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January 10, 1945 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-10

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W f i Y 2; 1, 7 , i , i 4,:1

Brownell Binds GOP Wounds

-..RB y - .-

W ASHINGTON, Jan. 10-Republican National
Committee Chairmhan Herbert Brownell
spent a restless two days in Washington last
week trying to bind up the GOP's wounds. He
had come to the Capitol hoping to get some
unity on a party program only to find that Con-
gressional leaders were in revolt against the reg-
ular party organization.
He had planned that the Dewey-dominated
National Committee could take over entire con-
trol of the party and begin laying the ground-
work for a great Republican victory in the
1946 Congressional elections. Instead, Repub-
lican Congressional leaders, headed by Joe Mar-
tin of Massachusetts and Charlie Halleck of
Indiana, advised that House Republicans were
In no mood to be trifled with, suggested that it
would be better to let them have their head for
a while.
Most significant decision reached by Brown-
ell during his visit was the agreement he gave
GOP leaders that he would continue as Re-
publican National Chairman after the Indian-
apolis meeting Jan. 20. Brownell had planned
to step out at that time and was not too con-
cerned over who would succeed him. Then he
began a quiet survey of sentiment among party
leaders, found the organization badly split, but
with many feeling that he is the one man they
could most agree on.
Brownell rejected suggestions that he assume
the post of a full-time paid basis, told Halleck
and Martin that an unpaid officer had greater
independence, therefore could do a better job.
Next important result of Brownell's Wash-
ington discussions was that the Indianapolis
meeting would be no place for an all-out battle
on GOP policy. Brownell talked this over with
Martin, Halleck, Representative Roy Woodruff
of Michigan, Senators White of Maine, Vanden-
berg of Michigan, Taft of Ohio and Wherry of
Nebraska. All agreed it would be more sensible
to steamroller the Indianapolis meeting into a
one-day affair, with little discussion of National
GOP policy on important issues. Indianapolis,
therefore, will concentrate on adopting a mech-
anical program pointed toward winning the 1946
elections. Brownell agreed to expand the Na-
tional Committee's staff at once, adding a group
of paid liason men to bring harmony between
the national committee and members of Con-
Democratic-GOP Cooperation ...
CHAIRMAN BROWNELL also made one signi-
ficant proposal which caused quite a bit of
debate at his hush-hush meeting with GOP big-
"This coalition business," Brownell told Re-
publican legislators, "where we join up with
the southern Democrats on certain Legislation
may he all right, but it isn't what the voters
have a right to expect from us. I think we
need a Legislative program of our own that we
can stand or fall on. We should introduce
our own bills and fight hard for them. If we
lose, we can accuse the Democrats of obstrue-
tionism instead of having them make the ae-
cusation against us."
Shrewd Indiana Congressman Charlie Halleck
was inclined to go along, but found himself op-
posed by House Minority Leader, Joe Martin.
"Herb, I don't think our boys up in the
House will agree with you on that," Martin said.
"They're pretty angry. We have been out of
office so long that they like to take a sock at
the President any time they get a chance."
Brownell dropped the subject that they try
to reach agreement on a broad issue pointing
toward 1946 and working out some harmony
program to bind the party's wounds.
At Indianapolis he plans to present the Indian-
apolis meeting with a million-dollar-a-year bud-
get for financing GOP activities, hopes to in-
3tall hard-working smooth-talking, well-liked
Leland Chessley of St. Louis, now acting publicity
director, as permanent publicity chairman.
Isolationist Indiana Senator Homer Cape-
hart, who has his own delusions of grandeur
and fancies himself a possible Presidential
candidate in '48, has been trying to install his
own man as publicity director, but is about
ready to throw in the sponge. He' was per-
suaded the party can't stand for any more
isolationists in key positions.

