Sir igmi
Cloudy ith litt cha in
Third Army
Reaches Forbach
In Drive on Saar
Allies Penetrate Eight Miles in Reich;
Within Three Miles of Old Maginot Line
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Dec. 7-The outer defense works of Germany's arsenal of
Saarbrucken shook today from U. S. Third Army tank assaults on the
outpost of Forbach-three and a half miles southwest-and te Seventh
Army joined the drive on the Saar Basin with attacks along a 35-mile front.
Third Army Drives Ahead
The Third Army, forging ahead despite the mud and rain, welded iV
Saarlautern bridgehead solidly with one on the South, while a third
bridgehead on the North was extended into the woods of Pachtenerbuch-
wald, slashing across the railway from Saarlautern to the fortress of
° - This wedge into the Siegfried Line
B * * - defenses, hammered out by the 90th
. ritSii llaS1 Division, was eight miles inside Ger-
many-the deepest penetration into
ELA S Ce tLers the Reich by Third Army Forces.
IS The Seventh Army, coming up
NP hard on the Third's right flank,
Near iraeuis broadened its battle lines in northern
Lorraine to 35 miles. Advance for-
ces entered Enchenberg, seven miles
Royal Navy Fires on from the Saar border southeast of
Resistance Strongpoint Saarbrucken and close to the old
Maginot line fortifeations.
By The Associated Press Patrols Attack Roer
ATHENS, Dec. 7-British warships, As the winter offensive's first month
planes, tanks and riflemen blasted at ended with 700 square miles of Ger-
centers of Greek leftist resistance many in Allied Hands, the U. S. Army
around the Acropolis and near the sent patrols stabbing to the formid-
Pireaus today able Colgne Plain barrier of the
As ancient Athens rocked again to Roer River in the forefront of Three
the roar of artillery and the clatter New attacks on the stream's defen-
of machine guns, a British destroyer ses.
and two motor launches joined the Lt. Gen. George S. Patton's Third
fray, the Royal Navy announcing Army tanks in a two and a half-mile
their guns set a fire at an ELAS advance probed into the French city
strongpoint near the harbor. of Forbach, and kept Saarbrucken's
British Support Papendreau busy factories under artillery fire for
While Premier George Papandreu, the eighth consecutive day. Smoke
whose government the British are could be seen boiling up over Saar-
supporting, declared that the ELAS, brucken.
armed auxiliary of the EAM party, Other forces fought to expand
was "plunging Greece into civil war," three bridgeheads across the Saar at
the ELAS themselves issued a con- Saarlautern, where some street fight-
munique charging that Papandreu ing still was in progress, and other
had failed to punish traitors and had crossings north and south of the
kept pro-Germans in the government city.
service since the liberation. nEight miles southeast of Saarlau-
Papandreou reiterated promises to tern-the "Little Pittsburgh" and
:old a plebiscite on Greece's form of capital of the Saar Basin-the 35th
government,, but the ELAS, reciting Infantry Division mopped up two-
their grievances, in their communi- thirds of the French city of Sarre-
que addressed to the British com- guemines
rnand, contended the British attitude -
'is contrary to the Atlantic Charter .ViF'* *
and Teheran agreements, as this con- eain in
stitutes intervention in Greece's in-
teralaffir,"Budapest Drive
Scobie's Ultimatum Spurned
British Maj. Gen. R. M. Scobie, L
whose ultimatum to the ELAS to quit ONDON Dec 7-P-Russian
the- Athens area was spurned, an- troops cleared the entire south bank
riounced in a communique that the of strategic Lake Balaton on the ap-
clearing out of embattled Leftists proaches to nearby Austria today,
was progressing steadily, although and rolled to within 22 miles south
fighting had broken out between the of Budapest in an eight-mile encircl-
ELAS and Greek Nationalists in ing move up the west bank of the
Ahrace. Danube, Moscow announced tonight.
Simultaneously Berlin said another
.. Soviet army in a new offensive spurt
U.S. Again Urges Political beyond fallen Hatvan northeast of
Liberty in Europe Nations Budapest struck to wit in 19 miles
of the Hungarian capital, moving
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7-(1P)-For close to the east bank of the Danube
the second time in three days, the in an effort to seal off the prize city.
