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December 16, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-16

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SATUIMAY, DEC. 16, 1944

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Fifty-Fifth Year

Facts on New State Department

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Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of 'Student Publications-.

Editorial Staff

Evelyn Phillips .
Stan Wallace
Uay Dixon .
Hank Mantho .
Dave Loewenberg . .
Mavis "Kennedy
Lee Amer
Barbara Chadwick. .
June Pomering .

. . Managing Editor
* * City Editor
Associate Editor
. . Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Women''s Editor
. Business Manager
Associate Business Mgr.
Associate Business Mgr.

Member of The Associated Press
The Asociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
-W .- - ..
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are "written by members of The Daily stafff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Tired of DriNves?..
FIRST it was the War Chest. Then it was
Galens and the Sixth War Loan. After that
came the Tuberculosis Seals. Now it's the Good,
fellow edition. After Christmas it'll be the Red
Cross and the Infantile Paralysis campaign.
That's all people want, you say. Money,
money, money all the time. It's too much.
lust plain too much.
But it's not too much.
And why not?
Because the sum requested from each student
is small. Very small. A dime or a quarter.
Two cokes, a movie, a package of cigarettes.
Giving up no more than that is all that is
Because you can't honestly say that you don't
have the money. Because you can't say -that
fifteen cents or a quarter or two cokes or a
movie mean that much to you.
tecause the causes are worthy. The War
Chest, the Galens, the Textbook Lending li-
brary, the Family Service Bureau are fillin'g
imperative needs, needs which can be met
.only with funds contributed by the more for-
Because you are the "more fortunate." You
have plenty to eat and drink. You have a
warm' room and sufficient clothing-with plenty
of extra cokes and malteds and hair clasps and
giddy ties. You are not working fifty-four hours
a week before a drill press. You are not risk-
ing your life on a battlefield.
So give. Without complaint.
It's the least you can do.
--Margaret Farmer

WASHINGTON, Dec. 15-Two of the new
assistant secretaries of state got their first
boost in diplomacy, directly or indirectly, from
the famous social war of Dolly Gann..
It occurred at that turning point in the life
of the nation, when having progressed far from
the unceremonial days of Andrew Jackson's
muddy-booted, farmer-worker inaugurals, we
began to understand the European niceties of
who should sit where at dinner. And having
grown up as a nation, we appointed James Cle-
ment Dunn as chief ceremonial officer of the
White House. .
He was a full-fledged State Department ca-
reer officer, given the weighty job of arranging
White House place cards and making sure that
the gold-braided naval aides lined up the
Vice President and the chief justice's wife ac-
cording to strict protocol.
The Dolly Gann social war made Jimmy
Dunn famous. Actually, he adroitly sidestep-
ped the issue, dumping it in the lap of Chilean
ambassador Carlos Davila. But from that
day on, his job was made. Before some people
had turned u their nose at the idea of a full-
time, full-fledged career diplomat paid by the
taxpayers 'to rule on protocol. But from that
point on, Jimmy, a charming and delightful
person, became a fixture in Washington's dip -
lomatic-social whirl.
Cordell Hull's Closest Friend ...
In fact, Jimmy Dunn's State Department Bu-
reau of International Conferences and protocol
was enlarged and became quite an institution.
He used it as a springboard to attend confer-
ences all over the world. So when Cordell
Hull came into office, a simple senator from
Tennessee, unused to the folderol and trappings
of diplomacy, it was natural for Jimmy Dunn to
go with him to the famous London economic
There, Hull had trouble with his old enemy,
Professor Raymond Moley. Also Hull did not
know the minute details of how a conference
should operate, but Jimmy Dunn did. And
Jimmy, in that brief trip to London, became
the new-found friend, eventually the closest
confidant of Cordell Hull.
Next to his marriage to gracious and ambi-
tious Mary Armour, heiress to the Armour
millions, this was the wisest move Jimmy ever
After the London conference, Jimmy accom-
1janied Hull to the Pan-American conference
at Montevideo, this time taking his wife. On
the long voyage, she and Mrs. Hull got ac-
quainted. Since then scarcely a day has pass-
ed during the 12 years Hull remained Secre-
tary of State that Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Trull
have not visited together. Nor has there been
a day wheni the weather and Mr. Hull's health
were good that he has not played his favorite
game, croquet, with Jimmy Dunn.
Naturally Mr. Hull soon promoted Jimmy out
of his routine niche in charge of protocol and
conferences, placing him in charge of vitally
important European affairs. As a young man,
Jimmy had never got through college. But he
became Hull's "political advisor for Europe."
From Kansas to White Spats.. ..
Having risen to this key position, Jimmy
reached out and put his friend, Julius Holmes,
now a Brigadier General, into his old protocol
job. Possibly this was because Julius came from
kansas and Jimmy feared another vice-presi-
dent's sister from Kansas would precipitate a
new Dolly Ganp war.
Kansas has done ,well by Hohnes. It is not
certain, however, that he has done so well in,
sticking by Kansas' democratic ideals. He
married the delightful daughter of Kansas'
famed ex-governor and Senator, Henry Allen.
Uut when he was stationed in Rumania he
came back insisting that the Iron Guard was
not fascist (later it threw the country to Hitler)

