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November 16, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-11-16

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Fifty-Fifth Year

MacArthur's Book Matches

Bingay Considers U.S. Radio Shackled


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Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.

Evelyn PIllips
Stan Wallace
Ray Dixon
Hlank Manthao
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennmy
Lee Amer
Barbara Chadwick
Jun6 Pomering

. . . Managing Editor
* . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
* . .Sports Editor
* . . Associate Sports Editor
. . . -Women's Editor
Business Staff
. . . Business Manager
. Associate Business Mgr.
Associate Business Mgr.

Telephone 23.24-1

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.5, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
National Advertising Service, Inc.
- Coiege Publishers Representative
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
No Post-War Army
T IS INDEED a strange paradox-even in
these times of bellicose hysteria when para-
doxical thinking is so rampant-that so many
sincere Americans advocate post-war military
conscription as a road to lasting peace.
In reality, even though many do not realize
it, including some of our so-called "liberals,"
peacetime military conscription means war,
not peace. The very idea of maintaining a
conscript army in the name of peace is utterly
In the post-war years, if we build up a large
army, other nations in fear of our motives will
naturally follow our example. We in turn would
have to be constantly increasing our own mili-
tary might to make certain that no other nation
would be outdoing us. And the other nations
also, not wishing to take second place, would do
Furthermore, if we have post-war military
conscription we will not only pay the price in
war, but also the whole moral fiber of our democ-
racy will suffer. Military conscription is by its
very nature undemocratic, since it makes men
slaves to an omnipotent God-State.
Our youth in the post-war world, all thinking
men agree, need more-not less-experience in
living democracy. Army life, as mainy of our
soldiers will testify, is the antithesis of democ-
There is only one kind of conscription which
we need in the post-war world, namely, the
conscription of wealth to the service of us all.
This kind of conscription would be a dynamic
force for peace and democracy, since it would
abolish poverty, the foremost cause of war and
dictatorship in the world today.
-Murray Seidler
Franco's Friendship
AST WEEK Franco struck another sour note
with the Allied press, when he declared that
his friendship for the Allies had been and still
was constant.
Even conservative papers like the London
"Daily Mail" found his manner of changing
sides "insufferable." Tom Driberg, independent
M. P., stated "Franco is the most ludicrous and
the most nauseating phenomenon of the moment
a fascist Mr. Hyde and a somewhat shop-
soiled Dr. Jekyll. I hope he will be kept a
long way from the peace table."
Franco's declaration confirms reports that
he fears the day when he will have to take a
seat with the conquered at the peace table.
This is not the first time that Franco has
declared his friendship for the Allies. Each
time he has made his declaration, however, he
has turned around and unofficially sanctioned
the sinking and sabotage of Allied vessels in
presumably neutral Spanish ports.
His present announcement, coming soon after
the withdrawal of German troops from Span-
ish territory, and the isolated revolts of the
Spanish people themselves, proves that he not
only fears the Allies, but the Spanish people

themselves. He probably is beginning to real-
ize that he is losing the confidence and trust of
his followers.

