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December 12, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-12

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Desi Halban
To Sing Here
In Messiah'
Annual Performance
To Be Given Sunday
Desi Halban, young Viennese so-
prano, will be heard in the annual
Christmas performance of Handel's
monumental oratorio, "Messiah,"
presented by the University Musical
Society, at 3 p. m. Sunday in Hill
Miss Halban is the daughter of
the celebrated Selma Kurz, famous
in her day as the chief lyric soprano
at the Court Opera in Vienna. Her
father was Professor Josef Halban,
Austrian physician and scientist.
Makes Debut in Vienna
Miss Halban studied voice with
Felicia Kaszowska, later singing with
Julia Culp, and dramatic roles with
Marie Gutheil-Schoder. She made
her concert debut in Vienna in 1934.
In January, 1935, she made her
opera debut at the Royal Opera
House in Budapest, singing Gilda in
"Rigoletto," with a cast which in-
clded Alexander Sved in the title
role and Koloman von Patsky as
the Duke.
Presents Concerts
In addition to her operatic work
she gave concerts in London, Rome,
Athens, and all the major cities of
Europe. Miss Halban made her Am-
erican debut with a concert at Palm
Beach, which was sponsored by Elsa
Maxwell. She later appeared in a
recital in New York, with the New
Jersey Symphony, and in concerts
through the East and in Canada. In
February, 1944, she was engaged for
three appeaiances with the New York
Philharmonic Symphony Orchestrai
as soloist in Mahler's 4th Symphony.
Other soloists to be heard at the
"Messiah" concert are Mary Van
Kirk,' contralto of the Metropolitan
Opera Association; Hardesty John-
§on, tenor, and Gean Greenwell, bari-
Local Talent Included
Local talent includes Frieda Op't
Holt Vogan instructor in organ at
the University; the University Sym-
phony Orchestra, under the conduct-
nrship of Professor Gilbert Ross; the
University Choral Union, made up of
singers from the University, Ann Ar-
bor, and surrounding communities;
and Hardin Van Deursen, conductor
of the University Musical Society.
A limited amount of tickets may
still be 'purchased in person or by
mail at the office of the University
Musical Society, Charles A. Sink,
president, Burton Memorial Tower.

SUPERFORTRESS TAKES OFF FOR RAID ON JAPAN--As American soldiers, stationed on Saipan
Island, in the Marianas, watch a B-29 Superfortre ss takes off from the airstrip for an attack on- the
Japanese homeland. A great majority of the B-29 raids have been in the vicinity of Tokyo.
Canada Vote Shows Kigs Exeutive Abilty

Hanukkah Fete
Will Be Held by
Hillel Group
Saturday Festivities
To Honor Freed on
A Hanukkah party. in memory of
the day celebrated by Jews the world
over commemorating the indepen-
dence of Judea which was achieved
by the five sons of Mattathias in the
year 167 B.C., will be held from 9 p.m.
to midnight Saturday at the Hillel
Traditional games, dancing and
singing will highlight the party'
which is sponsored jointly by Hillel
and Avukah. The Avukah choral
group of five girls, Judy Jacobs, Zena
Etkin, Sonya Heller, June White and
Sylvia Savin will present several
numbers, accompanied by Ruth Wol-
kowski at the piano. Miss Heller will
sing an original song and Edythe
Levin will present several dramatic
Refreshments, consisting primarily
of latke, traditional holiday delicacy,
will be served during the evening.
Everyone on campus,, students, ser-
vicemen and townspeople is invited
to attend the party, which will be
chaperoned by Rabbi Jehudah M.
Cohen and Mrs. Cohen and Prof.
Saul Cohen and his wife.
It's On The House'
For The Union Staff
As part of a private party, mem-
bers of the Union Executive Council
and tryout staff will be able to enjoy
all the recreational facilities of the
Union at no charge to themselves
from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday, Thomas
Bliska, '45, president, has announced.

4 o M $uCCebborieb


Luxuries are Rare...
-but she'll feel like a queen
when she receives a Du Barry
cosmetic kit, featured by the
Attractively cased in fine leath-
er with handy straps to be car-
ried like a purse.

