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January 04, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-04

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79th Congress in
Session, Warned
war Isn't Over
Barkley Keynotes Opening Session;
Senate, House Induct New Members'
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3-The 79th Congress, which many had termed
the Congress that would make the peace, convened today amid warnings
the war "isn't over by a long shot."
At high noon, Senate and douse came to order .and inducted newly-
elected members with simple ceremonies. Senator Barkley of Kentucky,
majority leader, sounded the keynote when he said:
"I think events-military and political-have made the Congress and
the country more conscious of the fact that the war isn't over by a long





Jan. 13






Henderson To wi WRA T A GLANCE


First, Third

Committee for
Third V-Ball
To Be Elected
Student Publications
Vacancy Will Be Filled
Voting for committee members to
direct the third wartime between-I
semester V-Ball will be the order of
the day in the all-campus election
from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. tomorrow.
Each student will vote only for'
candidates from his own individual
college to represent his school on the1
committees. There will be five mem-
bers chosen from the Literary school,
three from the College of Engineer-
ing, and one each from the Colleges
of Architecture and Business Admin-
At the same time, all students may
vote for one candidate to fill a vacan-
cy in the Board in Control of Student
Publications. Those listed as candi-
dates include Monroe Fink, Bud
Brimmer, Ken Bissell, and William
Polls Set Up
Polls have been set up in Univer-
sity Hall, the Architecture Building
and the Engine Arch. No election-
eering will be alloiwed within 50 feet
of these polling places.
Candidates for V-Ball positions are
either juniors or seniors, since the
dance combines for the duration the
abnnual J-Hop and Senior Pfrom.
Those from the Lit school include
Doris Chapman, Doris Heidgen, Paul
John, John Johnson, Norma John-
son, Gene Lane, Alena Loeser, Dave
Loewenberg and Janet Main.
Engine Candidates Listed
Seeking the engineers' votes will
be Robert Dolph, William McConnell,
Dick Mixer and John Sorice. Either
Joan Wilk or Phil Marcellus will be
chosen from the College of Archi-
tecture, and IMorton Scholnick is
unopposed to represent the Business
Administration school.
Neighbors Put
Out Bean Blaze
Ann Arbor firemen were called
into action last night to put out a
blaze that started when Wesley Grey,
821 East University, fell asleep while
cooking a pot of beans.
Firemen were beaten to the job by
some of Grey's neighbors who smel-
led trouble and woke up the dozing
No fire equipment was used by'
the fire-fighters but Grey's meal was

Sessions Open With Prayer
Fervent prayer that this may be
a Congress of high destiny opened
both branches with most of the seats
taken in the chambers and the gal'-
leries packed ~wth visitors. The
chaplain intoned the words in the
Senate; the entire membership of
the House said the Lord's Prayer.
In 46 minutes the Senate quit until
Saturday when President Roosevelt
submits his message on the State of
the Union and his immediate pro-
Rayburn Asks For Unity
In the House, Speaker Rayburn
(D.-Tex.), elected to his fourth term
appealed for unity, asserting "we are
being tested whether free govern-
ment will live on this earth."
"I shall hate and despise those
people here and there who do any-
thing to thwart the efforts to bring
about an ordered world and a last-
ing peace," he said as the members
Nine women took their seats in the
House. The Senate lost its lone
woman, Hattie Caraway of Arkansas,
in the November elections.
Dies Conmmittee
Is Established
By The Associated Press
publican-Democratic coalition show-
ed today it still can rule the House,
riding roughshod over Democratic
leaders to put on a permanent basis
the old Dies Committee on Un-
American Activities.
Despite the large Democratic gain
of House seats in the November
election, the combine-by a 207 to
186 vote-brushed aside pleas by
Democratic leader McCormack of
Massachusetts. He said that "never
before in history has Congress cre-
ated a permanent investigator com-
A press gallery analysis -of the
voting showed 70 Democrats joining
137 Renublicans in favor of the
permanent committee. Opposed were
150 Democrats, 34 Republicans and
two minority party members.
The battle gave the new House a
rough and tumble opening, and the
results were reminiscent of the drub-
bings the administration has suffered
in this body for the last two years.
Moreover, it caused observers to
re-appraise the ability of the larger
Democratic majority to work in har-
Rep. Rankin (Dem., Miss.) sent
the House off to the battling start
by offering a measure to create as a
permanent committee an equivalent
of the old committee headed by Rep.
Dies (Dem., Tex.). Dies did not seek