WASHINGTON, NOV. 16-It can now be re-
vealed that, several months before the inva-
sion of the Philippines, General Douglas Mac-
Arthur sent an urgent cable to OWI director
Elmer Davis demanding immediately two million
books of matches with his picture on the cover
and the inscription, "I shall return." MacArthur
wanted to drop these. from the air all over the
Philippines to give Filipinos hope for speedy lib-
OWI was anxious not to offend ,MacArthur.
Nevertheless, Elmer Davis and his then assist-
ant, Bob Sherwood, didn't want to commit the
U. S. A. too far in advance to MacArthur's run-
ning the whole Philippines show. So they finally
worked out a compromise.
They sent the matches by ship, meanwhile
cabling MacArthur that his request had been
met. When the matches arrived, MacArthur
couldn't do anything but use them, although the
inscription had been changed from "I Shall
Return" to "We Shall Return."
Galu ping Bean Poll..
Most accurate of all scientific election fore-
casters was ace economist Louis H. Bean, of the
U. S. Budget Bureau. Bean prediced the per-
centage of votes for Roosevelt right on the nose,
but was three votes off on the electoral count.
He made his prediction July 7th, sent it sealed
to his old boss, Vice President Wallace.
. Asked by Wallace what his favorite elec-
toral poll was, Bean replied, "The Galluping
Bean Poll."
NOTE-Bean also predicted an increase of 30
Democrats in the House, was only two off on
that analysis, was less than one percent off on
his predictions for 1936, 1938, 1940 and 1942.
He arrives at his conclusions partly by adding
about two to three points to the Gallup percent-
age, on the theory that Gallup poll-takers under-
estimate and that a lot of working people don't
want to tell whom they're voting for.
Wrong Guesser in China .,..
It's not known outside the Pentagon Build-
ing, but one reason we have been guessing wrong
in China has been our American military attache
in Chungking. For about a year, Col. Morris
B. de Pass has not been so hot at accurately
analyzing Japanese military moves.
Six months ago, when the Japs started their
drive to capture American air bases in China,
Colonel de Pass sent several cables to the War
Department dismissing the Nipponese moves
as unimportant. Later, he even described the
Jap drive as a maneuver to train green Japanese
It was only when the Japs reached the edge
of Kweilin that Colonel de Pass began to take
their drive seriously, finally cabled that China
was in grave danger.
Wallace-Quite a Man' .. .
Shortly after the election, devoted Vice Presi-
dential secretary Harold Young was walking up
Fifth Avenue, bumped into- Leon Henderson,
shrewd New Deal brain-truster Ed Prichard,
and CIO president Philip Murray.
The immediate topic of conversation was
the bang-up job Vice President Wallace had
done for Roosevelt. Harold Young eulogized
Wallace as a great political campaigner, told
how he had learned to make quick, extempor-
aneous speeches.
"Yes, sir," Young said. "He's quite a man
"Do you really mean it, Harold?" replied
Murray. "Have you got him drinking coffee
NOTE-Wallace rarely uses coffee, doesn't
drink, doesn't smoke, is the best tennis player
on Capitol Hill.
Miss Perkins Ready To Quit. .
If President Roosevelt will accept her resigna-
tion, Madam Secretary Perkins will fold her
tent just as eagerly as some of her critics want
her to.
For at least three years, the Secretary of
Labor has been anxious to quit, has quietly held
her peace in the face of violent attacks from
Republicans and Democrats alike, even in the
face of subtle undermining of her department
by her Cabinet foes. Real fact is that the

Labor Department has now lost more than 90
percent of its key functions through skilful
manipulation of Presidential executive orders
by Miss Perkins' enemies withih the Administra-
Most of Miss Perkins' jobs have gone to Fed-
eral Security Administrator Paul McNutt. Num-
erous other functions ordinarily within the pro-
vince of the Labor Department have been strewn
among a dozen Federal war agencies. Up to
about a year ago, Fannie continued in the
power-grabbing battle, though with diminish-
ing enthusiasm. Regularly, she had lawyers for
the Labor Department draft executive orders
for Roosevelt's signature returning many func-
tions to her department. Just as regularly, these
found their way into the Presidential waste-
Now, tired Fannie wants to go home, perhaps
back to her native Boston, would like to take it
easy after more than twenty-five years of diffi-
cult public service.
NOTE-Leading candidate for the Perkins
post is AFL teamsters' union head, bull-voiced,

warm-hearted Dan Tobin, Who has the CIO's
blessing as well as that of his own AFL.
Freedom House, which awarded its annual
medal last year to Wendell Willkie, this year
will honor Sumner Welles "as the man of the
year who has done the most for peace and
security," The award will take place in New
York on Nov. 28, with Herbert Bayard Swope
presiding . . . "We might just as well have
elected Dewey," moaned certain high-place Ad-
ministrationites when they heard FDR was go-
ing to appoint two Jesse Jones. men to the cru-
cial Surplus War Property Board. They blamed
easy-going ex-Justice Jimmy Byrnes for not put-
ting a list of top-notch proposed appointees on
the President's desk-including SEC's Sumner
Pike, Philadelphia's Morris Cooke, the Justice
Department's Norman Littell . . . Whoever con-
trols the disposal of surplus war property, ac-
cording to many Administration leaders, will
also control the economics of the U. S. A. for
years to come ... When Mrs. A. Mitchell Palmer,
widow of Woodrow Wilson's Attorney General,
went to her home town of Stroudsburg, Pa., to
vote, a lot of old friends ribbed her, told how
Roosevelt was booed in the movies. Mrs. Pal-
mer, stunchly for FDR, replied: "Thank God we
have a country where it's permissible to boo."
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)
THE STATEMENT that we are fighting a less
ideological war has been made and the atti-
tude expressed that Franco, although he may
be a fascist, can be handled.
Spain, a live issue to all those who fought
Franco's fascist regime from its beginning, is
again coming to the fore.
The question that faces 'all democratic peoples

