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December 01, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-01

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Sir '43an


Cloudy and cold with
occasional snow flurries.

VOL. LV, No. 26






Smash Last Rhine


Jap Convoy







Campus pays tribute to prominent alumnus

Charles A. Baird Dies
At Home in Kansas City
Heart Attack Takes First Athletic Director;
Carillon and Cooley Memorial Are Gifts to 'U'
"Charles Baird was one of the outstanding alumni of the University,"
Dr. Charles A. Sink, head of the University Musical Society, said yesterday,
typifying campus reaction to news of the death of the University's first
athletic director.
Baird, who died yesterday of a heart attack in his Kansas City, Mo.'
home, was 74 years old.
He was known for his interest in Michigan athletics and his contribu-
tions toward University structures, his gifts providing funds for the con-
struction of the Baird Carilion and Thomas M. Cooley Memorial Fountain.
Student Manager of Team

She perd Denies,
Kai-Shek Split
Separation Report
Unreliable and False
In addition to the repudiation of
the separation of Generalissimo and
Mme. Chiang Kai-Shek by the Wash-
ington Chinese Embassy, Dr. George
Sheperd, former advisor to the gen-
eralissimo, also stated that the report
was unrelidble and false.
Dr. Sheperd, who lived in China
for many years, had been with Chi-
ang for some time before the war
and had organized and directed the
New Life Movement in China. He
is now engaged in writing a treatise
on world civilizations at the Uni-
The first reports originated Wed-
nesday fr~o. a London Daily Mail
dispatch stating that the Chiangs
had separated and that she would
probably live at Miami, Fla. Mme.
Chiang, however, has been in the
United States for several weeks for
medical treatment.
The London newspaper added that
it had been common knowledge in
Chungking for sometime "the
Chiangs were unhappy and that the
break was made after an open dis-
agreement at a tea at the Chinese
Pointing out that this report and
other similar rumors are all based
on unofficial announcements, Dr.
Sheperd said that Chiang does have
many enemies in China and a few
in America. When an unsympathetic
group circulates such stories, they
may be taken as being quite un-
"Mme. Chiang has always been in
need of regular medical treatment
and thus her trip here at this time
should not cause any unusual com-
Dec. 1 Deadline for petitions for
positions on Union Board
of Directors.
Dec. -1 Russian movie at 8 p. M.
in Rackham Auditorium.
Dec. 1 Post-War Council movie
7:30 p. m. in Rackham

His interest in Michigan athletics
which continued to his death began in
1892 when Baird became student
manager of the Wolverine football
team. After graduating in 1895 with
an L. L. B. and A. B. degree, he re-
turned to the campus in 1898 to be-
come first graduate manager of the
football team and first athletic di-
Under his leadership Michigan be-
came recognized as a national ath-
letic power and it was Baird who
brought Fielding H. Yost and Keene
Fitzpatrick to Michigan. Baird left,
the University in 1908 and became
engaged in banking and investment
in Kansas City.
Donates Funds
The 51-bell Baird Carillon and the
Cooley Fountain opposite the League
were built with funds donated by
Baird. His gifts to the University
over the course of years totaled more
than $120,000 according to Dr. Frank
E. Robbins, assistant to the presi-
tBaird was '.ne of the famous triuim-
virate of Yost, who came to the
University at Baird's request in 1901,
and Keene Fitzpatrick, Michigan
track coach and football trainer, who
died last spring. Portraits of the three
men hang in the south lounge of
Michigan Union.
Visits Ann Arbor
Although he was not associated
with the University in an official ca-
See BAIRD, Page 2
Fou instructors
Added o JAG Staff
Four instructors have been added
to the staff of JAG school, Major
Bernhard W. Alden as research as-
sistant in the military affairs de-
partment and three lieutenants,
graduates of the Eighth officers
ttraining class, to the contracts and
areadjustment department of the
A graduate of the 19th officer class
of the JAG school, Maj. Alden has
served as judge advocate in this
country, North Africa and Sicily.
The three other instructors are Lt.
Owen F. Walker, former Rhodes
scholar; Lt. Robert H. Marquis, once
associated with the TVA and De-
partment of Justice; and Lt. Hugh
M. Lindsey, former associate profes-
sor at Montana State University and
veteran of two years service as judge
adna't in India.

