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Fifty-Fifth Year
Haile Selassie Sends Protest
T he Pendulum
- -_- -
Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
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Evelyn Phillips ..
Stan Wallace,
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. Women's Editor
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Associate Business Mgr.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily stafff
and represent the views of the writers only.
THIS IS A Thanksgiving Day similar to that
a little band of Pilgrims first celebrated
in 1620, perhaps, because of the snow flurries,
like that which the boys up in the Aleutians
may be observing too. You who are attending
church services today may, wonder what we
here at home have to be thankful for, and that
is a question which you can easily answer for
On a moonlit night in the South Pacific a
sailor writes: "Most of the time we eat on the
beach; the Waldorf and Joe's diner would be
a good comparison . . . if you ever decide to
send foodstuffs, kindly refrain from Spam,
jam and pressed ham, pineapple or rain." He
goes on to explain that the latter is in a
small way a necessity, for they use it to wash
their clothes. They also had butter for chow
Saturday night-in the way of a celebration.
These men will be thinking of you today and
of the time when they can come back, be a part
of that circle at home. Of course they won't be
wondering what you're doing to speed the com-
ing day of victory, because they know you're
behind them, supporting their physical sacrifice
with just a little deep digging into pockets, a
generous purchase of war bonds and stamps
which changes those dimes and quarters into
weapons of steel so essential in this fight.
The $50,000 University quota for E bonds in
this Sixth War Loan drive is a' challenge to
that Thanksgiving Day spirit which pervades
the world today. Let's put the minds of those
fellows at ease by backing up the fight with
an additional purchase of bonds and stamps
during this drive, so that by this time next
year radio Tokyo will be out of spark plugs.
-Charlotte Bobrecker
WASHINGTON, NOV. 23-The State Depart-
ment is trying to hush it up, but Emperor Haile
Selassie of Ethiopia has sent a strong protest to
the United States Government against the Brit-
ish Government for refusing to evacuate Ethiop-
ian territory.
The soulful, white-robed figure of the little
Emperor, whose pleading speeches before the
League of Nations against Mussolini's aggres-
sion in 1935 brought world public opinion to his
support, now can no longer appeal to the League,
which is dead, so he has written to the United
Last month, he also attempted to communi-
cate with this columnist but, either because
of British censorship or the State Department,
the communication was stopped. Now, how-
ever, through other channels, this writer has
ascertained that the British are not only oc-
cupying parts of two Ethiopian provinces,
Ogaden and Harar, but apparently intend to.
keep them.
Three years ago, when the Italian armies
finally were pushed out of Ethiopia, "Haile
Selassie, the Conquering Lion of the Tribe of
Judah, Elect of the Lord, King of Kings of
Ethiopia" was restored to his throne with con-
siderable pomp and circumstance.
British Refuse To Leave ...
Under the agreement by which the British
restored the Emperor, the British could occupy
Ethiopia for two years. Last March, that agree-
ment was extended for another year, at the ur-
gent demand of the British, though the Italians
and Germans long had been gone from Africa.
Last month, however, the Emperor, still under
the illusion that this war was being fought to
free the world, asked the British if they would
leave his territory by the end of the year. In
reply, the British Government informed His
Majesty that the natives of the rich Ogaden
and Harar provinces did not want him as
Emperor any more but desired to pay allegiance
to a more powerful monarch, King George VI
of England.
Discouraged, but never surrendering, the Lion
of Judah pressed the point. He was told that
the British had no intention of leaving. Parta
of Harar and Ogaden provinces, it became clear,
were to be annexed to nearby British Somali-
At this point, the Emperor, greatly disil-
lusioned, addressed his appeal to the State
Department. Distressed State Department
officials have been sitting on the lid, trying
to keep the matter quiet, though making
polite representations to the British For-
eign Office that it should respect the rights
of little nations.
When the British wanted to build a dam on
Lake Tana to control the headwaters of the
Blue Nile, the Ethiopians countered by arrang-
ing a deal with the J. G. White Corporation of
New York, figuring they would build the dam
without any political strings attached. The
British hit the ceiling. But Henry L. Stimson,
then Secretary of State, stood behind the Ethio-
pian-American dam contract, sent various U. S.
experts to Addis Ababa to advise and assist the
Emperor. Haile Selassie showed his apprecia-
tion by sending his personal Bible as a present
to the National Cathedral.
