I SATURDAY. JAN. 13 1945
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Arnall Presents Georgia
T he Pend ulum
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13-Georgia's young go-
getting Governor Elis Arnall was standing
at the Peachtree Railroad Station, outside At-
lanta, waiting for a northbound train. Sud-
denly a southbound train passed, a door flew
open and a voice said: "Governor, here's the
government's brief on your railroad case."
The other train pulled out. Governor Arnall
never kne who it was that shouted at him,
but in a puddle of rai on the station platform
lay an amicus curial brief later presented by
the U. S. Justice Department before the Su-
preme Court of the United States. This was'
the opening incident in one of the most unusual
cases ever argued before the Supreme Court,
the only case where the Governor of a state
appeared on behalf of his state to ask the
U. S. Supreme Court to sit as a trial court.
Governor Arnall's suit is against the Penn-
sylvania Railroad and other roads, which, he
charges, conspire to fix freight rates so high
that Georgia and the South generally are un-
able to develop industry.
Although the Interstate Commerce Commis-
sion is about to hand down a decision forcing
a reduction of some southern freight rates,
Governor Arnall points out quite rightly that
this is no real remedy.
"The railroads will follow the ICC ruling
for a time and then show reasons why their
rates should be increased. As long as the rail-
roads operate together with rate committees
and rate pools, agreeing completely among
themselves as to what their rates will be
and that they will not compete against each
other," Arnall claims, "The State of Georgia
is powerless."
Justice Department Concurs ...
THE DEPARTMENT of Justice emphatically
agrees with Governor Arnall and submitted
a brief, as a friend of the court, asking the
Supreme Court to hear Georgia's case. (This
was the brief thrown at Arnall on the station
The hard-hitting Governor of Georgia ex-
pounds some interesting philosophy in support
of his suit. "I figure," he says, "the South
should quit crabbing about being poor and
downtrodden. Not long ago we were a con-
quered people. But nobody's going to help us
unless we help ourselves. In the last war
Georgia had a high proportion of veterans. But
after the war, we also had a high proportion of
veterans who moved out of the state. They
were looking for better opportunities.
"We can't afford to have the same thing
happen after this war. In this war, Georgia
has helped to train more soldiers than any
other state in the union. Hundreds of them
married Georgia girls. We like the soldiers.
We want 'em to come back here and live after
the war. But we've got to provide opportu-
nities for them.
"So I've had some experts studying the prob-
lem to see how we could provide more opporu-
nities in Georgia, and all the studies we've
made boil down to one thing-we have to be-
come an industrial state. We can't continue
merely on an agricultural economy.
"That," says Governor Arnall, "is why I start-
ed this suit against the railroads. You can't
have industry in the South as long as it costs
40 per cent more to ship over Southern roads.
Nobody is going to move factories down here
when they have to overcome that handicap.
The big banks of the East just don't want indu-
stry to develop down here. They own the rail-
roads, and there is nothing we can do about
it until we thresh this thing, out before the
Supreme Court."
Note - Governor Arnall argued the case
himself before the Supreme Court, not using
the government's brief, but his own. The
Court was asked to hear original testimony as
a trial court. It has not yet decided whether
it will do so.
Stettinius Sherman Tanks . ..
DEBONAIR Secretary of State Stettinius is
reasonably frank and forthright at his press
conferences. On the whole he does a good job.
Sometimes he gets in a tough spot, however.
The other day a newsman asked him whether
the U. S. A. still retained title to lend-lease
material after it was shipped overseas. This
is a subject which Stettinius as former lend-
lease administrator really knows something
about. He gave a long discourse, brightly show-
ing how everything sent overseas under lend-
lease still technically belongs to the U. S. A. and
can be recalled at any time if we think it's
being misused.
"Mr. Secretary," observed a newsman, "I
suppose that also applies to the Sherman
tanks the British got on lend-lease and are
using against the Greek civilian population."
Stettinius smiled, said nothing.
Senator Caraway's Wife .'..
THE ATTENDANT of the Senate gallery re-
served for senators' wives was puzzled last
week to see a totally unfamiliar woman seated
in the front row. Thinking she might be the
wife of a new Senator, but not quite sure, he
stopped her as she returned to the reserved sec-
tion after having stepped out for a few moments.
"Madam, this section is reserved for the wives
of senators," he began. "But, of course, I know
that," the lady said gently, preparing to pass
through the door.
"Are you the wife of a Senator?" persisted
the attendant.
"Why, certainly I am," the visitor said.
Still suspicious, the guard asked which Sen-
Without batting an eye, the lady declared:
"I am the wife of Senator Caraway of Arkan-
sas." That ended the matter-sheawas barred.
(Copyright, 945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
War Morale
NEW YORK, Jan. 13-The administration
seenis to believe that the way to buck up
the morale of the American people is to frighten
them. It gives us each day our daily shock.
