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December 19, 1944 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-19

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TUESDAY, DEC. 19, 1944

']-'4E-AMlAllti2LAN rDAIY.

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War Council To Sponsor
Campus New Year Festivities


A New Year's Eve celebration com-
plete with music, games, movies and
other entertainment will be spon-i
sored by the Women's War Council
Dec. 31-Jan. 1 in the League.
The Grill Room will be open dur-
ing the entire evening and customers
will be seated at tables gay with
holiday decorations. Dean of Women
Miss Alice Lloyd, her assistant, Mrs.
Mary C. Bromage and Miss Ethel
MacCormick, director of coedi under-
graduate activities, - will head the
serving staff which will be augmented
by house directors of campus dormi-
tory and sorority houses.
Floor Show Planned
Upstairs, celebrants will find the
Ballroom equipped by Assembly and
Panhellenic with a juke box and a
coke bar. A student talent floor show
is scheduled for 11:15 p.m. Team
and solo dancers, a magician, and
two comedy acts will be included in!
the program. The New Year will be
welcomed according to custom with
confetti, noisemakers and mass sing-'
ing of Auld Lang Syne.
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre will
run a movie at 8:30 p.m. and at 11
p.m Mortarboard, Senior Women's
Honor Society, will sponsor this con-
For a Quiet Time
For those who enjoy a more serene
New Year's Eve; the Hussey Room
will be open with soft piano music
and quiet bridge games for enter-1
tainment. Other types of games will
be set up in the Kalamazoo Room
Logan Laughs
At CampusLack



I'd walk a mile for a (civilian regu-
lations prohibit mention of desired
The serious shortage of cigarettes
has added new emphasis to the words
many of us learned in our pre-ado-
lescent years at our mommas' var-
ious knees.
"My boy," my own mother often
said earnestly, ."promise me you'll
never touch those filthy, vicious we-
er, that is cigarettes. They stunt
your growth, my son. They give the
hair that dull, lifeless look that even
Shinn's Dandruff-Intensifier Sham-
poo cannot fully remove. They stain
the teeth, giving additional business to
those tooth paste companies. False
teeth manufacturers go mad with de-
light when they see youngsters like
you inhaling cigarette smoke."
Thus She Spake
Thus she spake, and her words
were echoed by my father. "Please,
dear boy," he said, "stay away from
these paper-wrapped banalities to
which I have become a slave." My
father was 84 at the time, and still
had not retired from the wrestling
profession. " "If you will promise me
never to touch a cigaitette until you
are 21, I will personally give you a
brand new crisp $5 bill," he guaran-
Sad though it is to tell, I must ad-
mit that I did not fulfill my father's
trust. When I came. to the Univer-
sity as a freshman five weeks ago, I
was shamed to see all the BMOC's
smoking-while I was content to sip
milk and eat Cheezits.
So my second day here, I became
an avid smoker. Nothing was too
much for me. A cigar upon rising,
two cigarettes after breakfast, a pack
smoked before dinnertime, and to,
look really sharp, I borrowed my room
mate's pipe after dinner. /
Ah! A Plan!
That was my plan. Oh, I had per-
fected a wonderful schedule. I knew
I could become a smoker. I went
down to the drugstore then to buy.

