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January 09, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-09

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~*fr igan


Clear'ing and Ve'ry
Cold Today



Ene myBroadcast
Announces U.S.
Pacific Invasion
Gen. MacArthur's Communique Makes
No Mention of New Landing on Luzon














Buzz Bomb Coast Attack Forecast

Raids Probable
In Two Months,

~U mini ~

SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 8-A division of American troops has invaded
Lingayen Bay, north of Manila, on Luzon Island, the enemy said today
in a broadcast recorded by the Blue Network.
"The enemy forces which have invaded Lingayen bay are estimated
to number one division," was the version recorded here.
This report, strongly suggesting the big showdown fight for the Philip-j
pines is on in full fury, followed enemy broadcasts of the past few days
that 450 American transports were moving, toward Luzon island behind
70 warships which dueled for two days with Lingayen shore batteries. f
Lingayen Unnoted by MacArthur
Gen. Douglas MacArthur's latest
A R A T A GLA NCE communique told of aerial assaults on
central and southwest Luzon, includ-
ing the Manila sector but made no
PACIFIC- Jap Radio reports mention of air attacks on the Lin-
Yank invasion of Luzon at Ling- gayen scene, where the Japanese or-
ayen Gulf; MacArthur and Nimitziginally invaded the Philippines.
confer in Philippines. The manipulations of the Tokyo
WESTERN FRONT-Americans broadcaster, as recorded by the Fed-
cut neck of Nazi Belgian salient to eral Communications Commission,
ten miles; 700 bombers hit German left the impression of a successful
lines inside bulge. Japanese repulse without actually
EASTERN FRONT-Reds repulse saying the Americans had embarked
German counterattack at Buda- from the transports.
pest, hold half of Hungarian capi- Broadcast Boasts One Division j
tal, The broadcast said the Yank inva-
ITALY-Canadians make gains sion force in the Lingayen area, a
north of Ravenna. little over 100 miles north of Manila,
GREECE-British chase ELAS is "estimated to be approximately one
from Athens area. division strong," or about 15,000 men.
The broadcast, filled with consider-
able bombast on the readiness of Jap-
Texas Statute anese forces on Luzon, was beamed
to the United States for American
Invalidatred Jbconsumption.
y eThe report by the Japanese Domei
News Agency claimed without 'ex-



0 1C


upreme cour t
Can't Force Organizers
To Register Is Ruling
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.-The Su-
preme Court ruled unconstitutional
today an effort by Texas to punish a
union organizer for soliciting mem-
bers without-first registering with
the state.
The decision, which recognized a
state's right to regulate unions while
frowning on the particular applica-
tion of the Texas statute involved,
was voted 5' to 4.
Rules Against Texas
The court, in an opinion by Justice
Rutledge, said Texas went too far
by prosecuting R. J. Thomas, vice-
president of the CIO, for making a
membership speech at an oil workers
union meeting in Pelly, Tex., shortly
after the state adopted comprehen-
sive labor union regulations.
A section of the state law required
labor organizers to sign up with the
secretary of state. Thomas, a Detroit
man, had not lone so. He went to
Pelly solely to make the speech. The
Supreme Court held that the union
had a right to meet, and its officials,
"whether there for an occasion or
sojourning longer," had a right to
inform them. Thomas' invitation to
membership was termed a necessary
part of the speech.
Says Free Speech Restricted
Justice Rutledge asserted:'
"They (labor unions) cannot claim
special immunity from regulation.
Such regulation, however, whether'
aimed at fraud or other abuses, must
not trespass upon the domains setI
apart for free speech and free assem-
bly . . . that there was restriction.
upon Thomas' right to speak andI
the rights of the workers to hear
what he had to say, there can be no
Child A rsonist Held
For Juvenile Court
YPSILANTI, Mich., Jan. 8.-(/1)-
An 11-year-old boy was ordered held
tonight for juvenile court arraign-
ment after admtting, Leonard Young,
chief assistant prosecutor of Wash-
tenaw County, said, setting three
fires in the Willow Run Housing
Project, causing damage estimated
at $40,000.
Toda M' Dames meet at 8:15
p. m. at home of Mrs.
George G. Brown.
Today 19th Century text books
through are on display at Uni-
Jan. 19 versity Elementary School
Jan. 10 Prof. Leslie White will