Many meats are put back on rationing; it is an-
nounced that shoes will be scrce; it is said
that New York may be bombed. A small dose of
horror' is administered each morning; not big
horror, but little horror, such as the ban on
horse-racing; and one might almost guess that
there must be some official in Washington in
charge of spacing these petty horrors out, so
that no day may be without one.
But fear is not morale. Jumpiness is not
morale. Morale, curiously enough, is confi-
dence; confidence that we can solve our prob-
lems. To build up this special type of confi-
dence is a hard and intricate business, but it
must be done; and the administration does
not do it by simply putting on a voodoo mask
and going "Boo!" at the populace each morn-
From the viewpoint of morale, the best step
the administration has taken recently has been
to announce the President's support of a na-
tional service act. Liberal and labor opinion
in America has fudged badly on this issue. It
demands unity in the prosecution of the war;
it flushes angrily when it spies a business man
who defies the war-time government, such as
Mr. Sewell Avery; but it has a tendency to
smile a secret smile and to stare out of the
window when a national service act is men-
tioned. Labor cannot demand unity without
offering unity. The attitude of some of its lead-
ers proclaims that, while they call upon all
other elements in our economy to trust the gov-
ernment, they alone do not trust it, and, in fact,
need not trust it.
The isolationist press, which has little love
for labor unions, has joined gleefully in the
attack on the national service act; a cir-
cumstance which tends to prove that the real
issue here is not coercion of labor, but confi-
dence in the administration.
ONLY A FEW deserting -workers would be
directly affected by a national service act,
and forced to go back to their war jobs. But
all of us would be indirectly affected. The
soldier in the field would know that all that
can be done for production was being done.
The essential worker, tempted to leave his post,
would stay, in the confident knowledge that no
one else could leave, either, and gain an unfair
advantage. The world would begin, then, to
make sense; and the world must make sense
if there is to be morale
That is what morale is, not fear that things
are going badly, but confidence that things
do add up; that problems can be solved, and
are, in fact, being solved.
To. try to build morale with fear alone is too
thin a program; it is like trying to make bread.
with yeast alone. Morale is a complex of the
knowledge that we do have a problem, and the
confidence that it can be solved; morale rests
on the feeling that there is some order and
hope in the universe. We should go easy on
the use of the fear technique; for things seem
to cease to make sense when we are told, after
three years of ardent effort, that we have
failed. That strikes a blow at morale; just
as the wailing of those who complain that the
Allies have utterly fallen apart also strikes a
blow at our morale, and for the same reason;
with such pronouncements the world seems to
cease to make sense, and morale cannot be
based on such a premise.
It is interesting that the isolationist press is
convinced that both the President's production
program and his political program make no
sense; and liberals should be sure of what they
are doing to American morale before they lift
their voices in these two tunes.
(Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate)
We live in an age that likes to
pride itself on acceptance of ethical
relativism according to which what
is good here is bad there and noth-
ing can be intrinsically good or bad
anywhere. Our ancestral ways are
gone-and with them the certainty
that Western Man has established a
tradition applicable to modern life.
The blacks and whites of value judg-
ment have gone by the board and the
frantic search in philosophy today
is for a new rationale to replace the
old. Exact science has contributed
one such rationale through its meth-
od of experimentation and observa-
tion. Auguste Comte introduced this
approach to human problems for the
first time in sociology, a branch of
learning he more or less founded by
way of what has come to be known
as 'positivism.'
But, it seems to me, the stand-
ard social science has since set,
and it prevails at the moment, is
more absolute than many of us
like to believe. Adjustment has
become the touchstone for that
which is good, mal-adjustment for
that which is bad. Carried to its
logical conclusion this is a very
dangerous theory. It represents a
relapse into the old absolutism-
with a few new twists.
To take a particular case, most
aesthetically or intellectually-mind-
ed people were revolted by the Hitler
regime from its inception. Rare in-
deed were the Knut Hamsuns and the
Gerhart Hauptmans who could
breathe the foul air of Nazism. For
the most part disdaining the Hitler-
ian "kultur" they scurried to Amer-
ica, to France, and to Switzerland.
These men did not obey or follow
the specifications of the New Order.
But, observe, they were mal-adapted,
out of step with the Prussian march
to world conquest, ill-suited for the
rigors of bludgeoning and brutality.
These members of the intelligen-
sia-which is a word, as Arthur Koes-
tIer has pointed out, appertaining to
the group in a society that main-
tains independence of thought-
would not stoically accept enslave-
ment. They were there to defy the
herd instinct that was overpower-
ing Europe.
