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November 22, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-11-22

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Blood donations will be taken here Dec. 14-15. All students above 18 and all servicemen may register from 9 to noon
and from 12:45 to 1 P.M. today through Friday at the Diagonal. Civilians need written permission from parents to register.

-.4 ldi&-- -d&k=


Cloudy wVii Snow Fiuarries



Churches To Hold
Rites Tomorrow
Annual Union Service Will Unite All
Faiths at First Presbyterian Church
In remembrance of the first Thanksgiving prayers given in America
over 300 years ago, in 1621,, all of Ann Arbor's churches will hold special
services tomorrow with the annual union service planned for 10:30 a. m.
in the First Presbyterian Church.
Sponsored by the city Ministerial Association, the union service will
have Rev. Chester H. Loucks of the First, Baptist, Church deliver the
sermon on "The Art of Being Thankful." Rev. Leonard A. Parr of the
First Congregational church will preside.
Rabbi J. M. Cohen of the Hillel

Foundation will give the Scripture
lesson, Dr. Henry Lewis of 'St. And-
rew's Episcopal Church will read the
President's Thanksgiving proclama-
tion, Rev. Theodore Schmale of Beth-
lehem Evangelical and Reformed
Church will read the Litany and Rev.
C. W. Carpenter of the Second Bap-
tist Church and president of the Min-
isterial Association will give the offer-
tory and prayer. The American So-
ciety for Norwegian Relief will re-
ceive this collection.
Prayer will be offered.by Rev. E. C.
Stringer of the West Side Methodist
Church and Rev. James Van Pernis,
assistant pastor of the Presbyterian
Church, will close the service with
the benediction.

Holiday Dance
To Be Held at


Untion Today
"If you can't go home for Thanks-
giving come to the Union Record
Dance from 8:30 p.m. to midnight
in the North Lounge of the Union."
Dick Mixer, dance chairman, said
Mixer added that the Union Exec-
utive Council is sponsoring the first
University Thanksgiving Eve dance
in response to student demands. "A
large number of new records have
been purchased," Mixer said, "and
everyone is urged to drop in for at
least a part of the evening."
All coeds remaining on campus
have been given 12:30 permission
and all Navy personnel has been
granted liberty.
"Wartime curtailment of holiday
vacations necessitates the planning
of additional campus social activi-
ties," Mixer said. "The Union Coun-
cil is endeavoring to sponsor these
activities for the students."
MYDA To Hold
First Meetin
Group To Make Plans
Monday for New Year
/Michigan Youth. for Democratic
Action, better known as MYDA, will
hold an organizational meeting at
7:45 p.m. Monday, Nov. 27 at the
New officers will be elected and
plans for the forthcoming year will
be discussed. Among other things
these include planning a social eve-
ning for veterans on campus and
celebration of International Stu-
dents' Day.
MYDA is a student group organ-
ized to promote democratic ideals
and principles, and to take an active
part in the war effort and the win-
ning of the peace. Last year MYDA
supported such issues as the 18 year
old vote and anti-poll tax legislation.
Athletic Managers
Choose Officers,
The Michigan Athletic Manager's
Club elected officers at a meeting
held Saturday in the Union.
Edward R. Goldman, '22E, of Port
Huron was reelected president;
Charles F. Boos, '18, of Detroit is,
vice-president; and T. Hawley Tap-
ping, '16L, was reelected secretary-
treasurer for the twenty-second con-
secutive year.
Since the club was formed 22 years
ago, it has contributed a University
loan fund of $150 which bears the
name of the organization.