United States today spoke out for Soviet spearheads south of the capi-
political freedom in a European tal were within 13 miles of Budapest,
country where Britain has interven- Berlin said.
ed. This time It was Greece. Marshal Feodor I. Tolbukhin's
The action, by Secretary of State Third Ukraine Army captured 110
Stettinius put the United States on localities in western Hungary, strik-
record to let the Greek people choose ing to within 41 miles of the Austrian
heir own rules regardless, in the frontier at the southwestern corner
words of Prime Minister Churchill, of Lake Balaton and to within 70
of whether they "form a government miles of the Croatian capital of Za-
>f the right or left." greb.
Money Used
To Mainutai
Hospital Shop
Lapel tags, representing a contri-
bution to the maintenance of their
workshop for the children confined
in the University hospital, will be
sold by the Galens, the honorary
medical fraternity, today and Sat-
Uniformed and civilian members
of the society will patrol various in-
tersections on campus and State St.
selling tags at the buyer's price. They
have set as their goal $3,000, to match
or better the contributions they re-
ceived last year, Robert Ideson, Med
'45, chairman of the drive, has an-
Used For Children's Workshop
Money collected in this, their sev-
enteenth annual two-day campaign,
will be used to equip the children's
workshop, a bright and airy room
on the ninth floor of the hospital. It
will help to buy wood materials, ele-
mentary tools, paint and nails. It
will also help to keep in good condi-
tion the jig saw, the sander, the
vibrating saw, the mechanical drill
and the furniture in the room. It
will aid in keeping up the near-com-
plete children's library financed by
the Galens.
The workshop was set up in 1927
to afford afternoons of enjoyment in
practical wood construction for pa-
tients between the ages of seven to
14, for whom a hospital confinement
otherwise might prove a time of
dreariness and restlessness.
Work Without Interference
The children have come to look
forward to their afternoon's recrea-
tion in the workshop. They appre-
ciate not only that they have a
chance to do something constructive
while they are in the hospital, but
also that they are allowed to do it
with no interference, that their abil-
ity is respected and that they re-
ceive assistance from the instructor
only when they themselves ask for
Many of the patients, who have
heard of the shop through a patient-
to-patient grapevine, ask to be al-
lowed to go up there even before they
are well enough to be given the op-
portunity. Today work in the shop
is devoted mainly to making Christ-
mas presents-tieracks, stocking
hangers, breadboards, pull-toys-for
the children's parents and brothers
and sisters.
Children recuperating in the hospi-
tal naturally must have many things
done for them. It makes them feel
rather proud that through the Gal-
ens'workshop they are able to do
things and make things for other
people, despite whatever temporary
handicap they may have.
Milaybe It Was B-29's
By The Associated Press
A violent earthquake, described by
observers as "catastrophic," struck in
the vicinity of Japan yesterday
(Thursday), third anniversary of
Pearl Harbor.
fag Sale
Will Begin
.'. .!.
Co-OPERATION-Even a bandaged head or being in a wheelchair does not hinder these children as
they work at the jig saw, one of the several safeguarded mechanical tools provided by the Galens for the
children's workshop at University hospital.
Pearl Harbor
Sale of Bonds
Totals $40,208
Spurred by sales commemorative of
Pearl Harbor Day, total bond pur-
chases in the University and Washte-
now county mounted steadily toward
their goals yesterday.
Sales in the county climbed more
than one million dollars to $6,874,540,
about $1,200,000 short of the quota.
We have.. .
County ............. $6,874,540
University..........$ 40,208
We need.
County ............. $1,289,460
University .......... $ 59,792
Only sales in Series E Bonds lagged
as the $8,164,000 quota was approach-
The latest figures made public re-
veal that the University is about 60
per cent short of its $100,000 goal.
The tally yesterday was $40,208. Pur'
chasers who buy bonds in the Univer-
sity today and tomorrow may have
them dated Dec. 7 to commemorate
Pearl Harbor Day if they so desire.
Ari Ships 18
Year Olds Out -
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7 - (P) -
Eighteen-year old soldiers are now
being sent to the battle fronts be-
cause of "urgent military require-
ments," the Army disclosed today.
Under Secretary of War Patterson
said at a news conference that the
Army had departed from its policy
of not sending men under 19 years
overseas for infantry or armored
force duty. He gave these reasons:
The tempo of operations has been
stepped up greatly.
The bulk of the Army is in action,
and accordingly, the need for re-
placements has increased.
