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November 16, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-11-16

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LW au


Cloudy and Colder
Rain or Snow



Kraus Awarded henry
Russell Lectureship I
L.S.&A. Dean Notified by Cable of Selection I
While He Attends Convention at Cambridge





Reds Seize
' Hungary

,.. L



Towns Taken
Russian Troops

For outstanding work in the fields
of crystallography and mineralogy,
Dr. Edward H. Kraus, Dean of the
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, has been awarded the
Henry Russell Lectureship, presented
each year to the member of the
University faculty above the rank of
assistant professor whose work is
judged most outstanding by the Uni-
versity Research Club.
Dean Kraus, now attending a
meeting of deans of liberal arts col-
leges at Cambridge, Mass., last night
was notified of his selection for the
award by cable.
Here for 40 Years
Before coming to the University
as Assistant Professor of Mineralogy
in 1904 Dean Kraus taught geology
and chemistry at Central High
School, Syracuse and at the Univer-
sity of Syracuse. He was appointed
to the position of Professor and
Director of the Mineralogy Labora-
tory in 1908-09 and ten years later
was appointed to the additional post
of Professor of Crystallography. In
1915, Dean Kraus was appointed
Dean of the Summer session, a post
held until 1933. In 1920, his adminis-
trative work was enlarged when he
became Acting Dean; three years
later, Dean Kraus was appointed
Dean of the College of Pharmacy.
In 1933, he was appointed to the
position of Dean of the College of
Literature. Science and the Arts and
he fills that position and those of
Professor of Crystallography and
Mineralogy at the present time.
Internationally Known
Member of fifteen professional so-
cieties and organizations, Dean
Kraus served in 1920 as president of
the Mineral Society of America and
as president of the Michigan Acad-
emy of Sciences. He is internation-
ally known as the author of several
works on mineralogy, crystallography
and of articles for educational and
scientific journals. More recently,
Dean Kraus has been devoting his
attention to gems.
Award for Research
The lectureship won by Dean
Kraus, which carries a stipend for
research in his particular field, comes
from a bequest left by the late Henry
Russell, a graduate of this University
Fritz Kreisler
Violinist Made Debut
In States at Age of 13
Fritz Kreisler, violinist, who will
be heard at the third Choral Union
Concert at 8:30 p.m. Tomorrow in
Hill Auditorium, made his American
debut at the age of 13.
It is fifty-five years since he played
his violin in the UnitedStates and
over the decades he has held his
place in American hearts as one of
the greatest living violinists.
Born in Vienna in 1875 Kreisler
made his public debut at the age of
seven. His first lessons were given
to him by his father, a distinguished
physician and an amateur musician.
Kreisler entered the Vienna Con-
servatory shortly after his first
appearance, where he studied for
three years, and received a gold
medal for violin playing. He was
next sent to Paris where he studied
at the conservatory. Two years later,
when he was twelve years old, he
won the Premier Grand Prix in violin
playing against forty competitors.
none less than ten years his senior.
From Paris, Kreislerhreturned to
Vienna and undertook his first tour.
This was in 1888 with the pianist
Moritz Rosenthal, and marked Kreis-
er's first appearance in the United
States. The violinist's American de-
but took place in Boston.
Versatile in music, Kreisler is a
pianist and composer as well as a
violinist. Besides the many smaller
pieces''for the violin which are now

indispensable in every concert ar-
tist's repertoire, Kreisler has com-
posed a string quartet, several
operettas and a violin concerto.
Graduation For 92
w A d"I % m T- w Ui '

(circa 1870) and its law school. TheI
Regents of the University converted
the bequest into the Henry Russell
Lectureship and the Henry Russell

...Wins Award
Award, the latter going to faculty*
members below the rank of associate
professor who are annually selected
for the-Award by a special board.
Last year's winner of the Lecture-
ship was Dr. John Alexander of the
Department of Thoracic Surgery in
the medical school and it is estimated
that approximately 30 previous win-
ners of the Award or Lectureship
are now teaching at the University.
69 Jai Ships
S[nk in 5 DaYS