Six churches will be represented in
the united choir which will be under
the direction of Philip Malpas, or-j
ganist and choirmaster at St. And-I
rew's. Miss Jean Westerman will{
give a solo.
Other churches will hold their own
services with the Trinity Evangelical
Lutheran Church planning a 10 a. m.
service tomorrow. Rev. Henry O.
Yoder will speak on "Let Us Give
Rev. Carl A. Brauer will preach the
sermon, "Our Thanksgiving fort
Times Like These" at 10 a. m. at the
St. Paul's Lutheran Church. ,
"Give with Gratitude" will be the
topic of the talk by Charles Will-
mann, vicar at the Zion Evangelical
Lutheran Church, at 10 a. m.
Special Thanksgiving mass will be
said at 8 a. m. tomorrow at St. Mary's
Student Chapel. Regular masses will
be at 6:$0 and 7 a. m.
St. Andrew's will have a Holy Com-
munion service at 9 a. m. before
,members attend the union service.
Special services will also be held
at the First Church of Christ, Scien-
tist, Grace Bible Fellowship, Seventh
Day Adventist, Free Methodist, Pil-
gram Holiness, Bethel A. ME. Church
and Beth Israel.
Petitiong for
E 'enior Posts
To End Nov. 29
Petitions for senior offices in the
class of 1945, College of Engineering,
are due in the student offices of the
Union before 4:30 p.m. Wednesday,
Nov. 29.
Instead of electing separate offi-
cers for each of the three classes
graduating next year (in February,
June and October), the students
chosen in the coming election will
officially serve for the entire year,
thus making the graduates members
of one large class.
Officers to be elected from the
candidates who turn in petitions will
include a president, a vice-president
and secretary. Specific offices will
not be voted for, but the three candi-
dates receiving the highest number
of votes from the engineering stu-
dent body will automatically assume
"It is quite probable that at least
one of the students elected will not
graduate until next October, thereby
keeping the unity of administration
throughout the year," Francis X.
Nutto, '45,,vice-president of the en-
gineering council, declared.
Any engineering student who will
have graduated by next November is
eligible to run for the senior class
offices, if he complies with the Uni-
versity eligibility rules. Petition
forms may be picked up any day
from 3-5 p.m. in the student offices
of the Union.

History of
'U'at War
Is Started
Peckham Asks For
More Information
Editor's Note: Student response to the
request made in the following article
should be addressed to the Managing
Editor, The Michigan Daly, Sident
Publications BuildingContriliutors nust
include their name in order for the
Daily to make use of responses.
About a year ago, Howard H. Peck-
ham, Curator of Manuscripts in the
Clements Library, was commissioned
University War Historian and charg-
ed with collecting all material relat-
ing to the University's war activities
which will eventually be used in a
history of the University during the
war period.
Iork on this mammoth history
has already begun, and what may
be the first chapter, entitled "Be-
fore Pearl Harbor," has already
been written and was published
last week in the Michigan Alum-
nus Quarterly Review. Historian
Peckham, eager that the history
include all important aspects of
the University's part in the war,
asks that students and members of
the faculty freely recommend,
through letter and 'letters to the
editor' of the Daily, material and
information that might be included
in the history.
In his article, "Before Pearl Har-
bor, The University of Michigan in
the Period of the National Emergen-
cy," Peckham traces in detail the
changing attitudes of campus groups,
faculty and student, toward our par-
ticipation in this war and the step-
by-step preparations taken by the
University to prepare students for
Topics which are already under
consideration and may appear in
the University history are the
stories of the military units, Army
and Navy, that have been trained
at the University and data on for-
mer University students now in
the armed services.
In addition to the material Peck-
ham is collecting for the history of
See PECKHAM, Page 4
1Kringle' Ur ges
ailin' Now
or Christmas
It's Christmas time in the nations'
post offices.
Although Kris Kringle's yearly vis-
it is more than a month away, al-
ready postal employes are 'helping
him handle his large volume of civil-
ian Yuletide presents.
Kringle, quoted in a dispatch from
his international headquarters at the
North Pole, in conjunction with
Postmaster-General Frank Walker,
has urged all civilians to "Buy Now!
Mail in November!" He maintains
that he will have too darn many
packages to try to deliver them all
on the eve of Dec. 24.
And with the manpower situation
being what it is, he says that the
post office can't possibly deliver all
the packages on time either, if they
aren't mailed out pretty soon.
"The civilians have been pretty
good about mailing their packages
early," Kringle declared, whistling a
strain from Jingle Bells, "but it
would help a lot if more of them
would do the same."