under the sponsorship of Junior
Girls Project.
Students may. attend the League
function singly or in couples. One
general admission tickets will be sold
and refreshments will be purchased
Members of the War Council who
will make arrangements for the cele-
bration include Pat Coulter, Shelby
Dietrich, and Jean Gilman who will
be in charge of entertainment.
Willemin and Harriet Fishel who will
run the theatre, and Deborah Parry
who will handle tickets.
Kll Bond Belle
Teams To Meet
~Today i1n League
Bond Belle captains and their team;
members will hold an informal get-
together at 7 p.m. today in the Grand
Rapids Room of the League.
The highlight of the evening will
be the presentation of awards-in
the form of engraved scrolls-to the
teams and the women who have done
outstanding work in selling war
bonds for the Sixth War Loan Drive,
which ended Saturday.
Two awards will be given to the
team and the coed withAthe highest
percentage of sales based upon the
ratio of the number of faculty mem-
bers for which they were responsible
to the number of bonds actually sold.
This method of deriving the highest
number of sales will allow those wo-
men and teams who are in charge of
small schools to compete on" an equal
footing with those who sold bonds to
the larger schools.
Other awards will be presented on
the basis of the highest percentage
of refusals, the greatest number of
bonds sold, and the greatest value of.
bonds sold.
R. Gordon Griffith, head of the
University drive, and Warren Cook,
head of the Ann Arbor drive, will be
f presented at the presentation of
awards. Refreshments will be served
in the grill afterward.
my first pack of cigarettes. Stymied.
Why, I had supposed that any real
up-to-date drug store carried cigar-
I wafted into the next store. Boy,
were they dumb. They never even
heard of cigarettes. Seventeen drug
stores I found were just as stupid.
Even grocery stores gave me a blank
stare. I was discouraged but un-
In a last desperate attempt, I turn-
ed my coat collar up, reknotted my
scarf, rolled up my trouser leg, turn-
ed my roommate's pipe (unfilled)
bowl-downward; and sloughed up to
the Union desk. "Hey mac," I said,
as gruffly as possible, giving the
clerk (an intelligent looking speci-
men if ever I saw one) the old north-
and-south, "gimme a pack of them
there cigarettes!"
Panics Poor Clerk
The clerk blanched with fear at
my terrifying brusqueness. "Sure
mate," he said, smirking to cover
his panic. I was triumphant. At
last I had discovered the right tech-
nique in buying cigarettes. It wasn't
that there weren't any to be had;
I in my innocence had just not known
how to go about it.
Five weeks have gone by since then.
My precious pack of fags (I'm picking
up this college terminology fast) is
practically gone. Already I have be-
come a confirmed intemperate. Next
week I start to inhale.
But I still can't understand why so
many people (I mean real important
people) on campus like to smoke so
well. I can't get that funny men-
thol taste out of my mouth.

Foreign Students Jimmy Strauss
To Play Host at New Year's Dar
International Ball Jimmy Strauss and his popular
Detroit band will furnish music for
Dancing to the music of Bill Lay- the informal New Year's dance to be
ton and his orchestra, foreign stu- held from 9 p.m. to midnight Dec. 30
dents will play host at International in the Rainbow Room of the Union.
Ball from 8:30 p. m. to midnight Strauss is well known to the Uni-
January 5 in the Rainbow Room of versity campus as he appeared in
the Union. Ann Arbor three times last year. He
It will be semi-formal with for- is currently heard in Detroit at the
eign students urged to wear their Grande Ballroom. He has also served
native costume. The Ball, it was contracts with the Graystone and
emphasized by George Hall, chair- Vanity Ballrooms and with the Stat-
man, is for all the campus, students lar and Book-Cadillac Hotels in De-
and faculty. troit.
Ticket Sale 'Auld Lang Syne' a Special
Tickets may be obtained now at. Strauss has promised to feature
thekInertioma entedtheUnion all current hit tunes as well as old
the International Center, the favorites. The band will lead the
Proceeds from the Ball will be ad- dancers in singing "Auld Lang Syne"
Proeed frm te Bll illbe d-at 11 p.m.
ded to the Emergency Fund for For-;tks rhpwm.
eign Students. This fund has been Tickets for theodance will go on
I esablshe to id tudntssale at 8 a.m. today Mat the Travel
Sestablished to aidforeign students'Deck of the Union. Only Union mem-
attending the University and the Ball bers may buy tickets. Membership
is given annually to swell the fund. cards must be exhibited before aE
Theme International ticket may be purchased.
Tlte international character of the Favors of noisemakers, paper hats,
dance will be consistent with the confetti and streamers will be dis
guests. More than 40 countries will tributed by the Union Council at
be represented at the Ball this year intermission time. "There will be
with students from Latin-America plenty of everything for everyone."
Europe, and the Orient. Joe Milillo, chairman of the dance,
Hall, chairman of the dance, is as- I said.
sistant director of the International Wartime Holiday
Center, which is sppnsoring the This will be the third wartime New
dance. Mrs. Paseta Salgado, heads Year's Eve that University students'
the patrons committee, T. C. Ku is j have spent in Ann Arbor. Informal
chairman of the publicity committee, dances were presented at Waterman
decorations will be designed by Ed- Gym in previous years. Milillo urgedl
uard Salgado and Enis Backan is in that all Union memberssupport theI
charge of the program. dance.
By RUTHE RIEMANN before turning out the light and go-
ARE YOU one of the gals who ing to sleep! By giving her a king
sizeknitting bag of rayon grosgrain
makes the clerk's hair turn white, in blue, red, or green with a zipper
all because you've waited 'til the last top, you will solve your dual prob-
minute to do your Christmas shop- lem: what to get her for Christmas
ping? If you are guilty of being a and how to get her to turn in before
last - minute shopper, the notion 2 a.m. (The reasoning behind this
counter is your best bet . . . maybe second solution is as follows: If she
the items featured will help.: ! has a knitting bag, she will be able
to carry her knitting around with

