Til To Decide Big
Wiese, Laze tich Selected
Quartet of Ohio State Players
Selected in United Press Poll
Ponsetto, Baunman, Renner on Second Team;-
Four Wolverines Receive Honorable Mention
The University of Michigan placed two men-Milan Lazetich and Bob
Wiese-on the United Press' 1944 All-Big Ten team.<
Lazetich's closest opposition came from teammate Clem Bauman, who
almost beat out Lazetich in the polling for selection to the first team.
Bob Wiese, who left for advanced Navy training after playing just half
of the games on the 'Wolverine schedule, just managed to nose out Boris
Dimancheff of Purdue for the fullback spot.
Besides the two Wolverines who'
B 0
made the first team, Michigan was
represented on the second team by
quarterback Joe Ponsetto, end Art
Renner, and tackle Clem Bauman,
In addition end Bruce Hilkene, guard
George Burg, center Harold Watts
and back Bob Nussbaumer were tend-
ered honorable mention.
A foreshadowing of what Mi-
chigan may expect to run up
against Saturday, when they take
on the undefeated Ohio State
Buckeyes at Columbus, may be seen
in the fact that four Buckeyes
were selected on the first team.
Leading the list is Les Horvath,
brilliant triple-threat quarterback.
At present he is third highest
scorer in the Big Ten and has the
highest percentage of pass com-
pletions per heaves in the Western
In the line Bill Hackett, a 190
pound junior who is considered to be
one of the best guards in the country,
was selected with votes to spare.
The rest of the select team is
rounded out by Frank Bauman,
end, and Boris Dimancheff, half-
back, from Purdue; Ralph Serpico,
guard; and Buddy Young, half-
back from Illinois; and John Tav-
ener, center from Indiana.
In the polling the only two men
who were selected unanimously were
both backs-Boris Dimancheff and
Les Horvath. The complete first
team is:
E--Jack Dugger, Ohio State, sen-
ior, 210, six-feet, two-inches, Ckn-
ton, O.
\ T-Bill Willis, Ohio State, sen-
ior, 205, six-feet, three-in. Colum-
bus, O.
G-Bill Hackett, Ohio State, jun-
ior, 190, five-feet, 11-in., S. Solom,
C-John Tavener, Indiana, sen-
ior, 195, six-feet, Granville, O.
G-Ralph Serpico, Illinois, soph-
omore, 181, five-feet, nine-in.,
Maywood, Ill.
T-Milan Lazetich, Michigan,
freshman, 200, six-feet, Anaconda,
E-Frank Bauman, Purdue, sen-
ior, 215, six-feet, three-in., Harvey,
QB-Les Horvath, Ohio State,
senior, 164, five-feet, 10-in., Parma,
HB-Buddy Young, Illinois,
freshman, 160, five-feet, five-in.,
Chicago, Ill.
HB-Boris Dimancheff, Purdue,
senior, 178; five-feet, 11-in., In-
dianapolis, Ind.
FB-Bob Wiese, Michigan, sen-
ior, 190, six-feet, two-in., James-
town, N. D.
Cagers Meet Romulus
TiomorrowinFirst Game
Entire Squad Made Up of New Michigan
Players; Romulus Offers Tough Resistance
m Te amn
Uneven Teams
Make Football
Judging Hard
Squads Fall in Three
Levels; Top Bracket
Given Service Elevens
NEW YORK; NOV. 21-P)-Foot-
ball isn't on the level this year. Ex-.
clusive of the high school and pro
game, it's on three more or less dis-
tinct levels, and possibly four if you
feel that Army and Navy should be
terraced in there somewhere on a
layer peculiarly their own.
One level includes the purely ser-
vice teams, such as the pre-flight
schools, the air force units, Randolph
.Field, Camp Peary, Bainbridge and
Great Lakes.
Second Level Includes Colleges
The second level includes colleges
with Navy or Marine trainees avail-
able for football, making the teams
an often potent blend of service men
and civilians. Such teams as Duke,
Notre Dame and Georgia Tech are
included in this category.
