank firm on this hilltop," you no-
tice it.
Lots of Generals give full credit to
the guys under them. But during a
year and a half following a handful
of fronts I recall only one or two
who didn't say "I" did this or "I"
did that. when they meant "We." or
other way to avoid seeing their
frozen, crumpled bodies, it grates
to hear a General say "I stopped
the blasted Boche here."
In all decency you know he does-
n't mean it that way, but you wonder
how he can preserve that profes-