Fascinates All
Hopeful Coeds

Now than Christmas vacation

To Play for
nce Dec. 30


"STINKY and Phooey" . . . call them
what you will, you'll hate to
part with these adorable little mem-I
bers of the skunk family! They're
beautifully designed in ebony-colored
pottery with the distinguished white
stripe down their backs. Their use-
fulness is questionable, but for the
girl who appreciates original and
clevtr gifts, this fascinating set of
skunks can't be beat!
ALMOST every coed sometime in
her life has yearned for a pair of
real soft angora socks to add glamour
to the somewhat monotonous class-
wear of the college girl. Why not put
one gal in ecstasy by giving her the
newest edition of angora socks, which
is simply the fuzzy angora ribbed
cuff that pulls down snuggly to meet
the cotton or wool sock worn under-
neath? An extra-special present
would be a combination of three or
four colors such as: navy blue, yellow,
and white in these angora footless
socks to match different outfits. She,
will not only love these angora topsS
for their beauty, but also because
they are so simple to wash out and
never ask for mending .. -
AYBE you have a friend who is
.L. too busy to beep track of the
letters she has answered and the ones
she has not . . . as a gentle hint that}
your letter is among those unanswer-
ed, send her a unique set of 2 genuine
leather clips with "Answered" and
''Unanswered" engraved in gold let-
ters. Ev'en though this present may
not portray your subtle hint, it will
be appreciated by the lucky receiver.
J(NIT one . . . purl two . . so your t
roommate keeps you awake .ilf
the night cause she just has to finishj
the rest of the mitten she's knittin'


Coffee Hours
Unite Frosh
Lectures, Discussion Periods
Acquaint Coeds with Campus
Although Michigan is a large uni-
versity, Dean Lloyd's Coffee Hours,
which are being held from 4:30 to
5:30 p. m., Tuesdays and Fridays in
the League, have tended to unite the
freshman girls and to acquaint them
with the advantages of the Univer-
Each of these Coffee Hours in-
cludes an imformal talk by Dean
Lloyd followed by a period of discus-
sion where questions may be raised.
Miss Lloyd has included in her talks
information on the facilities available
for the student such as: the concerts
and lectures at Hill auditorium, the!
fiction library in the League, the psy-
chiatric clinic where students can
take aptitude tests, and numerous
other advantages offered. Along with
this information Dean Lloyd has ad-
ded interesting stories and experi-
cnces which she has had. Before
each girl leaves, she has a chance to
speak personally with Miss Lloyd.
In a recent interview with Dean
Lloyd, she said, "These Coffee Hours
have proved to be a far better de-
vice than the previous receptions. I
feel that I have had an opportunity
to establish a personal relationship
with the girls."
'Actress Gets I
Extra Service
Having just finished her stint in
"Meet Me in St Louis," Mary Astor
dropped into New York for, a rest.
While in New York, Miss Astor and
a friend went to a well-known Chi-
nese restaurant in the heart of New
York's Chinatown, for a real "honest-
to-goodness" Chinese meal.
They seated themselves and Miss
Astor was quickly recognized and
surrounded by Chinese autograph
seekers. In a few minutes a very
distinguished Chinese came to their
table and, in faultless English, asked
Miss Astor if she would not consent
to honor a large dinner being held
in a private dining room of the res-
taurant. Miss Astor consented and
there followed a real Chinese dinner
such as few Occidentals are priv-.
ileged to taste.
Mary was introduced to the guests
and there followed many speeches in
Chinese. Finally the dinner was fin-
ished and the same courtly Chinese
who had invited Miss Astor to the
banquet reappeared at her side.
"I am sorry I do not have my car
here," he said, "but I would be glad
to send you home in one of the cars
of the association giving the banquet
Miss Astor and her companion
accepted and were led .outside to the
front seat of a truck bearing a large
sign in Chinese and English pro-
claiming the name of the organiza-
tion giving the dinner they had at-
tended. It was the Chinese Laundry-
man's Association!