Snuff Boxes and Treaties ...
Venerable Senator Theodore Francis Green,
aristocratic chairman of the Senate campaign
expenditures committee, looks the part of a
movie Senator. Despit his appearance, how-
ever, he is one of the most progressive members
of Congress.
Last week, at a Washington party, Green
was asked why there should be Senatorial re-
sistance to the idea of ratifying international
treaties by a majority vote rather than the two-
thirds vote.
"Oh, before you can get my colleagues to agree
Blood Bank
Thanksgiving Day is rich in meaning for us
today for we've got a lot for which to be thank-
When we return to classes Friday, those of us
who have not already done so, should sign up to
donate blood at the Union blood bank booth at
the center of the diagonal.
To us, donating blood is a small sacrifice
intleed. To our fighting men overseas, our
blood means life instead of death on the battle-
field. It is not a pretty thought to realize that
your negligence or mine might cause a man to
bleed to death. Our men overseas expect us, at
Michigan, to fill our quotas and we are not
filling that quota.#
-Arthur J. Kraft
to that," replied the Senator from Rhode Island,
"you'll have to get them to stop using snuff-
Social Security Revision .. .
One of the first things Roosevelt will put
before the new Congress is a revision of the
entire Social Security Act, plus a new "cradle
to the grave" social welfare program.
White House aides have been keeping it quiet,
but they have talked this over with Senator
Wagner of New York, Senate majority leader
Alben Barkley, and Senate Finance Committee
Chairman George of Georgia. All three are
willing to go through with it.
Inside fact is that Roosevelt considers his re-
election a mandate for new social security leg-
islation. He has pointed out to intimates that
Governor Dewey said "me too" to social security
extension and criticized Roosevelt's program as
not going far enough.
(Copyright. 1944, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
Des Moines Report
regional offices are in the Teachout Building.
You can tell something about the labor move-
ment in a town by where its offices are. If there
is a big labor movement, its offices will be in the
business center, smart and brash, like a finance
company. If there is only a small labor move-
ment, its headquarters will usually be in one of
the buildings away from, things, on the edge,
looking in.
Iowa is a farm state. So the Iowa Farm
Bureau Federation offices are on the tenth floor
of the Valley Bank Building, right in the heart,
many rooms, lots of girls, very busy, expensive
looking. But the CIO is on the other side, the
far side, of the Des Moines River, in a modest
red building. You cannot fake these physical
signs of the relative importance of things. They
tell the truth. I do not know whether you can
see the Valley Bank Building from the Teachout
Building. Just about.
The river runs between, but the two offices
are conscious of each other. "Iowa is a farm
state," said Mr. Ben Henry, Regional Director
for the CIO. "A big part of the labor job here
is just to make the farmers understand about
labor. They don't understand. In the small
county seat towns, they don't understand, and
their newspapers don't understand. How does
labor hurt the farmer by eating more?"
"Is there any formal effort underway to set
up an accord between labor and the farmer?"
"Well, no. Well, we do work with the Na-
tional Farmers' Union. But, well, no."
I crossed the river, on foot, and in the big
Valley Bank Building, I asked Mr. Allan Kline,
President of the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation,
what he saw ahead for post-war. He talked
like a man who had been thinking about it, not
like a man saying something to a newspaper.
"It might be in the farmer's interest to keep
hourly wages high," he said. "The average num-
ber of hours worked per week is going to fall
after the war. That cuts off the time-and-a-
half and the double-time. If we keep hourly
wage rates high, labor can still buy food. I'd
like to see a balance between hourly wage rates
and farm prices, neither going up too high
right now, neither going down too low later."
"Is there any formal effort underway to set
up an accord between labor and the farmer?"
"There are informal efforts being made to
correlate farm and labor programs.
"Then it isn't a completely arm's-length or
hostile relationship?"
"Oh, my, no. There's too much community of
interest. Do you know about our National
Farm Institute?"
The National Farm Institute is a forum
which meets here each winter, in the Fort
Des Moines Hotel. It has always made a
point of having labor speakers. It has had
Sidney Hillman. The Institute has had a
solid effect on Iowa opinion, in its eight or
nine years. Iowa farmers, though Republi-
cans, supported Secretary Hull's reciprocal
trade treaty program. This was not true of
farm opinion in some other districts. So
talking and thinking do help. You might
say Iowa farmers and Iowa labor are sending
out little antennae toward each other, making
gestures toward crossing that river.