WHEN John Knight bought The
Detroit Free Press a few years
ago, that newspaper showed signs
of perking up. After one hundred
years of true-blue- Republicanism its
editorial page began to look like a
forum for up to date, albeit conser-
vative opinion. The appearance of
Drew Pearson and Raymond Clap-
per helped create an artificial air of
For a while even stodgy Malcolm
W. Bingay, that perennial foe of
progress, played a slightly different
tune. He even dispensed some
kind words in the direction ofk
President Roosevelt. But a lifetime
of sports writing, court reporting,
and word mongering on. The
Free Press (sic) proved too strong
for Bingay's newly acquired and
ill-fated progressivism.
Try as he may to keep the lid on'
his backwardness, it bubbles forth
periodically in high, wide, and un-
handsome generalizations.
Tuesday morning, Bingay plucked
a quotation from the New Republic
magazine. On the basis of it, he
magesterially indicted, tried, and
convicted left wing thought-with all
the cogency of Hildegarde discussing
the quantum theory. The point of
departure for this diatribe was a lit-
tle New Republic editorial pointing
out that the radio networks in this
country would doubtless have thrown
their weight behind Dewey if they
had not been governmentally con-

: ,

strained to allot each party equal Nowhere else on earth do people
time. have to hear etherealized commercial
"Luckily for the people," said the hogwash day in and day out-laxa-
article, "they (the radio chains) ex- tives and nostrums, deodorants and
ist by sufferance of the Federal Gov- breakfast foods and beauty creams
ernment. which allocates wave all to the tune of cretinous adver-
lengths and they are therefore com- tising campaigns the total effect of
pelled to maintain neutrality, etc." which is to debase the American
To Bingay that was "'as remarkable a mind beyond endurance.
sentence as ever appeared in any Mr. Bingay says he believes (I do
publication since the first printing not believe that he believes) our press
press was brought to this continent." is free. On the other hand, he feels
Considering the paucity of good liter- the radio is not free. However, the
ature that seems to fall into his famous Dopester shows his hand in a
purview, such extravagant nonsense prophecy to the effect that the time
is understandable. is coming when this will no longer be
As for the radio issue, Bingay so. "The air," he freely prognosti-
really had his columnistic seizure cates, "will be as free as the press"--
because the airwaves have largely which means it will be as free to
supplanted the press as a means of present the minority view through
political persuasion. Mr. Roosevelt monopolistic stewardship and gen-
can come directly to the people as eral misrepresentation.
Mr. Wilson could not in his appeals In attacking the New Republic
for world co-operation. A 50-50 dis- with an intemperance that has be-
tribution of political time does not core habitual, Bingay suggests the
please the representative of big busi- editor of that journal believe, "ev-
ness who is accustomed to seeing ery man is a criminal and an ene-
loaded and rampant anti-New Deal- my of society unless he agrees with
ism. the vagaries of the radical party



"Is this an anti-fascist war?"
Are we going to win the war only to find that
we have left seeds of the next war to flourish?
Several thousand anti-fascist guerillas in
Southern France, refugees since the tragic de-
feat of the Loyalists in the Spanish Civil War,
have taken renewed courage from Allied victo-
ries and are forming the nucleus of a move-
ment to overthrow the Franco government.
What is to be our attitude toward them?
Are we to treat them as revolutionists and sus-
tain the existing Spanish regime?
Franco is now attempting to form a "Catho-
loc bloc" in Western Europe with the alleged
purpose of preventing the spread of Commu-
nism. Under the guise of a fight against "The
Red Menace," the Spanish dictator is appeal-
ing to Western Europe in much the same fash-
ion as he called on them during the Spanish
Civil War.
Most observers realize that Franco is again
using the red herring device. Edward P. Mor-
gan of the Chicago Daily News frankly states:
"Ostensibly directed against the spread of Com-
munism, such a move obviously would be cal-
culated basically to preserve and strengthen
Franco's regime in Spain."
Response to Franco's appeal will be proof
that this is simply another war in a long, un-
ending progression of wars.
Franco, though he may label his regime a
"Christian democracy," based on the princi-
ples of Catholicism, is nonetheless a fascist.
The sympathetic aid received by Franco from
Herr Hitler in the Spanish conflict, and Franco's
reciprocity in the present war is additional proof
that they belong in the same class.
The one thing that must be kept clearly
before us is this; to sanction Franco is to
sanction Fascism.
-Betty Roth
Zeterito th 6ci tar
To the U. of M. Students who helped to re-elect
WE OF THE LABOR movement wish to express
our thanks to the many students who rend-
ered material aid in the campaign to re-elect
Roosevelt. The record registration and vote in
Ann Arbor were due in no small measure to the
activities of the Ann Arbor PAC and other or-
ganizations which sprang up to second the Presi-
dent and clarify the issues to the people. With-,
out the aid of the many alert and democratic-
minded students, these organizations would have
been utterly crippled in their efforts to reach
the people.
We are proud of these youth who have already
taken sides with the people and against reaction.
We feel that they are upholding the traditions
of freedom for which their fellows in many
countries have been ready to meet death. This
is not the first instance of their service to the
labor movment and the democratic ideals. We
trust it will not be the last.
Kenneth Sisson, President
UAW-CIO Local 38
Hunter C. Stuart
Harold Franklin
Co-chairmen, Ann Arbor PAC
Mildred McIntire, Secretary
Ann Arbor PAC