Ships Sought
To Reinforce
Leyte Troops
Rains Hinder Fighting
On Strategic Island
By The Associated Press
-An Ormoc-bound convoy of four
Japanese ships, presumably loaded
with reinforcements and supplies for
the hard-pressed garrison on Leyte
island, had been destroyed, head-
quarters announced today.
The convoy, the second to be de-
stroyed this week, included a 9,000-
ton transport and three small freigh-
ters, all of which were sunk, and a
5,000-ton freighter and escorting de-
stroyer which were set afire.
Headquarters estimated that 5,000
more Japanese troops were lost in
the convoy, bringing the total enemy
casualties in reinforcement attempts
to more than 26,000.
The convoy was scattered off Cebu
Island Nov. 29-30.
A Japanese submarine was sunk
Monday in Ormoc Gulf, off the ene-
my's supply and reinforcement port,
today's communique said.
In air activity over the island six
Nipponese planes were shot down.
Two American planes were lost.
Ground activity continued of a
minor natuv', due to torrential rains,
but the liberation forces maintained
their pressure on all fronts.
The destruction of two or more
Japanese, reinfocing divisions by
American air attacks on convoys
promised today to speed the battle
for Leyte Island ofice the tropical
deluges cease and ground action
again is possible.
For a fortnight, the enemy has
been making desperate efforts to bol-
ster his position on Leyte. Virtually
every attempt has been broken up by
fighter planes based on Leyte before
the ships could disgorgs their car-
goes of men and supplies.
Two Carriers
Sunk by Jdaps
By The Associated Press
teen hundred men were rescued from
two escort carriers sunk in the bat-
tle of the Philippines, the Navy re-
ported tonight in releasing a detail-
ed account of how six of the b'aby
flat-tops fought a big Japanese task
The carriers sunk were the St. Lo
and the Gambier Bay.
"The losses on the St. Lo were low
-we picked up 800 men," Read Ad-
miral C. A. F. Strague said in a first
person report on the engagement.
Losses on the Gambier Bay were low
too, considering that she dropped
back into the middle of the Jap
fleet. Approximately 600 of her crew
were saved." The complement of
such ships has never been disclosed.
Sprague's report identified for the
first time the other four carriers in
his force of six wihich had an escort
of three destroyers and four destroyer
escorts when it tangled with a Japa-
nese force of four battleships, seven
cruisers and nine destroyers. The
other carriers were the Kalinin Bay,
the Fanshaw Bay, the White Plains
and the Kitkun Bay. All were dam-
The American destroyers and de-
stroyer escorts executed a daring tor-
pedo attack against the enemy fleet
without suffering any losses. "It was
a very gallant attack," Sprague re-
lated. "One of the destroyers got a
direct torpedo hit on a battleship.

Prof. Throop To
Speak at Hillel
Choosing as his topic, "Anti-ration-
alist Elements of Fascism," Prof. Pal-
mer A. Throop of the history depart-
ment will lead a Hillel Fireside dis-
cussion at 8:30 p. m. today at the
Hillel Foundation assembly room.
The third in a series of Hillel Fire-
side discussions, today's discussion
., nnrF _ niir f n-o f'. o

As the. University's bond sales
limbed steadily to $21,064 toward i
the $100,000 goal, the Army and Navy
units on campus revealed plans for
more active. participation in the
Sixth War Loan Drive yesterday.
Total sales in the University'
mounted from Wednesday's figures
of nearly $16,000.
Army Purchases Increase
Although servicemen on campus
have been buying bonds in the Drive
since its beginning Nov. 20, the first
large purchases were made yesterday
by members of Army, units here
receiving their monthly pay, Capt.
William H. Cooper, public relations
officer, said.
Captain Cooper said purchases
through allotments were being stres-
sed so that servicemen could buy

bonds on a year-round basis. How-
ever, a large number of bonds have
been sold directly, he added.
Civilians of Army Subscribe
Civilians attached to the Army
have subscribed 100 per cent to,a
We have ...
University .......... $ 21,064
We need.. -
County ............. $6,083,081
University .......... $ 78,936
payroll deduction for bonds, Capt.
Cooper revealed. The deduction av-
eraged about 12 per cent per person.
The Navy on campus will com-