Feeding Italy....
CHIEF ISSUE in the long series of backstage
arguments over feeding Italy has been Presi-
dent Roosevelt's desire (1) To get the Italian
people to play a greater part in the war; and
(2) Avoid a repetition of Greece. Already there
have been rumblings of food rioting, and should
Allied tanks and guns be turned against the
people of Rome as in Athens, the repercussions
would be tragic.
Theoretically, the British have agreed with
Roosevelt. When it comes to putting the pol-
icy into effect, however, it is different. Fol-
lowing some disagreements last August and
September, FDR thought he had the whole
matter ironed out at the Quebec conference
with Prime Minister Churchill, only to find
that in late October nothing had been done.
Finally, on Oct. 31, he took the unprecedented
step of giving a direct order as Commander-in-
Chief to the Secretary of War. He wrote:
"I have had before me the shipping difficul-
ties in getting supplies to the civilian popula-
tion of Italy and I note that we have been

building up some reserves for use when northern
Italy collapses.
"In the meantime, it seems to me that the
situation is so acute, from the point of view
particularly of food in southern Italy, that some
risks must be taken regarding supplies at the
time of collapse in northern Italy. That col-
lapse may well not come until Germany itself
collapses, in which case the shipping situation
will be much less acute.
"Under the circumstances, I have determin-
ed to, assume the responsibility for asking
General Wilson to increase the ration to 300
grams throughout all of Italy that our for-
ces occupy."
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, In.)
GOP Is Losing
NEW YORK, Jan. 10-There was a difference
of only five seats between the voting strength
of the Republicans and that of the Democrats in
the lower House of the last Congress. But the
Republicans have lost so many, and the Demo-
crats have gained so many, that the margin
between the two parties is now fifty-three seats,
in favor of the Democrats. One might have
supposed that the Republicans would stare
moodily at these figures and try to find out
why they had slipped.
In politics, as in business, the customer is
always right, and the Republicans have been
losing customers.
But instead of opening the season with a
new line of goods, we find the Republicans
ecstatically doing business in exactly the same
manner in which they have previously failed
to make a living. On the very first day of the
new session, by means of a slippery par-.
liamentary maneuver, and without hearings or
effective debate, 17 Republicans joined with
70 Democrats to re-establish the old Dies com-
mittee on a permanent basis.
Dies himself is no longer a Congressman, a
thought which should give any experienced poli-
tician a turn; two other prominent members of
the old Committee, Starnes and Costello, have
been knocked off their perches by the voters;
but the Republicans, possessed by that obscure
demon which drives them steadily on toward
failure, have not been daunted.
Let us look at the new Congress for a moment:
There has not only been a quantitative change
in the relationship between the two parties;
there has also been a qualitative improvement
in the Congress as a whole. The new Congress
convenes with such members added to its roster
as Mrs. Helen Gahagan Douglas of California,
a warm and vital liberal, and Mrs. Emily Taft
Douglas, of Illinois, an "amateur" Democrat,
elected as Congresswoman-at-large against a
veteran isolationist. The new Congress has a
Senator Fulbright, and a Senator Saltonstall.
Senator Reynolds of North Carolina, is out, and
a good hard-working liberal, Senator Thomas of
Utah, will now be chairman of the Senate Mili-
tary Affairs Committee.'
Many more names might be cited, but
these are enough to make the point that this
is not only a new Congress, but, to a degree,
a new kind of Congress. Just as improve-
ments come along, from time to time, in medi-
cine, or in journalism, or in other profes-
sions, to raise the whole level of performance,
so an improvement, by will of the people, has
come to Congress.
THERE IS ALSO a great hunger on the part
of many Congressmen for better and more
modern Congressional methods. The establish-
ment of a large and permanent Congressional
research staff is spoken of; Congressmen are
beginning to realize that, in these days, when
you don't even dare make soda crackers with-
out a research staff, the makers of legislation
may also be entitled to intelligent help. There
is a mood of self-examination in Congress, and a
kind of rebellion against the old-type of blatting
Congressman, who says whatever comes into
his head. A kind of professionalization of the
Congressman's work is under way.
Well, to go back, the worst thing about the
Republican re-establishment of the old Dies

