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December 12, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-12

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Cloudy with snow flurries,
mildly strong winds.

VOL. LV, No. 35





N"W zi





Ready for
Guarantee Against
Prosecution Asked
By The Asoiated Pres
ATHENS, Dec. 11._- Leaders of
ELAS forces strategically massed in-
side Athens and nearby were report-
ed by an impartial source tonight to
be ready to offer to withdraw from
the capital and from the entire de-
partment of Attica in return for
guarantees that they would not be
The Leftist leaders were described
by this source as "realizing now that
they will eventually lose" in the
armed conflict and "relenting in
their demands upon the Papandreou
government and in their decision to
fight to the end."
Day of Bitter Fighting
The report came at the end of a
day of bitter fighting in some sec-
tions, although much of the city was
quiet. Both the ELAS and British
forces in the city were reinforced, the
ELAS infiltrating into the city during
thienight and the British troops
pouring in by day. Several apart-
ment houses and other buildings were
taken by the ELAS last night without
The British obviously were prepar-
ing for a showdown fight with the
estimated 25,000 armed ELAS en-
trenchd in and about Athens.
However, the ELAS leaders, the
well-informed source reported, "are
now. expressing readiness to with-
draw from Athens and Attica, but
ae anxious to obtain guarantees
try will not be prosecuted, indi-
vi ally or as a party.
Rumors Suggest Offensive
Rumors circulated that the ELAS
were preparing an offensive against
the righttt EDES' territory of Epirus
on the west coast of Greece.
It appeared that the insurgents
could not bring many more troops
into the Athens area without weak-
ening their dispositions elsewhere in
Greek-A mericans
Ask U. S. Mediation
Greek-American delegation today
asked the State Department to medi-
ate in the battle between British
forces and Greek resistance groups.
The delegati6n also protested to
the British embassy, calling upon
London to "cease its bloody attempt
to. shackle the Greek people once
more with dictatorship."
Stelos Pistolakis, former member
of the Greek parliament, was spokes-
man for the group. Now president of
the Greek-American committee for
national unity, he said he was ex-
pelled from his country in 1939. He
said he is a member of the liberal
party there.
Axis Agrees on
Tight to .end'
LONDON, Dec. 1l.-(P)-The For-
eign Ministers of Germany, Japan
and fascist Italy exchanged "fight to
the end" messages today on the third
anniversary of the tripartite mili-
tary pact, the German radio reported.
Germany's Joachim Von Ribben-
trop, admitting that all three parties
were hard-pressed, declared: "The
war has entered its decisive phase."
Japan's Mamoru Shigemitsu said,
"We Japanese are prepared to make
the heaviest sacrifices . .

Today Prescott Club meeting at
7 p. m. in East Lecture
Rm. of, Rackham build-
Today Osa Johnson, Oratdrical
Association speaker at
8:30 p. m. in Hill Audito-
Dec. 13 La Sociedad Hispanica at
8 p. m. in St. Mary's
Dec. 13 Dr. Anna Jacobsen of
Hunter College will speak
at 4:15 p. m. in Rackham
Dec. 13-16 Play Production pres-
ents "Junior Miss" at 8:30

Ward Workers Strike;
Charge WLB Is Ignored
Reuther Says 'UAW Will Lend Aid';
Union Claims 1,500 Workers Ont
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Dec. 11-Pickets numbering up to 30 marched in ai
snow storm today before each of four Montgomery Ward & Co. stores
in the Detroit area as members of the United Retail, Wholesale & De-
partment Store Employes (CIO) pressed their strike to force the com-
pany to accept a War Labor Board directive.
The strikers received the support today of the United Automobile
Workers (CIO), whose vice president Walter Reuther said half a mil-
lion UAW-CIO members in the area would lend their aid. Reuther
said the Ward company had "defied the federal government and set
itself up above the WLB."