The supply of replacements from
the pool of men 19 and over has de-
creased because the percentage of in-
ductees in that age group has fallen
Patterson had recently reported in
a weekly war review that United
States Army casualties since Pearl
Harbor now total 474,898.
To some extent, the effectives lostI
bhri..h aciiltacar ralaryl y
Shepherd Explains U.S.-Chiuia
Trouble on Basis of 'Pride'
"China was much too proud to
accept the disgrace of turning its
armies over to American officers, as
Gen. Stilwell demanded, and thus the
pressure from both governments blew
the general and Ambassador Gauss
right out," Dr. George W. Shepherd
said last night in speaking on recent
Far Eastern events.
Appearing before a dinner group
at Martha Cook dormitory, the for-
mer advisor to Chiang Kai-Shek
went on to say that the Chinese and
Chiang are very glad to cooperate
with the United States in fighting
Japan but could not accept that
first proposal. "Men in the States
who understand that situation and
who really know Chiang and his ideas
would not have formulated that pol-
icy," he added.
Cooperation Needed
This is another example, Dr. Shep-
herd pointed out, of how world
understanding and cooperation will
have to be combined with world
organization and force before antag-
onism and °conflict can disappear.
"Peace and prosperity, especially for
the peoples of the Pacific," he ex-
plained, "will depend first upon a
United Nation victory and then upon
the speed with which American, Rus-
Allies Smash
Ahead in Italy
ROME, Dec. 7.-(P)- Canadian
troops, who captured the Adriatic
city of Ravenna two days ago, ad-
vanced six miles northwest up the
Ravenna-Ferrara highway and seized
the important railway junction of
Mezzano on the Lamone River, it was
announced today.
An attempt by the British to estab-
lish a bridgehead across the Lamone
just west of Russi, about midway
between Ravenna and Faenza, was
beaten off by the Nazis. Some British
troops reached the west bank in
darkness, but with daylight the en-
emy counterattacked fiercely with
the support of self-propelled guns
and drove the Tommies back.
North and northeast of Ravenna
Allied patrols .'and Italian patriots
-..w, - - - n~r1 iy o n + ~ .
sia, China, Japan and India can
educate their citizens to understand
and appreciate the ways of life
chosen by others."
Speaking on the rebent appoint-
ment of T. V. Soong as premier of
China, Dr. Shepherd described him.
as the great leader of the Chinese
educators, scientists and intellectual
persons and the man who can offer
the common people the benefits of
technology within a modern govern-
ment. "It is this group that will help
the country achieve the rapid con-
version to heavy industries. promote
scientific agriculture and increase
and better the life span of the indi-
vidual," he added.
Soong an Outstanding Leader
"Since Soong gets along so well
with all parties he is one of the out-
standing leaders who can bring the
Chinese national party and the Com-
munists closer together. This, of
course, depends if each side can be
reasonable and give up part of its
Terming the Communist party
"anti-American and vigorously iso-
lationistic," he did not believe that
it was the political group that 'the
United States should deal with. Ra-
ther he' stated that the really pro-
gressive group in China was repre-
sented by the technical, educated
men, like Soong, that can bring such
great advantages to' China and can
bring China into the modern world.
"That is the only group worthy of
the important and high place of
leadership on the behalf of the mas-
ses. Through a calling of a repre-
sentative Assembly, at the close of
the war, it is more than likely that
the people's choice will fall in this
category," he concluded.
Mistrial Declared in
Mass Sedition Case
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-( P)-The
mass trial of 26 persons accused of
conspiring to undermine morale of
the armed forces blew up today.
Justice James M. Proctor of the
U.S. district court declared a mistrial
when only one defendant expressed
a willingness for the trial to continue
with another judge substituting for
Chief Justice Edward C. Eicher, who
died as week.ir
i 9%$
Bring own
62 N Planes
my push continues in Saar as
Germans in north hasten defenses
behind 1toer River line.
troops cleared the south bank of
strategic Lake Balaton on the ap-
proaches to nearby Austria, and
rolled within 22 miles south of
PACIFIC FRONT-American for-
ces seized the center of the Jap-
anese Yamashita line on the Leyte
west coast and wiped out a 13-ship
Nippon convoy.
By The Associated Press
ERS, Philippines, Dec. 8-American
forces in three sensational moves
seized the center of the Japanese
Yamashita line on the Leyte west
coast, wiped out a 13-ship Nippon
convoy inflicting heavy loss of life
and stopped a spectacular enemy
paratroop threat, headquarters an-
nounced today.
