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December 19, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-19

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TUESDAY, DEC. 19, 1944

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Behind the Trouble in Greece

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T he Pendulum

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The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Pxblisbers Representative


Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Goodfellow Drive
ALTHOUGH final receipts from the sale of
Goodfellow Dailies have not been tabulated,
present totals indicate that the drive was a
Members of the Daily staff realize that the
student body and the faculty have been re-
quested to "dig deep" within the last few weeks
and therefore sincere thanks are extended to
all who have so generously given to this worthy
In addition, those people who volunteered to
sell copies of the Goodfellow edition carried out
a praiseworthy job.
The drive can be made a complete success
if all those organizations which pledged con-
tributions turn in those contributions to The
Daily office before Friday.
-Evelyn Phillips
Nisei Veterans
THE CAPT. Belvidere Brooks post of the Am-
erican Legion in New York has invited into
its membership 16 Americans of Japanese
descent whose names the Legion post at Hood
River, Ore., erased from its rolls in a movement
of so-called patriotism.
These 16 men are now fighting overseas in the
ranks of the United ;Staties armed forces.
If any group was patriotic, it is the Brooks
post. No one can profess patriotism, and then
turn around and knife loyal Americans in the
back as the Hood River Legion post has done.
Americans of German descent are not being de-
nied membership in Legion posts, and yet the
Germans are our enemies.
Why then make a special incident in the case
of Japanese-Americans? Could the reason stem
from the fact that Japanese-Americans are of
the yellow and not the white race?
Hundreds of loyal Americans of Japanese
descent on the battlefields today are fighting
and dying for their country-America. With
this American and patriotic act of the Brooks
Iegion Post, they can rest assured that there
are some Americans who are grateful for what
they are doing-regardless of the color of their
-Aggie Miller
%FFICIALS of the New York Central Railroad
Co., have requested that students cooperate
with the firm so that the maximum number of
travellers may be accomodated during the holi-
day season.
Everyone knows of overcrowded trains, sitting
on suitcases. and running to beat the next fel-
low to the last seat. It appears that this situa-
tion will prevail for the duration. The ODT
has ordered that no additional space be allowed
civilian passengers. This is as it should be.
Actually, students haye been requested by
the railroad to follow a few simple suggest-
ions: (1) purchase tickets at least two days
in advance of traveling time; (2) leave un-
neesarv ligage in Ann Arbor; (3) ship

WASHINGTON, Dec. 18-Those who have been
sitting close to Roosevelt's and Churchill's
elbows during recent hectic weeks say that much
of the trouble regarding Greece, Italy, lend-
lease and other things dates back to the calling
off of the Churchill-Roosevelt-Stalin confer-
ence provisionally scheduled for just after elec-
tions, about Nov. 22.
It is no secret that Churchill was irritated
over Roosevelt's decision not to proceed. How-
ever, it has been a secret that not only was he
irritated, he was boiling mad. And his ire
undoubtedly influenced relations with Greece
and Italy, definitely caused the partial failure
of the Chicago Air Conference.
Since then, Churchill has been working to have
postponed the big three conference revived at
an early date, and it now looks as if he had
succeeded. Obviously the President cannot leave
the country until he is inaugurated Jan. 20.
But after that the meeting probably will take
Judging by the temper of Churchill's critics
in Parliament and hostile editorials in even the
London Times regarding his Greek policy, the
Prime Minister badly needs such a meeting to
restore his shaky prestige.
The inside background of the Churchill-
Roosevelt irritation goes back to Churchill's
flying visit to Moscow right after the Quebec
Conference last summer. Personally Chur-
chill got along famously with Stalin on that
trip, though politically he didn't do much
business. A lot of things, he felt, such as con-
flicting British-Russian influence in the Bal-
kans, Turkey, Iran remain to be settled. So
he counted on ironing them out with Roose-
velt after elections.
The President, however, decided not to rush
off to the Near East or Russia right after elec-
tions. For one thing he didn't want to get
in the middle of a Stalin-Churchill dispute.
Churchill's Shaky Prestige...
T HIS WAS when Churchill hit the ceiling.
Insiders noticed that a lot of warmth dis-
appeared from their personal telegrams imme-
diately afterwards.
There was one memorable occasion when the
Chicago Air Conference reached a deadlock
when Churchill seemed especially stubborn. The
British and American delegations were not far
apart, but neither side would back down. At one
cabinet meeting in London, two British cabinet
members urged Churchill to cable Lord Swin-
ton, British Delegate in Chicago, to compromise.
They felt British-American harmony was much
more important than a point of commercial air
advantage, and that the two chief allies of the
war should not cause an important conference
to go on the rocks because of their differences.
Churchill, however, refused to budge. The
conference ended with a patched-up agree-
ment camouflaged as a real agreement.
On top of this, conditions drifted from bad
to worse in.Greece. It is quite true that Roose-
velt had agreed to give the British a free
hand in Greece. In fact, Roosevelt had carried
this so far that all American political and
underground operations in Greece had to have
British approval. Roosevelt even backed up
Churchill in supporting King George of Greece
when most of the cabinet wanted to require a
plebiscite before the King could return.
So, unquestionably, Roosevelt shared in
planting the seeds from which the present trou-
ble springs. His advisers say, however, that he
did not expect or even dream that British policy
would drift into such a tragic impasse as oc-
curring today in the streets of Athens.
It has had serious repercussions not only
with British public opinion but in the United
States where it has given a new life to isola-
tionist critics of Roosevelt's foreign policy.
Those are some of the reasons why the President
is reported now quite ready to sit down with
Churchill and Stalin-if the latter is receptive-
to iron out some of the cactus points of Euro-
pean politics.
War Shortages Before Nov. 7?
GEN, BREHON B. Somervell was quick to
pounce on Senator Brewster's accusation
that the Army had soft-pedalled talk of war
shortages before Nov. 7. The GOP Senator
from Maine had stated bluntly in a closed-door