THURSDAY, NOV. 16, 1944
VOL. LV, No. 14
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell
Hall, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m.
of the day preceding its publication,
except on Saturday when the notices
should be submitted by 11:30 a. m.
To All Staff Members and Employ-
ees: All those who find it necessary
to file requests for supplementary
gasoline ration for passenger cars
( .B" or "C" Book) for either driving
to and from work, driving personal
car on University business, or to
carry on other occupations, should
mail their original applications or
renewals to H. S. Anderson at the
Buildings and Grounds Department,
University Ext. 317, and not directly
to the Local Gasoline Rationing
Board. These applications must be
approved by the Committee in charge
of the Organized Transportation
Plan in the University and trans-
mitted by it to the rationing board.
Any information concerning sup-
plementary gasoline rationing should
be obtained by calling University
Ext. 317.
Organized Transportation Plan
L. M. Gram, Chairman
'lhanksgiving Day: Thursday, Nov.
23, is a University holiday. All Uni-
versity activities will be resumed on
Friday, Nov. 24. /
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Attendance re-
port cards are being distributed
through the department offices. In-
structors are requested to report ab-
sences of freshmen on green cards,
directly to the Office of the Aca-
demic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall.
Buff cards should be used in report-
ing sophomores, juniors, and seniors
to 1220 Angell Hall.
Please note especially the regula-
tions concerning three-week absen-
ces, and the time limits for dropping
courses. The rules relating to absen-
ces are printed on the attendance
cards. They may also be found on
page 46 of the 1944-45 ANNOUNCE-
MENT of our College.
choral Union Members in good
standing (those with no unexcused
absences on their records) will please
call for their pass tickets for the
Kreisler concert, Friday, Nov. 17,
between the hours of 9:30 and 11:30
and 1 and 4 o'clock, at the offices of
the University Musical Society in
Burton Memorial Tower. After 4
o'clock no tickets will be issued.
University Women Students: A
Nurse's Aide Class, beginning the
week of Nov. 27, will be held Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday from 7 to
9 p.m. for five weeks. All practice
hours must be confined to 9 a.m.-
12 noon, or 3-6 p.m. Students are
reminded that credit for the course,
will be withheld until the (150) vol-
unteer hours have been fulfilled. All
students must register in the Nurse's
By Crockett Johnson
Yes, m'boy. For years... But
your quest is just about over,
Mvl~ .. a' net a 4uk,

Bingay considers our radio sys-
tem shackled at present because of
the moderate regulation exercisedE
over it from Washington. ButI
mere control-to see that both
sides of a controversy are heard-
is, after all much less socialistic
than ownership of the radio. Yet,
no nation except the United States,
not even so completely capitalistic
a state as England, ever allowed
private enterprise to run the radio.
Aide ',Office, Rm. 203 North Hall.
Hours 9 a.m. to 12 noon.
To All Heads of Departments:
Please notify the switchboard opera-
tor in the- Business Office of the
number of directories needed in your
department. Delivery will be made
by campus mail.
Staff members may have a copy of
the Directory by applying at the In-
formation Desk in the Business Of-
fice, Rm. 1, University Hall.
The Directory will be ready for
distribution Nov. 20. To save postage
and labor the practice of mailing
directories is discontinued.
Herbert G. Watkins
Assistant Secretary
University-Owned Cars and Trucks:
All those who find it necessary to
requisition University - owned cars
from the Pool should file their appli-
cation with E. C. Pardon, Auto Direc-
tor, in the Buildings and Grounds
office, University Ext. 317, not less
than 49 hours before the vehicle is
to be ready. For those requiring the
use of University trucks, application
should be made to O. E. Roszel in the
Storehouse office, University Ext.
The rates now in effect are as
follows: Sedans, $.05 per mile; Sta-
tion Wagons, .07 per mile; Minimum
charge, $1.00. Trucks, 2 Ton & un-
der, with driver, $1.75 per hour;
Trucks, 2%/2 Ton & over, with driver,
$2.25 per hour; Minimum charge for
trucks, $3.00.
The Extension Service is offering
seven courses this fall, all of which
will begin this week.
Body Conditioning, taught by Mrs.
Dorothy Miller, and Painting and
Composition taught by Professor
Emil Weddige, met for the first time
last night. Enrollments will still be
taken at the next class meeting on
Nov. 20.
Professor Avard Fairbanks will
teach Sculpture to both beginning
and advanced students; Mr. Peck-
ham and Mr. Storm will offer His-
tory of Printing; and Professor del
Toro will teach a class in Beginning
Spanish, all of these classes to begin
on Tuesday, Nov 14.
Music Appreciation, especially to
music lovers, will offer information
about works to be presented in the
Choral Union concerts. Professor
Glenn D. McGeoch will teach this
class, beginning on Wednesday.
Advanced Spanish, taught by Pro-
fessor del Toro, will have its first
meeting on Thursday evening.
Further information may be ob-
tained at the Extension Office, 107
Haven Hall.
Women students will have 12:30
a.m. permission Wednesday, Nov. 22,
and 11 permission Thursday Thanks-
giving Day. House heads may give
permission to residents to leave town'
for the Thanksgiving Holiday pro-
vided such' students return in time
for their first class on Friday. House
heads may not grant late permission
for Thanksgiving Day.
Fraternity and Sorority Presidents
of groups which maintain houses on
the campus, or which formerly main-
tained houses, should apply to the
Office of the Dean of Students at
once for a blank for listing current
Women's Judiciary Council: All
signout sheets, accompanied by a
composite sheet, are due Monday at

