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January 13, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-13

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Partly Cloudy and Colder witU
Possible Snow Flurries







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in Ardennes




Three Allied
Armies Are
In Hot Pursuit
Third Army Cuts Nazi
Lines East of Bastogne
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Jan. 12-The Germans
dropped all organized resistance in
the western Ardennes salient today,
headed east toward the Reich across
the snowfields, and three Allied Ar-
mies in hot pursuit plowed along be-
hind them in three and four-mile ad-
As the tide of battle ebbed here,
it rose abruptly in northeastern
France, but doughboys were healing
a breach in the old Maginot Line and
had driven the enemy from all but
the south edge of Rittershoffen, a
village eight miles south of the Reich
border north of Strasbourg.
Skilled Reversals
With skill born of similar reversals
on the Russian front, the Germans
withdrew from their extended posi-
tions in Belgium without stranding
sizeable forces, although Lt. Gen.
George S. Patton's Third Army suc-
ceeded in cutting to ribbons their
troops boxed east of Bastogne.
The U. S. First Army struck three
miles south from LaRoche, at the
northwest corner, overrunning a
number of abandoned villages.
The British Second Army moving
four miles in from the west joined
up with the U. S. Third Army near
the fallen southwest cornerstone city
of St. Hubert, lopping off the west-
ernmost seven miles of the Ardennes.
Roadblocks and Minefields
Here the three armies racing across
100 square miles of abandoned terri-
tory had to contend primarily with
roadblocks and minefields, but far-
ther east the Germans were stiffen-
ing against First Army surges against
the northern shoulder.
The northern shoulder must be
his stand, von Rundstedt was ac-
round and pull out his forces for
fresh blows somewhere else. Already
Americans are two and a half miles
from his main escape route.
.rWhere the Germans will elect to
stand was a question.
Vincent openis
SAE Session
Summarizing recent developments
in research on heat flow in pistons,
Prof. Edward T. Vincent of the mech-
anical engineering department open-
ed a discussion yesterday at the
fourth session of the 1945 Annual
meeting of the Society of Automotive
Engineers held at the Book-Cadillac
Hotel in Detroit.
Other University professors who
will address church and community
groups this week are Dr. Ralph M.
Patterson, associate professor of
psychiatry, who will speak on "As-,
suming Mental Health in Children"
at a meeting of the Adult Study
group at 10 a. in. tomorrow at the
First Unitarian church, and
Prof. Harold M. Dorr of the poli-
tical science department, will a-
dress community councils, a PTA
organization, and service clubs in the
Upper Peninsula from Monday
through Thursday.
Today 19th Century text books
through are on display at Uni-
Jan. 19 versity Elementary School
Today "No Greater Love," Rus-

sian film, to be shown at
8 p. m. in Rackham
Today Union membership dance
from 9 p. m. to midnight
in the Rainbow Room at
the Union.
Today Wrestling-Michigan vs.
Northwestern - at 3:15
p. m. at the Sports Build-
Todav Basketball-Michigan vs.

MUSSOLINI REVIEW FASCIST--Caption for the German photo above, supplied by a Swedish agencly,
says it shows Benito Mussolini (center) reviewing F ascist military units in Milan.


Berlin Reports
Red Winter
Drive Begun
Southern Poland Push
Is Termed "Biggest'
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Saturday, Jan. 13-Ber-
lin reports said last night that the
long-awaited Russian winter offen-
sive in southern Poland, "The big-
gest of all time," had begun at dawn
yesterday on a broad front west of
the Vistula River bridgehead town of
Baranow, 120 miles below Warsaw,
and had penetrated German lines
amid "extremely violent fighting."
The new push came as Moscow an-
nounced that Soviet shock troops had
hurled the remnants of the German
garrison at Budapest into a five-
square-mile pocket in the heart of
the Hungarian capital.
Hungarian Patriots Fight
A midnight Soviet bulletin also
said that Hungarian patriots had ris-
en, and were firing on the Germans
from cellars, rooftops and street bar-
ricades. In retaliation, the Germans
are blowing up houses and public
buildings without warning and "thou-
sands of civilians are perishing in
the ruins," Moscow said.
A late report from Berlin to the
Stockholm Dagens Nyheter described
the Russian Polish offensive as the
greatest yet launched. The Russians
are attacking "with 500 heavy guns,
two air fleets, several tank armies
and innumerable infantry divisions,"
it said.
Aimed Kielce, Krakow
The drive apparently was aimed
at Kielce and Krakow, last major
strongholds protecting German Sile-
sia. -
Greek Hostilities
To Cease Monday
ATHENS, Jan. 12-(AP)-Hostilities
between British troops and ELAS
left-wing guerrillas will cease at 1
a. m. Monday under truce terms made
public today, but the ELAS refused
to surrender thousands of Greek civil-
ian hostages.