Be Present,
Heads Assure
House Presidents
Will Obtain Tickets
A definite announcement at the
house president's meeting last night
spiked all rumors about the "lost"
Interfraternity Ball and it will "defi-
nitely be held" from 9 p.m. to mid-
night Saturday, Jan. 13, at the
Contrary to reports that he and
his band are invisible men, Fletcher
Henderson and his orchestra will be
the musical hosts of the evening and
he has promised "to do an extra
special job to pleasetthedcampus."
Dance Heads Confident
Both Assistant Dean of Students
Walter Rea and IFC head Bowman
indicated completeconfidence that
the date will be kept. "We have
every .assurance that Fletcher Hen-
derson will be here to play the dance
this time," they said.
Bowman urged all house presi-
dents to "be doubly sure that tickets
remain within fraternities." All
ticket stubs are to be turned in to
the IFC office by Tuesday.
Tickets at IFC Office
Tickets for those presidents not
present at last night's meeting will
be available in the IFC office from
3 to 5 p.m. today and tomorrow.
It will be remembered that the
original edition of the IFC Ball
scheduled for last Dec. 16 was held
with records after the orchestra
failed to appear. The 14-piece band
was held up in traveling by icy and
snowswept highways.
Nazis CaptureI
Danube Towns
LONDON, Jan. 3-UP)-Strong Ger-
man counterattacks approximately 40
miles northwest of Budapest aimed
at relieving the encircled German
garrison in the capital have succeed-
ed in capturing several towns on the
south bank of the Danube, Moscow
announced tonight.
The Russians claimed that the ene-
my blows, southeast of Komarom on
the Danube almost 45 miles northwest
of Budapest, had been repulsed, de-
spite capture of the towns.
This was the first counterblow by
the Germans in Hungary since a mas-
sive tank battle near Debrechen in
October and it bore out to some ex-
tent Berlin's boast that the German
army still was strong enough to
strike back on the eastern as well as
the western front.
The German radio has indicated
that at least two Nazi armored divi-
sions are engaged in the fighting in
the Komarom sector.
The devastating street fighting in
which the Red Army storm troops
are determinedly "annihilating" the
encircled defenders of Budapest con-

By The Associated ress
drive against north flank of Ger-
mans' Belgian salient; Nazi's re-
inforce southern flank.
take several Danube towns in first
strong counterattack in Budapest
ITALY-Canadians gain ground
near Alfonsine
GREECE-Gen. Plastiras makes
appointments for cabinet in new
Greek government; ELAS, British
continue fighting atAthens.
AIR - More than 1000 I. S.
heavy bombers pound enemy's rear
lines for 12th consecutive day.
PACIFIC-Yanks make two new
landings on Mindoro; American
planes hit Formosa and Nansei
Aerial Invasion
Of Japan Enters
Newvest phase
B-29's from Guam
Base Lash Nagoya
By The Associated Press
TERS, Guam, Jan. 3.- America's
aerial invasion of the Japanese
homeland, designed to knock out
Nippon's war industries, entered a
new phase today with a Superfor-
tress raid directed for the first time
from new 21st Bomber Command
headquarters on Guam Island.
The mammoths of the sky, taking
off from Saipan, lashed Nagoya, key
aircraft center less than 200 miles
west by south of Tokyo. The sizeable
force of B-29's, sent against Japan's
main Honshu Island, hit the Japa-
nese with a bomb lead that probably
exceeded the explosive tonnage drop-
ped on Nagoya in three previous
attacks and equalled the heaviest
unloaded on Tokyo in five earlier
(Radio Tokyo reported about 90
Superforts, striking in waves at mid-
afternoon, bombed Nagoya, Kobe,
Osaka and Hamamatsu. The three'
latter industrial cities are south of
Nagoya. The Japanese acknowledged
some damaged and claimed, without
American confirmation, that 17 of
the raiders were shot down and 25
damag ed. )
This initial Superfort strike direc-
ted from reconquered American ter-
ritory was the first against Nagoya
since Dec. 22 and the first against
Honshu since the Tokyo blasting of
Dec. 27.
The opening phase of the aerial
invasion of Japan-proper demon-
strated that B-29's could raid the
Nippon homeland and get back to
their bases in the Marianas.
Veterans Table
Tie-Up Plans
National Affiliation
Waits Further Inquiry
Plans for affiliation with the na-
tional organization of Veterans in
College, Inc., were tabled by mem-
bers of the campus Veterans Organ-
ization in a meeting yesterday at
Lane Hall.
Members of the campus group de-
cided to delay action pending com-
plete information on plans and na-
tional standing of the veterans group.
In other business at the meeting
the Co-operative Committee, work-
ing with the Reverend Edward H.
Redman, of the First Unitarian
Church, worked on the problem of
eating facilities. The committee re-
vealed eating facilities would be open
to all veterans regardless of member-

