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December 07, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-07

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Osa Johnson, Famed Explorer,
At Hill Auditorium Tuesday

DeLano and Howell Named -in
Legislative Graft Conspiraey
Y Eleven Others Cited
lrOOPS inNew Chrges
Press A gainst LANSING, Dec. 6.-)-The Carr
grand jury today indicted on legisla-
Ss on Leyte ive graft conspiracy charges two
prominent Michigan state senators,
three former members of the house
3 Ni Supply Ships of representatives, and eight persons
Sunk by U.S. Planes arentifled with the practice of healing
GEN. MAC ARTHUR'S BEAD- The indictment charged state sen-
EN , MAC ARTHURSdA-P ators Carl '. DeLano of Kalamazoo
QtARTERS, Dec. 7, Thursday-11' n hserM.'oel f.Sgnw
-American troops are increasing and Chester M. Howell of Saginaw,
-Ameicantrops ae icreaingveteran Republican 'legislators; and
their pressure against the Japanese ve eas.bEdwar eg al Wil-
on all fronts on Leyte island in the formeG.ukeyndJFransJ.W -
Philppines, headquarters said today. am G. uckey and rancs J. No-
Three Japanese freighters attemp-
ting to move supplies to Nipponese SAGINW, Mich., .Dec. 6.-(/P)_
forces on Leyte were sunk by Ameri- Senator Chester M. Howell, ac-
can planes. The enemy also staged bused by tihe Carr grand jury of
air activity, attacking an American partitipating in a graft conspiracy,
convoy near the island with fighters said tonight .he was ,"amazed" by
and bombers. the charge and "never took any
The Yank troops stepped up their graft."
activity on this third anniversary of
the Japanese attack'on Pearl Harbor, wak, Detroit .Democrats now under
throwing their strength against an sentence to prison on other graft
estimated 25,000 Nipponese troops conspiracy charges, received bribes
who evidently are preparing a final to infiuence their votes on a naturop-
effort to triumph on .Leyte. athy regulatory bill in the 1939 legis-
Japs Well Entrenched lative session.
The well-entrenched, well-equipp Named in Indictment
ed Japanese have served notice, It named as payers of bribes in the
through current fierce probing oper- alleged conspiracy:
ations, that they can be ,expected, Mikhel Sherman, Detroit, former
with a break in the weather, to throw president of the American Naturo-
their all against the Yanks. pathic Association of Michigan.
Reports from front lines in all Max Rosenfeld, Detroit, former
sectors show the Japanese have fully chairman of the association's com-
organized their positions, especially mittee on education.
In the vital Ormoc corridor on west- Paul Faulkner, Detroit, also a
ern Leyte leading from Carigara Bay former president.
on the north to the reinforcement Ernest y. Alden, now "attending
port of Ormoc on the south. school" in Syracuse, N.Y., identified
Heavy Rain as an active supporter of the naturo-
Heavy tropical rainfall has enabled path bill.
the Nipponese to dig in and prepare Harry E. McKinney, of Chattan-
for the final showdown. Despite the ooga, Tenn., and Clayton R. McKin-
bad weather, the Japaneee made a ney his brother, now believed to be
desperate thrust earlier this week in "North or South Dakota, former
against a Yank road-block on the proprietors of a naturopathic clinic
northern reach of the corridor. at Centerville.
Spearheaded by tanks they threw Martin W. Hildebrand, of Battle
perhededby tgans theyk th Creek, former chairman of the asso-
themselves against the block but ciation's finance committee.f
were crushed by American bazooka- un'nanW. Wmikne et
firing doughboys. Gunnar W. Wikander, Detroit'
former treasurer of the association.
All Chiropractors
Nisei Service Will All of those accused of paying the
bribes are chiropractors, special pros-
Take Place Sunday ecutor Kim Sigler said, except the
SMgTinney brothers, whose profession'
All Nisei in Ann Arbor are invited he does not know.
to attend the special services and
fellowship hour which will be held "
at 8 p.m. Sunday at the First Metho-
dit Church. H ig
Sponsored by the Ministerial Asso
ciation's committee on Japanese- Tn a m acs..."
American work in the city, the meet- -
ing will be opened by the Rev. Shigeo ;
Tanabe, Nisei advisor from the De- Fraternity To Meet Today
troit Council of Churches. Rev. Tan- Alpha lhi Omega will hold its last]
abe attended the Boston University meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the
and has frequently visited the Orient, Union before formal initiation on
although he was born and raised in Pec. 15.
Portland, Ore. The fraternity, which serves both
The Nisei here have become ad- the campus and community, is still
justed to their work, Dr. Edward W. open for membership to those who
Blakeman, University religious coun- qualify by having former scouting
selor, reported and have been received experience. All those who join now
into many groups. But they do have will become charter members of the
many problems which need to' be Gamma Pi chapter.
discussed such as how to continue
their education and whether they Holland To Give Recital
will return to the west coast.
David Holland, organist, will pre-
Clerk To Attend Meeting sent a recital in partial fulfillment,
of the requirements for the Master
Mrs. Luella M. Smith, Washtenaw of Music degree at 4:15 p.m. Sun-
County Clerk, will leave Ann Arbor day in Hill Auditorium.
Wednesday to attend a meeting in His program, the first in the
Kalamazoo of the Election Study annual School of Music series of
Committee of the Michigan State student recitals, will include "Pa-