"My wife," said a Des Moines newspaperman,
"finally decided to vote for Roosevelt after she
listened to Dewey's bitter speech at Boston. She
just didn't believe America was split up the
way he said."
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) r
THE PENDULUM in this corner
swings left of center. For its
author accepts as self-evident the
axiom that "the heart is on the left
side and the pocketbook is on the
right side." This applies politically
as well as physiologically.
You either want to move for-
ward in the rhythm of history or
backward against it. Yet, clearly
though these lines are drawn, no
two individuals even in the generic
camp to which I belong hold exact-
ly the same views, or if they do, for
exactly the same reasons.
Liberalism is splintered and divid-
ed against itself to, the point of inef-
fectuality. Basically, of course, there
are as many varieties of political as
there are of religious experience-
in the William Jamesian sense.
From which it follows that main-
tenance of intellectual integrity and
subservient membership in a single
political organization are incompati-
ble. The first pre-supposes indivi-
dual judgment about every issue; the
second necessitates observance of
party dogma, repetition of doctrinaire
notions, and immersion of oneself in
ideas shaped from above. The man
who wishes to think for himself will
not be led about by the nose. He
will not tolerate being told to toe the
line-however it may gyrate-or suf-
fer the consequences of ostracism.
The true independent is he who can
see ;truth through the lenses of ob-
Independence of thought should
not rule out agreement over funda-
mentals. But Leftists are so busily
engaged in fighting one another that
they lose sight of the common foe.
Because the British Labor Party can-
not unite with the Liberals in Par-
liament or the Commonwealth sup-
porters outside of Parliament. This
situation was graphically described
by George Orwell last month in The
Partisan Review. Conservatism re-
mains powerful. It cracks the whip
and holds the fort for vested inter-
erstwhile the progressive cause stag-
We in this country bicker over our
attitude toward the Russian Revolu-
tion while the forces we mutually
condemn entrencli themselves in our
Socialists hate Communists who
hate Trotskyists who hate New
Dealers. That a Socialist should
hate a Communist more bitterly
than either hates a capitalist is
incredible but true. I, for one,
will have no part in these factions,
although the New Deal wing of
the Democratic Party attracts me
But recently, because I expressed a
viewpoint contrary to his own and
for no other reason, a member of
the Communist Political Association
accused me of being a Trotskyist. A
Trotskyist by definition, then, is any-
one whose opinions do not coincide
with those that come from Commu-
nist headquarters. But, what is it
The last time we read about an
active Trotskyist movement was in
connection with an alleged plot to
overthrow the government. Dan To-
bin, head of the Teamsters Union was
instrumental in exposing a group of
men, since tried and sentenced for
sedition, who vowed allegiance to the
principles of the late Leon Trotsky.
Tobin is a friend of President Roose-
velt and a likely successor to Francis
Perkins as Secretary of Labor. The
Socialist Party waste no love on him
or on President Roosevelt. It claim-
ed the Smith "gag" act has been
prejudicially applied against poli-
tical enemies. And this teapot-tem-
pest raged even as the shade of
Herbert Hoover clamored for re-ad-
mission to the White House.
Now as for Trotsky, whose votary I
am supposed to be. He was in many
ways a great man and a fiery leader.
A document is in existence the pos-
sessors of which believe Trotsky, not'
Stalin, shoulld have succeeded Lenin
as ruler of the U.S.S.R. This could
well be true. Trotsky was an ortho-
dox Marxist. Like Lenin he favored
international revolution. In fact he
broke with Stalin over this question
and was exiled in 1927. In 1940 he
was brutally assassinated.
I cannot be a Trotskyist in any
formal or idealogical sense. I do
not, to begin with, believe in force
as a means of social control. Har-
old J. Laski's idea of revolution by
consent is much more pal table to
me than Trotsky's idea o~ revolu-
tion by coercion. Furthermore,
Karl Marx has never been my idea
of God and even if he did success-
fully renovate economics and histo-
I am convinced that "Since the
world has still much good, but much
less good than ill . . . " that society
must be shaken at its foundations,
overhauled, and refitted for human
This is a gigantic undertaking. It
has scarcely been started in our
times. But for its accomplishment
all the energies of humanity must
be concentrated. There can be no
pettiness in a conflict Theodore
Dreiser has described in his book
"America Is Worth Saving"-a high-
ly creditable thesis-as one" . . . be-
tween those who, being on top of the
heap, are interested in trying to stop
the world from moving; and those
who, being at or near the bottom of
the heap are interested in giving
head-room to the movement and ac-
celerating it."
