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January 04, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-04

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TfflRkSfAY JAN. 4. 1949

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Secret Talk on Italian Problem


The Pendulum

WASHINGTON. Jan. 4-Secret talks have been
taking place for the past two weeks between
the State Department and British cabinet mini-
ster Richard Law on the problem of feeding
Italy. Very little has leaked out of the back-
stage sessions, but it can be revealed that Presi-
dent Roosevelt has given definite instructions
that the Italian people must get more food and
be encouraged to take a greater part in the war.
He believes a well-fed people do not become a
communistic people.
The British, however, have opposed any-
thing more than subsistence feeding. Actu-
ally the debate over this has seesawed secretly
back and forth over a period of many weeks,
and probably gets to the root of the basic
difference between British and American pol-
icy in the Mediterranean.
At one point during the argument, Lord Hali-
fax handed the State Departmenta confidential
"aide memoire," considered by diplomats some-
thing of a scorcher and warning of "a grave
danger of divergence" which would "have far-
reaching consequences for the whole settlement
of Europe."
This "aide inemoire" is interpreted by many
diplomats to set the stage for future British
policy in the Mediterranean. Hitherto unpub-
lished, it states:
"If the U. S. government were to indicate
its intention of expanding the scale under
which Italy can receive supplies, there would
Fbe a grave danger of divergence of policy be-
tween the U. S. Government on the one hand
and His Majesty's Government and our Allies
on the other hand.
"Such a divergence would be bound, in the
view of H. M. Government, to have far-reaching
consequerices for the whole settlement of Eu-
rope. Furthermore, British public opinion would
not at the present time permit of H. M. Govern-
ment associating themselves in the rehabilita-
tion of Italy except to the limited degree neces-
sary for the actual war effort.
"Should the U. S. Government decide to take
an independent course, public pressure would
almost certainly force H. M. Government to
make their own position clear and the diver-
gence in policy which H. M. Government fore-
see would immediately become open and obvious.
"H. M. Government therefore greatly hopes
that the U. S. Government will be prepared to
give consideration to the views expressed above
and will not take any unilateral action from
which the British public might compel them
to disassociate themselves."
Roosevelt Opposes British .. .
HIS NOTE was delivered just before Roosevelt
conferred with Churchill at Quebec last Sep-
tembei. And despite this blunt memo, the Presi-
dent went counter to British wishes by ordering
Assistant Secretary of State Acheson to press
for a $50,000,000 UNRRA grant for relief to
Italy, by sending Ambassador Myron Taylor
to the Vatican to get church assistance in dis-
tributing food supplies, and finally by sending
a personal letter to Secretary of War Stimson
Oct. 31, assuming personal responsibility for
increasing the Italian ration.
He also authorized General William O'Dwyer,
former Brooklyn prosecutor, to keep working
on an 8-point program for the rehabilitation of
Insiders say that Roosevelt's determination
to give Italy more inspiration for co-operating
in the war was one of the back ground reasons
why Prime Minister Churchill got sore at
Count Sforza, also why F. D. R., in turn,
authorized Stettinius to issue his cryptic state-
ment opposing British interference on Sforza.
A showdown and possible solution of the en-
tire Allied controversy over Italy is expected
Stettinius' Detectives . .
CHURCHILL still appears to be boiling mad
over publication in this column of his in-
structions to General Scobie to treat Athens as
a "conquered city." At his behest, Secretary of
State Stettinius is still urging his house detec-
tives to track down how the cable leaked.

Stettinius, has even enlisted Postmaster Gen-
eral Frank Walker's inspectors, who recently
took the unusual and almost unprecedented step
of searching the files of the news syndicate then
distributing this column-even though the story
had been passed by the censor.
Secretary Stettinius seems to think the leak
came from his near-eastern division which
has been critical of British behavior in Ath--
ens, and there is some talk that Wallace Mur-


ray, head of that division may be promoted
to be Ambassador to Turkey in order to get
him out of Washington and prevent future
leaks. Murray would make a good ambassa-
dor and we hope he gets the job. But regard-
ing the leak--guess again, Mr. Stettinius,
you're not even warm.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate. Inc.