County Clerks Association, it was vanne" by de Chambionnieres,
learned yesterday. Handel's "Concerto in D minor,"
selections by Bach, Benoit, Purvis,
and Karg-Elert.
Blake To Attend Meeting
NOW Prof. Warren E. Blake of the Greek
R department will represent the Uni-
1 HG 'RI YRSE versity at the annual meeting of
T HANAmerican Philological Association to
be held Dec. 16 in Pittsburg, it was
announced today.
Editor-elect of the Association's
publication, Prof. Blake has served as
chairman for sone of the group's
important committees and has been
active in the Association for years.
Vroman Visits Lansing ...
bo gutDr. Clyde Vroman of the schools
of Music and Education will attend
discoversa frMeeting of the Michigan Second-
ary School Association today and
nts are tomorrow in Lansing.
balmy!Dr. Clifford Woody, graduate
advisor to the Michigan colleges
of education, will be in Kalamazoo
'this.week to confer with authorities
of the Western Michigan College of
Education concerning graduate of-
ferings for the 1945 summer term.

Osa Johnsoii, explorer and author-
ess, will present her newest motionI
picture, "African Paradise" and an
added feature, "Tulagi and the Solo-1
mon Islands," at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday
in Hill Auditorium.
High adventure, big game and the
deep jungle ae, pictured in the movie.
Mrs. Johnson, widow of Martin{
Johnson, will in addition tell the
story of the Johnson's 30-year strug-
gle against the jungle for scientific
Born in Chanute, Kas., she married
Martin Johnson at 16 in 1910. John-
son had begun his career of adven-
ture, traveling to Europe with only
$4.25 on a bet and accompanying
Jack London on the voyage of the
Months of haphazard trooping,1
with Martin lecturing and showing
the cannibal pictures taken on the
Youth Guidance Is
Subject of Forum,
"How the community organizes
itself for youth guidance activities,"
will be the subject of the county
Youth Guidance Committee forum to
be held at 7:45 p. m. today in the
East Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building.
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky, assist-
ant to the vice-president in charge
of University relations in the field of
adult education, will lead. the forum
on local youth guidance problems
encountered by committee members
throughout the county.
Composed of civic leaders from ci-
ties and towns in the county, the
Youth Guidance Committee was
formed to advise Washtenaw com-
munities on how to cope with their
juvenile problems.

"Snark's" trip, with Osa singing and
dancing, marked the early days of
their marriage.
With enough saved for an expedi-
tion to the South Seas, their first
adventure resulted in their capture
by Malekula cannibals, being released
on the intervention of a British gun
boat. In 1914 they returned to the
island, made friends with the natives
and completed their first motion pic-
ture feature.
Reconversion Plans
Halted Until Victory
NEW YORK, Dec. 6.-(RP)-Ameri-
can industry shoved its reconversion
plans back on the shelf today.
War goods, which at the end of
three years of fighting had begun to
lose the spotlight to peacetime prod-
ucts, again moved to the center of
the stage.
"More guns now- butter later,"
said John M. Hancock, co-author
with Bernard Baruch of the nation's
master reconversion plan.
"Victory first-then reconversion"
was the theme of Charles E. Wilson,
president of General Motors Corp.
which is one of the country's largest
war or peace producers.
Those were the keynotes of the
49th annual meeting of the National
Association of Manufacturers which
began with pleas from Army Supply
Chief Lt.-Gen. Brehon Somervell and
War Production Board Chairman
J. A. Krug for more weapons.
"We pledge management's unceas-
ing and uninterrupted continuation
of its effort to produce an even
greater volume until victory is finally
won," was the answer of nearly 3,000
top industrial executives in a resolu-
tion at the opening session.



Daily Photo by Pvt. Bob Crampton, Co. B, 3651 S. U.
COMPANIONSHIP THROUGH HANDICRAFT . . .By groups participation in handiwork, these four
children, patients at University hospital, find comp anionship in the Galens' workshop. The goal of
Galens will be to match the $3,000 they collected last year.