On Second Thought...
NAZI TROOPS start a new offensive, which
means they're even more offensive than
Monkey Ward is having strike trouble again
and, without doubt, all of the MP's in the
nation are flexing their muscles in prepara-
tion for carrying Mr. Avery out in his swivel
War might have raised th'e percentage of coeds
on campus to an unbelievable height, but most
of them turned out to be Goodfellows.
Anybody want to bet that Congress will
adjourn on schedule? They don't agree on
very many things, but most of them prefer a
White Christmas to a White House.
Campus hep-cats no longer cut classes. They
"pull a Fletcher."

session of the Mead Committee it seemed to
him very peculiar that there should have been
silence about shortages before elections, then
suddenly a lot of talk about war shortages just
after elections.
So hard-working supply General Somervell
sent Brewster clippings and copies of all the
public statements he had made both before and
after elections.
Brewster examined them carefully, came to
the conclusion that his original complaint was
right. Somervell was emphtic and prolific
in urging greater production in June and July.
But tapered off during the summer. In fact,
the last emphatic statement Brewster could
find that the General made urging production
was around the first of September.
On Nov. 1, six days before election, Somervell
made another statement but Brewster felt that
it was vague and lacked the old Wmervell punch.
Senator Brester didn't consider it was any real
disclosure of war shortages. But right after
elections, all sides were heard from in the War
Department urging greater production.
(copyright, 1944, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Poilitical Miracle
N\EW YORK, Dec. 18-President Roosevelt has
been pulling off one of his customary politi-
cal miracles, and, as usual, almost nobody has
noticed. It will be remembered that, not long
ago, the conservative press was in a tizzy be-
cause of "the power of the P. A. C." in Mr.
Roosevelt's administration. Today the liberal
press is in a tizzy because of the "power" of
such conservative business men as Mr. William
L. Clayton in the same administration.
Serious writers, in opposite camps, have argued
soberly within the last six weeks, that Sidney
Hillman has much too much power in this gov-
ernment, and also that Will Clayton has much
too much power in this government. Do they
both have too much power?
Or is the truth, rather, that Mr. Roosevelt
has been building a long organization, reading,
in the usual manner, from left to right? Mr.
Roosevelt likes to pass these miracles. The
man who, eleven years ago, pinned together
the political power of the conservative South
and of the laboring North, to pass the greatest
bundle of reform laws ever carried into the
statute bools, knows this game as few men
in our history have known it. The real story
of the Clayton appointment is not that Mr.
Roosevelt is supporting Will Clayton, but that
Will Clayton is supporting Mr. Roosevelt; that
he is supporting the same ma Sidney Hill-
man is supporting.
Is that bad? Would the liberals have pre-
ferred that Mr. Clayton, and as many friends
as he could muster, should stand in opposition
to the President? Would that have given them
a nice, homey feeling? It seems to me that
if the President had offered Mr. Clayton the job
of Assistant Secretary of State, and if Mr.
Clayton had turned it down indignantly, on the
ground that he opposed the President's foreign
policy, the liberals of America would have been
outraged. One can imagine what learned pieces
they would have written on a "big business
strike" against Dumbarton Oaks, etc.
Well, Mr. Clayton was offered the job, and
he accepted it, and he went meekly to the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and he
paced himself on record in support of the
President's foreign policy, and the liberals
are just as outraged as if he had done
precisely the opposite. They have done their
best to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory,
to make opposition where opposition has been
,IN ACTING SO, the liberals have been mak-
ing the unspoken assertion that the Presi-
dent does not know what he is doing. They have
not quite said that. They have fudged on the
point. They have kind of left the President out
of it. They have acted as if the recent State
Department appointments had come out of a
Christmas box, or had been dropped by para-
chute. They have resolutely avoided answer-
ing the question of whether, if these appoint-
ments are evil, must not the President be an
evil man? But now let us look for a moment
at what the President has been building.