Adams Made
Brown VIee
President To i
Succeed Stason On W
Edgar Ansel Mo
Law Deani To DeVote correspondent for th
h Series lectures, will sp
Time to Shei®(l DutFollowing his int
science department, h
Dr. James P. Adams, vice-president Mowrer's analys
of Brown University, has been ap- since World War I,
pointed provost of the University to breakdown of the W,
succeed E. Blythe Stason, dean of and the rise to powe
the University Law School, Pres. reporting the fall of
Alexander G. Ruthven announced Teolmngteajof
yesterday. The columnist enjo
yesterday.tion of being one oft
Dean Stason, who held the office spondents to be expe
on a part-time basis, retired at his many. His book,x
own request to devote his time to the Clock Back," tra
duties in the law school. opment of National S
Assumes Post Jan. 1 to meet with the appr
Dr. Adams has planned to assume istry of propaganda, w
his duties as Provost, chief office in the United States g
the University second to the presi- formed that the reic
dent's, Jan. 1, 1945. held responsible for X
Born in 1895 in Carson City, Mich., if he remained in Gerr
Dr. Adams was graduated from the An alumnus of t
University with an A.B. degree in Mowrer was graduate
1919 and received an M.A. degree two of 1913, concentratin
years later. His only membership on and literature. His
the University staff prior to appoint- Scott Mowrer, now ed:
ment as provost was a two-year in- cago Daily News, wh
structorship in Economics beginning versity, was an editor
in 1919. He subsequently taught at Single-admission t
Northwestern University and went Mowrer lecture will b
to Brown in 1921, becoming a pro- Hill Auditorium box
fessor of Economics in 1927. Season-ticket coupon
Received LL.D. sued for the Hambro
In 1931, Dr. Adams became vice- honored for admission
president of the university and six ---
years later Brown conferred the de- °
gree of Doctor of Laws upon him. F ie
Married and the parent of one
daughter, Dr. Adams has served as
arbitrator in labor management dis- o e in 1
putes and has been active in Boy
Scout activities. Of Prison
Petitions for "We knew you'd c
knew you wolldn't for
students in German
Union Posts Are shouted on the app
bearer of War Studen
packages after a year
D ie They flocked aroun
with hope and happin
Three vice-presidential positions sense of humor, whic
with the Union Board of Directors contrast to the des
will be filled from eligible candidates phere which the r
b e found the year before
who submit their petitions for these dents had gained the
offices before noon Saturday. fidence which come
The vacancies concern members of something to do and
the schools of Medicine, Dentistry ledge that people in th
and Literature, Science and the Arts, care what happens t
Terms of the vice-presidents will end This scene is repe
in April, 1945, when an all-campus camps all over the w
election will determine their succes- arrival of packages fiL
sors. of only three organi2
into prison camps of a
Applicants must state in their Anne Wiggin, travelin
petitions their qualificational back- the WSSF, declared'
ground, their experience in cam- last night at the Lea
pus activities and any ideas they Staff Sergeant Edwi
may have concerning the policy cott, University grad
and functions of the Union. list of students who re
Any male student of the three other study material
schools may petition to represent his according to Miss Wig
school on the Board of Directors, if The "universities in
he satisfies the University eligibility so well organized and
qualifications, will be on campus is of such high acade
until June, 1945, and is a Union Wiggin stated, that ex
member. Petitions should be re- now sent in to Brit
turned to the student offices of the German camps
Besides the three to be chosen, TICKETS ON S
there are already three other student
vice-presidents with the Board, rep- j 0
resenting the Engineering School, the O
Law School, and the other schools
combined. On De
Seven Navy M en The first formal d
Receive Promotions to midnight Decembe
The dance will b