five o'clock in the Undergraduate
office of the Michigan League for
the week Monday through Sunday.

line-no matter how often it
changes to demands from Mos-
cow," In point of fact, the New
Republic has always locked horns
with American communism. It
has been vigorous in criticizing
Comrade Stalin and, for that mat-
ter, President Roosevelt whenever
they acted un-democratically.
Mr. Bingay must have been think-
ing of the New Masses. But, what's
one word in the lexicon of reaction?
tion is for students who will be
available in February, June, August
or October
Urgent Call for Dailies: Mrs.
Buchanan at the Museum would-like
more Dailies for the boys in service.
Student Organizations which wish
to be reapproved for the curent
school year should report their offi-
cers at once to the Dean of Students,
Rm. 2, University Hall.
JGP Dormitory Representatives
are reminded to pick up war stamps
in Miss McCormick's office between
3 and 5 p.m. today.
Dr. Haven Emerson, Non-resident
Lecturer. in Public Health Adminis-
tration in the School of Public
Health at Columbia University, will
speak to public health students and
other interested individuals this af-
ternoon from 4 to 5 o'clock, in the
School of Public Health Auditorium.
The title of Dr. Emerson's address
will be "The General Problem of
Public Health Organization on a
Whole-Time Basis for Continental
United States."
Francis B. Sayre, former High
Commissioner to the Philippines, will
lecture this evening on "Our Rela-
tions with the Philippines." Mr.
Sayre will appear as the first number
on the 1944-45 Lecture Course,
speaking at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium.
Tickets for this lecture as well as
season tickets for the full course of
eight numbers may be purchased
today from 10-1, 2-8:30 at the audi-
toium box office.
Academic Notices
To All Male Students in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
By action of the Board of Regents,
all male students in residence in this
College must elect Physical Educa-
tion for Men. This action has been
effective since June, 1943, and will
continue for the duration of the war.
Students may be excused from
taking the course by (1) The Uni-
versity Health Service, (2) The Dean
of the College or by his representa-
tive, (3) The Director of Physical
Education and Athletics.
Petitions for exemption by stu-
dents in this College should be ad-
dressed by freshmen to Professor
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the
Academic Counselors (108 Mason
Hall); by all other students to Assis-
tant Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell
Except under very extraordinary
circumstances no petitions will be
considered after the end of the third
week of the Fall Term.
L.S.&A. Juniors now eligible for
Concentration should, call at Rm. 4,
University Hall for Concentration
blanks, immediately. These slips
must be properly signed by the Ad-
viser and the original copy returned
to Rm. 4, University Hall, at once."
Mathematics 370: Geometry Semi-
nar. Dr. Erdos will speak on "Euclid-
ean Inequalities," at 4:15 p.m. in Rm.
3001 Angell Hall.

Carillon Recital: Percival Price,





There aren't any turkeys
in these woods. . . Besides

Barnaby, this case is different.
Myles needs a Turkey to set a

But how can it be the FIRST JOtNSOY
Thanksgiving. We had one last
. arr tr / -ra {aetr ..



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