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January 03, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-03

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Cloudy and Not Quite So Cold
With Light Snou




Thlr ventharstine

Soviets Concentrate
On B dapest Attack
Street by Street Fighting Is Continued
Toward Heart of Hungarian Capital

By The Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 2.- Almost 900
blocks of buildings in battered :Buda-
pest were in Russian hands today as
Red Army storm troops continued to
blast their way into the capital street
by street and house by house, aiming
at "annihilation of encircled enemy
groupings" on both sides of the Dan-
Tonight's Soviet communique re-
ported capture of 232 blocks in Pest,
eastern section of the embattled
Hungarian capital, and another 63 in
the western section, Buda.
Indicating that the Red Army is
concentrating on the conquest of
Budapest before continuing its drive
toward Austria, the communique re-
Gen. Plastiras
Unmoved by
Greek reent
General Refuses
To Become Premier
By The Associated Press
ATHENS, Jan. 2-Archbishop Da-
maskinos, the new Regent of Greece,
was reported tonight to have failed
thus far in attempts to persuade
Gen. Nicholas Plastiras to become
Premier of the new government now
being formed.
(The Federal Communications
Commission reported later that the
Athens radio declared Jlastiras had
agreed to form a new government in
This stumbling block in the path
of peace for turbulent Greece came
as Athens shook with the rumble of
British artillery replying to shelling
by the ELAS, militia of the left-wing
EAM. The fighting continued de-
spite the announcement that a new
government was being formed and a
plea from Damaskinos for laying
down arms.
Plastiras' friends said the veteran
soldier wanted to take the premier-
ship only if all political parties were
willing to support him and if guar-
antees of support can be obtained
from the United Nations.
Adm. amsaY
Killed in Crash
Dunkerque Hero
Dies in Belgium
PARIS, Jan. 2-01')-Admiral Sir
Bertram Home Ramsay, whose ships
saved the British army at Dunkerque
and who four years later directed
naval operations in the Allied inva--
sion of Normandy, was killed today
when his plane crashed on a trip to
Belgium. He would have been 62 on
Jan. 20.
An announcement from supreme
headquarters said that the Admiral,
whose aggressiveness won him the
nickname "Dynamo,"-which was
the code name of the Dunkerque op-
eration-met with an "accident"
while en route to a conference. His
plane was not shot down by the
Germans but probably ran into bad
Ramsay was a planner and com-
mander of every important combined
Naval-Army operation of the Allies
and was naval commander in chief
under general Eisenhower, the su-
preme Allied commander.

ported action on only one other sec-
tor of the southeastern front, the
repulse of attacks by "large forces of
enemy infantry and tanks" southeast
of Komaron, a Danube River town
4' miles northwest of .Budapes and
53 miles southeast of Bratislava.
Costly Attacks
These attacks, apparently in the
neighborhood of Tovaros, Soviet-held
town five miles southeast of Komar-
on, cost the Germans heavily in
manpower and equipment, the com-
munique broadcast from Moscow
The Russian assault forces pushing
ahead in Budapest had continued
support from artillery outside the
city which had forced the defending
garrisons of Germans and Hungar-
ians underground in their last-ditch
Lacking control of the air and los-
ing their grip on the streets, a large
part of the fanatic Nazi garrison
disappeared into cellars in a hopeless
attemut to hold off Russian 'assault
forces commanding the western part
of the Hungarian.capital and surging
strongly against the Pest district on
the eastern side of the Danube.
Cut Cellar Walls
The Germans were reported link-
ing the below street level chambers
by chopping holes through cellar
walls. Slit trenches pitted backyards
in the oesieged area.
For five days there has been street
fighting in Budapest which rivals the
fighting at Stalingrad.
The Paris radio reported a state of
emergency had been declared on all
Austrian railroads.
The remainder of the long eastern
front was quiet. Berlin reported the
battle of the Courland Peninsula in
western Latvia had reached a dead-
Yank Airmen
Strike at Japs
Nips Stage Feeble
Raid on 13-29 Base
By The Associated Press
American aerial blows against the
4 panese in the Philippines, off For-
mosa and in the central Pacific high-
lighted official reports late Tuesday
on progress of the war against Nip-
Gen. Douglas MacArthur said his
fliers marked the passing of the old
year by striking Japanese shipping
and other targets. Adm. Chester W.
Nimitz said Yank airmen continued
blasting Iwo Jima, on the road to
Tokyo, while the Japanese staged a
feeble raid on the Yank Superfor-
tress base at Saipan.
Shoot Four Enemy Planes
MacArthur said air patrols, oper-
ating east of Formosa, shot down
four enemy planes and left five
coastal freighters in flames.
Striking against Luzon, main is-
land of the Philippines, the American
airmen unloaded bombs at Laoag,
on the northwest coast facing the
China Sea. The explosives started
fires ashore and sank a freighter.
Air patrols destroyed a gunboat off
the west coast.
Blast Warehouses
Yank fighter planes, roaring over
southern Luzon, blasted warehouses,
rail facilities, power plants and