Post-War Peace Plans Are
Reviewed by Prof. Slosson

"Proposals at the Dumbarton Oaks
Conference constitute the foundation
stones of a building to be erected,"
Prof. Preston Slosson of the histo-
ry dept. said last night as he defined
the issues of the conference to an
audience of students and faculty who
filled the Rackham Amphitheatre to
Proposals Explained
In an introduction to a series of
panels on the conference to be pre-
sented throughout the semester by
the Post War Council, Prof. Slos-
son explained that the proposals at
Dumbarton Oaks mark out the limits
of an eventual international organ-
"The conference provided for a
league of permanent agencies of gov-
ernment," Prof. Slosson explained,
"which will deal with member states
as units." These agencies, he said,
will include a security council en-
dowed with military powers, an ec-
onomic and social council which will
facilitate the solution of problems,
an international court of justice, a
military staff committee and a gen-
eral assembly.
Size of Council Described
Representation in the security
council will be limited to eleven mem-
bers of the large nations, Prof. Slos-
son said, with six non-permanent
seats to be provided for small na-
"The proposals at Dumbarton Oaks
do not provide for a post war treaty
Hlildebrandt Elected to
IMat Speiety Presidency
Prof. T. H. Hildebrandt, chairman
of the mathematics department, was
elected president of the American
Mathematical Society at its annual
meeting November 24 and 25 in Chi-
This is the first time that a mem-
ber of the University of Michigan
mathematics department has held
that high office. Objective of the
Society is to encourage and promul-
gate research in mathematics.
Identification Cards
Student identification cards will
be available today at Rm. 4, Uni-
versity Hall.

memorate Pearl Harbor Day, Thurs-
day, by the third annual extra cash
War Bond sale, which begins today.
Navy Encouraged To Buy
The Naval announcement encour-
aging bluejackets on campus to pur-
chase bonds called the sale of War
Bonds "part of our all-out plan of
operation and its contribution to-
ward final victory is inestimable.
"The Pearl Harbor sneak attack
still rankles within the heart of every
Navy man and the War Bond cam-
paign commemorating that turning
point in America's history will pro-
vide an excellent opportunity for
every Navy man or woman, uni-
formed and civilian, to help avenge

that attack,"

and have nothing to do with the
peace with Germany and Japan,"
Prof. Slosson explained. The organ-
ization proposed at the conference
will be restricted to peace loving na-
tions, he pointed out, so that they
will have a free hand in dealing with
the Axis at the termination of the
Regional Councils Planned
"Regional councils will be provided
in the international organization,"
Prof. Slosson said, "to take charge
of the economic settlement of local
Pvt. Berton Bernard, Co. C, win-
ner of the 1943 American Legion ora-
tory contest, introduced Prof. Slos-
son and took charge of the question
period which followed.
Returning Vets
Placed'in Jobs
More than 30 returned veterans
were placed in jobs by the Ann Arbor
office of the United States Employ-
ment Service during the month of
October, Lawrence Hamberg, local
USES director said yesterday.
This figure brings the number of
veterans aided in finding employ-
ment by the USES up to 338 for the
past year.
"We want all returning servicemen
to know that the latch-string at the
Employment Service here is always
out to them," Hamberg explained.
"Finding them suitable jobs is one
of our greatest ambitions and one
that we are proud to perform."
Veterans, physically fit for any
position are placed by the USES-
those having handicapping physical
defects are referred to the State
Rehabilitation Division at Lansing.
In addition to the job placement,
information concerning any local
agency rendering service to the vet-
eran, may be obtained at the USES.
Social Agency Council
Committees To Report
The recreation, health and family
committees of the Ann Arbor Coun-
cil of Social Agencies will submit re-
ports at the Council's Central Plan-
ning Committee meeting to be held at
12:30 p. m. today at the League.

F.D.R. Settles
Justice Feud;
Fires Littell
Congressional Probe
Requested in House
WASHINGTON, Nov. 30.- (I)-
President Roosevelt fired Assistant
Attorney-General Norman Littell to-
day for "insubordination" but that
didn't close out the Justice Depart-
ment feud-it only moved over into
Rep. Terry Voorhis,- California
Democrat, introduced a resolution
for an investigation of the whole
matter by the House Judiciary Com-