Get 23

Supply Craft

LONDON, NOV. 15-(AP)-British
submarines in far eastern waters
have sunk another 24 Japanese ships,
brining to 69 the total announced
destroyed in five days, the Admiral
said tonight.
A communique Nov. 11 announced
the sinking of 45 ships.
The latest toll included 23 supply
ships and an anti-submarine vessel,
the later intercepted in the east Java
Sea suth of Celebes and sunk by
Surfaced submarines also shelled
the harbor on the island of Car Nico-
bar, an Admiralty communique said,
damaging installations and sinking
several craft along the jetty.
Five submarines were singled out
for mention in the newest attacks
which mark a rapid intensification
of the Royal Navy's campaign
against Japan.
Capt. Hoffman
Is Transferred
Capt. J. T. Hoffman, commanding
officer of the Marines here on cam-
pus since July 1, 1943, has been noti-
fied of his transfer to overseas duty,
and plans to leave sometime this
Capt. Hoffman is a graduate of the
Engineering College of the University,
having received his degree in civil
engineering in 1926, and is a regis-
tered engineer in the state. He was
commissioned upon his graduation,
but has only been on active duty
since 1940.
Nov. 16 Oratorical Association
lecture by Francis B.
Sayre. 8:30 p.m. at Hill
7 Auditorium.
Nov. 17 Choral Union Concert;
Fritz Kreisler, 8:30 p.m.
at Hill Auditorium.
Nov. 17 Union Dance.
Nov. 18 Guy Lombardo broad-

By The Associated Press
The Red Army, increasing the pace
of its assaults aimed toward Buda-
pest, seized the fortress city of Jas-
zbereny and more than 50 other
Hungarian communities yesterday as
the Germans fell back in hard-fight-
ing retreats along a 100-mile front
stretching from southeast of the
capital to the area of Miskolc.
Jaszbereny Falls
Jaszbereny, a strategic railway
center 35 miles east of Budapest, fell
to a combination by-passing maneu-
ver and direct frontal assault, Mos-
cow announced this morning.
The Russians began to outflank
the city on the northeast, and then,
when the Germans extended them-
selves to meet this threat, the at-
tackers speared straight into the
town and took it in fierce street
Besides this biggest prize of the
day, the Russians recorded other
gains right along the line from the
railway town of Mende, only 12 miles
southeast of Budapest, up to Korom
and a group of other communities
nestling 10 miles below the north
Hungarian center of Miskolc.
570 Prisoners Taken
Altogether 570 German and Hun-
garian prisoners were taken during
the day, Moscow reported.
The Germans themselves anhounc-
ed withdrawal from Jaszbereny be-;
fore its occupation was listed in the
Soviet night communique broadcast
from Moscow and recorded by the'
Soviet Monitor here.
The general nature of the German
withdrawal was hinted at in a Ber-
lin broadcast by the military com-
mentator Ernst Von Hammer, who
said, "East of Budapest German
troops, behind a curtain of steel
from the fire of hundreds of our guns.
have disengaged themselves toward
prepared positions to economize their
With his forces northeast and
southeast of Budapest.now joined up
firmly and advancing generally, So-
viet Marshal Rodion Y. Malinovsky
appeared almost ready to make his
supreme bid for the capital that is
the center of Hungarian national
On the rest of the Eastern front,
comparative quiet prevailed, al-
though Berlin reported there was
some Russian tank movement south
of Ungvar, capital of 'the Carpatho-
Union Will Hold
Tryout IBanq uet
Tomorrow Eve
Try-outs for positions with the
Union executive council have been
invited to attend the free banquet
to be held at 6:15 p. m. Friday in the
Union ballroom.
"Although our work this term has
had an auspicious beginning, we can-
not keep up that record, unless a
great many students become Union
try-outs," Paul John, head of the
council's administrative committee,
asserted yesterday.
"The work done by the council
makes it one of the foremost extra-
curricular activities. Already the
council has directed a successful
homecoming day and has given week-
end relaxation to the many couples
who enjoy the membership dances
each week. The council publishes the
Campus News, a comprehensive re-
view of activities through the Union,
and it actively sponsors all campus
projects connected with the war ef-
"There is enough varied work in
the many student committees so that
any student may find a job that he
likes with the council," John said.

