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LU.3 X, .ItA1 . 5, 1945
Nazs Sufe
Tank ate Rages Northwest of udapet
Heavy Losses,
Reds Report
Russians Take 277
Blocks of Houses
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 4.-A large tank
and plane battle has developed
northwest of Budapest where the
German army is pressing an assaul
"to break through to assist thei
grouping surrounded in Budapest,'
Moscow announced tonight.
The Russians said the German
had suffered heavy losses, but did
not report their positions, stating in
the Soviet nightly communique only
that attacks by large forces of infan-
try and tanks had been repulsed.
78 Tanks Disabled
On :Wednesday alone, 78 German
tanks were disabled or destroyed in
this sector and 58 enemy planes were
shot down, the Soviet bulletin said
The grim reduction of the Hun-
garian capital continued. Moscow
announced the capture of another
277 blocks of buildings, giving them
control of a tota of more than 1,300
Wednesday's communique had
placed the Germans southeast of
Komarom, on the Danube almost 45
miles northwest of Budapest, where
the Germans were acknowledged to
have re-won several unnamed towns
on the south bank of the river.
German Drive Halted
Reports from Moscow said that
experts there believed the German
drive southeast of Komarom had
been halted, but there was no indi-
cation of this in the communique.
By Soviet account, since the Nazis
mounted their attack's in this area
three days ago they have lost at
least 118 tanks and 58 planes as well
as several thousand German and
Hungarian troops.
Greatest Counter-Thrust
Although it apparently is the great-
est counter-thrust of the Hungarian
campaign, the only German gains
Moscow has admitted were the seiz-
ures of the towns along the Danube.
Nazi Intentions Vague
it was not clear whether the Ger-
man blows were intended actually to
rescue the trapped units in Budapest
or merely to draw off Soviet pressure.
It seemed unlikely the Germans
would be able to drive more than 30
miles through Soviet-held territory
before annihilation or capitulation
of the already-decimated garrison.
The surrounded garrison in Buda-
pest, most of which had been con-
centrated in Buda on the western
bank of the Danube, made a strong
attack in an attempt to break
through the Russian ring, but was
beaten back.
Large-scale air battles also were
being waged over Budapest, Moscow
dispatches said, adding to the din
of the day and night battle. The
Germans claimed hat their planes
disabled 34 Russian tanks Wednes-
Brincat Identified
As Army Deserter
GRAND RAPIDS, Jan. 4--/')-Jo-
seph J. Brincat, who was first held
for investigation of illegally wear-
ing a uniform after his arrest last
week in Muskegon, has been identi-.
fled as an army deserter, district at-
torney Joseph F. Deeb disclosed to-
Brincat was taken in custody in
Muskegon in connection with the
theft of a fur coat. An investiga-
tion, the district attorney said, re-
vealed Brincat is a deserter.
Course for
A thoreuigh, intpnsjve course-start-
ang February, July, October.
Registration now open.
Regular day and evening school
throughout the year. Catalog$-
President, John Robert Gre gLS.C.i.
Dired ior, Paul M. Pair, MA
pet. 6&Mi1chiganAe Tel STAt, 1881 ChIcgo 2, {J,
Ward's Calls
Army Seizure
Tres passing'
Solution Demanded
For Problems Raised.
By The Associated Press
CHICAGD, Jan. 4-Montgomery
Ward and Company today accused
the army of "trespassing" and goin
1 beyond what it called "the President'
e illegal order of seizure" in operation
t of company properties in seven cities
r seized a week ago
The company management made
public a letter by H. L. Pearson, vice-
s ;president and treasurer, sent yester-
day to Maj. Gen. Joseph W. Byron,
military manager. The letter "de-
manded" the army furnish a solu-
tion to the problems raised.
General Byron replied all steps
takenhad been in "strict conform-.
ity with the law" and added that "the
integrity of the United States is
pledged to the protection of the legal
rights of all parties in this matter."
Pearson's letter said:
Agents Called Trespassers
'Under your instructions your
ragents are today (Wednesday) not
only continuing the trespasses against
Ward's properties which are describ-
ed in the President's illegal order of
iseizure, but are going beyond that
order in their interference with
Ward's business and with service of
Ward's customers.
General Byron's statement, reply-
ing to company charges, that the
army had gone beyond "the Presi-
dent's illegal seizure order," said:
Byron Contends Legality
"All the steps that have been taken
have been in strict conformity with
the law and a careful accounting is
being kept of all financial transac-
tions so that proper accounting can
be made to the company for funds
representing business transacted be-
fore'the War Department took pos-
At the outset of the seizure Sewell
Avery, Ward's board chairman, call-
ed it unconstitutional and said the
company "can not in good citizenship
accept or obey" it.
U.S. To Settle
War Prisoner
Labor Dispute
GRAND RAPIDS, Jan. 4-(9P)-The
United States Conciliation Service to-
night notified the American Box
Board Company that a federal con-
ciliator is being sent to Grand Rap-
id to help settle a dispute over Ger-
mnan war prisoner labor which has
resulted in a two-day walkout by
more than 100 workers at the B
Two of the firms paper mills were
cosed down today and Fenton Rab-
er, personnel manager, warned that
more divisions would have to shut
down if the men do not return to
their jobs at once. The company
produces paper containers for army
and essential civilian use.