Committee is that it is counter-trend. The old
Committee on un-American activities was the
leading committee of the yip, the bellow and
the inuendo. It was Congress at its worst, that
Congress which bleats platitudes, sniffs plots'
and would much rather win arguments than
solve problems. It threw some light on Com-
munist activity, much less on fascist fancy-
work, but it so complicated everything it did
with it hatred of President Roosevelt, that,
toward the end, hardly anybody believed hardly
anything that it said.
For a majority of Republicans to vote to
re-establish this committee (and to accept
the leadership of Representative Rankin of
Mississippi in doing so) shows that they
would much rather spend their afternoons
playing back of the gas-works, than in the
library. It shows a leaning toward rough
stuff. It is the twirling of a long black stock-
ing with a rock in its toe. The most important
result of this vote is not the re-establishment
of the committee, but the revelation, by so
many Republicans, that they have read the
election returns, but that the story told in
them has not registered.
(Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate)

We need more defense workers if
we are going to keep on successfully
backing the attacks made by the ar-
mies of -the United Nations against
Germany and Japan. We certainly
cannot afford to have workers now
on defense jobs return to civilian em-
ployment at this time.
But that is exactly what is hap-
And it is happening because men
and women. are afraid that after
the war there is going to be an-
other depression, worse than the
last one, (just as this war is more
a total war than the last.) And.
they want to have enough serior-
ity on a civilian job by V-"Day to
protect themselves from the im-
minent crash.
The only thing wrong with this1
reasoning is that there need not be
a crash after the war, in the same
way that there need not be another
war, or another plague. The medi-
cal profession now knows how to
control plagues. The political econ-1
omists are finding out how to con-
trol plagues. The political econo-
mists are finding out how to control
the causes of wars and depressions,
and will put them into effect WHEN
The President made various pro-r
posals to see that no crash occurs:
1) assurance of 60,000,000 post-war
jobs, (2 continuance of the Fair Em-
ployment Practices Committee so
that no discrimination in hiring or
firing occurs, 3) the Pepper Bill to
raise the minimum wage rate to 65e
per hour, 4) post-war trade with the
other United Nations, particularly the
Soviet Union and those countries
whose economic life has been com-,
pletely disrupted by tie war.
Many people are skeptical about
the first proposal. "Bore are you
going to find 60, 000,000 jobs in
peacetime? Why, it's never been
done before!"
Enough of generalities. Specific
proposal number one to make sure
there are 60,000,000 jobs; creation
of a Missouri Valley Authority (The
following material is taken from The
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Collier's
Ma fazine and a .UniTed Ei lpetricali

homes on the newly irrigated land,
including veterans, many of whom
are planning to farm when they
return to civilian life. (For North.
Dakota vets alone, a survey show-
ed that 4850 farms will be needed.)
600,000 farms would be receiving
electric service FOR THE FIRST
TIME. And cheap electricity would
also bring new industries to the
The Missouri has to be tamed if
floods and soil erosion are to cease.
And Unemployment must be tamed
if Americans are to build a progres-
sive postwar world. Th6 MVA is one
method of achieving both ends, and
therefore deserves our active support.





WEDNESDAY,. JAN. 10, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 54
Publication In the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to allnmem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 aI.in, Sat-
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
this afternoon, Jan. 10. from 4 to 6
The Regular Thursday Evening
Concert will be held at 7:45 p.m. in
Men's Lounge of the Rackham Build-
ing. An all Tschaikovsky will be
featured including the Romeo and
Juliet Overture, Piano Concerto No.
1, and Symphony No. 6. All graduate
students and servicemen are invited
to attend.
Membersofthe University Coun-
cil: There will be a meeting of the,
University Council on Monday, Jan.
15, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. All members of the
Senate may attend.

