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December 08, 1944 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-08

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FRIDAY, DEC. 8, 1944


'Junior Miss'
To Be Given
Play Production Passes
Will Be Sold Monday
"Junior Miss," one of Broadway's
recent comedy hits that was based on
stories from The New Yorker, will be
the first University play to be pre-
sented this year, running from Wed-
nesday through Saturday.
Spsored by the Play Production
of the Department of Speech, the
play will be given in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. Tickets will be
placed on sale Monday at the theatre
box office.
Taken from The New Yorker
"Junior Miss" is the fifth enter-
taining play whose characters orig-
inally appeared in the New York
publication. The other ones are "Life
with Father," "My Sister Eileen,"
"Pal Joey" and "Mr. and Mrs. North."
In its current form the story of
misunderstood Judy Graves, who al-
ways meant so well but was always
getting herself and her family into
so much trouble, is perhaps more
sentimental than it seemed in Mrs.
Benson's original stories. It has
given a decided glorification to mod-
ern American youth.
Teen Agers Excel
Not only is it devoted to an amus-
ing portrait of a young girl and her
friends of the teen years, but it has
a frank and forthright way of push-
ing the elders of the cast into the
background and keeping them there.
Through the doors of the Graves
apartment files a typical procession
of modern youth-brash, gangling,
tongue-tied, manner-of - the - world,
and yet a realistic part of their world.
The chief fun of the play comes
from Judy and her boy friend, Fuffy
Adams, who are both saturated with
movie-going until they can no longer
tell reality from a Hollywood plot.
Judy's attempts to spin wild stories
about her elder sisters nearly cost
her father his job, tangles her uncle
into matrimony and almost brings
down the roof.
Alumni Club
To See Movie
Of Ohio Game
Robert O. Morgan, assistant gen-
eral secretary of the Alumni Asso-
ciation, will show pictures of the
Michigan-Ohio State football game
at a meeting of the University of
Michigan Club of Cleveland today at
the Cleyeland Athletic Club in Cleve-
T. Hawley Tapping, secretary of
the Alumni Association, will attend
a banquet of the University of Mi-
chigan Club of Mt. Clemens to be
held at 6:30 p. m. at the Media
Hotel in Mt. Clemens. He will show
pictures of the Michigan-Minnesota
football game and the colored film
"Michigan on the March."
A meeting of the Regent Scholar-
ship Committee and the Advisors
Committees of the alumni and
alumnae clubs of Grosse Point Wed-
nesday was attended by Ira M. Smith,
registrar, Orientation Advisor Philip
Bursley, Clark Tibbitts, director of
the Regents Alumni Scholarship
Program, Morgan, and Tapping.
Ensign Wolcott
Reported Dead
Ensign George Wolcott, whose ship
was bombed off the coast of Bou-
gainville last December, has been
reported killed in action, according
to a Navy Department communique

to his mother, Mrs. Grace Wolcott,
431 Thompson St.
The Navy reported that because all
conditions were favorable to his res-
cue, and because no word had been
received concerning him since De-
cember, Wolcott was listed as pre-
sumably dead.
Wolcott was a graduate of Cooley
High School in Detroit, and the
School of Forestry and Conservation
of the University. He took part in
the U.S. Forest Service blister rust
control project, during the summer
of junior year at the University.
No public skating Monday, Tues-
day, Wednesday, Thursday, after-
noons. Patch skating from 2-4 p.m.
I1ocley practice 4-6 the above days.
Evenng skating MTWTFS. Begins
at 7:30 instead of 8 p.m.

1Michigan alumni from the Far East and the United States. Seated around the dinner table are Michi-
gan alumni, some members of the armed forces of th e United States and others, Chinese bankers, univer-
sity professors and professional men. The smiles on their faces indicate the deep bond of friendship
that Michigan men and women hold for their alma mater.


University Grads Meet in Southern China.

A short while ago, two groups ofr
men and one woman met in a city Among the rest were Chinese bank-
in the southwestern part of free ers and U.S. Army men; officers from
China and celebrated one thing they many branches of the armed forces
all had in common . . . all were as well as Chinese university profes-
graduates of the University of Michi- sors, building contractors and pro-
gan. fessional men from many fields.
Alumnus of 1905 Represented Throughout the evening the words
oneu Drf P A. Chang was an "Gom Bei" or "Drink It Down" were
alumnus of the class of 195 and an- mingled with old songs of Ann Arbor
other, Sgt. Lowell Tomkins came plat all prese.tdremembered with
from the recent class of 1941. Thep-r
only woman present was Mrs. Willis In far off China that evening, "I
Brown who operates, with her hus- want to go back to Michigan" was
band another Michigan graduate, the theme song.
the largest hotel and restaurant in Those present were Mr. Gin Su,
this section of China. Major Edward C. Bergman, Mr. Ho-

mer Lowe, Colonel R. B. Hall, Mr.
Frank F. C. Ling, Mr. C. T. Hsu,
Major K. G. Prettie, (who organized
the Michigan affair), Mr. H. N.
Tseng, Mr. Chi H. Li and Mr. L. M.
One Woman Present
Also in attendance were Dr. P. A.
Cheng, Mr. P. T. Yuan, Mrs. Willies
Brown, Lt. Raymond R. Jamsen, Sgt.
Lowell Thomkins, Mr. Kal Suez, Sgt.
Alfred J. Jonas, Lt. Randall Price,
Sgt. K. 0. Campbell, Lt.-Col. Ralph
L. Dichie and Lt. Frederick L. Hirsch-