eC alluSteps
Ino Race for t
Regent Positioni
Senator To Vie with
Eckert for Nominatione
A two way battle for the Republi-
can nomination for the coming va-t
cancy on the Board of RegentsI
shaped up yesterday as State Sena-
tor George P. McCallum of Annt
Arbor announced his candidacy fors
the post.t
Otto E. Eckert, general manager ofj
the Lansing Board of Water andf
Light Commissioners announced his1
candidacy Saturday at Lansing ands
one will be nominated by the Repub-
lican State Convention which will be
held Jan. 12 at Grand Rapids. C
Senator McCallum, who will re-
tire from the legislature at the -end
of his present term Jan. 1, pointed
out that there is no Ann Aror
resident on the Board of Regents
at the present time. Regent Harry
Kipke has moved to Chicago whilet
Regent Herbert Connable has tak-
en up residence in Kalamazoo.
The terms of Regents Edmund
Shields of Lansing and Robert J.t
Lynch 6f Detroit, both Democrats,
will expire on Dec. 31, 1944. Regent
Shields has indicated that he will not
run for reelection while Regent
Lynch has not made a public state-
ment on his position.
Senator McCallum has been in the
state legislature for the past 12 years
and is a graduate of the University.
lie said he would devote himself to
the management of a Detroit land
company of which he is president
after his retirement.
Sforza Sayst
He Was Urgedt
To Accept King
ROME, Dec. 11-(P)-Count Carlo
Sforza, former minister without port-
folio who was omitted from the new
cabinet of Premier Ivanoe Bonomi
after the British raised objections to
him, declared today that Prime Mini-
ster Churchill had exerted "strong
pressure" on him to accept Kink
Vittorio Emanuele.
In a 500-word statement answering
Churchill's charge that Sforza in-
trigued against the government of
Marshal Pietro Badoglio and could
not be trusted, Sforza asserted that
the Prime Minister's influence in be-
half of the Italian king was mani-
fested during a two-hour conference
in London on Oct. 11, 1943.
(While there was no official reply
in London to Sforza's charge, one
British spokesman said Churchill re-
peatedly had stressed Britain was
determined to maintain law and or-
der in all countries where British
troops were stationed.)
While Bonomi was seeking to re-
form his cabinet, British Foreign
Secretary Anthony Eden said Britain
did not view Sforza as a happy choice
for foreign minister.
Sforza said the whole incident was
related to "My beliefs and deeds on
matters of domestic Italian politics."
It had nothing to do with his "lines of
foreign policy," he said.
See-Saw Fight
Rages in Italy
ROME, Dec. 11-G)-A fierce see-
saw battle raged today on a four-
mile front southwest of Faenza, with

The strikes sought to enforce a
demand that the company accept a
1942 WLB directive on union main-
tenance of membership, dues check-
off, seniority, back pay and arbitra-
tion of grievances.
Wards' Defies WL Order
Roy Scoggins, Detroit regional di-
rector of the Employes' Union, said
pay Increases of $2 to $5 a week or-
dered by the WLB were to have been
retroactive to Dec. 8, 1942, and that
the amount involved is approximate-
ly $500,000.
The four stores were open despite
the picket lines, and a company
spokesman said about 80 per cent of
their regular personnel was on the
job. This was disputed by union of-
ficials who claimed approximately
1,500 of some 2,200 employes of the
stores joined the strike. They said
department heads and extra help
were keeping the Dearborn store
Other Stores Affected
Other stores affected were two in
Detroit and one in Royal Oak.
The company has carried its oppo-
sition to the War Labor Board to
the .United States Supreme Court,
which denied a petition for a review
of a suit in which it sought to en-
join the WLB from "exceeding its
statutory jurisdiction" in orders is-
sued in labor disputes.
A FM Threatens
Wild cat Strike
NEW YORK, Dec. 11- )-Mark
Woods, President of the Blue Net-
work Company, said today that
James C. Petrillo, President of the
American Federation of Musicians,
had threatened to "order a series of
wildcat strikes" against the Blue if
the firm did not abide by a previous
agreement with the AFM.
Petrillo was not immediastely avail-
able for comment.
Woods said in a statement that
the Blue had negotiated a new con-
tract with Petrillo last January in
which it agreed "to employ platter
turners who are members of the Am-
erican Federation of Musicians."
Woods said the NLRB ordered the
NABET continue to "control the ju-
risdiction of platter turners, except
in Chicago."
Claudia Jontes
To Address IRA
The former editor of "Spotlight
Magazine," Claudia Jones, will be the
guest speaker at the Inter Racial
Association meeting tomorrow in the
Union at 7:30 p. m. Her subject will
be "The Negro and the War."
She is well acquainted with her sub-
ject and qualified to speak because
of research and writing she has done
in that field.
This week Miss Jones is giving a
series of lectures in Detroit on "Post-
war Reconversion," "The Negro in
the War," "Universal Military Train-
ing," and "Perspectives of the Elec-
tion," under the sponsorship of the
A.Y.D. of that city.