British Attacks
NEW YORK, Jan. 4-Well, now we have it.
Open attacks on America have appeared in
the London "Economist" and in the Yorkshire
"Post." Readers of my little essays will hardly
be surprised. For well over a month I have
been trying to convey to American readers some
sense of the nervous quality apparent in Brit-
ish press discussions of the postwar world.
British publicists see a place for America in the
postwar world, and they see a place for Russia,
but they have much more difficulty in seeing
a place for Britain. These fears have exploded
into the open.
That is why the "Economist" says openly that
Britain ought more or less to forget about us,
and join more closely with Russia. That is
why the Yorkshire "Post" calls upon Americans
to explain just what they intend to do about
maintaining peace and "world trade for the good
of all,
And there will now be a great temptation, in
America, to call these articles "attacks," to
answer them, as "attacks," with "attacks" of our
own, and to let it go at that. That is a tempta-
tion which American commentators ought to re-
sist; it is too easy a way to make a living. We
must dig deeper.
Why are these influential and thoughtful
sections of the British press attacking us?
Because they hate us? Not at all. They write
as they do because they are worried about
the future of Britain. Their anxiety takes the
form of anti-American argument, but its sub-
stance is concern for their own country, and
we must understand that.
AND WHAT is it about America that gives
Britons concern? They have a certain pic-
ture of us. It may be a true picture or a dis-
torted one, but whichever it is, it shapes up
like this: Many influential Britons, liberal as
well as conservative, feel that America intends
to go its own way, economically, after the war.
They feel that we intend to take all we can get
of the world's commercial airways, of its ocean
shipping, of its communication services. They
don't sense much live-and-let-live on our part.
They feel that we Americans are depending
too much on some sort of rarefied international
organization to keep the peace, a kind of un-
obtrusive constabulary, far away and remote
from the wrestling that goes on in "the dust of
the arena."'
These Britons feel that we Americans don't
really want to live with them as allies; that
we don't propose to keep the peace by being
friends, but that, rather, we propose to slug
it out with them, while keeping the peace
through a gadget.
These Britons find us excessively addicted to
talking about "principles." They are not against
"principles." They dote on principles; almost
everybody does. But they wonder whether we
are not using principles as a substitute for
friendship. They suspect us of hunting for some
world legal arrangement under which we can
compete with them as if we were deadly enemies,
while, somewhere up in the stratosphere, a for-
mal organization dealing only with abstractions,
serves happily to prevent war.
r HAT IS WHY the British press begins to
twist, to turn, to look to Russia, to any-
where, for some assurance that it can live. Brit-
ain will need bread as well as principles. It
fears that our abstract utterances or world peace
will make only a thin gruel. It wants, not to
draw it too fine, air lines, shipping lines, press
services, cables, friends. It does not have quite
the same gay adventure feeling about the post-
war that some Americans enjoy. It wants tot
know whether we are prepared to give up a few
commercial advantages for peace, or whether
we will confine our efforts to elocution on the
moral nature of the universe.
The answer to the British press explosion is_
for us to examine ourselves, to ask ourselves
how wel we have learned to live with allies, as
allies. This is a new art for us, and perhaps
one we have not yet perfected. Yet everything
depends on it, both principles and bread. Even
an international organization, heavy with
high-type principles, will fail if it cries peace,
peace, where there is no peace.
(Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate) '

THE FEAR of communism is still
deep-seated in America and Eng-
land. It has frequently been at the
root of our makeshift foreign policy,
providing us with an excuse to mur-
der Greek patriots, Balkanize Eur-
ope, support Franco Spain, and gen-
erally alienate liberty-lovers every-
Now, I submit this fear can be
put to good use. It has been a
total liability for long enough.. One
good result attendant upon fear is
unity. Nothing short of fear could
put Will Clayton, Harold Ickes,
Archibald MacLeish, Jesse Jones,
and sundry others of equal diver-
sity in the same cabinet. Cohesion
within comes from the certainty
that deadly danger lurks without.
Broadly 'speaking, finance capi-
talism is tl'eatened by the more or
less communistic Russian state. As
they stand the two systems are in-
compatible. Neither can accommo-
date itself to the other unless sig-
nificant changes are made on both
sides of the economic fence. With
this in mind we have made some
inadequate modifications of late
while seeking at heart to perpetuate
as much of the status quo as possible.
However, when men fail to evolve
swiftly, they find revolution or coun-
ter-revolution on their hands. The
rapidity with which we move ahead
peacefully gauges our success as a
Seeing certain advantages in the
Russian system-and there are un-
doubted ones like security, we should
copy and improve upon them.
That the masses of Europe find I
communism attractive is evidenced
by the leftist ferment which has been
seething in every liberated country
Allied armies have entered. Moreover,
the U.S.S.R. is fashioned in such a
way as to make easy the admission
of new states. Eventually, Yugo- 1
slavia who may resent the presump-
tion of Great Britain in trying to
foist King Peter on them, may turn
to Russia and even become part of it.
Hungary went communist after the
last war under Bela Kuhn and but
for Allied intervention might be
communist to this day.
THE FACT is we are mortally
afraid of a communized Eur
ope-and have been from the ear-
liest days. Not Britain alone, but
American statesmen prayed during
the inter-war years that Germany
would fight Russia in a mighty
battle calculated to destroy both
nations. This policy did not work;
in fact is boomeranged. But many
of us are still terrorized to the
point of immobility.
This is most\unfortunate, because
domestically speaking we can pre-
vent communism-as effectively as
we can prevent fascism-by erection
of an economy superior to that of
Russia. For instance, instead of solv-
ing problems through a highly cen-
tralized bureaucracy, the TVA could
be used as an exemplar for the
future. It embodies federal planning
and regionally de-centralized admin-
istration. In this manner govern-
ment does not exist ethereally apart
from the people affected by it. Of
course, much as we like to "keep
moving" we are not moving that way.
Six new power projects, including
the Missouri River Authority and
the St. Lawrence waterway are on
the docket for private ownership
I after this war. Hence, explcitation
and profit once more supersede pub-
lie service and we make ourselves all
the more vulnerable to violence and
Internationally, we could silence
the Marxian siren by playing more
seductive and democratic airs. In
Europe, to cite the most important
example, confederation should long
since have been achieved. But, say
the wisenheimers, the people of these
states are too jealous of their sover-