Navy Headquarters has announced be open to Union mer
the promotion of seven officers in cording to Jim Plate,
the University Naval programs, man, union cards mus
Lt. Cameron Smith has been pro- fore tickets may be p
moted to lieutenant-commander; Lts. cards will be punched
(j.g.) Lawrence D. Cleary and R. A.
Smith have been made full lieuten- the sale and no pers
ants; and Ensign Thomas Fitzpatrick more than one ticket.
has been promoted to lieutenant Ticket Sales Begin T
junior grade. All the men are mem- Ticket sales will be
bers of the Reserve Officers Naval today at the Travel E
Architecture Group. __dAy -41T.J

eimar Republic
r of Hitler, and
ys the distinc-
the first corre-
lled from Ger-C
Germany Puts
ing the devel-
Socialism, failed
oval of the min-
was banned and
overnment in-
sh could not be
Mowrer's safety
the University,
d from the class
g in philosophy
brother, Paul
itor of the Chi-
en at the Uni-
of the Daily.f
ickets for the
e on sale at the
office today.
s originally -is-
lecture will be
come back; we
get," American
prison camps
earance of the
t Service Fund
"s absence.
d the messenger
cess and even a
h stood out in
pairing atmos-
messenger had
e. For the stu-
hope and con-
s with having
with the know-
he outside world
o them.
ated in prison
world with the
om WSSF, one
zations allowed
11 nations, Miss
ig secretary for
in an address
n Arthur Trus-
uate, is on the
ceive books and
s from WSSF,
:gin. °
captivity" are
the work given
mic grade, Miss
xaminations are
sh prisoners in


By The Assoerated Press
American troops battle into Mul-
house-within 27 miles of Rhine.
Air force active.
reported. Typhoon on Leyte lifts.
Struggle with Jap continues. Small
advances made.
sive in Hungary tears holes in
German defense.

r To Tal1k Today
ir And Post War
wrer, syndicated columnist and for 25 years foreign
e Chicago Daily News, the second of the Oratorical
eak at 8:30 p. m. today in Hill Auditorium.
roduction by Prof. James Kerr Pollock of the political
e will discuss "The War and the Road to Peace."
s will be based on his experiences covering Europe
watching the beginnings of fascism in Italy, the


CIO Decides
TO Reaffirm
No Strike Rule
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO, NOV. 21-Following
close upon the heels of a fervent plea
by CIO President Philip Murray, the
600 delegates to the annual conven-
tion today unanimously reaffirmed
their no-strike pledge for the dura-
tion of the war, and thus headed off
any possible revolt against its terms.
The resolution, which had not been
expected to reach the floor until to-
morrow, was read at the afternoon
session, and when the reading was
completed, Murray came to his feet
with his plea that delegates maintain
"the integrity of labor."
"Our people can't regard lightly a
pledge of this description," he said
slowly and solemnly, "it is a sacred
pledge made to the people of the
United States that it shall be our
purpose to help our boys win this
Services To Honor
Foundation Heads
Special services honoring the 20
directors of Midwestern Hillel Foun-
dations meeting at the University
chapter this week-end will be held
at 7:45 p.m. Friday in the Founda-
tion Chapel.
Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, director
of the local Foundation will direct
the services while Sam Krohn, '44D,
and A/S Eugene Malitz will lead the
The director of one of the largest
Foundations in the Midwest will de-
liver a sermonette after services
which will be followed by a general
social hour in the lounge directed by
both junior and senior hostesses.

German 19th ArmyThreatened in
Allied Encircling Drive on Rhine;