(Continued from Page 2)
charged for blanks returned
than Friday of this week.
Special Payroll Deduction for War
Bonds: For the Sixth War Loan
Drive arrangements can be made
with the payroll department to make
a special single deduction for the
purchase of War Bonds from salary
checks due on Dec. 29 only. This
would be over and above the regular
deductions under the payroll savings
plan. Those wishing to use this
method should send written instruc-
tions to the Payroll Department re-
garding the amount of the bond and
names and adresses in which it
should be registered. Deductions can
be made only in the amount of $1.75
or multiples thereof. Instructions
must reach the Payroll Department
not later than Dec. 15. War Bond
purchases made by this method will
be counted in the drive.-University
War Bond Committee.
Mortar Board will meet at 4:30
Friday in the League. All members i
should attenid and bring with them
a complete copy of all courses taken
up through this semester with the
grade in each course. Any member
who cannot attend should contact
Bette Willemin at 2-1528.
Found: Slide Rule in East Engi-
neering Building. Call in Metal Pro-
cessing office to identify.
The Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert will not be held on
Thanksgiving Day. The next concert
is scheduled for Nov. 30 in the Men's
Lounge at the same time. The pro-
gram will feature Sibelius Symphony
No. 1, Beethoven's 5th Concerto; and
the Enesco Rhapsodies. Graduates
and servicemen are cordially invited.
Student Admission to Basketball
Game: Students will be admitted to
the basketball game with Central
Michigan College of Education, Sat-
urday, Nov. 25, upon presentation of
their student receipts for fees.
Academic Notices
School of Education Students: No
course may be elected for credit
after Saturday, Nov. 25. Students
must report all changes of elections
at the Registrar's Office, Rm. 4,
University Hall. Membership in a
class does not cease nor begin until
all changes have been thus officially
registered. Arrangements made with
the instructor are not official chan-
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, Schools of Education, For-
estry, Music and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course
or courses unless this work is made
up by Dec. 2. Students wishing an
extension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Rm. 4, U.H. where it will be trans-
Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
To All Male Students in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
By action of the Board of Regents,
all male students in residence in this
College must elect 'Physical Educa-
tion for Men. This action has been
effective since June, 1943, and will
continue for the duration of the war.
Students may be excused from
taking the course by (1) The Uni-
versity Health Service, (2) The Dean
of the College or by his representa-
consideredt after the end of the third
Iweek of the Fall Term.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: No course may
be elected for credit after the end of
the third week of the Fall Term.
Nov. 25 is therefore the last date on
which new elections may be ap-
proved. The willingness of an indi-
vidual instructor to admit a student
later does not affect the operation
of this rule.
Social Ethics Seminar: Owing to
the holiday, there will be no meeting
at Lane Hall this week. However, it
will resume the following week as
usual, and on Nov. 30, Mr. John
Muehl will lead the seminar in a
summation of its discussion of Ber-
trand Russell's "What I Believe" and'
will present an introduction to Rein-
hold Niebuhr's Neo-orthodoxy.
Bacteriology Seminar: Friday, Nov.
24, 10:30 a.m., Rm. 1564 East Medical
Building. Subject, Immunity in Rick-
ettsial Diseases. All interested are
Notice to candidates for the Mas-
ter's Degree in History: The lang-
uage examination will be given on
Friday, Nov. 24 at 4 p.m., in Rm. B.
Haven Hall.
Geology 65 and 12 Make-Up Finals
Will Be Glven Tuesday, Nov. 28, at
2 p.m. in 2051 Natural Science Bldg.
Please notify Secretary by Saturday
noon if you expect to take it then.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Students who
fail to file their election blanks by
the close of the third week of the
Fall Term, even though they have
registered and have attended classes
unofficially will forfeit their privilege
of continuing in the College.
Speeded Reading Course: A special
short course in speeded reading will
be given for students wishing to
improve their reading ability. The
course will meet Monday and Wed-
nesday at 5 for eight weeks, starting
Monday, Nov. 27. There is no charge
for this non-credit course. Rm. 4009
University High School Building,
School of Education. For further
information call Mr. Morse, Ex. 682.