eign status to give it up. There is an
answer to this and men like Albert!
3 Guerard who favor a United States
of Europe are best able to provide it.
The laws of logic dictate that
when one is confronted with a
seemingly irrefutable statement
the thing to do is make a distinc-.
tion. This is what the Russians
have done. They distinguish be-
tween kinds of sovereignty.
One reason why Czechoslovakia

was not altogether successful as a
republic lay in the fact that different
minority groups chafed at having to
give up their old cultural habits.
Russia, on the other hand, does not
try to change what centuries have
ingrained in an ethnic group. The
group of each region may continue
to sing their own songs, dance their
own dances, and speak their own
languages. Culturally they are au-
tonomous; politically and econom-
ically they are units in the U.S.S.R.
The Balkans seem likely to fall
into the Russian orbit for good. Yet,
among themselves they have stub-
bornly resisted amalgamation-be-
cause amalgamation heretofore has
meant loss of individuality. Take
the Russian structure, which (para-
doxically enough) preserves individ-
uality. add democratic processes, and
you will have beaten the communists
at their own game.
This is the way for us to deal
with our fears-not by bottling
them up so that they may burst
forth at any time. If we do not
counter communism with earnest
humanitarianism, the former will
appeal mightily to the underpriv-
ileged masses of this earth-so
much so that any further effort to
contain the inovment will only
produce more strife and greater
On Second Thomgl t
A GERMAN news broadcast claims
Hitler is developing a stoop.
That's nothing. We knew he was
stupid all the time.
It's beginning to look as though
the OPA will have to do sothig
about the German's new lease on
Art Kraft thinks the high com-
mand did not have to think twice
when they made a man by the name
of Lt.-Gen. Sultan, commanding gen-
eral of the United States forces in
the India-Burma theatre.
During the cold wave Tuesday,
we heard a little boy icicle say to a
little girl icicle, "I may be just a
frozen drip, but don't give me a
cold shoulder."
THURSDAY, JAN. 4, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 49
Publication in the Daily Official Bul -
letin is constructive notice to all niern-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hai, by 3:301 p. in. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. in. Sat-
To the Members of the Faculty,
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts: The January meeting of
the Faculty of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts for the
academic year 1944-45 will be held
on Monday, Jan. 8 at 4:10 p.m. in
Rm. 1025 Angell all.
The reports of the various com-
mittees have been prepared in ad-
vance and are included with this
call to the meeting. They should be
retained in your files as part of the
minutes of the January meeting.
A large attendance is desired.
Edward H. 'Kraus
1. Consideration of the minutes of
the meetings of: a. Dec. 4, 1944 (pp.
1122-1124); b. Dec. 18, 1944 (pp.
1125-1127), which have been dis-
tributed by campus mail.

2. Consideration of reports sub-
mitted with the call to this meeting.
a. Executive Committee-Professor
F. E. Bartell; b. Executive Board of
the Graduate School-Professor R.L.
Wilder: c. University Council-No
Report; d. Senate Advisory Commit-
tee on University Affairs-Professor
J. W. Eaton; e. Deans' Conference-
Dean E. H. Kraus.
3. Special Order: Admission of
Veteran Students tRecommendation
accompanies this communication- -
Professor H. M. Dorr..
4. Combined Report ol' the (Cute
riculum Committee and the Commit-
tee on Concentration and Group Re-
quirements,--continuation of infor-
mal discussion.
5. New Business.
6. Announcements.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re-
ports arec due not later than Satur-
day. Jan. 6.
Repomta S c"; i+e arc ellig distributed
to al eatetl ,cs re
card < ar bein providd for fresh-
men reports; they should be returned
to the office of the Academic Coun-
, -Inrc- 1O 1'.4nnr T-TIjl Whi+ ,nxrl ,