U. S. FIELD GUNS FIRE ACROSS SAAR-A Battery of 105mm field guns fired on German positions
across the Saar river, on the Third Army sector of the W estern front.
By The Associated Press
DB e tSa To rviWESTERN FRONT-Yanks drive
to within two miles of Duren, push
A) Nazis east across Roer; Seventh Ar-
~Mrry hrs1a'for Needy myca
Of gg my captures Hlagenau.
__EASTERN FRONT-Reds advance
The tenth annual campus Goodfel~ within five miles of Budapest; Berlin
)w drive to provide a 'Merry Christ- able to those in need of small loans, reports city burning.
ias' for Ann Arbor's needy children A woman whose husband was ill and AIR-1,600 American planes hit
nd to aid the city's charities will be temporarily unemployed needed shoes Frankfurt rail area with 6,000 tons
eld next Monday, when a special for her eight year old son. The snow of shells in new air attack.
dition of the Daily will be sold to wouldn't wait for Johnny's father to
dntn d townspeply le. sd get better so he could have new shoes. GREECE-Athens fighting subsides
tudents and townspeople. ThFmiyndCide'Srve slightly; ELAS reported ready to ne-
The goal of the drive this year is The Family and Children's Service gt
1,500. Sororities, fraternities, and kept his feet dry. gotiate.
ther organized groups are asked Greater Demand Now ITALY-British fight off German
o make special contributions and to In spite of the employment in- counterattacks near Faenza.
man sales posts throughout the city. crease, wartime has brought an even PAC'FIC-MacArthur reports Jap
aily, Children's Service greater demand for assistance from troops inside Ormoc destroyed and
This season the largest part of the the Service. Among the problems more trapped to south; air raiders
Lnds raised will go to the Family aggravated by the war are the care hit oil centers in Dutch Borneo,
nd Children's Service, a social ser- of children of working mothers, ad- --_ _ _
ice agency which offers help to justment of new families moving into t "
eople in trouble, showing them how the community to take war jobs, be- Junior iJss'
o use their own strength and abili- havior of children whose father is in
es to solve their problems. During the Army, and the physical and emo-S L1 f-Da
he past year 365 families came to tional readjustment of men discharg- Sta .
he Service seeking spiritual as well ed from the armed forces and return-
s financial aid from experienced so- ing to their families. Ru '. Tomr roiw
ial workers. The Family and Children's Service
"There are always groups who do is supported only by the Community Scene 'akes Flare
ot benefit by industrial pick-ups. Fund and the contributions made to
ecause of the increased cost of t av the Goodfellow Drive. Be a Good- In New York Apartment
ng, families without a wage earne fellow!D
r those where a man is in the armed The living room of a comfortable