Sigmund Freud did as much as
any single social-psychologist to
shape the contemporary view. The
founder of psychoanalysis gave
up laboratory research in the 1880's
so that he could help neurotics
adjust themselves with greater ease
to society. Yet, he led a life that
itself makes a good study in mal-
adjustment vis-a-vis the society
that always fought him. More-
over, Freud favored sublimating
our antisocial drives into construct-
ive channels. Therefore, it is a ser-
ious mis-application of Freudian-
ism to call for adjustment as the
great goal of life, adjustment asj
such that is, adjustment to any-I
thing and everything no matter
what it represents.
If there is any comfort to be de-
rived from their status for the writer
like Thomas Mann or the artist likeE
George Grosz, who are marginal men
half immersed in two cultures and
not wholly a part of either, it is
this: that they were constitutionally
unable to become cogs in the ma-
chine of social injustice.
Long ago, in grade school, a
French teacher had us record this
dictum of hers, "All success in life
is in direct proportion to the emo-
tional rapport. we set up between
ourselves and others." Which
means actually that adjustment
and an attendant happiness are
all that matter in the determina-
tion of how worthwhile we are as
human beings. I rejected the no-
tion then, being somewhat rebel-
lious even in my minority, and do
so more emphatically now that I
know enough to see a few of its
For instance, Stoicism - which
gained a foothold in Greece shortly
after the whole Peloponnesus was
conquered by Roman legions. A good
reason for its widespread popular-
ity in those days, one may rightly
infer, is that such a slave philoso-
phy impressed people who had to
salve their pride and go on living
somehow even though they were sub-
jugated. Be impassive, resign, sub-
mit, accept, and oh, yes, adjust your-
selves to degradation: this is the
quintessence of Stoicism.
It does not generically differ from
Twentieth Century models which
stem from the same decadent spirit.
Nor does that spirit differ in any
significant way from the one that _
held sway in medieval days when
every serf knew his position, every
seigneur his, and so on through
the various castes. Some thinkers
like Lewis Mumford and Mortimer
J. Adler are, admittedly enamored
of the medieval synthesis. Social
scientists usually decry this atti-
tude. It is interesting and para-
doxical that they should have fal-
len prey to it.
SATURDAY, JAN. 13, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 57 I
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mren-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typiewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-
Members of the University Coun-
cil: There will be a meeting of the
University Council on Monday, Jan.
15, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. All members of the
Senate may attend. The agenda is
as follows:
Approval of the Minutes of Nov.
13, 1944. Report on Government
Contracts-Vice-President M. L. Nie-
huss. Report on Special Services-
Dean C. S. Yoakum. Statement
About the Library-Director W. G.
Rice. Memorandum from the Inter-
national Center-Dr. E. M. Gale.
Subjects Offered by Members of the
Council. Reports of Standing Com-
Educational Policies-W. C. Olson;
Student Relations-C. H. Stocking
(Four Reports); Public Relations-
,K. K. Landes; Plant and Equipment
-J. H. Cissel.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
'Fashion Fellowship awards, for Sen-
iors. For further information and
registration blanks, stop in at 201
Mason Hall, Bureau of . Appoint-
Miss Gertrude Bruns, representa-
tive from the GIRL SCOUTS OR-
GANIZATION, will be in our office
interviewing girls who are interested
in Organization work, Wednesday
afternoon, Jan. 17, and Thursday,
Jan. 18. Call University Ext. 371,
Bureau of Appointments, for ap-
Withholding Receipts for 1944
Income Tax: Numerous requests have
been received by the Business Office
for withholding receipts showing
total wages paid and total income
tax withheld (Form W-2) from indi-
viduals desiring to make final income
tax returns by Jan. 15, 1945. The
work involved in preparing several'
thousand of these receipts renders it
impossible to have them ready by
Jan. 15, but the Payroll Department
will gladly give any individual the
figures his or her receipt will contain
when finally prepared. The deadline
for having these completed forms in
employees' hands is Jan. 31, 1945 but
it is anticipated that those for Uni-
versity employes will be sent to them
a few days earlier. H. P. Wagner
Admission to School of Business
Important Notice in re Rationing Administration Spring Term: Appli-
of Certain Materials for Research: cations should be submitted prior to
Stricter rules and regulations govern- Jan. 15. Application blanks available
ing the rationing of "Processed in Rm. 108 Tappan Hall.
Foods, Meats, and Sugar" have now ---
gone into effect. This applies to all Choral Union Members: Choral
laboratories and departments manu- Union members whose attendance
facturing or carrying on research records are clear, will please call for
work, and to the feeding of animals their courtesy tickets to the Horo-
for research which use rationed items. witz concert Monday, between the
In order that the University may be hours of 9:30 and 11:30 and 1 and 4,
properly registered with the Local at the offices of the University Musi-
Ration Board, it is requested that cal Society in Burton Memorial Tow-
you report to Mr. W. W. Buss, Rm. er After 4 o'clock no passes will be
B124, University Hospital, by Jan. 22 issued.
the quantities of rationed foods you -____
anticipate using from Jan. 1, 1945 Attention all members of Phi Eta
through Dec. 31, 1945. Sigma! Pictures will be taken for the
The points are granted by quar- Michiganensian Jan. 14, at the Mich-
terly periods of three months each. igan Union at 3 p.m.