the announcement

$79,000 TO GO:
Bond Sales Climb to $100,000 Goal

Nazi Barrage
Increases as
Allies Advance
Ninth Army Surge
Hits Flooded Roer
By The Associated Press
my sweeps through three more
German towns. Hit end of Aachen
front and reach Roer River. First
takes two towns.
four-ship Jap convoy destroyed.
Six Nip planes downed over Leyte.
Ground activity minor. 1300 Japs
killed on Peleliu in one month.
Navy identifies four escort carriers
lost in battle of Philippines Oct. 24.
mountains near Budapest blast in-
vasion roads leadingto Slovakia.
By The Associated Press
SHAEF, Paris, Dec. 1.-The Amer-
ican Ninth Army drew up along the
west bank of the Roer River on a
20-mile front above and below Julich
yesterday while other Allied forces
battled slowly forward against in-
creasingly strong German resistance.
Burned Villages Passed
In forcing the Nazis back across
the Roer, last water barrier before
the Rhine, 25 miles to the east, Lt.-
Gen. William H. Simpson's Ninth
Army troops swept through the burn-
ed villages of Lindern, Flossdorf and
Roerdorf and laid siege to the Ger-
man stronghold of Linnich, six miles
northwest of Julich.
At the same time Lt.-Gen. Courtney
H. Hodges' First Army pulled its
steel net tighter around Duren, third
"anchor" city on the Roer River line
barring access to the Cologne plain.
Nazis Destroy Bridges
West of Duren the Germans de-
stroyed 'two bridges over the Inde
River, cutting off the retreat of their
own troops while they were still
fighting in the streets of Inden and
Lammersdorf. Hodges said, "Troops
cut across the Kleinhau-Brandenberg
highway in a thrust that carried to
high ground within a mile and a half
of the Roer east of Hurtgen.
Farther to the south the Third
Army slogged forward for gains up
to two miles, despite numerous coun-
terattacks, and American and French
troops of the Sixth Army group
advanced through the Vosges moun-
tain passes and along the plains of
From every front, however, came
reports that the Germans Were fight-
ing fiercely, often counteattacking
with tanks. Strasbourg, on the Sev-
enth Army front, was being heavily
shelled by the Germans from across
the Rhine.
Excuse Usf-
AP Erred one
Gas Co. tory
To clear up confusion which re-
sulted from an Associated Press
error in yesterday's Daily concerning
the reduction ruling applying to the
Michigan Consolidated Gas Co. of
the Michigan Public Service Com-
mission in Lansing, Charles R. Hen-
derson, manager- of the local office
stated'that "the Ann Arbor district
is included in the reductions."
The commission ruled that the

company, must reduce its December
bills to consumers by 31 per cent
which will mean a saving to local
customers between $12,000 and $15,-
More than half of the saving -in
this area will benefit domestic users,
he indicated.
Deadline For Union
Petitions is. Today
Petitions for the three vacarft vice-
presidential nositions with the Board

... ousted by F.D.R.

mittee, taking issue with the grounds
on which the President dismissed Lit-
"The reason given is 'insubodina-
tion,' which is based upon the issu-
ance of Littell's statement giving his
reasons for refusal to resign," Voor-
his said in a statement.
De Gaulle Arrives
In Russia for Visit
LONDON, Dec. 1.- (P- Gen.
Charles De Gaulle has arrived in
Russia, the Moscow radio announced
tonight, where he will discuss with
Premier Stalin the fate of Germany
after the war and a new France-
Soviet pact.

Lillian Gish Asks for Playwriting Degree

"We the people of this country are
responsible for good motion pictures,
but the Universities and colleges of
the country are responsible for teach-
ing the principles necessary to make
good pictures," Lillian Gish, star of
the stage and screen stated in her
lecture at Hill Auditorium last night.
Schools Should Offer Courses
Elaborating on this statement in
an interview afterwards, she said the
T-nup-zilpq soud onducntcourse

country will start this concentration
program soon," she stated.
Experiences Related
Miss Gish, who was escorted by
her dog Malcolm, related some of her
personal experiences on the stage
and screen. She embarked upon a
career of acting because of necessity.
Her father became ill when she was
six, and her mother, who had to sup-
port the family began to act in the
theatre in New York. Miss Gish and

dummy (presumably Miss Gish)
from the top of the boulder which
was supposed to explode. During
rehearsals, there were no sound
effects used, and everything went off
beautifully, she said.
First Peformance Preferred
"When the actual performance
was given, explosives were used.
When the explosives went off, the
dummy went one way in the arms of
the hero, and I went the other way.

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