Army ordnance
Prepared for
German Winter
Equipment Tested for
Campaign in Europe
Ordnance doesn't know when V-EC
Day will come, but it is thoroughly
prepared for the current winter cam- 1
paign in Germany.
Colonel Alexander G. Stone, com-
mnanding Fort Wayne Ordnance De-p
pot, revealed last week that the Ord-
nance Department, Army Serviced
Forces, carried on extensive winterF
tests in Northern Canada so thata
our armies can be maintained unders
arctic conditions.c
Winter Equipment TestedI
From October 13, 1943, to Marchs
30, 1944, 37 officers, enlisted men,
and civilian specialists, including Sira
Hubert Wilkins, famed Arctic explor-
er, tested 12 freight cars of materiel,
with special emphasis on anti-air-C
craft directors and artillery, electrical
generating units, clocks and watches,t
batteries, and sighting and optical1
equipment. Six mobile shop and
maintenance trucks were also in-
cluded for experimental and repair
The Ordnance winter proving{
ground was located in the coldest
area in North America. said Col.
Stone, where the ice is one thousand
feet deep and the temperature varies
from 14 degrees above zero to 35 de-
grees below zero. Wind velocities,
averaged about 18 miles an hour,;
with frequent velocities of from 40
to 50 miles an hour. About three
feet of snow fell during the period.
Much of the outdoor work of the
detachment had to be done under ar-
tificial light. From the latter part of
November through the first part of
January there was as little as five
hours between 'smrise and sunset.
On the shortest day, the sun was
never more than -8 degrees above the
horizon-just onelong sunrise. From
January until the last of March, the
days gradually lengthened until there
were about 14 hours of daylight at
the time the detachment left.
Under Field Conditions
All tests were conducted as nearly
as possible under conditions that
would be found'in actual field opera-
tions. If equipment failed to oper-
ate satisfactorily at low tempera-
tures, winterization of the equip-
ment (consisting mainly of cleaning
and relubrication), special operating
procedures, possible field modifica-
tions, heating and cover accessories,
and changes in design were tried in
an effort to correct the difficulties.
The experience gained in the oper-
ation of equipment and the results of
the tests led to the formation of new
designs and new maintenance tech-
niques. Some of these designs and
techniques have already been put in-
to practice, resulting in the improved
arctic operation of combat weapons
and equipment.
Club To Hold Dance
Newman Club will hold its weekly
dance from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m. today
in the clubrooms of St. Mary's Stu-
dent Chapel.
Entertainment is planned for the
intermission and refreshments will
also be served.

Sixth Concert
To Be Given
Serge K otssevitzky
To Conduct Symphony
The Boston Symphony Orchestra,
which will be heard in the sixth
Choral Union concert at 8:30 p. M.
Monday in Hill Auditorium, under
the baton of Serge Koussevitzky, is
now passing its sixty-second season.
The inception of the Boston Sym-
phony Orchestra is traceable to the
realization of a young Bostonian stu-
dent of music in Vienna, Henry Lee
Higginson, that America should have
a symphony orchestra of the high
standard which one could hear in the
old world. Mr. Higginson's princi-
pal thought was to create "an orche-
stra which should play the best music
in the best way, and give concerts to
all who could pay a small price."
George Henschel First Conductor
George Henschel was the first con-
ductor and Wilhelm Gericke was his
successor. The next conductor was
the Hungarian romanticist, Arthur
The engagement of Serge Kous-
sevitzky in 1924 to take over the
destinies of the Orchestra was an
assurance of still further advance in
the universality of the repertory. Dr.
X~oussevitzky has led the Orchestra"
for more than a quarter of its histo-
Koussevitzky was born in 1874 in
the small, central Russian province
of Tver. There was no musical life
about him, except from small visit-
ing theatrical companies. When his
father opposed a career so remote
from the experience of their own
community, he ran away and pre-
ented himself at the Philharmonic
School in Moscow.
Talent recognized
The school was full, the year had
begun, but the authorities, sensing
the talent of the penniless young ap-
plicant, made a place for him. There
was only one possible scholarship
open to him-for a student of the
double-bass, and he accordingly took
on this strange instrument.
Koussevitzky soon aspired to that
richest of instruments, the hundred-
fold orchestra. He made his first
trials in Berlin, and then having in-
dependent means, assembled his own
orchestra in Moscow, and gave a ser-
ies of concerts there and in St. Pet-
He came to America in 1924 to
lead the Boston Symphony. His span
of years with the orchestra far ex-
ceed that of any previous conductor.