The structure of support for the President's
foreign policy now spreads all the way from the
C.I. O. to the top sections of American busi-
ness. With a few notorious exceptions, the
entire conservative press supports that policy.
There is no solid, organized political opposi-
tion to it. Does anyone suppose that all this
is a happy accident? One has a glimpse, here,
of the utter objectivity with which the President
must have labored to bring this condition about,
of his iron willingness to pay whatever price
has to be paid to do it. Do the liberals object
to paying a price? What do they want? Bar-
It is unconvincing to hear liberals say that
all is woe and confusion; that there is no pat-
tern; that this mixture of Clayton and Mac-
Leish in office, of support from Sidney Hillman
and the New York Herald Tribune outside, is
only a mess. There is a pattern. All these
men and agencies are supporting the President.
When the weathervanes all point the same
way, it is idle nonsense to pretent one doesn't
know how the winds are blowing.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

MEL RAVITZ, my friend and fellow
columnist has some sage things
to say on occasion in The Detroit
Collegian. That publication is one of
the few college papers still presenting
some intelligent discussion of public
affairs. Here is a sample article:
AS AN Allied European military vic-
tory draws closer and closer, it
becomes increasingly incumbent upon
the American people to decide one of
the cardinal issues of the peace: the
fate of a conquered Germany. I am
writing now to expound a detailed
program of action for that event. I
am writing to emphasize what should
be our overall intention and to estab-
lish the inadvisability, the folly, the
fearful futility of adopting any oth-
er intention.
I think that if war has any de-
fense at all it will only be found in
the justice, the goodness, the per-
manence of the peace for which it
was waged. In dealing, therefore,
with Germany or in considering
any of the problems with which we
will soon be confronted, our single
governing intention must be to cre-
ate as just and as enduring a peace
as possible.
Yet, there are many people who
are not guided in their thinking pri-
marily by this desire to create a per-
manent peace. Of course, they hate
war; but with a more profound vig-
or they hate the German people.
They are determined to make them
suffer as the Jews, the Poles, the
Czechs, the French were made to
suffer. They suggest sterilizing Ger-
man adults and liquidating all at-
taches of the Nazi Party.
With these immature zealots I
completely disagree. Long ago I
rejected as false the Nazi theory
of racial or national inferiority-
whether it be applied by the Nazis
to the Jews or by overly emotional
Germanophobes to the German
people. And I do not believe that
wreaking vengeance upon any
people will in any way contribute
to the creation of an enduring
With John Milton I believe that,
"Revenge, at first though sweet, bit-
ter ere long back on itself recoils."
No, I have not forgotten that the
German armies have committed at-
rocities often too revolting to relate.
I know all the anguish and pain they
have inflicted. But the barbarity of
another is no justification for our
own degeneration. I ask only if re-
taliation for this misery will in any
way recompense for it.
Will it in any way rebuild a brok-
en body? Will it give new hope to a
bleeding spirit? Will it return liv-
ing parents to an orphaned baby?
Retaliation will do none of these
things. To revenge ourselves on the
German people will only sow the vit-
riolic seeds for tomorrow's war. It
will not weave a stronger strand in
the fabric for tomorrow'speace.
Thus, I do not glibly hope that
the Russians will reach Berlin be-
fore us. I do not want them eith-
er to wreak vengeance upon the
German people. I want to see
made, in our time, a peace that
will endure for all time. I want to
see unfold before us a rare peace
which as it matures. will bring
happiness to the little men and
women of our world.
Despite our worried pretensions
that we are desirous of a quick peace
and that we are planning for a bet-
ter postwar world I do not think that
we are contributing to either. For we
have taken unconditional surrender
as the essential condition for peace
with Germany and Japan. We shall
not make a durable peace on the
basis of fear. Yet fear is all that
unconditional surrender is calculated
to produce.
Instead of this unfair and indefi-
nite policy for dealing with enemy
nations I suggest the following speci-
fic demands:

(1) That the German people dis-
place their present government with
another whose liberal intention is
evident. (2) That they rapidly dis-
arm, destroying the dies for their
armaments as well as the armaments
themselves. (3) That th.ey make res-
titution wherever possible; both po-
litical and economic.
In return for these demands, I
suggest that the United Nations
guarantee Germany: (1) That they
will help her and other conquered
countries to establish themselves
into effective regional federations
as units of a larger world federa-
tion. (2) That they will extend ma-
terial aid to her and to all other
needful nations, and that they will
not use such aid as a political
weapon. (3) That they will have
free access to the sources of raw
materials. (4) That in all issues of
allegiance or boundary dispute, in-
ternationally controlled plebesci-
tes shall take the place of uni-

lateral-or even trilateral-oppres-
sion. (5) That as an indication of
our good faith following disarma-
ment by Germany we too imme-
diately and completely disarm;
that we oppose all suggestions of a
resurgent militarism, and that we
work co-operatively and demo-
cratically for the maintenance of
a fair peace.. .
THE EDITOR of the Ann Arbor
News has ventured to make a
pronouncement of his views on the
University Hospital situation in an
editorial in the News on Dec. 15, in
evident answer to my resolution for
an investigation of that situation
which I, as a member of the Univer-
sity, felt it incumbent upon me to
place before the University Senate
This same editor in the News made
a statement which is absolutely false
namely that members of the Senate
are pledged to secrecy on the discus-
sions of such meetings. I called the
attention of the editor to the falsity
of his statement and he has twice
declined to correct it. There is a
Secretary of the Senate and doubt-
less almost everyday the said edito
meets Senate members none of whom
have been expected to make any suc
If I, a professor of mathematics
were to attempt to instruct medic
men in the niceties of medical sci-
ence, I would be a fool, not fit tc
teach in any university worthy of th
name. Every year untrained men ir
medicine, in philosophy, in literature
and even in mathematics attempt tc
instruct university men trained i
these disciplines. Usually these arc
misguided individuals suffering froir
some aberration.
The complaint concerning fees anc
charges is applied by myself only tc
patients treated in the Universit
Hospital, which is at the same tim
a hospital of the State of Michigan
Millions of dollars have been spen
by the State for this hospital and it
facilities. It was not intended to b
used as it has been for the exploita-
tion of citizens of Michigan and fo
the private profit of a group of ter
or twelve University physicians
When I state that the younger mer
and others not in the grand ring arc
exploited, I am stating a fact. I defy
the upper group to have the Regent
of the University call in privately
with only two or three Regents pres-
ent, this group and question their
about the situation-or allow their
to talk.
At the Senate meeting I repeatedly
requested of President Ruthven tha
the ballot on my resolution be writ-
ten. I may be a poor, benighted sort
of individual who does not kno
Robert's rules of order. But some-
where I have heard that in Americe
balloting is secret and a man's em-
ployers are not supposed to know
how he votes. At the Senate meeting
were representatives of the clique
largely heads of departments, anc
any assistant or associate professo
who voted for my resolution by
standing or by raising his hand knm
very well that that would be reporte
to his chief and no promotion woul
ever come to him. The American wa
is to permit a secret vote, the Nazi
way is to supervise the voting.
Practically every man of distine-
tibn in the group now at the hos-
pital, the "clique" as I have properly
called them, has made his reputation
here. Put ten of them in Detroit and
within three months the men who
take their places will be the authori-
ties. Only one former University
doctor has made a real fortune and
he did it by marrying a rich wife.
Most of the men in question do not

have that way out. An editor be-
comes great partly by realizing his
own limitations. However, I under-
stand that the chief editor came into
Journalism by the back door, having
had training largely against the pub-
lic interest in representing for years
the private utilities in Lansing.
-Louis C. Karpinski
(Continued from Page 2)