ship in the organization.
The social committee of the or-
ganization revealed plans for a
sleigh ride and barbecue for Jan. 13
and an all student-veterans' dance
for the first week in February. Michi-
gan Youth for Democratic Action
will hold a get-together from 7 to 10
p. m. Sunday at the Women's Ath-
letic Building to which veterans,
servicemen and students are invited.
Everv eligible veteran on campus

(left), new French Ambassador to the United States, signs the United
Nations declaration at ceremony at the State Department in Washing-
ton as Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., Secretary of State, looks on. France,
thus on the third anniversary of the United Nations, became the 36th
country to sign the pact.
Draft Boards Will Review
Farm Workers' Deferments


WASHINGTON, Jan. 3. - Local
draft boards were instructed for-
mally tonight to review the defer-
ments of all farm workers in the 18
to 25 age brackets.
Those not previously rejected for
physical defects are to undergo pre-
induction physical examinations as
soon as machinery will permit.
These directions went out from
Selective Service to implement the
campaign of War Mobilizer James
F. Byrnes for more manpower in
Despite these measures there was
doubt whether many of these young
farm workers could legally be de-
prived of their deferred status.
In their class are ancestimated
364,000, men heretofore classed by
local draft boards, acting under pro-
visions of draft legislation, as "essen-
tial" workers in the production of
food and farm products.
Inasmuch as deferment standards
are unchanged and lists of deferred
workers have been combed time and
again for draftable men, the opin-
ion prevailed in farm circles that a
small percentage of the affected
workers would be drafted.
Byrnes' request was made, under
authorization of President Roosevelt,
in a letter to Selective Service Direc-
tor Lewis B. Hershey.
Acting on Byrnes' request, the Se-
lective Service sent a telegram to all
state directors advising them to take
necessary steps to review all defer-
ments within the specified age group
and ascertain whether any should be
reclassified for war service.
It also directed all local draft
boards to call up all deferred work-

ers within the age group for pre-
induction physical examination, ex-
cept those who previously have been
found to be physically unfit for mili-
tary service or fit only for limited
military service.
Officials said the preinduction ex-
amination would be made regardless
of whether individual workers were
kept on the deferred list or certified
for induction.
At present, -about 1,600,000 men of,
draft age have been deferred as'
essential farm workers under the
so-called Tydings Amendment to the
Selective Service Act.
Soviet Mov)ies
To le Shown
Six movies featuring the activi-
ties and character of the Russian
people will be presented by the Post-
War Council from 7:30 - 9 p. m. to-
morrow at the Rackham Amphi-
Russia's "secret weapon," the
strength of its people, will be pic-
tured in the film, "Report From
"People of Russia" will show the
development of the Russian people
since 1932 and the participation of
Russian women in defense of their
country will be shown in "One Hund-
red Million Women."
Education in the U.S.S.R. will be
shown in "Soviet School Children."
Training from nursery school through
high school will be pictured.