Saar Basin
Is Reached
From South
Haguenau, French
Base, Is Captured
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Dec. 11-The U. S. First
Army was driving the enemy across
he Roer River today as the Third
pushed to the Saar Basin from the
outh after breaking all organized
resistance in Saareguemines. The
Seventh Army meanwhile seized Ha-
;uenau, greatest base left to the Na-
is in France.
Multiple attacks by the three U. S.
Armies were pressing the enemy bac
deeper inside Germany on the wet,
and forcing him on the south to yield
the French buffer zone before the
Siegfried Line.
The Germans were in retreat to top
east bank of the Roer under re en .
less blows of the First Army's renewedl
ffensive, which in two days a hn-
mered three miles through rugged de-
fenses at the edge of the Cologne
plain to a point 17 miles deep into
the reich.
Hodges' Forces Advance
Lt. Gen. Courtney H. Hodges' for-
ces broadened their assault lines to
13 miles, seized heights overlooking
the Roer on the southern end of the
front, overran three more towns and
were but two miles or so from Durn;
key to all enemy positions on the
All important German rail enteq
feeding the front were blasted by
1,600 American heavy bombers, tWn
greatest bomber armada ever se it
aloft, in an effort to isolate the de-
mans and set them up for decisive
Heaviest Bomber Attack
The attacks exceeded even those by
heavy bombers which preceded the
Normandy breakthrough,
In northern Alsace one of the d'4's
biggest prizes fell tothe U. S. 8evn1
Army north of Strasbourg, where it
captured the enemy's big supply iid
communications center of Haguenau
on the invasion route to the indu-
strial palatinate of Germany, whose
border is 15 miles north.
Third Meets First Test
The U. S. Third Army, meeting its
first stern test in the Siegfried, ine
of the Saar Basin, warded off at
least three determined counter blows
at Dillengen and extended its lines
slightly there and around Saarlau-
tern, three miles southeast.
On its southern flank, the Third
in a mile and a half advance from
its Saar bridgehead at Sarreguemines
captured the town of Folpersviller,
but a half mile from the Saar.border
for its nearest approach to the ihdu-
strial region from the south.
The U. S. Seventh and the French
First armies battled floods as well as
Germans in their attempts to erase
the last German pockets west of the
Biggyest Bomber
F eet Pounds
Frcankfurt .Area

LONDON, Dec. 11-(P)-The greatest
bomber fleet ever assembled-more
than 1,600 American Fortresses and
Liberators-pounded the German rail
network in the Frankfurt area with
6,000 tons of explosives today as part
of a massive air assault by more than
3,200 U. S. warplanes.
The huge fleet of Eighth Air Force
heavies, forming a sky train 300 miles
long, was escorted by more than 800
fighters. From the operation 12
bombers and two fighters were miss-
ing tonight.
This loss from a force of 16,800
U. S. fliers-more men than are in an
entire combat division of infaitry-
was a record low for a raid of such
The German Air Force kept clear
of the mighty U. S. armada and
antiaircraft fire was meager. But
heavy, billowy clouds caused the
bombers to drop their explosives by
instruments and obscured the dam-
age done at Frankfurt, Hanau 10
miles east, and Giessen 30 miles
In a simultaneous attack from the
south, more than 500 U. S. bombers
and 350 fighters struck into Austria

services find unexpected difficulties
arising," Miss Mary Hester, executive
secretary of the Service stated.
The agency's primary concern is
to provide confidential consultation
on problems which disturb family life,
offering its aid to all individuals,
regardless of race, creed or economic
status. Financial assistance is avail-

Mrs. Johnson
To Appear Here
Explorer To PresentI
New Jungle Movies


Senate Shelves
Palestine Issue
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11.-- (P)-
Heeding advice of the State Depart-
ment, the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee today shelved by a 12 to 8
vote a resolution advocating unre-
stricted entry of Jews into Palestine.
Similar resolutions had been under
committee consideration both in the
House and Senate last year, but
action was deferred then.
Recent mublication of the War
Refugee Board's report quoting two
eye-witness accounts of how large
numbers of Jews had been murdered
in Nazi prison camps resulted in
renewed agitation among Jewish
groups in this country that the Unit-
ed States seek to have Great Britain
permit increased migration of Jews
to Palestine.
First Heavy Snow
Ann Arbor yesterday was blanketed
by four inches of snow in the first
substantial snowstorm of the season,
Snow started falling late Sunday
and continued most of the night.
City thermometers read 29.4 at 8
i m. Sunday