By The Associated Press
IPPINES, Jan. 7.-(Delayed)-Car-
rier-based planes pounded Luzon
Island for the second straight day
today as the jittery Japanese sent
their ships fleeing to sea and hid
most of their air force.
planation that the defenders already
have dealt a "staggering blow" to
forces engaged in "an attempted
Gulf Is Important Seaway
Lingayen Gulf is one of the most
important seaways on the western
coast of Luzon Island.
The gulf juts into the land from
northwest to southeast. Its mouth
is 25 miles across and its length about
35 miles. Practically the entire gulf
has an inner rim coral shelf but it
does not extend too far out to prevent
the landing of an army, as the Japa-
nese proved when they invaded there {
in December. 1941.
La Union province forms the gulf's
eastern shoreline while Pangasinan
province is on the south shore. On
the west side of the gulf are the
hundred islands.
The gulf has two deep sea ports.
San Fernando, in La Union, and
Lingayen City, in Pangasinan.
Senate GOP
Pledges Aid
To Exert Pressure
For National Service
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8-V)-Sen-
ate Republicans pledged aid in the
enactment of manpower measures to-
day with Senator Austin (R.-Vt.)
calling on the administration to press
hard for national service legislation.
GOP To Cooperate
Chairman Taft (R.-Ohio) said it
was the consensus of the GOP steer-
ing committee that the minority is
"willing to do whatever seems prac-
tical or needed to accomplish the re-
sult" of increasing war production.
Austin, who Taft said ,had been
designated as spokesman for the
committee on manpower questions,
went further.
The Vermonter told reporters who
gathered at his office that it is up
to the administration tormake an
"active and earnest" effort to get
nationalaservice legislation, some-
thing he implied it thus far has
failed to do despite President Roose-
velt's repeated recommendation to
Colmer Plan
Chairman Colmer (D.-Miss.) of the
House Postwar Committee, mean-
time . tt .r1nn a 4>)ha nn"n ulprnr n t-o

Effective Steps Taken
To Cope with Threat
(M-A Nazi buzz bomb attack on the
Atlantic coast is probable within the
next two months, Admiral Jonas H.
Ingram, Commander in Chief of
the U. S. Atlantic Fleet, said today.
Ingram, who said he came here!
aboard his flagship to take steps to
cope with such an attack, succinctly
declared at a press conference:
Within 60 Days
"It is possible and probable that
the Germans will attempt to launch
bombs against New York or Wash-
ington within the next 30 to 60 days."
But, he said, "there is no reason
for anyone to become alarmed. Ef-
fective steps have been taken to
meet this threat, when, as and if it
becomes a reality."
Ingram said "the time for practice
blackouts for New York and the east
coast has ended.
"The next alert," he said, "will
be the 'real McCoy.' If it isn't ac-
tion, the public will have advance
Armed Forces Prepared
The Admiral said he had been
authorized at a recent meeting with
members of the general staff in
Washington to make a statement as-
suring the public the Navy and Army
were well prepared to ward off any
robot bomb assaults.
"If such an attempt is made," he
asserted, "it would probably be lim-
ited to 10 or 12 bombs. These would
not be of the blockbuster type.
"They might strike a building and
destroy it, but the casualties would
be nothing like those which the
people of London are suffering
He said that his opinion was based
on his own experience with the ene-
my, not on military intelligence re-
Andersen Play
To Be Given
By Child Cast
"The Steadfast Tin Soldier" will be
presented January 19 and 2O at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre as the
first 1945 production of the Ann Ar-!
bor Children's Theatre, the Speech'
Department announced yesterday.
The play is adapted from the story
of Hans Christian Andersen by Dor-
othy Holloway, and tells the story of
Peter, an average little boy, who is
bored with his toys and seeks to find
playthings more exciting and alive.
He is stunned when he quietly comes
into his nursery one night and finds
his tin soldiers drilling, his Teddy
bears fighting, and his lovely Paper
Lady the cause of a duel. Needless
to say, Peter decides that there is
enough excitement right in his own
room to satisfy all his desires.
There will be two performances of
"The Steadfast Tin Soldier," one on
Friday, January 19 at 3:45 p. in., and
the second on Saturday, January 20
at 2:30 p.. m. Tickets for the play
will be placed on sale in all schools
the end of this week. These tickets
can be exchanged for reserved seats
by either coming to or phoning the
theatre box office, which will be
open January 18, 19, and 20 from 10
a. m. until 5 p. in. each of these days.