French, Yank
Troops Pass
By Sarrebourg
Forces Spear North
Through Mulhouse
By The Associated Press
SHAEF, Paris, Nov. 21.-French
and American troops of the Sixth
Army group battled into the citadel
city of Mulhouse and drove well be-
yond Sarrebourg to within 27 miles
of the Rhine today in great encirc-
ling movements that threatened to
pocket the entire German 19th army
with its back to the river.
French First Army armored forces
speared into Mulhouse in a race
northward from their footholds on
the French side of the Rhine near
the German-Swiss-French border to
cut off the Germans between the
Vosges Mountains and the river.
Unconfirmed reports said the French
already had continued on to Comar,
22 miles north of Mulhouse.
Capture Sarrebourg
U.S. Seventh Army troops some
75 miles northward drove due east
through the Vosges, captured Sarre-
bourg and thrust six miles farther
and took Mittelbronn, near the en-
trance to the Saverne Gap that leads
through the forested mountains to
the Rhine plain. The 44th division,
whose presence was disclosed only
yesterday, led that push in action so
fluid that front dispatches said a
definite front -could-not be defined
from moment to moment,
On the northern end of the green
western front the Allies still were
advancing, but it was a savage slug-
ging match in comparison with the
fluidity in the south.
Army Lineup
From north to south, the lineup of
the six Allied armies was:
The British Second Army on the
northern flank ground slowly ahead
in the Geilenkirchen area and chop-
ped deeper into the German-held
sector west of the Maas River in
The American.Ninth Army surged
within sight of the Roer River in an
advance of two and one-half miles
that .enveloped nine towns in 24
hours, including Laurenzsbert, Eng-
elsdorf, Ederen and Merzenhausen.
They were a little over a mile from
the Roer.
The American Third Army merged
its holdings inside Germany to a
continuous 11-mile front running
southeast from near Besch, solidify-
ing its hold on some 25 square miles
of enemy soil despite heavy artillery
fire and masses of road-blocks, mines
and anti-tank ditches.
Unusual Case
Goes on Trial
Ypsi Man Is Charged
With Unarmed Theft
Ernest Brockman, 36, of Ypsilanti,
goes on trial at 9:30 a.m. today before
visiting Judge Herman Dehnke of
Harrisville in what has been terned
"the most interesting criminal case
in the history of Washtenaw Coun-
Brockman, charged -with robbery
unarmed, is said to have entered the
home of Assistant Prof. Amos R.
Morris of the University English de-
partment at noon, Sept. 17, 1943 and
taken articles of clothing, luggage, a
gold watch, and a pair of shoes.
Explaining that this is only the

third criminal jury case tried in
Washtenaw in over two years, Depu-
ty sheriff Vincent Fox pointed out
that the prosecution's evidence is
founded almost entirely on finger-
print testimony uncovered at the
scene of the crime by Detective
George Randall 'of the sheriff's
Although he is on trial for robbery
unarmed, Brockman has numerous
charges pending against him includ-

Judiciary Council Petitions
Must Be FiledbSaturday
Only three days remain for men interested in becoming President or
Secretary of the Men's Judiciary Council to file their petitions in the
Dean of Students Office, Rm. 2, University Hall. The deadline is noon

Presents First Formal
2 in Rainbow Room.
dance of the 194,4 '45 season will be held from 9 p. m.
2 in the Rainbow Room of the Union.
e presented by the Union Executive Council and will

Any undergraduate of second sem-
ester junior standing in the Univer-
sity is eligible to petition for office
and campus leaders urge men inter-
ested to file petitions.
Controls Elections
Made up of seven campus leaders,
all heads of their organizations, the
Council has complete control of stu-
dent elections, matters of student
discipline, rules and regulations for
honor societies, and aspects of cam-

the Board of Directors of the Union,
and to represent the Council on all
meetings of the University Subcom-
mittee on discipline.
In addition to the regular duties of
a secretary, the Secretary of the
Council is bound by the constitution
to aid the President in all admini-
strative matters.
Liar Hits Council
Because of wartime inroads on
some campus activities, the Council

mbers only. Ac-p

general chair- ments of favorite num
st be shown be- ised by Layton, inch
urchased. The ennial hit tune "Wh
at the time of Favors To Be Given
on will be sold Favors in the fort
corsages will be giver
attending the dance.
oday ers are prohibited.
egin at 9 a. m. The final list of p
3esk in the Un- President and Mrs. A

Lbers are prom-
uding the per-
ite Christmas."
.m of gardenia
n to all women
All other flow-
patrons include
lexander Grant

Today Oratorical Association

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