Asked To Return
"Any further discussions on this
matter will be dependent upon the
men's returning sto work, "Raber
declared, adding that no workers re-
turned to their jobs today even
though no prisoners were at the
Earlier, Carroll Slocum, president
of Local 211 Brotherhood of Paper-
makers kAFL) said that the men
would return to work if a conciliator
were brought in.
Union Disapproves
The men walked out Wednesday
when German war prisoners were re-
turned to work after the union had
failed to vote approval of such ac-
tion. Slocum pointed out that the
union members felt it was unfair to
use prison labor in order to main-r
tain production when other plants
induced additional employment by
In reply Raber asserted, "if this"
dispute is over the matter of wages
i is the first time we have heard of
The firm has been employing about
30 prisoners of war for the past six
mouths and contends it is impossible
to meet increased army contracts
without their retention.
Gunfire Comes from Wrecked
Abandoned Nazi Equipment
IN BELGIUM, (Delayed)-(P)--
Every day's circuit on this critical
front produces many little dramas
about the doughboys on defense.
Here was a four-star mystery. The
outfit commanded by Lt. Pierre M.
Stepanian of Newton, Mass., was be-
ing fired on directly by tanks. The
question was: "Where were the
They could see everything in
First Christmas
War Loan Sales
Top 21 Billion
front of them. That's why the
Germans had been unable to move
those 41 hulls of wrecked, burned
out tanks and assault guns. Hud-
died out there in the snow-covered
no-man's-land, their steel guts
were cold and empty. They provid-
ed grim evidence of how well the
doughboys had been able to see
that terrain in every time the ene-
my panzers struck.
All 41 were useless and empty. Pa-
trols had been sent out to be sure
that none were workable or occu-
pied. Crippled beyond repair, they
lay there peopled only by the dead.
The wind drew a freezing curtain
back and forth. Darkness settled
and all during that night direct fire
FIVE STAR GENERAL WELCOMES TOP AIR ACE-General of the Army H. H. Arnold (left), Army
Air F rces commander, welcomes America's top air ace, Mai. Richard 1. Bong (right) of Poplar, Wis.,
who has just returned from the southwest Pacific. The general is wearing the new five-star shoulder
insignia. Bong has shot down 40 enemy planes.
The two met at Washington.
Series-E Bond Quota
Films To Show Contributions
Of Russians to Soviet Union
Contributions of the Russian people
in the defense and the betterment of
the Soviet Union will be pictured inC
films to be shown by the Post-War
Council from 7:30 to 9 p. m. today,
at the Rackham Amphitheatre,
The movies will deal with the de-
velopment of the Russian people, the
participation of women, the strength
of the total population and the in-
fluence of education.
Scenes Vrom Large Cities
Two films will give glimpses of
Moscow and Leningrad, showing
streets, public buildings, housing pro-
jects, newspaper offices and depart-,
ment stores. "People of Russia" will
trace the development of the people
since 1932; how they have educated
themselves and mobilized 4or woik.
ies. "People of Russia" will trace
the development of the people since
1932; how they have educated them-
selves and mobilized for work.
Scenes of women operating trains,
steamshovels and subways; running
Restrictions Are
Lifted by W PB3
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4-(P)-The
War Production Board today lifted
restrictions on the number of furni-
ture patterns manufacturers may
Previously they could produce only
25 per cent of the patterns they of-
fered in September, 1941, or 24 pat-
terns, whichever was greater.
"While the manpower and ma-
terial situation does not permit man-
ufacturers to offer a wide variety of
patterns at present," WPB said, "re-
moval of the restrictions now will
enable them to expand their lines
quickly and employ more people
whenever the situatidn changes."
tractors and nurseries or carrying
arms in actual battle will be shown
in "One Hundred Million Women."
Work of Women, ChildrenI
"Report From Russia" will show j
women in farming and industry and
children on the farms and on anti-
aircraft batteries.
Education in Russia will be shown
in "Soviet School Children." The
picture will show training from nur-
sery school through the high school.
Fire Strikes
Twice at Same
Child Victims
The three children of Walter O.
Harris, who were burned out of their
home at 110 Grandview Dr. at 3:45
p. m. yesterday, are still looking forI
a house that will not go up in flames.
The children, offered shelter in the
home of Mrs. Diana S. Chatterton,
1111 W. Huron, went there only to
find the place surrounded by fire'
trucks fighting a blaze that almost
completely demolished the Chatter-I
ton residence at 4 p. m.
Firemen who grappled with the sec-
ond blaze for three hours, said that
a leaking oil burner had caused the
fire. Only casualties of the fires
were the puzzled expressions on the
faces of the children.
They Bury the Hatchetj
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4-A')-Rep.
Clare Boothe Luce (R.-Conn.) andI
Rep. Helen Gahagan Douglas (D.-
Calif.); Congressional glamour girls,
shook hands tonight and agreed they
wouldn't get into a fight with each
Also OVer-Subscribedf
Prof. She pard WASHINGTON, Jan. 4-(P)-Total
sales in the record-smashing Sixth
ill Lead H illel War Loan drive were announced to-
day as $21,621,000,000.