Put Squeeze
On Nazi Lines
lit North Flank
Of Belgian Force
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Jan. 3.-The U.S. First
Army drove into the northern flank
f the Germans' Belgian bulge today,
oining the U.S. Third Army which
is on the southern side in putting a
gigantic squeeze on the salient where
eleven enemy divisions have been
hacked to pieces and 400 enemy
tanks destroye.d from Dec. 16
hrough :Dec. 31.
Location and depth of the First
Army thrust were not disclosed in
he official information released at
Supreme Allied Headquarters late
Third Smashes into Bourcy
ThedThird Army, however, has
mashed into Bourcy, five and one-
ialf milesnnortheast of Bastogne,it
was announced.
Front line correspondents esti-
mated that the Germans still have
about 20 divisions, half of them
Panzers, in the bulge; official sour-
ces said that eight divisions were
facing the Third Army on 25 to 30
miles of the bulge's southern flank
from a point east of St. Hubert to
north of Wiltz.
The Germans were reinforcing
heavily around Houffalize, nine miles
north of Bastogne and five miles
beyond Bourcy, deepest announced
point of Yank penetration into the
bulge, Associated Press Correspon-
dent Roger Greene radioed from the
Rundstedt Loses 20,000
It was officially estimated today
that Field Marshal Rundstedt lost
20,000 men captured and 400 tanks
destroyed by ground forces alone in
the first 16 days of his spectacular
drive to the west, and that in addi-
tion six Nazi armored divisions and
five infantry divisions were severely
cut up by the fighting Americans.
Unofficial estimates in the field put
the enemy's total casualties in the
offensive at 60,000.
Evidentlytmost of these casualties
were inflicted by the U.S. Third
Army, which a field dispatch esti-
mated had destroyed the equivalet
of five Nazi divisions since entering
the battle Dec. 20. From 8,000 to
9,000 men were in each enemy
War Casualties
182 Michigan Men in
Roll of Service Dead
The University announced yester-
day the issue of 182 certificates of
bereavement for the death of former
students serving in the armed forces.
Of the casualties 123 were mem-
bers of the Army, 42 were Navy men
and 10 were in the Marine Corps.
Five former Michigan students in the
Canadian army and airforce were
killed; one casualty was a member of
the American Red Cross Field Ser-
vice and another was with the Am-
erican Field Service.
The announcement revealed that
76 were killed in action, 69 were acci-
dentally killed and 24 died of na-
tural causes. Thirteen died fronm
miscellaneous causes.
The largest percentage of battle
casualties was concentrated in the
Pacific area, the list showed. Every
Marine casualty listed was an officer.

Allied Supplies
To Swiss Halted
Switzerland, which has been giving
the Nazis too much economic help
for the liking of the United Nations,
has been cut off from Allied supplies,
it was learned today.



Jan. 5 International Ball at 9
p. m. in Union Ballroom.
at 4:30 p. m. in League.
Jan. 5 Post-War Council films on
Russia shown at 7:30 p.m.
in Rackham Amphithea-
Jan. 5 Prof. John F. Shepard to
discuss "The Psychology
of the Fascist Mind" at
8:30 p. m. at Hillel Foun-
Jan. 5 Campus election for posi-
tions on V-Ball commit-
tee and .Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Jan, 5 Basketball game between
Michigan and Indiana at
7:30 p. m. in Yost Field
Jan. 6 Swimming meet between
Michigan and. Great
Lakes at 8 p. m. in Sports
Building pool.
Jan 6 Hockey game between

Post-War Federal-State Health
Centers, Hospitals Proposed

Hod es Announces Divisions
Active in Yank Counterattack

WASHINGTON, Jan. 3.-(A)- A
Senate subcommittee recommended
today a vast national health program
centered about post-war federal-
state construction of hospitals and
health centers.
The group, headed, by Senator
Pepper (Dem., Fla,), also recom-
(1) Federal loans and grants to
aid in providing sewer and water
facilities and milk pasteurization
plants in communities which lack
(2) Full-time public health de-
Blood Donor Days
Cancelled for Month.

partments in all communities as
soon as needed personnel becomes
available, with increased federal
grants to state health departments.
(3) Army consideration for in-
creased induction and rehabilita-
tion of men rejected because of
mental and physical defects.
(4) Preservation of Selective
Service's medical records and ap-
propriation of funds for study of
(5) Immediate steps to provide
more medical men with training
in psychiatry "with a view to pro-
viding child-guidance and mental
hygiene clinics on a far wider
(6 w)rra lsholarshins or loans

TERS, Western Front, Jan. 3.-(IA)-
Stellar roles played by six more
American divisions and one particu-
lar regiment in halting Germany's
giant drive in Belgium were disclosed
officially today.
Lt.-Gen. Courtney H. Hodges of
the First Army revealed that among
the units which finally threw back
Field Marshal von Rundstedt's offen-
sive were the Ninth Armored Divi-
sion and the Second, 1inth, 30th,
75th and 99th Infantry Divisions as
well as the 112th Regiment of the
28th Infantry Division.
Like the three outfits announced
previously-the First Infantry, 82nd
Airborne and Seventh Armored Divi-

tlefront after a 58-hour march and,
in some of the fiercest fighting of
the offensive, halted the Nazis be-
fore they could filter through the
Malmedy bottleneck.
The 30th then kicked the Nazis
out of Stavelot and trapped a large
SS. panzer force in a pocket west of
the town. This enemy armored col-
umn was methodically wiped out.
The 99th Infantry never had been
in a major action before von Rund-
stedt's lightning panzers crashed
through advance American positions
Dec. 16.
Baxter To Lecture
At Center Sunday

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