Choral Union Concert: Simon Bar-
ere, Russian pianist, will be heard in
the fourth Choral Union concert,
taking the place of Josef Lhevinne,
Monday, Nov. 27, at 8:30. He will
play the following revised program:
Pastorale, Corelli; Menuett by Ram-
eau; Gigue, Loeilly; Choral Preludes,
Bach-Busoni; Carnaval, Op. 9, Schu-
mann; Grande Polonaise Brillante,
Chopin; Poeme and Etude, Scriabin;
Etude Tableau and Polka, Rachman-
inoff; and Rhapsody No. 12, Liszt.
Geological Journal Club will meet
in Rm. 4065 at 12:15 p.m., on Fri-
day, Nov. 24. Program: Dr. K. K.
Landes on "Porosity of Limestones."
All interested are cordially welcome.
Bring your own lunch; tea will be
The Student Religious Association
will hold its weekly Coffee Hour in
the Lane Hall Library on Friday
afternoon from 4 to 5:30. Students,
servicemen, and faculty members are
Michigan on the March, a record of
of the University's war program and
its post-war planning. There will be
a public showing of the newly made
moving picture "Michigan on the
March" at the Rackham Amphi-
theatre, Friday, Nov. 24, at 8:00 p.m.
The faculty, students, and public,
are invited.
The Angell Hall Observatory will
be open to visitors to observe the
Moon from 8 to 10 p.m., Friday, Nov.
24, if the sky is clear. Students and
the public are invited. Children must
be accompanied by adults.
Rabbi Harry Kaplan, Director of
the Ohio State Hillel Foundation,
will speak on "Hillel's Future Role
on the American Campus" at the
Special Sabbath Eve Services honor-
ing the Director of the Hillel Foun-
dations of the Midwest, on Friday
evening, ,Nov. 24, at 7:45 p.m. at
Hillel Foundation.
Sigma Nu: There will be a meeting
of the fraternity at 2 o'clock Sunday,
Nov. 26 at the Michigan Union. The
room number will be posted in the
lobby. All members whether affili-
ated on this campus or not are urged
to attend.
Michigan Youth for Democratic
Action will hold its first meeting of
this semester on Monday, Nov. 27,
at 7:45 p.m. in the League (room will
be posted). All members are urged
to attend and new ones are welcomed.
Trinity Lutheran Church: E. Wil-
liam St. at S. Fifth Ave. The Rev.
Henry O. Yoder will give the sermon
at the Thanksgiving Day Service to
be held at 10 a.m. Students and
servicemen are welcome.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Civil Aviation
THREE weeks after the opening of the Inter-
national Civil Aviation Conference in Chi-
cago, a tentative proposal has been laid before
the delegates although four of the most import-
ant questions have not yet reached settlement.
The principles of freedom of air travel ev-
erywhere and the adjustment of capacity to
traffic are the ones that have not yet been
agreed on in spite of the necessity. Too
much suspicion and narrow nationalism has
kept a majority of the countries nd their
delegates from accepting this foremost prin-
The traffic problem stems from Canada's and
Britain's proposal for each nation to retain the
right to carry traffic originating in it or destined
for it. An example of this as given would pre-
vent an American plane en route from New
York to Moscow from picking up passengers
at intermediate stops on the outbound trip or
from carrying passengers part of the way on
the homeward trip. The greatest efficiency and
the lowest possible cost of cargo and passenger
rates can not 'be realized if such stumbling
blocks as cited were to exist.
On the other side of the balance, the worth-
while action of the Conference has resulted
in the plan to have an international air ad-
ministration with equal representation of each
country in an assembly, a board of directors,
and the authority to conduct research, make
recommendations concerning tariffs, air ser-
vices and have some degree of economic con-
trol. In addition the plan provides for nego-
By Crockett Johnson
Well-behaved hi ra c' I
e? Calm. And poised-
I bet he doesn't
know it's nearly
t r
No. Even if he DID,,a bird
can't recognize anything
in our cultural traditions
that might concern him-
Ahr Here's Cousin Myles-
Y' a
, (
" .
Copyright 1944 i.Jd Publicwdom
What happened, Mr. O'Malley,
when the turkey broke loose
because he saw your Cousin
Yes. Myles got away-
And yesterday he set
Not with that live turkey
of course.. . I stopped by at
the serve-yourself grocery
Cousin, hast thou