City Workers
Return Home
Issati sfactioi Causel"s"
Laborers o Toove
LANSING, Dec. 7-(AP)--The State
Social Welfare Department indicated
today that a test survey in Hough-
ton County showed the "back home"
movement of families who deserted
the small towns for higher paying
jobs in the big cities is well under way
in Michigan.
A report published by the Depart-
ment and written by Philip E. Peter-
man, field representative, reported
the return of 185 families of the 634
which left Houghton County for De-
troit between Pearl Harbor and last
April. Movers, the report said, can
not keep up with orders for moving
furnishings back to the copper
Returning families were quoted as
leaving Detroit because of "dislike
for city life, high costs of living, in-
ability to save in spite of high wages,
because the heads of families had
entered the armed services," and a
desire to enjoy outdoor life.
The report said social workers used
to think of unemployed persons in
that region as those awaiting an op-
portunity "to go elsewhere." Now,
it said, workers are returning to their
former homes and buying land.
The report, eyeing the possible
welfare loads in a region which has
not been economically self-sufficient
under normal conditions in recent
years, said Houghton County's pop-
ulation had declined about 23,000
from a peak in 1934 to 1944.
SRA To Hold Coffee
IHou at Latte Hall
The weekly Student Religious As-
sociation coffee hour will be held
from 4 to 5:30 p. m. today in the
Lane Hall library.
All interested students are invited
I here for a purely social afternoon
following the week's work. The coffee
hour also provides opportunity for
students to familiarize themselves
with the program of the SRA and to
meet and know other students inter-
ested in the Association.


Candlelight Se-v ice .
Members of Sigma Alpha Iota, na-
tional professional music fraternity,
will present their traditional Candle-
light service at 8:30 p.m. Sunday at
the Presbyterian Church.
This Christmas program will fea-
ture caroling by the SAI choir, and
selections by soloists and ensembles.
Participating in the program will be
the fraternity's ten new pledges:
Mildred Minimun, Margaret Ruby,
LOST: A platinum bar pin set with 3
diamonds. Lost between U. High
School building and Public Health
building, Dec. 4 between 12:30 and
1 o'clock. Please return to Daily
office. Generous reward.
LOST-A black Schaeffer fountain
pen with silver band. Reward. Call
2-2521 extension 101. June Estelle
LOST-Army identification bracelet.
Name: Donald L. Scherf, 36572855.
Sentimental value. 5 packs Camels
reward. Phone 4642.
LOST-Brown Schaeffer pen. Name
engraved. Gold band. Call Marian
Mandshain 94471, Room 3519.
FOR SALE-"Practice of Medicine"
by Tice. Latest edition, never us-
ed. Complete set of 10 volumes
$50 cash. Phone 9485.
WANTED - College boys as waiters
in League house. Apply at 915 Oak-
land. Mrs. Zimmer.
3 BOYS for work in sorority. Call
GIRLS, want two good meals every
day? Apply at 820 Tappan.

Clara Landes. Jean Wiekel, Ruth
Hooker. Virginia Lowry, Rosemary
Smith, Rose Derderian, Mary Mas-
ters, and Doris Parker.
The officers of the group, who are
also planning the fraternity's activi-
ties for this year are: Hazel Ruet-
tinger, president; FlorenceMcCrack-
en, vice-president; Roberta Booth,!
recording secretary; Blossom Rey-
nolds, corresponding secretary; Anna
Choate, treasurer; Joyce Urbenek,
sergeant - at - arms; Marilyn Grew,
chaplain; and Arlene Pengeot, editor.
Nav Chir Progra n...
Under the direction of Leonard V.
Meretta, the Navy Choir of 25 voices
will present a program at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday in Rm. 3167 of the Union
under the sponsorship of the Inter-
national Center.
Among the songs will be "This Is
My Country" by Jacobs, Gershwin's
"I Got Plenty of Nothin'," Romberg's
"Serenade," Cole Porter's "Night and
Day" and Jerome Kern's "Smoke
Gets in Your Eyes.
Organist Recital,. .





The first in the annual series of
School of Music student recitals will
be presented by David Holland, or-
ganist, at 4:15 p.m. Sunday in Hill
Highlighting his program with two
Bach selections, "Chorale-Preludes"
and "Prelude and Fugue in D major,"
Holland will also play two Pastels
(from "The Lake of Constance") by
Karg-Elert, "Au Soir de l'Ascension
du Seigneur" by Benoit, Purvis' Vex-
illa Regis (from "Five Pieces on Gre-
gorian Themes"), "Pavanne" by de
Chambionnieres and Handel's well-
known "Concerto in D minor."
Earning his B.A. degree at Fisk
University, Nashville, Tenn., Holland
entered the University in February,
1943, as a pupil of Palmer Christian.


Make hers
a cozy
Beautifully tailored
Robes and Brunch
Coats. In luxurious
fabrics and exquisite
Mich. Theatre Bldg.

at 4



--- Sunday
"Casanova Brown"



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to BOB HOPE in
9 Wednesday Nite, Dec. 13th 0


NIGHTS . . .



Continuous from 1 P.M.

qy ~RSMArjf Tilt ) rA



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