The third level is made up of the
strictly civilian teams, whose exhibit
"A" right now is' Ohio State, but
whose class on the whole is below
that of the service and semi-service
Hard to Find a Place for Army and
As to Army and Navy, it is diffi-
cult to include them in any of the
three categories. They are rated as
colege teams, although strictly speak-
ing they are service teams. In nor-
mal times they do not have too
much of an advantage over their ri-
vals, who can come up with material
comparable to that of the cadets and
middies. But this year Army and
Navy have a tremendous advan-
tage over college teams, particularly
most of the civilian teams which
are scraping the bottom of the barrel
for their boy-power.
Ignoring Army and Navy for the
moment, if possible, the service foot-
ball teams, generally speaking, are on
the top level; the college teams with
trainees on the second level, and the
civilian teams on the bottom.
Naturally there are exceptions,
with teams in the second or third
class knocking off teams in the first
class. Ohio State again is exhibit
"A," as the civilian Bucks number
among their victims a good Great
Lakes eleven.
Michigan LeadsWestern
Conference in Defense
Derricotte, Ponsetto, and Bauman Will Play
Maize and Blue To Concentrate on Horvath
Associate Sports Editor
A whirlwind Big Ten campaign
comes to a climactic finish Saturday
when Michigan and Ohio State clash
at Columbus, with a conference
championship hinging on the out-
come of the game.
By winning Saturday, the Wol-
verines can rack up their first undis-
puted crown since 1933. The Buck-
eyes need a tie or victory to regain
the title which they relinquished last
year to Michigan and Purdue.
The ancient battle of the best
offense pitted against the best de-
fense will be put to an acid test in
this crucial tilt. Ohio State leads
the Big Ten in the production of
total yards, while Michigan has the
best defensive record.
Bucks Lead on Offense
Ohio's ground attack tops the
league with 284.2 yards per game,
while Michigan is perched in second
place with an average output of
272.1 yards a game. In total offense
the Bucks lead with a game average
of 376.4 yards, while Michigan is
fourth with 298.4.
Against five Big Ten opponents,
the Buckeyes have averaged four
touchdowns and three conversions.
Including the non-conference tilt
with Missouri, Great Lakes, and
Pittsburgh, the Ohioans have scored
269 points, an average of 33.5 per
Michigan, in six Conference ap-
pearances, has averaged 20.5 points,
three touchdowns and two conver-
sions. Their over-all season record
including games against three non-
conference foes, gives the Wolverines
190 points, an average of 21 points
per game.
Michigan Tops on Defense
Defensively, the Wolverines enjoy
a slight edge over thei rborder state
r ivals. Michigan's record in league
contests is 7 5/6 points per game to
Ohio's 8.
In connection with Ohio's pulveriz-
ing offense, Michigan will concen-
trate principally on stopping Les
Horvath, who has been the spark-
plug for the Buckeyes all season.
Horvath has lugged the ball 565
lards on 93 plays, for an average of
6.1 yards per try. In the aerial de-
partment, the versatile Buckeye has
completed 12 of 21 throws. His pass-
ing average of .571 tops the Big Ten.
Horvath is third in scoring with six
touchdowns for 36 points.
Watch Out for Brugge
Another threat to Michigan's hopes
is wrapped up in Bob Brugge, bril-
liant Buckeye speedster, who has
gained 279 yards in 42 attempts, an
average of 6.5 yards per game.
Brugge threw his only pass of the
year last week against Illinois but it
zovered 48 yards and was good for a
touchdo;,n, with Jack Dugger on the
receiving end.
Coach "Fritz" Crisler gave Wol-
verine adherents some heartening
news yesterday when he indicated
that Gene Derricotte, Joe Ponsetto
and Clem, Bauman would be ready
for service against the Buckeyes.
Derricotte hurt his ankle against
Illinois, while Ponsetto and Bauman
fell before the plague of ankle injur-
ies in last week's game against
Meds Form Quintets
Four medical fraternities, Phi Chi,
Alpha Kappa Kappa, Nu Sigma Nu
and Phi Rho Sigma, are getting
teams in shape for the opening of
their basketball league in the near
future. Games will be played at
Waterman Gym.
According to Mr. Earl Riskey, dir-
ector of intramural sports, plans are
being made to organize a basketball
league for residence halls and also
one for cooperative houses.
"Keep A-head
of your Hair"
Be suave, individualistic -
smart!! Let us solve your ton-
sorial problems. Your appear.
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The Dascola Barbers
Between State and Mich. Theaters
Wolverine Swimming Team
Has Chance for Big Ten Title
Coach Matt Mann stated emphat-
ically that last year's Big Ten Wol-
verine Swimming Champs would
again capture the conference title.
