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January 07, 1945 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-07

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._ ,JW.7, '94;H W A i1CIH !G AN, DJA i P(WTH


RAF Pounds
Hanaua Nazi
Rail Center
U. S. Daylight Raid
Enter Third Week
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 6-A mighty fleet
of 1RAC bombers, following up the
l3. S. ighth Airforce's fourteenth
daylight raid on German transport
and communications, poured explo-
sives tonight on Hanau, an import-
ant rail and industrial center 10
miles east of Frankfurt.
The official announcement said
Hanau was the "main objective," In-
dicating the RAF was making it an-
other night of multiple raids.
14,000 Tons
The bombs dropped tonight brought
the total tonnage discharged by the
RAP in the last six days to about
14,000, the air ministry announced.
The American sky armada today
dumped 3,000 tons of explosives on
three Rhine river bridges and other
transport bottlenecks.
More than 120 German supply ar-
teries along the western front have
been attacked by U. S. fliers carry-
ing out the daytime phase of the
current around-the-clock assault.
800 Forts Hit Nazis
On the heels of a massive 5,000-
ton RAF attack during the night on
Tlannover, Berlin and German posi-
tions in the Belgian bulge, the Eighth
Air Force today sent out more than
800 Flying Fortresses and Liberators
with an escort of nearly 600 Mus-
Canadians Smash
Nazi Force in Italy
ROME, Jan. 6.-(A)- Canadian
tanks and infantry have split Ger-
man forces by a surprise blow near
Italy's east coast and are chasing
the enemy along the southern shores
of a huge inland lagoon 31 miles
south of the Po River, the Allied
command announced today.


SHOWN HERE IS CADET STAFF SERGEANT T. RICHTER receiving his rating from Lt. Col. R. P.
Smith, executive officer of 3651 S. U. at warrant presentation ceremonies held last Wednesday in the
R. 0. T. C. building. The 26 R. O. T. C. Officers, who received warrants at the ceremony, were appointed
by Lt. Col. Reginald Miller, Commandant of U. S. Army units stationed in Ann Arbor. Left to right
are S-Sgt. T. Richter; Lt. Col. R. P. Smith, executive officer; Major E. Gallagher, adjutant; Lt. Melvin
G. Flegal of the Department of Military Shience and Tactics; and Cadet Cautain William S. Goldberg.



Two Missing in Huge1
Muskegon Blaze
MUSKEGON, Jan. 6-(/P)-A $125,-
000 fire that raged for three hours
Friday night is believed to have caus-
ed the deaths of two persons as well
as destroying a hotel and apartment
house and seriously damaging sev-
eral other buildings.
Missing are Mrs. Amelia Schwab,
77, an invalid, and Tom Green, eld-
erly man who has been custodian of
several buildings in the area.

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Editor's Note: This article was written Ossie is full of memories of hi
for the Daily by Union state member, j many years with these shows. H
Allan Albert. remembers best the troubles they
WTE TALKED with Ossie Katz the had, as they were sometimes ser
WE TLKE wih Osie atzth ous. One time the scenery pain
vyother day. To most of you that jiu.Oetm h cnr an
dwashed off, as a result of a leak:
name will be unfamiliar, except per- boxcar and a hard rainstorm, which
haps as that of the proprietor of a fact necessitated a complete re
tailoring establishment on South paint job at the next stop. An
State Street. The name of Ossie Katz other time, in Fletcher Henderson
is synonymous with one of the cam- style, the show was delayed ove
pus traditions, for Ossie was chief three hours in Chicago, because o
costumer and make up man for 14 a heavy snowfall.
years of Union Operas, those mirth- The Union Operas were for Ion
ful invasions of men into the roles
of chorus girls and leading ladies. years a lasting success. Then ti
arrival of hard times and now ti
The most memorable of these war have eliminated them from can
was, of course, the 1923 production pus activities. Ossie Katz wants
of "Cotton Stockings." This show see them revived again, when con
contained' such memorable hits as ditions make it possible. We thin
Kemp Keena's "Memories," still he will see his dream come true.
sung today. Few realize the large __
extent of the Union Opera produc- ----
tions. This show, as an example,
cost 5105,000 to produce and clear- AFTER INVEN'
ed a total of $130,000. "Cotton
Stockings" was the first Union Op-
era to play in Washington, D. C. In
fact, Ossie is full of memories con-
cerning the intervention of Mr. I REVLON
Denby, President Coolidge's Sec-
retary of War, when the show was COSMETI CS
threatened with closing due to a
claim that the scenery was not
On an average, though, the shows MAX FACTOR
usually played ten major cities dur-
ing the Christmas holidays. Such MAKE-UP
towns as Buffalo, Cleveland, Toledo,
C New York, and Detroit are exam-
ples. This meant that the troupe,
usually totaling about 100 persons,
had to give up their Christmas vaca-
tion, but, as Ossie states, they didn't
seem to mind. The pleasure which
the fellows got out of this traveling UNION
was one of the greatest benefits of
the shows, Ossie believes.I LEADER
OST OF THESE were staged in
"dry" times, but that didn't put 59c
Sa damper on anyone's high spirits.
The arrival of the troupe in any city
was the signal for the alumni to plan
elaborate parties and "shindigs." The
show was always certain of a hearty
reception in all cities, as the fame
of Union Operas was known through- 60c REM
out the East and Middle West.6 R
Fight To Block 50C
Water Diversion BARBASOL
ToUBe Reneed I __,9


It's fun and it's bright to
switch blouses on a jumper
every time you wear it ... and
what an economical way to
extend a wardrobe! The new
jumpers for spring are in now.
C9 me in and see what changes
you can make with them!


#; <I

'y .'

erican United

-('P)-The Am-
Conservation Clubs

Button-front jumper of rayon gabardine with
collar and shoulder stitching detail in cherry,
lim1e, and pink. Misses' sizes.
Other jmnpers in checks, plaids and a galaxy of
sParkling neiv colors for spring.
O C -,, 17 C3

prepared today to renew the seven-
year-old fight of sportsmen's groups
to block further diversion of water
from the Bond and Agate Falls, fam-
ed upper peninsula beauty spots.
The organization sent a bulletin
to its affiliated clubs asking each to
appeal to John R. Dethmers, who
takes office Jan. 1 as attorney gen-
eral, to allow a court suit over the
diversion. Conservationists contend
the diversion is damaging to fish life
and to the scenic beauty of the falls.



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