Osa Johnson, explorer and author,
will supplement her lecture at 8:30
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium with
her most recent films, "African Par-
adise and the Solomons."
Appearing under the auspices ol
the Oratorical Association series, Mrs.
Johnson, widow of the late Martin
Johnson, will tell the story of her
stay in the heart of the African
'African Paradise' To Re Shown
"African Paradise" wvas filmed in
1937 and appeared simultaneous] y
with her new book, "Four Years in
Paradise," and is a sequel to "I Mar-
ried Adventure." It represents a con-
tinuation of the life work the John-
sons began together, and which was
interrupted following an airplane
crash on the Pacific coast which took,
Martin Johnson's life and narrowlyI
missed claiming that of his widow.
To Show Cannibal Rites
"The Solomons," includes the story
and pictures of the cannibals of the
islands. Mrs. Johnson has a pictorial
record of the rites of the cannibals.
Mrs. Johnson began her career of
adventure in 1910, following her mar-
riage, and her 27 years of travel
include trips to Africa, Borneo, Aus-
tralia and the South Sea Islands.
Her work includes a trip to Africa
to aid in the making of the Holly-
wood production of "Stanley and

New York apartment will be the scene
of the antics of Judy Graces and her
teen-agter friends in. "Junior Miss,"f
the first performance of which will
be given by members of Play Pro-1
duction of the speech department at
8:30 p. m. tomorrow in Lydia Men-a
delssohn Theatre.
The entire action of the play
takes place in the apartment, ar
"much lived-in" home due to the
to vicacious daughters of Mr. and
Mrs. Graves. The set was designed
by Herbert Philippi, working withJ
student stage crews. Remarking
on the set of "Junior Miss," Philip-
pi said that the main problem inI
arranging the set was in providing
enough exits for the action of the
play. There are six exits, includ-
ing two arches at the right and left
rear of the stage which lead from
the living room.
The set is done in medium orange-
tan with the walls and fireplace of
this color and the rugs of a blending
shade. The one main color relief is
an equa couch on the right of the
stage and the dark brown furnish-
"Junior Miss" will be presented to-
morrow through Saturday. Tickets
are on sale at the Lydia Mendelssohn
box office.
Senate Agrees
On Utility Vote
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11.-(PI)-An
agreement was reached in the Senate
today to vote tomorrow on the pro-
posed St. Lawrence Hydroelectric
Power and Seaway development esti-
mated to cost between $200,000,000
and $400,000,000.
Senator Aiken (Rep., Vt.), who
had discussed the project for several
days, introduced it as an amendment
to the $500,000,000 post-war rivers
and harbors bill with a promise from
Senator Overton (Dem., La.) that
there will be no motion to table it.
Overton previously was prepared
to make such a motion, which would
no be subject to debate. Aiken had
held up formal offering of the amend-
ment to get around that chance that

monductor WantsngArt-Commmisariat
Amidst much multi-lingual con- Commisariat of Art. Patronage longer the affable hand-shaker, he

versation, Serge Koussevitzky, con-
ductor of the Boston Symphony Or-
chestra, spoke informally about the
future of music after the concert last
night in a backstage dressing room
in Hill Auditorium.

ought to pass from the hands of pri-
vate individuals, he believes, to the
"What will become of art, the
greatest thing in life," Koussevitzky

looked up with deep earnestness
and said, "With an older man like
me you must have the facts. I
am not interested in what stupid
magazines say on this subject."

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