Vandenberg Urges Prevention of Axis Rear
ster Winston Churchill (center, with cane) leaves a small Belgian
iailway station with Field Marshal Sir Alan Brooke (, second from
right) after meeting with Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery
(right) during his visit to the western front. This is a British official
Editor's Note: The following article was
written for the Daily by Jack Margolis,
a member of the Union staff.
Michigan affairs have always been
noted for their being run on a grand
scale, and the annual Michigras was
no exception. For those not ac-
quainted with the famed Michigras,
we ought to explain that it was a
super, colossal, gigantic carnival. The
object of each Michigras was to raise
money for the Women's Athletic As-
sociation for a new girls' swimming
pool. This pool was (and still is)
to be placed behind the Women's
Athletic Building.
One of the more successful Michi-
gras was the second annual one held
May 6 and 7, 1938, on a Friday and
Saturday night. The carnival was
preceded by a great deal of publi-
city, and on Friday afternoon, a huge
parade. The parade featured four
bands including the University Band,
seventy-five horses, numerous floats,
and several hundred bicycles. It
had over 50 units and stretched more
Labor Chief
TSpeak Here
Mark Starr, Educational Director
of the International Ladies Garment
Workers Union will speak on trends
in the labor movement with special
reference to the war effort and the-
post-war economy at 4:15 pin., Wed-'
nesday, Jan. 24 in 101 Economics
Starr, who will speak under the
auspices of the Department of Eco-
nomics, is being brought to Michigan
for a week as part of the program
secently set up by the Workers Edu-
cational Service, a new feature of
the University Extension Service, for
experimental adult education. .
Starr entered the service of the
I.L.G.W.U. some years ago after
youthful experience in British or-
ganized labor.
rthan six blocks as it moved down!
State Street toward Yost Field House.
The carnival was held in Yost
Field House from 7:30 p. in. to mid-
night. Among the features were 54
booths set up by fraternities, sorori-
ties and other groups on campus. In
addition to these booths, there was
a loop-a-plane, a merry-go-round, a
tilt-a-wheel, and last but not least,
a double ferris wheel.
The titles of most of these booths
speak for themselves. They included
"Pantimime Comedy" by Alpha :Delta
Phi and Delta Kappa Epsilon, Chi
Phi's "Rat Race," "Pop-a-pack-of-
butts" by Phi Sigma Delta, and
Lambda Chi Alpha had "O'Shaun-
nesy's Saloon. One group even set
up a sling-shot range.
Fraternities Awarded
A cup was awarded to Kappa Al-
pha Theta's "Darts at Dwarfs" for
the most clever booth. Honorable
mention went to Phi Kappa Psi and
Pi Beta Phi's "Esquire Roof for din-
ing and dancing." Alpha Xi Delta's
"Character Make-up" and Alpha Chi
Omega's "Frost Bites" were also
mentioned for merit.
The entire carnival was under the
chairmanship of Hugh Rader, '38,
of the Lit. School. Its success was
indicated by the 3,500 people that at-
tended the first day. The Michi-
gras grossed nearly $4,800.
Brought Injunction
Another indication of its great suc-
cess was an incident concerning the
1939 Michigras. It seems that in
that year the Michigras brought an
injunction against The Golden Gate
International Exposition for alleged
unfair competition by "misleading
the general public into believing that
it (The Golden Gate International
Exposition) is in any way connected
with the Michigras." Tis was not
a publicity stunt. The case was ac-
tually heard by Circuit Court Judge
George W. Sample.
And so the Michigras marks an-
other passing event in the annals
of Michigan tradition.
Music Clinic a
Will Present-
Morton Gould
Will Be Guest Here
The Seventh Annual InstrumentalF
Music Clinic under the joint sponsor-Y
ship of the School of Music and the
Michigan School Band and Orches-
tra Association, to be held here Feb.
3-4 will have as guest conductor,
Morton Gould, popular young Ameri-
can composer.
Gould who has acted in the role of
guest conductor with the New YorkI
Philharmonic and Philadelphia Or-
chestras in presentations of hist
works, will appear with Dr. Edwin F.
Goldman, nationally famous leaderr
of the Goldman Band of New York,<
as a guest conductor on several pro-
grams at the Clinic.
Gould, Dr. Goldman and William
Schumann will also participate in at
panel discussion on "The Challenge
of the High School and College Band
to the American Composer" to be led
by Prof. William D. Revelli, conduc-
tor of the University Concert Band.
Known in musical circles as a
noteworthy concert pianist when he
was 17 years old, Gould has partici-
pated in vaudeville, stage shows and
as a member of the Radio City Musict
Hall and NBC staff since then. For
the last four years he has been
arranging and conducting his own
program of special orchestra ar-
rangements and original composi-
tions over a national hook-up.
Among his numerous works are a,'
Sonatina for Piano," "Tropical,"
"Manhattan Polka." "Deserted Ball-'
room," three "American Symphon-
V ettes" which have been performed by
both the Detroit and Pittsburgh
Symphony Orchestras.
Seminary Head
To Give Lecture
Dr. Henry P. Van Dusen, newly
elected president of Union Theologi-
cal Seminary, will deliver an address
on "Student Leadership in the War
and Post-War World" at 8 p. n., Jan.
22 at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
During a trip around the world
visiting various mission fields, Dr.
Van Dusen attended the Madras Con-
ference. His book, "For the Suffer-
ing of the Nations," which Van Du-
sen wrote for the Missionary Educa-
tional Movement, is based on infor-
mation gathered during this trip.
Dr. Van Dusen has long been a
friend and sponsor of the World Stu-
dent Service Fund.
THURSDAY, JAN. 11, 1945
VOL. LV, N. 55
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hal, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-
Members of the University Coun-
cil: There will be a meeting of the
University Council on Monday, Jan.
15, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. All members of the
Senate may attend. The agenda is
as follows:
Approval of the Minutes of Nov.
13, 1944. Report on Government;
Contracts-Vice-President M. L. Nie-
(Continued on Page 4)
I Mich
Associated Press Correspondent
PACIFIC-A shattering explosion
staggers this warship as though it has
been hit by a giant hammer.
Flames and black smoke leap sky-
For a second there is complete
silence. Then the first cries of the
wounded break the stillness.
That's what it's like when a ship
is hit.
A man comes running-shock and
terror showing in his eyes. A sailor
grabs him, throws him to the -deck
and beats flames from his shirt and
The terror subsides. The man lies
A terrific explosion amidship was
the first warning I had that a Jap-
anese plane was within miles of our
I had been under a gun turret with
my steel helmet and life belt by my
Jap Plane Sighted
Out of nowhere comes a Japanese
plane. For the next hour and one
half, there are fleeting pictures of
tragedy and heroism, the efficiency
of the United States Navy-and of
the wounded.
A sailor, his clothes burned off,
staggers out of the inferno amid-
ships, walking with legs spread wide
apart. The skin is hanging by shreds
from his arms and legs - burn
wounds, the worst tnere are. He
collapses on deck.
Sailors in incredibly short time
thread their way up the ladders to
fight the fire.
As they play streams of water on
the fire there come a series of smaller
explosions. The fire has touched off
the ammunition.
Tracer shells scream crazily in
every direction. The firemen stand1
their ground.
So do the gunners. Their remain-
ing guns bark revengefully at a twin-
motor bomber seeking to bore in
from a distance. They drive it off.
As the flames subside, out of the
smoke cover come more wounded-
those hurt too badly to crawl out by
themselves. One is the doctor. He
has more courage than any man I
ever saw. They back in a wire litter.
The deck shows through the wire
mesh where his legs are supposed to
Doctor Arrives
Another doctor hurries to him and
he talks as though he had much to
say in a very short time.
"They will be dependent-" you
catch that part of it. The attending
doctor nods his head and turns away.
The big man raises himself up and
takes one look down. There is no
change in the expression on his face,
but you know he knows.
Few have lived with such wounds-
few would want to.
He stops a passing sailor and asks:
"Are we fighting them off?"j
The sailor nods dumbly and hur-
ries off.
Little streams of blood trickle
along the cracks in the deck. There
are many more wounded now and
the wardroom below is filling fast.
There isn't time or immediate need
Many Sailors Massacred
But Raider Repulsed
to worry about some men above deck.
Death came fast to them. Some have
no heads and some no legs.
Lucky Men
But hey are more fortunate than
some of the men below decks who
tonight will cling to the life that the
doctors know will leave them before
Who are they?
They all are at their guns, their alert
vigilance ended for all time; those
who lived to fight fire and the Jap-
anese; those wounded who did their
job as long as they could.
That's what it's like when a ship
is hit. Her clean blue paint is black-
ened and fragments have torn at her
sides; but she is still a fighting ship,
and war goes on.
Sociologist To
Meeting ,Here
Dr. Louis Wirth of the Department
of Sociology at thie University of
Chicago, will speak on the "Dynam~-
ics of Democracy" at he banquet of
the Annual Pastors' Conference for
the State of Michigan, to be held
Jan. 23, in the First Presbyterian
Dr. Wirth., educator and sociolo-
gist, is a former regional director of
the National Resources Planning
Board and Associate Editor of the.
"American Journal of Sociology."
Since 1940, Dr. Wirth has been asso-
ciate dean of the social science divi-
sion at the University of Chicago
where he received his Ph.D. degree.
He is also a professor of sociology at
Tulane University, and director of
Illinois Post-War Planning Commis-
A member of the American Socio.-
logical Society, Dr. Wirth is the au-
thor of "Our Cities: Their Role in
the National Economy," and has
been editor of "Contemporary Social
For clean-up work at the
Student Publications Build-
ing. Hours can be arranged
to suit the convenience of
the applicant, within certain
limitations. 80c per hour.
Call Mr. Chatters at 23-24-1
between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Truly Great Story of a Fearless Woman Guerilla
FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JAN. 12 and 13, at 8 P.M.
Tickets (35c) at WAHR'S or at the door
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional five words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of 25c for each
additional five words.)
Contract Rates on Request
LOST in Checker Cab Saturday
night, shell-rimmed glasses. Re-
ward. 6675.
LOST-Two keys and small pink
pencil on chain between E. Jeffer-
ing alley and to assist with some
supervision. Hours 3:15 to 5:45
Monday through Friday. Telephone
4121 extension 391.
WANTED: Pots and pans boy in ex-
change two good meals per day.
Call Mrs. Vibert, 2-3746.
WANTED: Students to wait table.
.60 per hour from 5:15 to 7:15 p. m.
Monday through Friday by Pina-
fore Restaurant. Tel. 6737. 1 block
east of Rackham Bldg. on Huron.
SECOND Semester Public Evening
School begins Monday evening,
January 15, 1945. Ann Arbor High
School. Commercial, Language,
English, Mathematics, Machine
Operations, Homemaking, Craft,
Radio, Public Speaking, Science,
Music and Gardening courses of-
fered. Small registration fee. For
" A1
Friday and Saturday
Sherlock Holmes Mystery
"Pea rlof Death"
SHOWS DAILY 74e to 5 P.M.
:35 - 6:20 - 9:10 P.M. Then $1.10
War Bonds Issued Here! Day or Night!
"'"AE "" Continuous from 1 P.M.
73 b'" 1 h£,. <46i t'c2 5.rfTr.:ra..,~.v. waa.y a:n ._ii7