At the banquet Friday other activi-
ties of the Union will be explained
and interested students will have a
chance to learn more of the various
jobs of the student committees.

_A/ *6Merzervtsse
Hayange Uckange Saarlauternr
Maizoeres r Vg
G ravettt \IMETZ
FtOrionj HosPif an-s Nied Puttelange
Corny Many -Faufquemont
Ft.1 Aisne1 Th cour
Ft I'Yser
Pontohange Bermermg
a-Mousson Chateau M "h Benestro qO
N o m e y ! . u o re f d e r d e e
W Chaeau e ode
3rd ARMY SiSln
r° D eu ze
.Haraucourt 1
n r =Saarebourg
Rh e vi Le ieintrey
B n "lamon t
881Vile Magneville ®FAN E14
- -............. .......STATUTE .M.S
erican Third Army drives flanking the communication's center of
Metz including an advance to within three and a half miles southeast
of the city following the capture of Fott L'yser. Shaded line is ap-
proximate battle front.
Kam pus Kapers Witnesse
4,000 Enthusiastic Students

Amid the lusty cheers and enthusi-
astic applause of 4,000 students in
Hill Auditorium last night, the all-
student cast of Kampus Kapers
staged what was called "the best
show the campus has ever seen."
Doc Fielding with his hilarious
routines and special "bath" number
sent the audience into a state of
hysterics all during the evening.
Bill Layton Supplies Music
Built around the music of Billy
Layton and his campus band star-
ring Judy Ward, the Kapers was
staged by The Daily, the Union, and
the League.
The theme of the show was "cam.,
pus activities, what they mean in
college, and how the campus can
participate in them." Tom Bliska,
President of the Union, and Marge
Hall, head of the Woman's War
Council presented a glimpse into the
more than 40 activities on campus.
Playing one song on two pianos
obstructed by boxing gloves, hair
pins, and laundry, Bill Beck, '45Med.,
performed some tricks on the key-
board that few have seen here.
Judy Chayes Sings
In her own style, Judy Chayes,
singing star of the Co. D Show

"Rumor Has It," sang three blues
numbers that set the audience in a
sentimental mood.
Three coeds who know their har-
mony, Marcia Ely, Rae Pierce, and
Mary Gregory, student nurses, gave
the audience a melodious sample
with three numbers.
Rounding out the show in true
Michigan tradition, Prof. David Mat-
tern led the Varsity Men's Glee Club
and the audience in four rousing
campus songs.
"Kampus Kapers," someone said
in the lobby, "was a wonderful show
and I hope there are more this year."
Carillon Recital Will
Be Presented Today
A carillon recital by Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will be given
at 7 p.m. tonight.
Included in the program will be
"Serenade" by Haydn, "Toccata" by
Claussman, and several folk songs,
"Vagabond's Song," "I Have Cull'd
the Lovely Rosebud," "From Lucerne
to Weggis," "Good Night, My Dear,"
"Stillness," and "Dance the Kola."