and in the State Department he was long a
staunch defender of Franco. "Shockingly
pro-fascist in his leanings," was the way an
old Kansas friend recently rescribed him.
But as a Kansas boy, home state of General
Eisenhower, Julius has shot up to high position
on Eisenhower's staff. He jumped from Major to
Brigadier General in about the time it takes
the average youngster to be trained as a rookie.
And in North Africa he was in on the ground
floor in helping to arrange for Admiral Darlan
to take over.
H was also working closely with Robert
Murphy when it was arranged that French
fascist Marcel Peyrouton, the police official
who started 'labor and religious internment
camps under Vichy, should become governor
of North Africa. Sumner Welles, then under-
secretary, tried to hold up Peyrouton's pass-
port in Argentina, but was overruled from Al-
giers. Eisenhower always claimed that he
knew nothing about these political matters,
that he left everything to his State Depart-
ment advisers. Murphy and Hlohnes were those
(Copyright, 1944, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Anti-British Uproar
NEW YORK, Dec. 15-The American public is
being flooded with anti-British pronounce-
ments, manifestos, declarations, cartoons, wise-
cracks. Some of this material is put out by
liberals, who quite properly object to current
British policy in Belgium and Greece. But some
of it, too, comes from publicists who have always
been anti-British, from isolationists, who see in
the present near-crisis an opportunity to get
in their own particular anti-British licks. Lib-
erals denounce British policy in Belgium and
Greece, and isolationists chime in to remark that
the British are fighting to the last American,
The two currents of criticism of Great Britain
combine to make an uproar.
By an unhappy coincidence, the question of
postwar commercial air routes has come to a
head at this time, and there is American pres-
sure against Britain on this point, too. Just as
our liberals have been fighting the British on
their conduct in liberated countries, and just
as our isolationists have been fighting the
British out of sheer, numb habit, so the Ameri-
can delegation to the recent International
Civil Aviation Conference also has been in
the position of fighting, or at least, opposing
the British.
So this third stream of anti-British pressure is
joined to the main flood. These have come to-
gether at the same moment, and the result is
that there seems to be a torrent of comment
unfavorable to Great Britain.
It is as if all those planets which exert a
malign influence on American-British under-
standing have come into conjunction. The ef-
fect, just by sheer bulk and weight and volume
of discourse, is almost such as to make it seem
that all of America is passing through an anti-
British phase. Everywhere you turn, somebody
is saying it. Yet this effort is misleading; the
groups now criticizing Britain in America are
quite different, and they are moved by quite
different motives. Only an unhappy set of coin-
cidences has activated them all at the same
moment. In actual fact, of the major Ameri-
can groups now attacking Britain, each one
probably wishes that the other two would drop
THIS crazy coalition cannot last very long.
Yet it is important for liberals to realize that
it is a kind of coalition; or that it has at least
the effect and weight of a coalition. If you
make the same sounds as the next man, you are
singing with him, no matter what you intend.
That is why it has been suggested,in these
dispatches, that we need a major economic
settlement with Great Britain, to assure the
British that they are going to be able to live
after the war, to assure them that they are

going to have an opportunity in world trade.
It is perfectly clear that British fears on this
point are behind Britain's unhappy experi-
ments in repression in Belgium, Greece and
Italy. Ernest Bevin, Britain's Labor Mini-
ster, has just said, in so many words: "The
British Empire, whether we like it or not,
cannot abandon its position in the Mediter-
ranean." An apprehensive Britain is fighting
for its life. When a Labor Party man, like
1evii, finds he has nowhere to go except
toward Toryism, it is time for American lib-
erals to consider whether they don't have some
basic thinking to do on this point.
An economic settlement with Britain, giving
her some hop'e, would let us unwind current ten-
sions, would make less necessary Britain's des-
perate try at power politics in the small coun-
And that is the way to get back to the spirit
of the grand alliance, to break up the massed
anti-British chorus; leaving only the isolation-
ists to carry on with the theme, like cats cry-
ing on a back fence at night.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