An amphibious force composed of
the Yank 77th Infantry Division,
supported by Navy and Marine ele-
ments, sailed around the south end
of Leyte Island and landed Dec. 7
three miles south of Ormoc, in the
enemy's rear,
Beat Enemy Convoy
The landing force just beat an
enemy convoy into Ormo, princ
pal Japanese port on Leyte. Amer-
ican forces promptly turned uponit
and sank all 13 vessels, including
four large, loaded transports. The
Americans also brought down 62-
enemy planes.
Within a few hours the Japanese
in a desperate diversionary attempt
loosed 200 paratroopers in an area
between two American airfields on
the eastern side of the island, scene
of the original U. S. landings. The
enemy sky troops accomplished some
e sabotage but most of them were kil-
Enemy Lines Split in Two
By the Ormoc landings, Gen.
Douglas MacArthur said, "we have
seized the center of the Yamashita
line from the rear and have split
the enemy's forces in two."
MacArthur said the Ormoc land-
ings caught the Japanese unawares
and drove a wedge between his for-
ces north and south of Ormoc
The Japanese had been committed,
MacArthur said, to meeting the Am-
erican threats from the east, north
and south. Now they are menaced
also by a U. S. force to the west.
Ground resistance at Ormoc was
light, MacArthur reported, but enemy
planes which had been flying cover
for the 13-ship convoy put up a
desperate fight when attacked by
Yank airmen.
B®29's last 63
Japanese Planes
Superf orts Get Highest
Total in Mukden Raid
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7-(A)-Six-
ty-three Japanese planes were shot
down or damaged today as China-
based Superfortresses fought their
way into Manchuria and bombed an
aircraft plant at Mukden and other
military objectives.
This was the Superforts' biggest
bag of enemy planes.
Oan the third anniversary of Pearl
Harbor, 'Tokyo also was hit by bombs
from two B-29's-out from Saipan
primarily on a weather reconnais-
sance mission.
A late communique from the 20th
Air Force said revised reports showed
three Superforts were lost to enemy
action in the daylight strike into
Manchuria. Earlier it had announc-
ed the loss of only one plane.
The heavily-armed Superforts shot
down 26 enemy fighters for certain,
-n.h hi ih.r dnw+,13Qrcn dim n mA
In thus enunciating again a pol-
icy which has already brought a
clash with Foreign Secretary Eden of
Britain over its application to Italy,
Stettinius used words cautiously and
with very evident regard for the kind
of effect they might have. Exactly
what effect he desired them to have
is a point he did not clarify.
Becker Calls for System of
United, Defined Responsibility
Dec. 8,9 Galens Tag Day Sale.
Dec. 9 Basketball game with Ro-
mulus starting at 7:30
p. m. in Yost Field House.
Dec. 9 Basketball game with
Kellogg Field. Field
Dec. 10 Navy Choir will sing at
7:30 p.hm. in Rm. 3167,
the Michigan Union.
Dec. 10 David Holland will give
organ recital at 4:15 p. m.
in Hill Auditorium.
Dec. 10 Albert Cohen, Hillel lec-
turer, will speak at 8:00
p. m. in Hillel Foundation
"It would be better if we had a
system in which power and responsi-
bility were more united, more pre-
cisely defined, more responsive to the
will of the nation," Prof. Carl L.
Becker, head of Cornell University's
history department, said yesterday
delivering the fourth of five William
W. Cook Lectures at the Rackham
So far no amendment has been
made that touched the basic struc-
ture of American government, Prof.
Becker stated, but some modification
must be made. We can't go on "mud-
dling through" with a government so
complicated that it encourages pass-
ing the buck, he stated.
Calls for Revision
involved in a "world revolution" and
we are prevented from returning to
the American conception of free en-
terprise of pre-Roosevelt days.
Civil Liberties Need Changing
Eighteenth century laws on civil
liberties need revising, the Cornell
historian said, and the constitu-
tional guarantees must be altered to
conform with new developments. He
stressed that only revision and not
radical change was needed.
Prof. Becker will deliver the last of
the program of five talks in the ini-
tial series of William W. Cook Lec-
tures on American Institutions at
4:15 p.m. today in Rackham Amphi-
S 1