to look the matter up in his tariffs,
he will find you are right.)
Be sure to tell the ticket, agent that
you require a tax exempt ticket at
the time you ask for your ticket. Fail-
ure to do this will require the making
out of new tickets and wll.be un-
economical both in time and in pa-
per. Our over-worked railway em-
ployees should not be put in a posi-
tion where they are required to do
extra work.
S. W. Smith
All - Campus Christmas Party:
Thursday, Dec. 21, 8 p.m. The Mich-
igan Union cordially invites the fac-
ulty and student body to gather in
Hill Auditorium to sing Christmas
Carols and receive a Christmas mes-
sage from President Ruthven. The
program will be given in the com-
munity fashion typical of the old
American Christmas.
Choral Union Members: Members
of the Choral Union who have not
already done so, please return their
copies of "Messiah" at once, and
receive in lieu thereof copies of other
choral works which will be sung at
the May Festival, between the hours
of 10 and 12, and 1 and 3, at the
offices of the University Musical
Society, Burton Memorial Tower.
Candidates for the Teacher's Certi-
ficate for February and June, 1945: A
list of candidates has been posted on
the bulletin board of the School of
Education, Rm. 1431 University Ele-
mentary School. Any prospective
-andidate whose name does not ap-
pear on this list should call at the
office of the Recorder of the School
of Education, 1437 U.E.S.
The hours for women students on
the nights immediately preceding
end following the Christmas vaca-
;ion will be as follows: Friday, Dec.
22, 8 p.m. (Dormitories and League
Houses close for the vacation period
at this time and those students
cmainingtinAnn Arbor over Friday
light will have to be in their resi-
lences by this time.); Wednesday,
Dec. 27, 12:30 a.m.; Thursday, Dec.
38, 10:30 p.m.; Friday and Saturday,
Dec. 29 and 30, 12:30 a.m.; Sunday,
Dec. 31. 2 a.m.
Orchestra Rehearsal: The Univer-
sity of Michigan Symphony Orches-
tra will meet in Hill Auditorium at
1 p.m. for its next rehearsal.
A meeting for all those interested
.n woking on the Hillel News will be
held at 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, at the
Hillel Foundation.
All J.G.P. League House Zone
Chairman please turn in all stamp
noney in the League between four
and five.
Academic Notices
Psychology 31, Makeup exam will
'e held today at 4:30 in Rm, 1121
Freshmen, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Freshmen may
iot drop courses without "E" grade
ifter Saturday, Dec. 30. Only stu-
dents with less than 24 hours' cedit
ire affected by this regulation. They
nust be recommended by their Aca-
lemic Counselors for this extraordi-
aary privilege.
Seminar in Special Functions to-
lay. Professor Rainich will speak
on Operators and the Orthogonal
Polynomials. Rm. 317 West Engineer-
Graduate Record Examination in-
lividual report charts are now avail-
able at the Graduate School office.
Students may call for them between
9:00 and 12:00 a.m. or 2:00 and 4:00

Lecture: "Razon y Fruto de Nicar-
agua" (in Spanish). Dr. Mariano
Fiallos, Minister of Education of
Nicaragua, introduced by Professor
Hayward Keniston; auspices of the
Latin-American Society and the In-
ternational Center tonight at 8. Kel-
logg Auditorium. Open to the public.
Events Today
Le Cercle Francais will hold its
Christmas meeting this evening at
S o'clock in the Michigan Union.
A special program has been prepared
for the occasion.
Assembly Board Meetings: The
regular Dormitory and League House
Presidents' meetings will be held
today at 5 p.m. Dormitory presidents
meet in the Kalamazoo Room. League
house presidents consult the League
Bulletin Board for place of meeting.
The Christian Science Students'
Organization is holding a meeting
tonight at 8:15 in the chapel of the
Michigan League. All are welcome to
Comin g Events
La Sociedad Ilispanica invites you
to help celebrate the holiday season
by attending a Christmas program,
Latin-American style. Christmas car-
ols and customs of Spanish-speaking
countries will be featured. Wednes-



with the regulations applying
as laid down by the Board
gents, by inquiry of Mr. Stem

of Re-
or Mrs.

.,,®.a r

Perkins in the Business Office, if
One thing is to be noted in partic-1
ular, namely: the University as a
state institution is exempt from Fed-'
eral taxation on transportation and
in case any person pays such tax the
Business Office is not permitted to
reimburse him therefor. Ticket
agents selling tax exempt tickets will
require of the purchaser a tax ex-


By Crockett Johnson

Sound effects will make our decoy doubly
convincing. When I blow my ermine mating


C usfurnfocti1re! M~lbN

0 F-ur 3lope uledJ~.

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