U.S. Veterans Committee
In view of the fact that a very large
part of your readers, past and pres-
ent, are now serving in the arnied
forces of the country, I should like
to call your attention to the follow-
ing in the hope that you may find it
of sufficiently wide-spread interest to
warrant investigation and perhaps
space in some future edition of the
I believe we should all be extremely
concerned that the veterans of this
war do not unwittingly become a.
part of a reactionary organization,
a tool of the backward looking for-
ces of the country. We hope, on the
contrary, that they will be able to
find some common ground on which
to build the liberal and democratic
forces necessary to win the peace as
our military force is winning the war.
The veterans of this war, under a
great and honest leadership, will hold
this force in their organization, and
I believe that the plan of the Am-
erican Veterans Committee is at least
a beginning of such an organization
and our surest path to avoid a reac-
tion-controlled continuance of oth-
er veterans' groups.
The AVC was founded, as the en-
closed newspaper reprints indicate.
by Lt. C. G. Bolte and a group of
like-minded veterans in the hope
that, through their committee, they
might be able to form the nucleus of
a liberal organization and bring to-
gether, before the close of the war.
as many as possible of the interested
and thinking men arid women serv-
ing our country. In this way their
individual energies might not be
spent in isolation and without accom-
In order that the Committee may
accurately reflect the beliefs of its
members, the present leaders have
not formed an all-inclusive plat-
form. Rather they have announced
a "statement' of intentions" upon
which the AVC has been foundedand
from which beliefs will come its
eventual platform. This statement
includes liberal viewpoints on finan-
cial, medical, vocational, and educa-
tional assistance to veterans; a sys-
tem of cooperative private and gov-
ernment action in the post war busi-
ness world to provide economic and
social security; the active continu-
ance of the United States in the
United Nations organization to pre-
vent aggression and to promote so-
cial and economic measures which
will remove the causes of war. Obvi-
ously this is a large order. Yet these
points do provide some outline of the
problems which must be faced if we
are not to come again to the econ-
omic and social catastrophe of World
War III. It is these things, alon
with their related issues, about which
the AVC is concerned and of which
the leaders would like to make the
veterans of this war conscious. Both
as a future veteran and as a member
of the AVC,-I should like to ask the
editors of the Daily to consider the
matter and, if they feel it deserving
of publicity in a student-opinion pub-.
lication, to let the readers know of
this new and, I feel, promising or-
Very sincerely,
-Rex C. Wilder, '43 SM
Deeper Analysis Needed
Had Mr. Daum (letter to the Daily,
Dec. 12) penetrated a bit more deep-
ly with his analysis, he might have
found the source of the evils he por-
trays in our way of life or culture.
In accordance with the mores of
this 'culture, men of every class and
occupational group are in the m in
driven to advance themselves in a
material way with little regard for
the general welfare, Because of this
fact, the general welfare suffers
greatly. In short, our individualistic
culture is so destructive in its mani-
festations that it cannot long con-
tinue. As Professor Becker remark-

ed, some form of collectivism is in-
evitable, fascism being the only form
we can achieve without effort-by
merely drifting. The "socialized
democracy" which he advocated
would involve a moral revolution, the
mores being completely reversed so,
that they would drive ambitious in-
dividuals to put the welfare of their
country ahead of personal material
gain. I do not understand that Pro-
fessor Becker considers businessmen
any "worse" than other men. It is
Inerely that because of their relative
power in our present scheme of life
the individualistic culture expresses
itself through them more destruct-
ively than it is in general able to do
through the activities of less highly
placed persons. Should the change
which he advocates take place all
men would be obliged to begin march-
ing to different music.
-PAZoy 1. holmes
B Crockett Johnson,
So sculpping a litle one-ton ermine