Editor's Note: The following feature was written for The ;Michigan Daily by a
member of the Michigan Union tryout staff, Ken Bissel.
"Back to Joe's and the Orient, back prominent alumni has downed a cool
to some of the .money we spent." draught from these. antique mugs.
These words of the famous Michigan Many of the old table tops now on
songs suggest to the old timer the old the walls of the Union Taproom were
prohibition days. Joe's and the Ori- used at Joe's.
ent were two of the better known In 1918 with the advent of Na-
liquid refreshment emporiums which tional Prohibition these famous old
were heavily patronized by the stu- saloons closed.
dents until the reforms of 1918 civil- In 1933 it became possible, once
ied our drinking habits. more, to drink legally. At this time,
Joe's and the Orient served beer in the P-Bell opened its doors as a
any size glass for a blanket price of new establishment to provide pota-
5c or 6 for 25c with a free smorgas- bles to those students who were so
bord on the side. inclined.
An old tradition excluded fresh- The back bar at the P-Bell was
men from this sport, and. of course, brought over from Joe Parker's.
it was unheard of for a woman to Other furnishings help to achieve
enter these old-time saloons. Hours the old time atmosphere, but the
were 7. a.m. to 10 p.m., closed 'on grooves in the tables aren't so deep
Sundays and holidays, nor the =edge of the bar so worn.
The Orient was located across from These things only time can bring.
the Court House on Main Street, In the meantime it remains a favor-
where theOrient Barbershop and ite college hangout.

Outlook Will
Be Discussed
Job opportunities today and after
the war will be discussed by Albert
Cohen of the B'nai Brith Vocational
Guidance Service at 8 p.m., Sunday,
at the Hillel Foundation assembly
The most recent available informa-
tion on the professional fields and
new fields of employment will be the
subject of Cohen's talk.
Last March Cohen lectured at Hil-
lel on "Trends and the Future Out-
look in Employment Discrimination"
at which time he predicted a post-
war boom for lawyers andtdoctors in
order to fill the needs of the nation.
A cost-supper, sponsored by Avu-
kah, will be held at 5:30 p.m., pre-
ceding Cohen's talk. Reservations for
the supper, for which there is a small
charge, must be made by 10:30 p.m.
today ('phone 3779).

Continuous Shows
Daily, froMj1:30 P.M. vv H IT
Starts TODAY


. le

'A Riot of Gags, Giggles,
Thrills and Chills!
Iris Adrian - Frank Jenks
Douglas Frowley


97 -- ____,."-..~. I

Pool hall is now. It was very much
like the "Gay 90's" saloons one sees
now in the movies. Gas lamps, spit-
toons, a brass rail, and sawdust on
the floor made the place quite com-
fortable for beer and bull sessions.
Joe Parker, proprietor of Joe's,
served his grog with a flourish in the
old Chamber of Commerce Building
at 4th and Catherine. Personalized
mugs were the style, and many a
Prof. Stevenson To
Speak In Rackham
Prof. Russell Stevenson, dean of
the Business Administration school,
discussing "Population Shifts and
Post-War Employment Problems,"
will keynote the Ann Arbor Council
of Social Agencies quarterly meeting
to be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday in
the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Following the address, a panel dis-
cussion, "Implications for Commun-
ity Planning" in terms of post-war
problems, will be held.
Included on the -panel are Prof.
Harold M. Dorr of the political sci-
ence department; Prof. Amos A.
Hawley of the sociology department;
Floyd A. Bond of the economics de-
partment; Mary Hester, local Family
Service Case Worker and Brendon
Sexton of the UAW-CIO.
Chairman of the meeting will be
Rabbi J. M. Cohen, director of the
Council of Social Agencies.

LOST: A platinum bar pin set with 3
diamonds. Lost between U. High
School building and Public Health
building, Dec. 4 between 12:30 and
1 o'clock. Please return to Daily
office. Generous reward.
LOST-A black Schaeffer fountain
pen with silver band. Reward. Call
2-2521 extension 101. .June Estelle
LOST-Army identification bracelet.
Name: Donald L. Scherf, 36572855.
Sentimental value. 5 packs Camels
reward. Phone 4642.
FOR SALE-"Practice of Medicine"
by Tice. Latest edition, never used.
Complete set of 10 volumes. Reas-
onable. Phone 9485.
WANTED - College boys as waiters
in League house. Apply at 915 Oak-
land. Mrs. Zimmer.
3 BOYS for work in sorority. Call

.. } .. : : : . . . k
65c .50cr! 40c
{ at offices of


to BOB HOPE in
0 Wednesday Nite, Dec. 13th *

Continuous from 1 P.M.

. ri.r..
. J Hi Y A A6 D R S' A' f WE S T T t S/EATRf












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