*7 ~-' ~This is .a billion dollars above the
fires e Grouprevious all-time world financing
record of $20,639,000,000 established
in the Fifth War Loan last summer.
Prof. John F. Shepard, AThe nation in its first Christmas
Chairman of the Executive Commit- season bond drive took the theme
tee of the Department of Psychology, "The War's Not Over Yet," and piled
will discuss "The Psychology of the up one and a half times the quota
Fascist Mind" when he leads the of 14 billion dollars.
The hard-to-get quota of $2,500,-
fifth Fireside Discusson at 8:30 p.m. 000,000 for Series E-Bonds was also
today at the Hillel Foundation. 00,00sobSeriew
over subscribed.
The methods by which psycholo- Treasury Secretary Morgenthau,
gists are combatting the by-products announcing the final results. at a
of fascist ideology will be discussed special news conference, said final
by Prof. Shepard before the part of sales of "The people's war bond"
the program, devoted to audience were $2,868,000,000.
p rortaingThis was not a new record but it3
participation, begins, was more than many treasury offi-
A social hour, during which re- cials had dared to hope.
freshments will be served, will follow
the Fireside Discussion.
Religious services will be held in
the Foundation chapel at 7:45 p.m.
came from
Next morning, an uni.entified
soldier had a brainstorm. Rear-
ing cautiously out of his foxhole,
hie stared across the clearing as
the dawn's fog lifted. It looked
just like it did the day before-
or did it?
"Hey!" he yelled suddenly, "count
those tanks again!"
Sure enough, there now were 43.
All looked alike, covered with snow,
but the two which slipped in through
fog or darkness were fully manned
and workable.
The last act was explosively ex-
ploratory, so to speak, but when the
curtain dropped all 43 enemy hulls
were wrecked and burned out.
The drama enacted by combat en-
gineer Company C was strictly ad
lib. However, the critics probably
would have been pleased.
the "phantom tanks"
out ahead, almost at
range-an eerie bar-
4#e/4 Ose,'
Slattery Givent
60-Day Citation
Banker Imprisoned
For Evasive Answers
LANSING,' Jan. 4.-(/P)-Lifting a
cloud of legal doubts from actions of
the Carr grand jury, the state
supreme court today told Francis P.
Slattery, Grand Rapids bank execu-
tive, he must serve out a 60-day con-
tempt of court citation. or tell the
investigators what they wished to
Declining to set aside the sentence,
the court unanimously ordered Slat-
tery remanded to the Ingham Coun-
ty sheriff. He has been free on bond.
Special prosecutor Kim Sigler said
Slattery would be returned to jail at
soon as the supreme court signed
the final decree, possibly today.
Judge Leland W. Carr, the grand
juror, had sent Slattery to jail for
giving evasive answers to questions
concerning testimony by a legislator
identified only as Mr. "A" that Slat-
tery had offered to bribe him to vote
against the anti-branch banking bill.
i ,
afo 100~i
U- booay
LOST: Brown Mouton lamb fur coat,
Pa'rker "51" in pocket. Lost in
League January 2 at 3 p. m. Lib-
eral reward. No questions asked.
Call Betty Beck, 2-4561.
LOST-Coin purse containing $26 in
bills. Please return. Serviceman's
wife, baby. Reward. Phone 3819.
LOST: One silver arm bracelet. In-
scription: Robert Luthy. Finder
please return to Company A, East
LOST-Gold wat.ch, round face, be-
tween Angell Hall and Tappan and
lHill. Sentimental value. Reward.
Phone Maxine Spencer, 2=5232.
LOST-Just before vacation, three
s1]'aJJdi pearls. eward. Call Louise
at '939.
LOST----A set of Gross Anatomy notes
were lost. Reward if returned to
Gerald Drew, 120 N. Ingalls.
sive meals twice a day should call
5974 for details.
the fire at the University Golf
Course Club House last fall must
be filed with the offices of the
Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics on Ferry Field prior to
,January 17, 1945 to receive con-
sideration. H. 0. Crisler, Director.
WANTED TO BUY trunk, ward-
robe or box type gladstone bag
also needed, Telephone 5787.
FOR GIRLS-Large room with twin
beds near campus. Telephone 5438.
Pittsfield Village. Unfurnished
apartment homes now available.
Light airy apartments, each coin
piete with electric refrigerator, 4
burner gas range, automatic hot
water, etc. All city conveniences at
hand. Rentals from $50 to $62
monthly. Drive out Washtenaw
Road to Pittsfield Village or go by
bus, which stops right at the vil-
lage. 6 minutes from Ann Arbor.
Privately owned and managed.
Available to selected tenants re-
gardless of occupation. Open daily
9 a. m. to 5 p. in. Sundays, 3 p. .in
to 7 p. m.
The Deadline is catching up with you.
Make an appointment
Sto have your
Senior Pictures taken
from 1 P.tNA.
d/9#AAWPA'3s'Ntw65Er r/,',rA'/-
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One Night Only
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