State Police Are Investigating
Clies o W. G Hooper's Death
By The Associated Press
LANSING, Mich., Jan. 12-Investigating officials said tonight they
were convinced State Senator Warren G. Hooper, key witness in Grand
Jury graft cases, was shot and killed by a iperson who was driving Hooper's
car at the time.
Jackson County Prosecutor Murl Ater, Capt. Williamn Hansen and
Detective Lieut. Lyle Morse of State Police announced this conclusion
after they had taken statements at Jackson from those who found
!Hooper's body in the smouldering right front seat of his car on a lonely
stretch of highway near Springport, Mich., late Thursday.

Luzon Drive
Penetrates 12
Miles Inland
U.S. Sixth Encounters
Stronger Resistance
By The Associated Press
QUARTERS, Luzon, Jan. 13, Satur-
day-Sixth Army invaders of Luzon
have penetrated inland 12 miles
from their Lingayen Gulf beach-
heads. Gen. Douglas MacArthur an-
nounced today.
This represented a gain of three
miles in one day.
The Yanks have seized the ter-
minals of four major highways
leading to Manila as well as more
than ten miles of the only railroad
from Lingayen Gulf down to flat
valley to the Philippine capital.
Increasing contact with the enemy
was noted in MadArthur's communi-
que, indicating that U.S. forward
elements were entering zones of en-
emy concentrations.
The important city of San Carlos,
where five main highways intersect,
was captured. It is in the center of
the valley at the deepest point of
penetration. Malasiqui, another high-
way junction to the east, also was
captured, both on Thursday.
American naval units sank or dam-
aged 46 small freighters and coastal
vessels attempting to unload at San
Fernando, in Lingayen Gulf above
the most northerly Yank beachhead.
Sharp fighting was reported along
the Manaooag-Pozorrubio road on
the east flank, where MacArthur yes-
terday reported first appreciable con-
tact with the enemy.
American warplanes, harassing
enemy attempts to rush reinforce-
ments northward, ripped airfields,
communications and troop columns
from Lingayen south to Batangas,
below Manila.
Other planes cooperating with
guerrillas blocked strategic defiles
for enemy troop movements.
"Our advance south from Lngayen
Gulf continues unchecked," said Gen-
eral MacArthur in his communique.
"On the west flank our troops
brushedtahead of small enemy groups
near Umanday. Our columns in the
center reached San Carlos and Mal-
asqui, 12 miles from the coast. In
the east sector sharp fighting oc-
curred along the Manaoag-Pozor-
rubio road and in the hills.
"Increasing enemy contacts indi-
cate our forward units are entering
a zone of enemy concentration."
MacArthur said American planes
"continued to dominate the sky."
Heavy bombers cratered runways
and destroyed a number of parked
planes at Grace Park airdrome in
the Manila area. Many locomo-
tives and 40 freight cars were de-
stroyed in fresh attacks on rolling
stock virtually the length of Luzon.
Low-level strafing attacks wrecked
enemy motor columns, destroying
more than 200 vehicles and five

Footprints In Snow
Only footprints in the snow near
the car, they pointed out, indicated
some one had left the driver's seat
after the machine skidded off the
pavement, and had walked around
the front of it to reach the road.
Whether the slayer then was picked
up by an accomplice, walked away
from the scene or hitchhiked a ride,
the officers declined to speculate.
Three Possibilities
Movements of Hooper from thej
time he left the state capital here
shortly after 4 p. m. eastern war
time until his body, three close-range
bullet wounds in the head, was found
about three miles north of Spring-
port, apparently could not be traced.
Capt. Hansen pointed to three pos-
sibilities: that Hooper's killer was a
passenger known to him but unsus-
pected, whom he picked up either in
Lansing or Eaton Rapids as he drove
towards his home; that the slayer
was a hitch-hiker who had been
"planted" to intercept Hooper; and
that the Senator was followed by an
assailant who overhauled his car at
the spot, an eighth of a mile from
the nearest dwelling, where it skid-
ded from the pavement.
State police received a report from
Ben Wright, a farmer living at Rives
junction, that he had seen a car
containing three men traveling at a
high rate of speed about 15 miles
south of the place where Hooper's car
was found, about 15 or 20 minutes
before the discovery of the body.
Wright said his curiosity was arous-
ed by the speed of the car and the
actions of the men in it, notably
one in the back seat who stared at
him as the car sped in a direction
away from the death car.