--- -Ilm ls


Longo yen Gu~' ' LUZON
4iTarlac Paicific
". POLILLO Ocean
j1101liolo j EYTfi
Sulu Sea
MINDANAO J ,Mindanao Se(
Zmboanga , Dava f~


't ^ "


Celebes Sea

ces (A) have penetrated Lingayen Gulf and are bombarding the coast,
the Japanese radio claims. The radio added that other "powerful
enemy convoys" are cruising westward south of Mindoro (B) and in
the Mindanao Sea (C). Black areas are those taken by Yanks In the.
Philippine campaign.
Prof. White States Need for
Understanding Laws of Culture



U.S. Third Threatens
Von Runstedt Position
Menace to Strasbourg on Rhine Reduced
As American Seventh Army Takes Initiative
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Jan. 8-The Germans were retiring tonight from the dearly-
won tip of their Belgian positions-possibly all the way back to St. Vith,
four miles from the Reich border-under tempestuous blows from four
Allied armies that knocked out 15 miles of one main escape route and
shred the second with artillery fire.
Bulge Is Narrowed
With the waist of his Belgian bulge narrowed to 10 miles, Field Mar-
shal Karl Von Rundstedt was confronted with a new menace 10 miles
farther east where the U. S. Third- -
ArmoredDivision drove south to
within five and a half miles of his j.Jap PtflaneLose
last good highway. offestinatedvatnI000
A second German ofaensive in a
northeast France likewise was thrownAr
into i'everse as the U. S. Seventh By 'The Associated Press
The Japanese air force lost more
army seized the initiative and blunted than 1,000 planes in December; the
a number of German salients that re- fourth consecutive month in which
duced the threat to the French city of enemy aircraft destruction in the
Strausbourg on the Rhine. Pacific has passed that figure.
American counterattacks wrested The December losses, according
back part of the German bridgehead to official communiques, totaled
on the Rhine eight miles north of 623 in aerial combat and 430 on
Strasbourg, the French stemmed the the ground. An additional 145
enemy push 16 miles south of the were probably destroyed. Allied
city, and to the west in the Vosges losses were 80.
doughboys recaptured Wingen; where
the Nazi push had driven 15 miles 194X CAR :
into France.
Cracked Wide Open
(A Berlin broadcast declared the ors
French front had been "cracked wide
open" by a new bridgehead south of
Strasbourg from which German for- orser J ve
ces overran six Rhine valley towns,
including Kraft, only ten miles south
of the city. The report was without
Allied confirmation.) By RICHARD TOMPKINS
More than 700 U. S. heavy bomb- (P News Feature Writer
ers joined the battle in the Ardennes, E
plastering road and rail Juntioi in- motorist is conservative in his re-
side the Belgian bulge and the same quirements for a post-war car. He
sort of targets far back into the may like streamlining but he doesn'
Reich. want to sacrifice comfort and safet3
British Aid Arrives for appearance.
The first airborne army was com- This is the consensus gathered i
mitted to the battle of Belgium and survey's conducted by four news-
Luxembourg with the arrival=of the papers in the east, west, south and
British sixth airborne division. The middle west, at the request of th
U. S. 82nd and 101st Airborne Divi- Society of Automotive Engineers.
sions already were in action. The results, as prepared for pre-
The U. S. First Army plowing a sentation tonight at the annua
mile or so through deep snow in the meeting of the SAE, were tabulate
worst blizzard of the winter, overran by representatives of the New Yor
five towns on the north, the British Times, New Orleans Times-Picayune
mile on the west. San Francisco Examiner and Chicag
.I 194X Automobile
Assem bly Nig'ht The views offered by the reader
of the four newspapers form a com
posite answer to the question: "Wha
To Be League kind of automobile do you want i
RnThe four-door sedan is the mos
Recognition Ceremony popular body type. And the motor
Ticket Sale To Close ists prefer plenty of head room t
more rakish roofs of turtle an
Tickets for Assembly Recognition tear-drop designs. And they wan
Night, to be held at 8 p. m. tomor- little, if any, chrome plating.
row in the League Ballroom, will be Want IncreasedVisibility
on final sale from 3 p. m. to 5 p. mn. They want more vision, too-large
today in the League. windshields-and seats that are ad
Recognition Night, which will hon- justable up and down, as well a
or outstanding independent women, forward and back, so they can get
will also present Dr. Foburn T. Brum- better view of the road.
baugh as speaker of the evening. He They want better ventilation, al
has sent many years in Japan, and though they believe cooling system
his topic will be "I Know Japan." are not worth the cost, and a larg
Contrary to a previous announce- majority desire improved insulatio:
ment, the keynote of the program I against noise.
will be informality. Dorms and act-
ive women will be presented withFi
awards for war and scholastic work,
and entries in the contest for an
Assembly theme song will be judged To Be Restored
and the winner announced. Also on
the program will be humorous skits Students desiring restitution f
by Wyvern, Mortarboard, and Sen- Stesuerinheretth n
ior Society honor societies.a losses suffered in the fire at the Un:.