SATURDAY, DEC. 16, 1944 t
VOL. LV, No. 39
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewrittent
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Tall, by 3:30 p. m. of the dayc
preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-
School of Education Faculty: The,
December meeting of the faculty will
be held on Monday, Dec. 18, in the
University Elementary School Li-
brary. The meeting will convene at
4:15 p.m.
The hours for women students on
the nights immediately preceding1
and following the Christmas vaca-
tion will be as follows: Friday, Dec.'
22. 8 p.m. (Dormitories and League
Houses close for the vacation period
at this time and those students
remaining in Ann Arbor over Friday
night will have to be in their resi-
dences by this time.); Wednesday,
Dec. 27, 12:30 a.m.; Thursday, Dec.
28, 10:30 p.m.; Friday and Saturday,
Dec. 29 and 30. 12:30 a.m.; Sunday,
Dec. 31. 2 a.m.
State of New York Civil Service
Announcement for Fire Driver in
Chautauqua County, Salary $32.50
per week. has been received in our
office. For further information stop
in at 201nMason Hall, Bureau of
City of Detroit Civil Service An-
nouncements for Ambulance Opera-
tor, Salary $1.03% to $1.08%/ per
hour. and Occupational Therapist,
Salary $2,216 to $2,553, have been
received in our office. For further
details, stop in at 201 Mason Hall,
Bureau of Appointments.
Academic Notices
Students, Fal Term, College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Courses dropped after Saturday, Dec.
16, by students other than freshmen
will be recorded with the grade of
"E." Upon the recommendation of
their Academic Counselors, freshmen,
(students- with less than 24 hours
credit) may be granted the extra-
ordinary privilege of dropping cour-
ses without penalty through the
eighth week.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Except under
extraordinary circumstances, courses
dropped by upperclassmen after to-
day will be recorded with a grade of
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for DROPPING COUR-
Saturday, Dec. 30. A course may be
dropped only with the permission of
the classifier after conference with
the instructor.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for REMOVAL OF IN-
COMPLETES will be Saturday, Dec.
30. Petitions for extension of time
must be on file in the Secretary's
Office on or before Friday, Dec. 22.
Psychology 31, Makeup exam will
be Tuesday, Dec. 19 at 4:30 in m.
1121 N.S.
Zoology 31 (Organic Evolution):
Please return all examination papers
to the boxes for a necessary change
of grade.
The Messiah wll be presented by
the University Musical Society Sun-
day afternoon, Dec. 17, at 3 o'clock,
with the following performers: Desi
Halban, soprano; Mary Van Kirk,
contralto; Hardesty Johnson, tenor;
Gean Greenwell, bass; Hugh Norton,

narrator; Frieda Op't Holt Vogan,
organist; a special "Messiah" orches-
tra; the Choral Union, and Hardin
Van Deursen, Conductor.
The box office will be open until
noon Saturday at the office of the
University Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower, and on Sunday
afternoon from 2 to 3 p.m., in Hill
Erenis Today
The Weekly Lane Mlall Luncheon
will be held at 12:30 today. An infor-
mal discussion period will follow,
Reservations can be made by calling
4121, extension 2148.
Outing Club-Women Students;
The Outing Club will meet at the
Women's Athletic Building at 2
o'clock. There will be tobogganing
and instruction in skiing. Dress
warmly. For further information,
call Lee Wellman, 3018.
The Post-War "ouncil is so"nsor-
ing an evening of movies on the
Negro in America. The influence of
environment on the childhood of the

today at 8:15 at the Student Center,
1511 Washtenaw. Lutheran students
and their friends are cordially in-
Wesley Foundation: Christmas par-
ty tonight beginning at 9 o'clock.
Program of Christmas carols and
U.S.O.: The usual Saturday night
dance will be held at the club. The
University Women's Glee Club will
present a group of Christmas songs.
All servicemen and Junior Hostesses
are invited. Refreshments will be
DOB GAL. 2 Ml Garand
A Chanukah Mixer will be held at
the B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation
this evening. There will be games,
popular dancing, entertainment and
refreshments in the form of potato
"lotkes." The public is cordially in-
Coming Events
Michigan Sailing Club: There will
be a meeting in the Michigan Union
at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 17.
The Christian Science Students
Organization announces a lecture on
Christian Science by Robert Stanley
Ross, C.S.B., of New York City, N.Y.,
in the Michigan League Building on
Sunday afternoon. Dec. 17, at 3:15.
All are welcome to attend.
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet this Sunday afternoon at
5:30 in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall.
The meeting is one half hour later
because of the Messiah. Supper will
be served at about 5:45 an~i the
Christmas program arranged by Miss
Evelyn Olson will follow at 6:30.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
The Sunday meeting will be held at
Lane Hall immediately following the
Messiah Concert. Rev. Leonard Ver-
duin of the Student's Evangelical
Chapel will be the speaker.
The Monday Night Hymn Sing will
be held at the League from 6:45 until
7:30. The room number will be posted
at the elevator. There will be an
important business meeting follow-
ing the Hymn Sing and it is urged
that as many members as possible be
There will be a business meeting
of the Michigan Youth for Demo-
catic Action at 8:30 p.m. on Monday,
Dec. 18, in the Michigan Union.
Officers for the coming semester will
be elected. All old and new members
urged to attend.
Le Cerele Francais will hold its
Christmas meeting Tuesday evening
Dec. 19 at 8 o'clock in the Michigan
Union. A special program has been
prepared for the occasion.
All - Campus Christmas Party:
Thursday, Dec. 21, 8 p.m. The Mich-
igan Union cordially invites the fac-
ulty and student body to gather in
Hill Auditorium to sing Christmas
Carols and receive a Christmas mes-
sage from President Ruthven. The
program will be given in the com-
munity fashion typical of the old
American Christmas.
Zion Lutheran Church: E. Wash-
ington at S. Fifth Ave. Regular Sun-
day morning worship service at 10:30.
Sermon by Charles Willmann, Vicar.
Trinity Lutheran Church: E. Wil-
liam at S. Fifth Ave. Regular Sunday
morning worship service at 10:30 and
the Rev. Henry O. Yoder will preach
the sermon.
Presbyterian Church: 10:45 a.m.,
Morning worship. Sermon "Skies
ove' Christmas" by Dr. Lemon. 5
p.m., the Reverend Edward H. Red-
man, Minister of the Unitarian