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PATTON'S THIRD ARMY TROOPS -GAIN-Arrows indicate points
on the western front where rival armiies are attacking. Lt. Gen,
George S. Patton's Third Army made gains of up to six miles in the St.
IHubert area. German assaults on the Third Army's Bastogne Cor-
ridor were halted, but the Germans yesterday were attacking to the
South in the Bitche-Baniistein-Dainbach sector against the U. S.
Seventh Army.
V-Ball Committee Candidates
Chosen byMen's Judiciary
Complete slates of candidates for
V-Ball Committee posts and the the College of Business Administra-
Board in Control of Student Publi- Iicn.
cations were announced yesterday by Student Publications
the Men's Judiciary Council. Those who petitioned for the single
At the same time details for the position available on the Board in
election which will be held from 9 Control of Student Publications are
a. m. to 2 p. m. Friday were released. Ken Bissell, Bud Brimmer, Monroe
Polls will be located in the Engine Fink, and William C. McConnell.
Arch, in the main corridor of Uni- General rules for elections will
versity Hall and on the main floor of apply, and no 'electioneering within
the architecture building. 1 50 feet of the polls will be allowed.
Engine School All candidates' names will be plac-
Representing the College of Engi- ed on the same ballot but an indi-
neering will be Dick Mixer, Robert vidual may vote only for candidates
N. Dolph. S. John Sorice, and Wil from his school at any of the three
liam C. McConnell. Three will be polling places. Those ballots which,
elected. bear votes for candidates from more
The Lit School will elect five from than one school will be destroyed at
the following: Norma Johnson, Doris the discretion of the Men's Judiciary
Heiden. Janet Main Gene Lane Council.


1L , ~ AI Y l , L , 1J~l
Doris Chapman, Alena Loeser, Dave
Loewenberg, John Johnson, and Paul
Either Jean Wick or Phil Marcellus
will be chosen from the College of
Architecture and Design which will i
have one representative on the com-
mittee, and Morton Scholnick will be
unopposed as the only candidate from
'Keeeee-- iii;t
It as old!
Old man winter came up with thei
coldest day of the year yesterday as
students shivvered along to class
frozen by three below weather.
Temperatures climbed from three
below zero at 8 a. m. yesterday to five
above early in the afternoon. For'
today the weatherman forecasted
slightly warmer temperatures with
snow flurries.
The cold wave set in New Year's'
Day with a temperature reading of
about 13 degrees at 8 p. m. The high
yesterday was 32 degrees.
Negrin Protises
Franco's Overthrow
LONDON, Jan. 2-(.P)-Dr. Juan
Negrin broke his five years of self-
imposed public silence tonight and
declared he would help overthrow
Generalissimo Francisco Franco and
establish a "stable, tolerant and pro-
gressive republic" in Spain.

m. Wei Next
To Appear for
Lecture Group
Mme. Wei Tao-ming, wife of the
Chinese Ambassador to the United
States, formerly a member of the
Executive Yuan, will speak at 8:30
p. in. Jan. 11, in Hill Auditorium
under the auspices of the Oratorical
An ardent feminist, Mme. Wei was
the first Chinese woman lawyer in
Shanghai, serving in the '20's as
president of the Shanghai District
Court, as a member of the Provin-
cial Government of Kiangsu and as
a member of the commission for the
draft of China's Civil Code.
A diplomat in her own right, she
had acted as Chinese envoy extraor-
dinary to France prior to her hus-
band's appointment in 1941 to the
ambassadorship of that country. Dr.
and Mme. Wei arrived in Washing-
ton enroute to Paris, remained there
for some months and Dr. Wei was
appointed China's envoy to this
country before continuing to Vichy.
It has been suggested that pressure
from Tokyo barred the way.
A daughter of a Chinese mandarin
of the Manchu dynasty, she partici-
pated in the Chinese Revolution of
1911 and pleaded China's case in the
Shantung problem in the United