Speaking on the expansion of the
scope of science, Prof. Leslie White,
chairman of the Anthropology de-
partment, declared last night before
a gathering of Phi Sigma society at
the Rackham Amphitheatre, that we
must learn the nature and the laws
of the culture under whose laws we
live in order to adjust ourselves and
behave rationally.
Although we will not be able to
change our culture, he stated,
through an understanding of it and
its laws, we will be able to adjust
to and prepare for the vicissitudes of
human experience. We can no more
control, build or shape culture and
the post-war world, he declared, than
we can control the weather. We can,
however, predict the weather, Prof.
White said, and therefore prepare for
Hold Primitive Ideas
Declaring that we still hold a prim-
itive attitude of culture, Prof. White
warned that we will not be able to
learn the nature of our civilization
until we give up our primitive idea
of the omnipotence of man and the
misconception of free will.
Free will and the primitive phil-
osophy of man, supernaturalistic, an-
AEF Smashes
Rail, Road Lines
Nqear Ardennes
LONDON, Jan: 8-()-American
heavy bombers blasted German rail
and road lines in and around the



imistic and anthropocentric, is now
in conflict with science and, said the
speaker, this conflict will become in-
creasingly severe as primitive phil-
osophy and free will is approaching
its last stand.
Citing as proponents of primitive
philosophy in our society most of our
educators and government leaders,
Prof. White tabbed such propositions
as the re-education of Germany and
Japan as effective as when primitive
people used formulas to stop rain.
Educators in America, he said, look
to education as a cure for social
evils, as if change of culture by edu-
cation were a "species of magic."
They and our columnists and govern-
ment leaders, Prof. White said, still
adhere to the primitive concept of
free will, that man is the master of
his fate. "We think," he said, "that'
we can build a post-war world ac-
cording to order and plan because
we do not know any better."
Controlled by Culture
Culture, he said, is a product of
evolution and every people is domi-
nated and controlled by its culture
-not the other way around. People
must submit to cultural laws, he de-
clared, or be punished or eliminated.
Claiming that social psychology is
not the limit of the scope of science,
Prof. White stated a need for a
supra-psychology, a study of human
institutions which is beyond the
scope of present day psychology.
During the initiation ceremonies
preceding his talk, Prof. White was
made an honorary member of Phi
Sigma, a society dedicated to research
in the biological sciences. In addi-
tion to installing new officers, 23 new
members were initiated into Phi Sig-
ma at the meeting.


Ardennes bulge today in what ap-I

parently was the start of a concen-
trated effort to cut off Field Mar- ORATORICAL SERIES

gress to
from th
At th
giving 1

shal Von Runstedt's escape route
Opposes. from Belgium.thnW ,
R 1ppFsysngnthrough clouds so thick M c ie W,
pilots were unable to see the othei W ie i p
tst Exce nott planes in the formations, more thai W ife I il Sp
700 Flying Fortresses and Liberators -
HINGTON, Jan. 8.- )- and 200 Mustangs of the U. S. Eighth Madame Wei Tao-ming, wife of
nt Roosevelt today threw his Air Force dumped some 2,500 tons of the Chinese ambassador to the Unit-
ce against the move in Con- ed States, will speak at 8:30 p. m.
exempt insurance companies explosives on German transportation Thursday in Hill Auditorium under'
me anti-trust laws. routes. the auspices of the Oratorical Asso-,
e same time he said he favors Road and rail junctions opposite ciation.
the business time for "orderly the Ardennes salient and within the Friend of Madame Chiang
ion of abuses' before full ap- bulge at unnamed points in Luxem- An ardent feminist, lively, chic Ma- ,
n of the Sherman act. bourg and Belgium were attacked as dame Wei is a great favorite of Ma-
Supreme Court, in a 4-3 deci- well as traffic hubs farther south dame Chiang Kai-shek. She was the

A mbassador"s '
ak Thursday
mandarin of the Manchu dynasty,'
she participated in the Chinese revo-
lution of 1911 and has already plead-j
ed China's case in the Shantung
problem in theUnited States.
Travels Widely
Madame Wei arrived in Washing-
ton in 1941 enroute to France, where
her husband had been appointed am-
bassador. Japanese pressure barred

versity Golt Course Cliub house must
file notice with the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics, Athletic
Director Fritz Crisler announced yes-
In order to receive consideration,
Crisler said, the claims must be in
the Board's offices at the Ferry Field
IAdministration Building before Jan.
A fire Oct. 14 last year almost en-
tirely destroyed the club house and
all golf equipment stored in it by
students. Police officials reported
the fire evidently was ignited by a
burning cigarette.
Crisler said a pro-rata amount of
4 the "little" insurance that would
! be forthcoming for the blaze would
be distributed among claimants.

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