.es-/ r Lt r
for .a Dream Date...
Choose a dream dress. Frothy
tulle, sleek jersey, or crisp taf-
feta will make your holidays a
success. From the ELIZABETH

Commenting on the Canadian Par-
liament's recent 2-1 vote of confl-
dence in the Liberal government of
Prime Minister Mackenzie King,
Prof. Lionel H. Laing of the political
science department in a Daily intdr-
view yesterday said, "The vote dem-
onstrates once more that Xing can
successfully maneuver through a po-
litical crisis, the conscription issue
which several years agowould have
been political dynamite, with his
prestige as a political strategist un-1
French Opposition Shown
The outcome of the vote (143-70),
as expected, contained a large per-
centage of opposition by the French
delegation," Prof. Laing said. "It be-
came clear long before the vote was
taken that it 'wouldn't result in the
overthrow of the present govern-
ment," he added.
Briefly sketching the background
of the present conscription issue in
Parliament; Prof. Laing pointed out
that the expenditure ofmanpower on
the Western front exceeded the or-
iginal estimates of need. Previously,
he said, the Canadian army overseas
was composed entirely of volunteers,
while selective service was used only
for home defense; until now this
system proved adequate, as there was,
an ' unusually high ratio of enlist-
ments, including many French-Ca-
Canadian Troops Needed
The expendable character of fight-
ing, he declared, speeded up in the
Northern European area, however
necessitated an increase of Canadian
troops. This report made by former
Defense Minister J. L. Ralston Oct.
f8 in Parliament, Prof. Laing said,
created a stir which eventually led
to Ralston's resignation on Nov. 1

position of Minister of National De-
fense, according to Prof. Laing, "cre-
ated a stir, with tIre demand from
some sections that the government
be more insistent on conscription and
put in effect the measure contem-
plated as a possibility ever since the
1942 plebescite."
"In some parts of Canada," he con-
tinued, "this was felt to be a con-
cession to the French-Canadians who
historically had been unalterably op-
posed to the conscription measure.
"By adopting a policy of partial
conscription and admitting that the
situation was more imperative than
they first believed, King and Mac-
Naughton complicated the situation

at the eleventh hour," Prof. Laing
said, thus making the issue subject to
In conclusion Prof. Laing empha-
sized the fact that without a date
set for next election of Parliament
and foreknowledge of political shifts
which may occur before then, it is
difficult to forsee the outcome of this
decision. "Whether or not King has
been able to steer through the poli-
tical implications of this issue, will
be known in time, for many resent
his political opportunism. The ver-
dict of the electorate will be given
sometime next summer when the five
year term of the present Parliament

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All that Glitters.


. .

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 13, 1944

of this year. King's appointment of E
- - Gen. A. G. L. McNaughton to the

VOL. LV, No. 36
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the office of the
Assistant to the President, 1021 Angelli
Hail, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m.
of the day preceding its publication,
except on Saturday when the noticesj
should be submitted by 11:30 a. m. !
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students'
this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Sixth War Loan Drive:
1. During this Drive, War Bonds
may be purchased from students of
the Junior Girls' Project, called,
"Bond Belles," who will canvass all
parts of the University. You will re-
ceive an official receipt from these
canvassers for the order and pay-
ment. If requested, arrangement ;
can be made to deliver the bonds.
o your offce.
2. You can call for a "Bond Belle"
to take your order by phoning 2-3251,1
extension 7. Bonds will be on sale
at the cashier's office, University
Hall. Orders by campus mail can be
sent 'to Investment Office, 100 S.
Wing, University Hall. This latter
office will be glad to answer ques-
tions about the various bonds alvail-
able during the drive or the proced-
ure for purchasing them (University
Extension 81).
3. Checks should be made payable
to the University of Michigan. Please
print or type names and addresses
--University War Bond Commnitted.
Special Payroll Deduction for War
Bonds: For the Sixth War Loan
Drive arrangements can be made
with the payroll department to make
a special single deduction for the
purchase of War Bonds from salary
checks due on Dec. 29 only. This
would be over and above the regular
deductions under the payroll savings
plan. Those wishing to use this
method should send written instruc-
tions to the Payroll Department re-
garding the amount of the bond and
names and addresses in whicft it