Patch' "Divisions Ha It Nazi
Advance in Lower Vosges
FDR Admits Enemy Forces Make Sizable Dent Into
Yank Lines; Less Than Belgian Break
By The Associated Press
WITH THE U. S. SEVENTH ARMY on the Western Front, Jan. 2-Lt.
Gen. Alexander M. Patch's doughboys late today halted the German ad-
vance in the lower Vosges Mountains southeast of the Maginot line town
APof Bitche after being pushed back two miles in some areas by tank-sup-
ported enemy attacks.
The Germans had slashed into the Seventh Army front on New Year's
Eve with the same fanatical fury that characterized Field Marshal Karl
Political Problems Von Rundstedt's armies in their as---
sault against the U. S. First Army
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 2-President PARIS, Wednesday, Jan. 3-(- B)-
Roosevelt acknowledged today that German troops were jabbing today
there are some important differences at nearly a dozen places from Saar- a
among the Allied powers and implied brucken to the Rhine against U. S.
that they concern European political Third and Seventh Army positions in
and territorial problems. a series of diversionary thrusts that
Moreover, he indicated that he had gained as much as two miles in }Merlin Nuremberg
doesn't hope to settle them all at his at least one point.
fotheoming meeting with Prime Min- Not As Bad As Belgium Ludwigshafen Bombed
ister Churchill and Premier Stalin. Nowhere had these counterblows. By The Associated Press
Different Interpretation assumed anything like the propor- LONDON, Jan. 2-The RA , in
Sketching a rough background for tions of the breakthrough Marshal one of its biggest night raids of the
this meeting in response to a rapid Karl Gerd Von Rundstedt had war, dropped 6,000 tons of bombs
fire of news conference questions, the achieved in the Belgian bulge. There from more than 1,000 heavy bomb-
President declared that the Allies he was already making his first ges- ers tonight on Berlin and the German
have a pretty good set of principles ture of withdrawal under the ham- industrial centers of Nuremberg and
but that they are differently inter- mering of 2,500 Allied warplanes, Ludwigshafen.
preted in different countries and which smashed at enemy troops, ar- The attacks followed daylight ham-
under the circumstances, he said, you mor and installations from the base mering of German Army concentra-
do the best you can, of the wedge to the Rhine. tions and communications behind the
Earlier in the day, it was indicated Make a Sizable Dent ' enemy wedge in Belgium by U. S
that the big three probably will A sizable dent has been made in Eighth Air Force Flying Fortresses
meet in February, Senate Majority the U. S. Seventh Army front south and Liberators.
Leader Barkley said after talking of the Maginot line bastion of Bit- 3,000 Tons Unloaded
with the President that Mr. Roosevelt che, close to the German border, More than 3,000 tons of bombs
had indicated he would meet Chur- field dispatches disclosed, but this were unloaded by the American heav-
chill and Stalin some time soon, to push has been slowed almost to a
which house majority leader McCor- standstill after gaining as much as
ick added "probably." two miles on a five-mile front. z Sil r Thrad
Offers No Clue A new series of counterthrusts has
The chief executive himself offer- been opene dby Von Rundstedt on the LONDON, Jan. 2-0?--- Hitler's
ed no clue as to his plans. When told Third Army front farther west. hair is turning grey and he is de-
of Barkley's report he said it's a Nazis Miscalculate Weather veloping a stoop, a German radio
question of the meaning of the word These fresh blows to the south, de- spokesman said today in describing
soon and he would suggest that it livered with the same fury that mark- the scene at der Fehrer's New
means anon. ed the assault against the First Army Year broadcast.
Mr. Roosevelt also was asked about in Belgium and Luxembourg last - b s
Prime Minister Churchill's statement month, were launched on New Year's ies ntheir eleventh consecutive day
that he had been in telegraphic cor- Eve..of theistiederial offenivey
respondence with the President on An apparent miscalculation in the of the sustained aerial offensive.
the handling of the Greek situation, weather has worked against the Na- Nine bombers and two fighters of the
the implication being that the Presi- zis, however, since clear skies have Eighth Air Force failed to return.
dent had in some way subscribed to permitted complete aerial support of Nearly 1,700 warplanes from Am-
the British policy of using armed the American ground troopls. erican bases in Britain participated
___r___inG_____._in the operations today and among
foMr. Roosevelt replied that the most their targets was a group of Nazi
important thing is to see that the Filipino Artist armored and infantry units cose to
populations of rescued countries do These G n otfront.
not starve. We've all been thinking T, esi for wood Germantroops,spttedin the
'f tha fr aiogrtme hesad.wooded area, 10 miles behind the
of that for a long time, he said. lines northeast of Saarlautern, were
Centr P at reported bomber "with exceptionally
MYDA To Present good results."
.Decorations for International Ba No Enemy Interference
Party For Veterans to be held from 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m In contrast to yesterday's massed
Friday will indicate the professional attack by the German airforce, the
A get-together to acquaint veter- touch of an artist. American planes carried out today's
Eduardo Salgado, a prominent operations without interference from
held by the Michigan Youth for Filipino artist, who is planning the enemy fighters.
Democratic Action from 7 to 10 p. m. decorations for the semi - formal The weather was clear and most
Sunday, Jan. 7 in the Women's Ath- dance asked guest cooperation to the of the bombing was visual.
letic Building. Guests at the party extent that'costumes be in keeping. Other targets today were road
will be entertained by a floor show, with the spirit of the Ball. junctions near Prum, Kilburg, Daun,
and refreshments will be served, ac- Request Native Attire Bitburg and Mayen and rail traffic
cording to Belle Rosenthal, president. Foreign students are urged to wear in the vicinities of Gerolstein, bad
All veterans, servicemen, and stu- their native costumes and other Kraunzmach, Ehrange and Coblenz.
lents are invited to attend. guests may compromise between the Only near Coblenz, where a group
strictly formal and the modifications of bridges was hidden by clouds, was
Sritish Fleet Arrives of wartime. He explained that the instrument bombing necessary,
Ball will be formal enough to require
in Austra an J ters long dresses for women and informal
enough to permit a choice of tails,
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 2-(')-A fx or business suits. y 7
omplete British fleet has arrived in On completion of six years of art Watchdog
NBC reporter George Fol- study in the Philippines Salgado left
suer said today in a shortwave broad- the Islands and came to the Uni-
ast from the Philippines. He said versity on a special scholarship. His House Committee Asks
~as frm te- hilppies.He aidfirst exhibition of his works was F
he force, including aircraft carriers, sponsored by the School of Graduate For Permanent 'Police'
.s under the command of Adm. S Studies. He has since exhibited in Wa
Bruce Fraser, who recently conclud- ver meropolitanart stitutes WASHINGTON, Jan. 2--(pr)-A
d strategy talks with U. S. Fleet Traveled Through Islands House investigating committee pro-