to the school or college in which they
are registered.
jAdditional cards may be had at 108
Mason Mall or at 1220 Angell Hall.
Applications in Support of Research
Projects: To give Research Commit-
tees and the Executive Board ade-
quate time to study all proposals. it
is requested that faculty members
have projects needing support during
1945-1946 file their proposals in the
Office of the Graduate School by
Friday, Feb. 9, 1945. Those wishing
to renew previous requests whether
now receiving support or not should
so indicate. Application forms will
be mailed or can be obtained at Sec-
retary's Office, Rm. 1006 Rackham
Building, Telephone 372.
The last day of interviewing for
Orientation Advisors will be Thurs-
day, Jan. 4, from 3 to 5.
Mr. J. 0. Almen of the General
Motors Research Laboratory will be
here to give a lecture on "Fatigue
in Machine Parts," this afternoon
in Rit. 311, West Engineering Build-
ing, at 3:45 p.m,
This meeting is open to anyone
interested, but should especially be
of interest to graduate students, sen-
iors and faculty.
French Lecture: Professor Michael
Pargment of the Romance Language
Department, will give the second of
the French Lectures sponsore'd by
the Cercle Francais on Tuesday, Jan.
9, at 4:10 p.m. in Rm. D, Alumni
Memorial Hall. The title of the lec-
ture is: "Anatole France."
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured from the Secretary
of the Department of Romance
Languages (Rm. 112, Romance Lang-
uage Building) or at tle door at the
time of the lecture.
These lectures are open to the
general public. All servicemen are
admitted free of charge.
A cademic Notices
The regular Seminar meeting' of
the Department of Chemical and
Metallurgical Engineering scheduled
for Jan. 4 will be held on Jan. 11.
liwen ts Today
The Geometry Seminar will meet
today at 4:15 p.m. in Rm. 3001 Angell
Hall. Mr. Leisenring will speak on
the "Analytical Introduction to Non-
Euclidean Geometry." Tea at 4.
The "omanc Languages Journal
Club will meet this afternoon at 4:15
in the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building.
Dr. Abraham Herman will discuss
some phases of the recently pub-
lished "Survey of Language Classes
in the ASTP." Professor Michael S.
Parganent will speak "On Learning a
Foreign Language."
Graduate students and all who
are interested are cordially invited.
Kappa Phi, Methodist College Wo-
men's Club, will hold its meeting
today at 5:30 p.m. at the Methodist
Church on State St. The program is
a panel discussion on peace.
The A.I.E.E. will meet this evening
at 7:30 p.m in Rm. 246 West engi-
neering Building, Mr J. S. Needle,
instructor in Electrical Engineering,
will discuss "Ind tion Heating." The
talk will be suppl ented with dem-
onstrations. Refreshments will be
Alpha Phi Omega service fratern-
ity will hold its first membership
meeting in the Michigan Union, at
7:30 p.m. All members are requested
to be present. All students who have
had Scouting experience and are
interested in joining Alpha Phi Ome-

ga are cordially invited to this meet-
ing. Alpha Phi Omega also extends a
special invitation to the meeting to
any faculty 'member who is desirous
of becoming a faculty advisor of the
The Executive Roard of the Inter-
Racial Association will meet tonight
at 7:30 p.m. in the Union.
The Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert will be held in the
Men's Lounge of the Rackham Buil-
ding at 7:45 p.m. An all Mozart pro-
gram will be played, featuring the
Magic Flute Overture, Quintet in C
Major, Concerto 34 in C Minor, and
Symphony 38 in D Major. All grad-
uate students and servicemen are
invited to attend.
Permission has been granted by
the Student Affairs Committee for a
dance for Company "A" tonight,
ending at midnight. Undergraduate
women attending this dance =ay
have 12:30 a.m. permission.
Coing Events
Michigan Youth for Democratic
Action is holding a party on Sunday,
Jan. 7 in tie Women's Athletic
Building Ifrom3) 7 p.m.- 10 p.m Allr
vetei'ans, servicemen and students
are cordially invited.
The Post-War Council will spon-


. I



- .

4 ..

IBy Crocketl Johnsonr


Of course. Search the]
house. Iinsist on it!
No furs in the attic, Chief.
A iI I 4 So L nn .:.-

J __ __-a


I'd better tell the cops the
furs are down in the cellar.
I doubt if that
will allay thei
suspicion, m'b
L ,0


I've read many parallel cases,
The only way falsely suspected
people prove their innocence
is by apprehending the really
guilty perpetrators themselves.
You haven't looked in the
- IenlInr. Goahend I incd -.

We must forestall the police- -
Until I've brought the case
to a brilliant conclusion .
I must act quickly!
Now., Perhaps they'll believe
my yInnicernlannntion Fln-.-


Ssuppose we'll owe you
I O0n nnn0l0nn Rrvr Ri Iu



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