Church will speak on "What I Believe
About Jesus." Supper will follow.
Please dress warmly for the carolling
to follow later on in the evening.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, has its Sunday service
for students and servicemen at 11.
The Rev. Alfred Scheips will preach
on, "Getting the Most out of Christ-
mas." Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu-
dent Club, will omit its Sunday Sup-
per Meeting this week-end because
of the Messiah concert.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St. Wednesday eve-
ning service at 8 p.m. Sunday morn-
ing service at 10:30 a.m. Subject "Is
the Universe, Including Man, Evolved
by Atomic Force." Sunday school at
11:45 a.m. A convenient reading
room is maintained by this church
at 106 E. Washington St. where the
Bible, also the Christian Science
textbook, "Science and Health with
Key to the Scriptures" and other
writings by Mary Baker Eddy may
be read, borrowed or purchased. Open
daily except Sundays and holidays
from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays





Privileoe Mast o - -Everywhere

GREAT DEAL may be interred from H. G.
'Well's words "events . . . move with a swift-
ness that this earth has never known before."
The slow pull and tug of human progress is giv-
ing way to a new dynamism. The days of oli-
garchy and of one man rule are approaching an
end; the mass of human beings are beginning
to flex their muscles and find them strong.
A society maintained for the benefit of the
few, a society of privileges for some and poverty
for others cannot endure much longer. Winston
Churchill is beginning to find this out. The lib-
erated peoples of Europe, finding new strength
Mu a unity derived from common misfortune at
the hands of bestial dictatorship, will no longer
ttand for royalism, when royalism connotes privi-
lege. That a special group or one man should
control the destinies and fortunes of many is
now considered repugnant by the people of the
so-called civilized nations.
Peoples everywhere hope for a society based
on the Four Freedoms. Such a society, that
benefits all people, cannot be attained by a'
small, privileged ruling class, one that guards
its. privileges zealously. Furthermore, while
suAh privilege exists it has a negative effect on
humnxian progress. To get down to cases we
need only consider the prominent question of
.the hour, British imperialism. Britain has
maintained her prominent position in world
affairs through a vast and wealthy colonial
-empire, one that must be guarded by military

benefits for itself only; two, privilege frustrates
the attempts at progress made by the common
masses, who seek a satisfactory life for them-
That Mr. Churchill, once a great believer in
the will of the common people is a die-hard sup-
porter of the privileged element of Great Britain
who control the destinies of vast colonial popula-
tions is now quite evident. We need only recall
the words of the Atlantic charter, signed by
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill
on August 14, 1941: point two-"They (Great
Britain and the United States) desire to see
no territorial changes that do not accord with
the freely expressed wishes of the pepole con-
cerned." The Poles may snicker at that when
reminded of U. S.-Great Britain hands-off pol-
icy as regards Russia's claims to Polish terri-
tory. The third point-"They respect the right
of all peodles to choose the form of government
under which they will live;" It took us a long
time to get around to letting the French decide
who would lead them, and the Greeks and some
Italians are pretty angry with British (and
presumably American) intervention in the choice
of their governments.
-Arthur J. Kraft



you only know what an ermine's FUR

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