Adm. Chester W. Nimitz. Following his graduation from the posed today that Congress set up a
University of Philippines, Salgado, permanent agency to police the acti-
whose home is in Manila, travelled in vies of such organizations as the
the Islands to picture the native CIO Political Action Committee.
scene. His purpose in coming to the Broaden Corrupt Practices Act
es rUnited States he explains was "to It also suggested that the Corrupt
truth about the Filipino people and paign spending-be broadened to cov-
to correct the impression given by er primary elections and the activi-
Today they don't add that any misinformed writers." ties of so-called "political education"
more around here. Encouraged by the progress of the societies which cluster at the fringe
They always insisted he lacked the war in the Philippines, Salgado in- of political campaigns without bear-
nilitary efficiency of the enemy- sisted that the freedom-loving Fili- ing regular party labels.
that only West Pointers or career pinos will continue to fight for liber- Watchdog Agency
soldiers or "regular Army" men ation - Concluding a long investigation of
could approach the Germans for the activities of such organizations,
combat, strategy and _effectiveness. the House Campaign Investigating
They don't say that right now. Even the Governor Committee urged that Congress:
They said he didn't quite have the d "Set up a scheme of relying on
British Tommy's traditional stub- Couldn't Find Home some Congressional agnecy to watch

Today SRA record concert pres-
enting "St. Matthew
Passion" at 7:30 p. m. in
Lane Hall library.
Today MYDA sponsored veter-
ans meeting at 7 p. m. in
Lane Hall.
Jan. 5 International Ball at 9
p. m. in Union Ballroom.
Jan. 5 Transfer students invited
to Dean Lloyd coffee hour
at 4:30 p. m. in ,the

Even the Bravesta.-and the Best-Someti

31.-(Delayed)- (A')- Nothing but
the highest praise for the young
American kids who helped stop Von
Rundstedt's offensive 'came from the
top officers of this division tonight.
Nothing but admiration, respect and
One of the captains knew who

they're the best damned fighting men
in the world."
After holding firm for ten days
against impossible odds his company
had just been pulled out of the line-
what was left of it. He rubbed a cold,
cracked hand across his bearded
face, and said bitterly:
"Who really saved it? Your
damned, beat down, under-trained,
softy 'civilian soldier.' That's who

"Why, one company would beat
back a counterattack at one point
then shift while that German out-
fit was resting up and beat off
another one. Then they'd shift
back again in time to be there, to
beat back the first bunch of Boche
when they tried it again."
"By everything in the book they
couldn't do it. Yet they did. I still
can't understand it."


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