Fleet Continues
-To Hit 4 Convoys
12 Transports, Several Destroyers
Bagged, Adm. Nimitz Announced
By The Associated Press
-Carrier planes of the U.S. Third Fleet are continuing to attack four
enemy convoys off French Indo-China, after sinking 25 ships, including
a cruiser, several destroyers and 12 loaded transports, the first day of the
assault yesterday.
Hundreds of American carrier planes of Aden. William F. Halsey's
Third Fleet, whose armada so far has suffered no damage, are ripping
into four Nipponese convoys which were beig organized to send against
Gen. Douglas MacArthur's invasion scene on Luzon. The bag of 38 ships
was achieved yesterday.
Adm. Chester W. Nimitz an-T

nounced the sinkings and damage
to 13 other enemy ships in a com.
munique today.
Tonight in a second communique
he disclosed as additional details
that the ships sunk included six
enemy transports at Saigon and at
least six more transports at Guinhon
harbor, 250 miles to the northeast.
These transports were being amas-
sed for a countersmash at Gen.
Douglas MacArthur's invasion scene
at Lingayen Gulf on Luzon in the
Philippines, less than 1,000 miles
west of Saigon.
Transports Loaded
The fact the transports were load-
ed meant heavy loss of soldiers.
Fleet Adm. Nimitz, in his first
communique on the decisiveaaction
1,000 miles west of Manila, also an-
nounced the destruction of the new
Japanese super-battleship, the '45,-
000-ton Musashi by air attack last
Oct. 25 in the second battle of the
Philippines Sea, has been confirmed.
The admiral disclosed also that the
Musashi's sister ship, the Yamato,
was damaged by bombs in the Oct. 24
action. These two vessels were the
two most powerful battleships in the
Japanese navy.
The four Japanese convoys inter-
cepted by Admn. William F. Halsey's
audacious thrust across the South
China Sea apparently were organiz-
ing into an expedition for reinforce-
ment of Luzon from the French Indo-
China port of Saigon and Camranh [
Convoys Slashed
Halsey's airmen sank one Katori
class light cruiser and several de-
stroyers and destroyer escorts guard-
ing the convoys.
While the convoys were being
slashed, Halsey's fliers also swept
inland Indo-China air bases from
Saigon 250 miles northeast to Guin-
hon harbor. Thirty-nine planes were
Halsey seemed to have achieved
almost complete surprise. Fully 18
Japanese planes were seen airborne
over Saigon, Indo-China's first com-
mercial port and a Japanese base
since shortly after the fall of France
in 1940.
American Hellcat and Corsair fight-
ers shot down ten of the feeble 18-
plane force protecting Saigon.

By The Associated Press
PACIFIC FRONT--25 Jap ships
sunk, 13 damaged in great naval-air
battle off French Indo China now in
second day. Sixth Army penetrates
12 miles from Lingayen gulf beach-
heads on Luzon.
cease all organized resistance on Ar-
dennes salient sector-Three Allied
armies in hot pursuit.
RUSSIAN FRONT-Berlin reports
long awaited Russian winter offen-
sive in Poland commencing. Reds
take more.of Budapest.
GREECE: Hostilities scheduled
to cease Monday.
Workers Will
Be Channeled
By New Controls

State Republicans
Rlack Judge Carr
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Jan. 12.-
-UP)-Michigan Republicans Friday
unanimously went on record back-
ing Judge Carr's Grand Jury investi-
gation and favoring appropriation
of further funds to bring the investi-
gation to a successful conclusion.
This action was taken at the end
of the annual state convention here
at which informal discussion among
delegates dwelt more upon the slay-
ing of Sen. Warren G. Hooper last
light than on the issues at hand.
JAG School
To Hold Formal
Exercises Today
Formal commencement exercises
for members of Ninth Officer Can-
didate and 20th Officer classes of the
JAG School, graduated yesterday aft-
ernoon, will be held at 10 a. m. to-
day in Rm. 100, Hutchins Hall.
Maj.-Gen. Myron C. Cramer,
Judge Advocate General of the U. S.
Army, will deliver the baccalaureate
address and will present diplomas
to the 109 graduates. Lt. Col. Reg-
inald Miller, Commandant of the
JAG Schooland Dr. E. Blythe Sta-
son, Dean of the Law School, will
also address the men, who took their
oath as officers in the U. S._ Army
yesterday on the Law Club parade
Lt. Hardy Decorated
At yesterday's ceremonies, Lt.
James I. Hardy, a member of the
graduating Ninth Officer Candidate
class, was presented with the Silver
Star by Gen. Cramer for "gallantry
in action and disregard for personal
safety" while subjecting himself to
heavy enemy fire as a member of a
wire-repair team in Normandy last
Held Banquet
A banquet was held last night at
-.. ,-- -, Vt.--.1 1.. - -.. . ~--ed