. a. , ..r . s _ , .

her to classes, meetings, etc., thus
by the time she gets back to the
dorm she's made so much progress
on her mittens that she only has to
stay up 'til midnight to complete the
thumb . . . Two long hours more to
sleep is a choice reward for anyone!
ANDKERCHIEFS are no longer
the gift bought when nothing
else can be found . . . this year
they've climbed to the top of the
selected gift list. One delicately de-
signed hanky is regarded as a present
well worth the giving for they've not
only zoomed in price but skyrocketed
in value.
Good Luck to you problem shop-
pers . . . and Merry Christmas!
Laundry Case Can
Mean More Than
Work For Family
We all count the days until our
laundry case is due back from home
carrying our clean clothes and above
all those that extra something we're
always sure to find.
We all do it, but have any of you
ever considered turning the tables on
the old laundry case once in a while?
If you don't quite get this through
your neat hair-do into your "gray
matter," it means simply: Why not
drop a few "extra's" yourself into the
old case before sending it off at Ann
Arbor's faithful post office.
Imagine the surprises and the
praises bestowed upon you by the
family when they see that their dar-
ling daughter still remembers thatI
they're more than just a reliable
laundry concern.
There are any number of small!
items you can stick in that would
hardly lower your financial standing.
If you have a younger brother on the
home front send him your sports
events programs after you've finished
with them. He'd love you all over if
he received a model airplane or a
Michigan pennant.
Why not knit your Dad some gloves
or socks out of spare yarn, or inclose
a tube of his favorite shaving cream
or shampoo? He and the rest of the
family would love to read some of
your old "Dailies." Soap, toothpaste,
mothballs, brushes, hand cream or
any small practical item would go
over big .with Mother.
All these gifts sound small and of
litle value but they show considera-
tion and do something for Mother,
and Dad that no amount of money
could even attempt to accomplish.
n Glasses in 24 Hours

almost upon us, we've caught more
than one coed looking wistfully into
space, dreaming of her "white
She can almost visualize the whole
five days. The Navy will be home on
leave occupying most of her time.
She will be considering her ward-
robe, trying to decide which outfit
would be best for each special occa-
sion, from the tobagganing party to
the evening of dancing. It's going to
be a chance to catch up on that
long-needed sleep, legally (this time)
past the hour of an eight o'clock,
might even be until noon. Perhaps
there'll be a little brother to bring
her breakfast in bed while her devot-
ed sister washes the dishes,
There will be a conspicuous ab-
sence of books, except the strictly
uneducational kind.'
But what really happens when ourj
cherished Michigan coed arrives
home to spend the Christmas holi-
days? The dream has somehow van-
ished, and she is not only forced to
help out with the housework but, to
add insult to injury, it is suggested
that it's about time that she learned
how to cook. This leads to burned
fingers, dishwater hands, and frayed
nerves all around.
The Navy's leave is cancelled. Now
that she has all her evenings to
spend curled up in front of the fire
at home, she'll have an opportunity
to finish those outside reading books
due the day after vacation.
Maybe Ann Arbor wasn't such a
bat1 place after all.





Thanks, Mchilan!


whelmed us with business, to the Navy and Marines


who shopped, bought and asked our advice on romance,
k_ _ to the Ann Arbor business firms who welcomed Ls as
friends rather than competitors, to the administration who were helpful
in many problems, and to the great MICHIGAN spirit of hospitality to
Our store will be closed from December 25th to January 1st while
we vacation in our native Pennsylvania mountains. We will be open
January 2nd to serve you in the New Year with a firm resolve to merit
your friendship and good will.
- 1./i




designs per
f HER life.

memory-making are
Salut, and Sleeping.






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