Therefore, please indicate the quan-
tities you need for each quarter^^
under the following classications: A cademic Noicd
1, Processed Foods. 2. Meat, Fats, Seniors: College of L. S. & A.;
Oils and Canned Fish. 3. Sugar. Shos of . s. ad
Laboratories or research projects Schools of Education, Music, and
failing to make this report may Public Health: Tentative lists of
expect to find themselves denied March graduates including candi--
their necessary supplies. Health Nursing have been posted on
,,le .the bulletin board in Rm. 4, U.H, If
Whe Cook County Bureau of Pubic i your name does not appear, or, if
Welfare, Publc Assistance Division, included there, it is not correctly
is accepting applications for Case spelled, please notify the counter
Aides for its Public Assistance Pro- clerk.
gram (Old Age Pension, Aid to De- cek
pendent Children Service and Blind
Assistance). For further information
University Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower, and at the Hill
Auditorium box office after 7 o'clock
on the night of the concert.
Charles A. Sink, President
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Twenty Lithographs, by
prominent artists, loaned through
the Museum of Modern Art, New
York City. Ground floor corridor,
Architecture Building. Open daily
9 to 5, except Sunday, through Jan.
29. The public is invited.
Society of Women Engineers: There
will be a meeting today at 1:15 p.m.
at the League.
Pi Lambda Theta will hold a guest
tea this afternoon, from 3 to 5 in the
West Conference Room of Rackham.
All members are cordially invited to
Wesley Foundation: Groups will
leave the church tonight at 8:15 and
8:45 to go to the roller skating rink.
The Lutheran Student Association
will have a sleigh ride tonight
and all members who wish to attend
are asked to meet at the Parish Hall,
309 E. Washington St. no later than
9. Reservations must be made by
calling Emil Hahn, 4348.
The regular Sunday afternoon
meeting of the Association will begin
with the program at 5 and supper
following at 6. Mr. Charles Will-
mann, Vicar of Zion Church, will
speak on the Liturgy,
Coiii mg Events
Initiation to Phi Eta Sigma will be
held Jan. 14, in Rm. 302 Michigan
Union at 1 p.m. Any initiates- inter-
ested in running for office please
report at 12:15 p.m.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
The Sunday meeting will be held at
4:30 in Lane Hall. The speaker will
be Dr. Seibers who has been a mis-
sionary to India. She will show mdv-
ies on medical work done in India.
A cordial invitation is extended to
all. Come, and bring your friends.
International Center: "Michigan
on theMarch" will be the feature of
the Sunday evening program at the
International Center, the time 7:30.
This will be followed by tehe snack.
Miss Isabel du Bois, director of
libraries, U.S. Navy Department, will
address students in Library Science
on Monday, Jan 15, 4:15 p.m., in
Rm. 110 Library. She will speak on
library services in the Navy.
A beginners class in social dancing
will be held. in the Grand Rapids
Room of the League from 7:30 to
8:30 p.m. b)eginning Tuesday, Jan.
16. The class willbe for civilians
only as servicemen are taken care of
by the USO. The charge will be
t I
available sources are found in those men under
26 deferred for essential farm work, those in
industry and the Merchant Marine; those be-
tween 26 and 30 deferred in industry and on
farms; and those men between the ages of 30
and 38 deferred in industry and on farms.
If the total of men in our armed forces is
increased, the amount of supplies needed must
also be increased. However, since most of the
new draftees will be taken from industry they
must be replaced by older men so that the
supplies from the homefront will equal the needs
on the battlefront.
Congress has shirked its duty before, but it
cannot do so now. The only solution to this
present problem is the passage of the Na-
tional -Service Act. Enough has been said in
its favor. Congress must act, and act soon,
for the bill must be passed immediately with-
out further quibblings and loose talk.
-Aggie Miller
stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of
Tobe'-Coburn School for Fashion
Careers announcements of Annual
By Crockett Johnson
Organ Recital: Bernard Piche, Or-
ganist of the Cathedral of Trois-
Rivieres, Quebec, will appear as guest
organist in Hill Auditorium at 4:15
Sunday afternoon, Jan. 14. He has
arranged a program to feature com-
positions by Bach, Franck, Gigout,
Rameau, LeBegue, Vierrre, Widor,
Dupre and Tournemire, and will play
I . . . , .. .. _
1 y
1 pointed out that the sicht I
The Elves. Leprechauns. Gnomes
I -( %A/ - L -.- - - -- L - . 1( 11