Capt. Michaux Appointed New
Campus Naval Commandant



Foreign Currency Collected
By Michigan Men Is Displayed,

Foreign currency collected in all
theatres of war by 11 former Michi-
gan men and one Ann Arbor man
will be on display today through Jan.
20 in the window of Wahr's Book
store on South State St.
Bob Steeb has mounted bills which
have been sent in the form of bills
and coins to T. Hawley Tapping and
Robert O. Morgan of the Alumni As-
sociation from time to time through-
out the wvar.
Short Snorter Shown
A short snorter belonging to Col.
Robert B. Hall, of the geography de-
partment, who has recently returned
to Ann Arbor, and is now on in-
active duty, contains 15 bills from
all parts of the globe. A distinctive
note added by him for the display
'tl.. hc a ,lt ,m nntlct.r P. il

mother, wife, or sweetheart contain-
ing stitches which have been made
454th Bomb Group; First Lt. Fred
Weist, '39 SM; Ens. Don L. Nixon,
'40, BAd. '40-'41; Second Lt. Edward
Czak, '42; First Lt. Stan Welley '41;
Capt. Walter Stebens, '40; and Lt.
James I. Clark, '39A.
Others contributing are Maj. Wil-
liam Kelly, '38; Lt. John Sharemet,
'42; '38Ed, BAd. '42; Capt. Charles
G. Barndt, '35; Lt. James Hyde, '35;
D. D. 'Red' Duryea; and Fred Benz,
of Ann Arbor.
Foreign Bank Notes
Notes which are on display are
marked with the phrases Afrique
Occidentale Francaise, Banque de
I'Afrique Occidentale, Banque de
tronn e mis on France. Emnire Che-

WASHINGTON, Jan. 12 - (R) ---
Drastic new controls to channel
workers from "less essential" firms
into war production were revealed to-
night, capping these other manpow-
er developments:
1. CIO President Philip Murray
told a news conference the way to
meet manpower problems is not leg-
islation, but a conference of govern-
ment, labor, industry and agriculture
to plan smooth distribution of work.
He favored taking the problem out of
"the congressional mess it is 'in and
returning it to the people where it
2. AFL and Railroad Brotherhood
leaders, after a joint conference, said
they had evidence "of flagrant wast-
age of manpower and money by Fed-
eral government agencies and by
private industries engaged in war
3. Lt. Gen. William S. Knudsen,
the Army's plane production boss,
told the House Military Committee it
would be better to apply criminal
penalties-fines or imprisonment-to
men who won't take war jobs, rather
than to induct them into menial
tasks in the army. He favored na-
tional service legislation for all men
between 18 and 60.
The War Manpower Commission
dispatched to its regional directors
a plan for a nation-wide inventory
of less essential firms. It calls for
employment "ceilings" for those with
eight or more workers, and empow-
ers are directors to apply ceilings
to those with less than eight. This
would put strict limits on the number
of people a firm may hire.
The commission's plan amounts to
a dragnet for any surplus manpower
which then could be shifted to criti-
cal war plants.
Redman Will Speak
At SRA Luncheon
Cooperative housing will be the
subject of an address to be deliv-
ered by the Rev. Edward H. Redman
of the Unitarian Church at the Stu-
dent Reli-rins Assoiation's weekly

Capt. Woodson V. Michaux, U. S.I
N. will replace Capt. Richard E. Cas-
sidy as commandant of all Naval
units on campus, it was announced
rnf P z-iri m xvar ngerrvadto

ranean Sea, the Balkan states, and
the Orient.
Before the war, he was navigating
officer of a battleship, which was
on patrol duty in the far northern
waters of the Atlantic. He was made
..«,.ev 7 , rn r = _ YY Y 1 Y9*'

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