should be registered. Deductions can
be made only in the amount of $1'.75
or multiples thereof. Instructions
must reach the Payroll Departient
not later' tlan Dec. 15. War Bo.c
purchases made by this method will
be counted in the drive.---Univers1ty
War Bond Committee.
The Teachers Insurance and An-
nuity Association calls attention to
the following provisions for holders
of retirement annuity contracts, and
concerning insurance contracts ap-
plied for after Dec. 9, 1941:
1. When the holder of a premium-
paying retirement annuity contract
enters a military, naval or air force
of the United States, Canada or
Newfoundland, he may cease prem-
ium payments on the contract with
the assurance that he may restore
the contract by simply resuming
premium payments (without pay-'
ment of the "omitted" premiums) if
he does so at the close of such service
or within six months thereafter. At
that time he will be expected to sign
an appropriate agreement as to re-
duction of the contractual benefits
corresponding to the omitted prem-
iums, and the premium resumed will
be on the same actuarial basis as it
would have been if premiums had
been paid continuously.
2, All new life insurance policies
applied for- after Dec. 9, 1941, will
contain a provision excluding the
risk of death resulting either (a)
from service outside the continental
limits of the United States, Canada,
and Newfoundland in a military,
naval, or air force of a country at
war, of (b) from operating or riding
in any kind of aircraft, except as a
fare-paying passenger on scheduled
airline flights. In event of death
under such excluded circumstances,
the reserve under the policy, less 'any
indebtedness, will be payable to the
beneficiary. This procedure applies
to all kinds of newly-written life

insurance policies, including collec-
tive insurance, but of course not to
life insurance policies previously
written without any such clause or to
any annuity contract. Among some
groups of applicants particularly
likely to enter the forces, the total
amount of insurance the Association
will write on an individual is reduced.
Herbert G. Watkins
Assistant Secretary
Protection of University Property
Against Theft: Whenever it becomes
known that property has been stolen
or is missing, notice should be given
with utmost promptness at the Busi-
ness Office, Room 1, University Hall.
This applies to articles owned by the
institution or owned privately.
is For the protection ofproperty it
iimportant that doors and windows
be locked, inside doors as well as out-
side doors, when rooms are to be left
unoccupied even for a brief period.
The building custodians cannot be
responsible for conditions after the
(Continued on Page 4)
"Princess And The Pirate"
$50.00 BOND or More!
Continuous from 1 P.M.
Last Times Tonight
at 7 P.M.

Disc- Doings...
Just out in time for Christmas
are these new platters recently
released by order of Petrillo-
Come in and hear Sinatra sing
"White Christmas" . . . Also
Vaughn Monroe's "Trolley
Song"... at the RADIO AND
S f
For the Lady
on your Los...
You'll never go wrong if you
say "Merry Christmas" with a
floral gift. The UNIVERSITY
FLOWER SHOP has a fine
assortment of corsages, bou-
quets, and holiday plants tort
delight her fancy.

LOST-Blue billfold in campus post
office Nov. 28. Valuable papers.
Reward. Mrs. Glass, 516 E. Madi-
preciate return of green sfriped
Shaeffer pen. Gold clip extends
over top end. Please-call 6710 or
return to Room 1, University Hall.1
LOST: Tan leather purse containing
$24 between Angell and Lane Hall.
Call Frances Gurche. 2-4561. Rm.
498. Reward.
LOST-Black and gold Eversharp
pencil on Sat. Possibly in EastI
Medical Bldg. Reward. Phone 3082.

I'M NOT SILLY-I just lost my
tooth. It's a solid silver charm
for a bracelet. Notify 227, betsy
LOST-Cedar-blue and silver Park- I
er 51 pen Monday night between
library and Martha Cook. Re-
ward. Call Rm. 304, Martha Cook.
LOST-Red leather change purse
containing a sum of money. Lost
near Liberty and State Street. Re-
ward. Phone 24561. 433 Mosher.
WANTED: Ride to Flint, Saginaw,
or Bay City Friday afternoon, Dec.
22nd. Share expense. Call Rose-
mary Klein. 2-2569.
FOR SALE-Tuxedo, 4n perfect con-
dition. Worn only twice. Size 37.
1208 Roosevelt.
GIRLS-Want two good meals ev-
ery day? Apply at 825 Tappan.

At EIBLER'S this season is
gold and jewels. Give gems this
Christmas . . . in bracelets,
spray pins, or earrings.
For the Whole
Solve your shopping prob-
lems at one store. WAHR'S has
a complete line of leather
goods, stationery, diaries, and
of course there's always the
right book.
--/ A0t
Bright as a
Christmas Candle. .
Will be her joy if you select
one of the many lovely gifts
wvailable at the CALKINS-
Choose from fitted cases, cos-
metics, rare perfumes, and toi-
let articles.


; ,'


A Year 'Rour G Oift
Capture her heart with an
all-wool robe for the coming
chilly mornings . . . or choose a
delicate pastel print in quilted
rayon for the lady of leisure ...
You'll find these styles and
others at the SMARTEST


Ending Today


"buy an Extra Bond today"

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