Lil [1t', LG 11', tla a .,ll~l~tL'aCG6.1.2L041-od Handllers Lectures
Radio and MaLchine Workers of Am --t
erica-CIO pamphlet, "One River, One . wo series of lectures for food-
Plia.",'I handlers will be given in the Audi-
torium of the W. K. Kellogg Build-
THE MISSOURI is a valley of a ing, Fletcher St. and N. University
a half billion acres, comprising one- Ave., on the following days. The lec-
sixth of the area of the United tures will include slides and films.
States and taking in a territory the Series I
size of Germany, France and Italy Lecture I, Wednesday, Jan. 10,
combined. It is populated by 11,- 2:00 p. m.
500,000 people along a river course Lecture II, Wednesday, Jan. 17,
2469 miles. It directly serves great 2:00 p. m.
cities like St. Louis, Kansas City and Series II
Omaha. It floods the Lower Valley Lecture I, Wednesday, Jan. 10, 8:,00
and starves the Upper Valley-the fp" im.
dust bowls ofthe Dakotas. Its swift Lecture II, Wednesday, Jan. 17,
tributaries in the mountains of the 8:00 p. m.
north are capable of producing pow- The speakers will be John Veenstra
er; the fertile valley of the middle of the City Health Department (Jan.
and lower river, with proper flood 10) and Melbourne Murphy, of the
control can be among the world's University Health Service (Jan. 17).
great producing areas. All food-handlers employed in
The Missouri River runs its wild commercial establishments are re-
course through nine states: North quired by City Ordinance to attend a
and South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, series in order to obtain a permanent
Kansas, Wyoming, Colorado, Missouri food-handlers card.
and Montana: one of the largest riv-- All persons concerned with food
er valleys in the world. In three years service to University Students who
floods on The Big Muddy have caused have not previously attended are
121 million dollars damage. In one asked to attend one of the present
year 900,000 acres were ruined for series. Other interested persons are
normal crop production. Only 5 mil- cordially invited.
lion acres of the Valley are irrigated;
4 a million need irrigation. In The United States Civil Service
drought years seven and a half mil- Commission gives notice that Jan. 22,
lion acres of corn and 20 million acres 1945, will be the closing date for ac-
of wheat were lost. Seven out of ceptance of applications for the fol-
ten Valley farms lack electric power, lowing examinations. Astronomer,
Big figures, these. About a big $2,433, Chemist, $2,433, Chemist Aide,
SA$2,10, Meteorologist, $2,433, Pharma-

to $420 per month, Vocational Visual
Education Consultant ' IV, $360 to
$420 per month, Prison Psychiatrist
V, $440 to $550 per month, Indu-
strial Hygiene Engineer II, $230 to
$270 per month, and Industrial Hy-
giene Engineer III, $280 to $340 per
month, have been received' in our
office. For further information stop
in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Ap-
Acadeinic Notices
Attention Engineering Faculty:
Ten-week reports on standings of all
civilian Engineering freshmen and
all Marine and Navy students in
Terms 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Prescribed
Curriculum are due Jan. 20. - Re-
port blanks will be furnished by cam-
pus mail and are to be returned to
Dean Crawford's Office, Room 255,
W. Eng. Bldg.
Attention Engineering Faculty:
Ten-week. reports below C of all
Navy and Marine students who are
not in the Prescribed Curriculum;
also for those in Term 5 in the Pre-
scribed Curriculum are to be turned
in to Dean Emmons' Office, Room
259, W. Eng. Bldg., not later than
Jan. 20. Report cards may be ob-
tained from your departmental of-
Seniors in Aeronautical, Electrical,
Mechanical, and Structural Engi-
neering;: A representative of the Bu-
reau of Aeronautics, Washington, D.
C., will interview seniors graduating
in February and June, on Thursday,
Jan. 11, for positions of P-1 trainee
engineers. Interviews will be held
in Room B-47 East Engineering
Building. Interested men will please
sign the interview schedule posted on
the Aeronautical Engineering Bulle-
tin Board, near Room B-47 East En-
gineering I3uilding.
At the regular Seminar meeting of
the Department of Chemical and
Metallurgical Engineering on Thurs-
day, Jan. 11 at 4 p. in. in Rm. 3201,
East Engineering Building, Mr. L. E.
Brownell will speak on "Electric
Strain Gauges;" followed by Mr.
D. V. Doane on the subject "Stresses
in Surface Hardened Steels." Any-
one interested is cordially invited to
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet at 4:15 this afternoon in Rm.
319 West Medical Building. "Anti-
Biotics" will be discussed. All inter-
ested are invited.
Organ Recital: Bernard Piche,
Guest Organist, will be heard in re-
cital at 4:15 Sunday afternoon, Jan.
14, in Hill Auditorium. His program
will include music by Bach, Franck,
Gigout, Rameau, Le Begue, Vierne,
Widor, Dupre, Tournemire, and one
of his own compositions.
The general public, with the excep-
tion of small children, is invited.
Events Today
Botanical Journal Club: Rm. N.S.
1139 today at 4 p.m. Reports by
Betty Linthicum, Effectiveness of
growth substances in delaying ab-
scission of Coleus petioles. Anatorni-
cal and chemical aspects of abscis-
sion of fruits of apple.
Fern Reissig, The effects of syn-
thetic growth substances on the
shoot apex of Tropaeolum manus L.
Respiratory rates of the shoot tips
and maturing tissues in Lupinus al-
bus and Tropaeolum Mans .
The Student Religious Association
Music Hour will present the second
part of J. S. Bach's "St. Matthew
Passion," 7:30 this evening in the
Lane Hall library.

Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
ences: There will be a meeting at
7:30 p.m., in Rm. 316 of the Michigan
Union. A motion picture dealing with
the subject of Air Flow will be shown.
Aeronautical students desiring mem-
bership in this organization are cor-
dially invitedy
The Inter-Racial Association will
sponsor a lecture by Prof. Leslie
White on "Racial Relations in Amer-
ica," at 7:30 p.m. at Hillel Founda-
tion. Everyone welcome. Refresh-
ments will be served following the
discussion period.
Varsity Glee Club: Important
meeting tonight in Rm. 306 Union,
at 7:30. All men on campus who
wish to join for the second semester
must appear for tryouts. Program
rehearsal for broadcast. Freshman
club will rehearse at the same hour.
Sigma Xi: Professor George Gran-
ger Brown, Chairman of the Depart-
ment of Chemical and Metallurgical
Engineering, will speak on the sub-
ject, "Problems in the Conservation
of Natural Gas" (illustrated) at 8
p.m., in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Guests of members are welcome.
Coming Events
A.S.M.E. Student Branch Members:
There will be a meeting Thursday,
Jan. 11, at 7:30 p.m. at the Michigan
Union. Professor A. F. Sherzer will
show his colored movies of the East-






prooiem. nn one wien can -t, De
dodged, must be settled.
The problem is actually five prob-
lems: flood control, navigation, irri-
gation, soil conservation and recla-
mation, and hydroelectric power. And
right now, it is being handled, inef-
fectively, by seven different agencies:
House Committees on Flood Control,
Rivers and Harbors, Irrigation and
Reclamation; Senate Committee on
Commerce, Irrigation and Reclama-
tion; the Bureau of Reclamation
(under Secretary of Interior); and
fthe Army engineers (under ecre-
Ser-tary of War.)
Now there is a possibility, through
a unified program by a Missouri Val-
ley Authority, involving flood-control
reservoirs and irrigation programs, to
make the Valloy come alive again.
Not only that, but such a pro-
gram would provide jobs for at
least 100,000 men for five years!
Yt would increase food production
$100,500,000 yearly; thus increas-
ing agriculturaJ income by ONE-
FOURTH. More than 125,000 farm
families would find stable farm
13y CirockeU Johnson

cologist, $3,163 to $5,228, Toxicologist,
$3,163 to $5,228, and Physicist,
$2,433 to $6,228. Applications must
be filed with the United States Civil
Service Commission, Washington 25,
D.C., not later than that date. For
further information stop in at 201
Mason Hall, Bureau of Appoint-
Withholding Receipts for 1944
Income Tax: Numerous requests have
been received by the Business Office
for withholding receipts showing
total wages paid and total income
tax withheld (Form W-2) from indi-
viduals desiring to make final income
tax returns by Jan. 15, 1945. The
work involved in preparing several
thousand of these receipts renders it
impossible to have them ready by
Jan. 15, but the Payroll Department
will gladly give any individual the
figures his or her receipt' will contain
when finally prepared. The deadline
for having these completed forms in
employees' hands is Jan. 31, 1945 but
it is anticipated that those for Uni-,
versity employes will be sent to them
a few days earlier. H. P. Wagner
United States Civil Service an-
- nouncement for Laboratory Mechan-
ics, salary $1,752 to $3,828, has been






I °.

i must rush now, Barnaby. To
&L- r;Si- AA. . -fJ I

McSnoydthe Leprechaun, just


-(n NceI-

You're a private detective?


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