The squad, built around a nucleus
of five returning lettermen and bol-
stered by a host of excellent new-
comers, promises to be a team too
powerful for its competitors to suc-
cessfully resist.
Three Stars Return
Charlie Fries, Big Ten 50 yard
champ, Mert Church, Big Ten 100
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yard champ, and Heinie Kessler, Big
Ten breast stroke champ, will spear-
head Michigan's attack against the
opposing pool-men of the confer-
ence. These three veterans, together
with Ace Corey, a Marine now sta-
tioned at Paris Island, composed last
.year's topl Big Ten relay team. Gor-
don Pulford and Bill Kogan, both
excellent swimmers, complete the
quintet of returning "M" men.
Coach Mann has selected a ten-
tative starting lineup from 'his large
squad of 14 Navy and 14 civilian
men. Among those whom he has
placed on the varsity in addition to
the five civilian stars mentioned
above, are H. Lopez, an Ecuadorean
proficient at diving, M. Topke, a
Guatamalan whose speciality is the
breast stroke, and four powerful
navy men, Bill Breen, Carl Agriesti,
Charlie Higgins, and Ed Fulkham.
Dugan Lost to Squad
Although the squad has lost its
number one diver, Bob Dugan, it has
two prospective champions in Lopez
and Agriesti.
Coach Mann, one of the top swim-
ming mentors of the country, is thor-
oughly preparing the boys for their
coming battles by subjecting them to
an intense and well-planned train-
ing program. At the time of this
interview the men of the Maize andl
Blue were viewing slow-motion pic-
tures dealing with the fine points of
swimming. From these films they
receive information which they uti-
lize to improve and correct their indi-
vidual style.
Winding up the longest pre-season
practice period in the history of Wol-
verine basketball with a morning
workout today, the 1944 edition of
the Michigan cagers prepares to de-
part for Romulus for the opening
game of the campaign against the
Romulus Air Base quintet tomorrow
Assistant Coach Bill Barclay yes-
terday named the roster of 12 men
who will travel to the Flyers' base.
The lineup includes John Mullaney,
Naval trainee, at the center posi-
tion; Ted Berce and Keith Harder
at the forward posts; and Walt Kell
and Don Lindquist filling the guard
berths. These men were named by
Barclay as 'probable starters last
The other seven cagers who will
travel to Romulus include Bob Gea-
han, who will fill the reserve center
spot, Harold Morrill, Bill Gregor, Ed
Norris, Bob Hamilton, Bill Theunis-
sen and Bruce Gatling.
Team Better Prepared
These men are all strangers to the
Michigan cage team, not a single
one having ever played under the
Maize and Blue colors. Morrie Bi-
koff, the only returning letterman,
will not make the trip to Romulus,
since he has only been practicing
with the team for a short time and
is not in condition yet.
Barclay stated yesterday that the
team is much better prepared for the
opener this year than in previous
campaigns because of the unprece-
dented summer practice sessions.
This is true even though the cage
season has never opened in previous
years before the end of the grid
No Pushover at Romulus
The conflict in schedules is not
expected to impair the initial effi-
ciency of the squad, however, since
the football players were usually un-
able to get into condition. for the
first basketball contest. Barclay is
expecting the appearance of a host
of gridders, along with Head Basket-
ball Coach and Football End Coach
Ben Oosterbaan, after Saturday,
when the football team completes its
schedule with the Ohio State con-
The Wolverines expect to encoun-
ter no pushover in the Romulus quin-
tet tomorrow night, since the Flyer
aggregation is made up of experienc-
ed cagers. Barclay will use at least
eight or nine men during the course
of the contest, but this figure may
become larger, according to the way
the tilt progresses.
Ident Cards Honored
Ann Arbor fans may see a famil-
iar figure on the floor of the Field
House Saturday evening, when the
curtain-raiser for the home season
gets underway, since Joe Jamison,
star cager' for University High School
last year, will probably be in the
starting lineup for the Central Mi-
chigan Chippewas.
Saturday's contest will get under-
way at 7:30 p. m. Admittance will be
by the same method as used in past
years, with student identification
cards being honored. Those spec-
tators not possessing ident cards will
be charged the regular prices.
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