British Near Key
City of Duisbur
French First Army Launches New
Attack on Eastern Front Near Belfort
By The Associated Press
PARIS, NOV. 15-American doughboys by-passed bloody Fort Driant today
and boiled in close to the suburbs of Metz from three sides, clamping the
great fortress city in a death grip, while in the north British troops drove
five miles through the Goglands of eastern Holland to within 37 miles of
the key German industrial center of Duisburg.
(A dispatch direct from the field said the French First Army also had
launched an attack, advancing four to five miles on a 25-mile front
covering both banks of the Dubs River on the approaches to the Belfort
Gap on the easternmost part of the front.
(The American Seventh Army, with which the French First is teamed
as the Sixth Army group, already was in action in the Vosges Mountains,
so that the Allies now are on the offensive on a large-scale from Holland
to Switzerland, with the exception of the American First Army sector
which has been comparatively quiet since the fall of Aachen.)

Both Fort Driant and Fort Jean
D'Arc-Two of the nine major bas-
tions ringing Metz-were neutralized
by Lt. Gen. George S. Patton's 95th
Division, which captured two smaller
forts, Hubert and Jussy, as it smashed
toward the outskirts of the city from
the west. Fort Illange, 14 miles north
of Metz and just south of Thionville,
also was stormed and its Nazi garim-
son killed or captured.-
Driant's Guns Silenced
Driant's Guns, which barked spas-
modically yesterday when the Yanks
began pushing past it on the north,
were silent today, suggesting that the
Germans had abandoned the mighty
mile-and-a-half-long structure on
the west bank of the Moselle River as
they previously had evacuated Forts
L'Yser and L'Aisne after only small
arms resistance.
Due south of Metz the AmericanI
Fifth Division inched forward to
within little more than a mile of the
city while beating off some of tire
most determined counterattacks th=
Nazis have raised since Patton's -ou-
ces opened their winter assault eight
Sdays ago.
Peltre Free of Enemy
Peltre, two and a half miles south-
east of Metz, was cleared of the en?-
my, and German counterattacks were
beaten off along nearby Pouilly
ridge, from which American guns
command the enemy's main escape
route from Metz eastward to the
Saar frontier.
The Germans, employing their first
substantial force on Armor since the
American attack began, also struck
back viciously against Patton's 80th
Infantry Division south of Remilly
Forest, southeast of Metz, but the
Yanks stopped them cold and pushed
within four miles of the city of Falk-
enberg, which is only 10 miles from
the German border.
At the extreme right wing of Gen.
Patton's offensive three regiments of
the 26th U.S. infantry rooted the last
Germans from the bridge and Koeck-
ing forest and captured Marshal,

Yank Troops
Surround Japs
On Ormoc Road
Nip Units Are Cut Od
South of Carigara Bay
By The Associated Press
THURSDAY, NOV. 16-Units of the
American 24th Division have "prac-
tically severed the Ormoc road," by a
double envelopment movementwhich
carried them to the rear of enemy
positions, headquarters reported to-
The envelopment move cut off Jap-
anese forces, estimated at a regi-
ment's strength, near Limon, Ameri-
can-held village approximately four
miles south of Carigara Bay.
Strategic Hills Seized
Elements of the 1st Cavalry Divi-
sion, driving west and southwest
from Jaro, seized three strategic hills
east of the road after overcoming
numerous Japanese defensive posi-
The 7th Division, forming the third
arm of the squeeze encircling Japa-
nese forces around Ormoc, "Bloodily"
repulsed an enemy counterattack 10
miles south of Ormoc on the coast
The counterattack was aimed at
American fighter planes again
blasted Japanese barges and shore
targets at Ormoc, last Nipponese
stronghold on Leyte island.
Single enemy planes staged "sev-
eral ineffective raids" on American
ground installations. Five of the
attackers were shot down.
The dismounted cavalrymen, in
overrunning ridge positions, seized
Mt. Mamban, 1163-foot height, and
hills known as numbers 4047 and
Liberation Front Advances
The liberation front was moving
forward in all sectors, Gen. Douglas
MacArthur's Wednesday communi-
que disclosed. From the north, east
and south the Yanks converged on
Ormoc, where the enemy probably
will make his final stand, with the
sea at his back.
Spain To Be
Barred from
Peace Table
LONDON, NOV. 15--IP)-Develop-
ment of a stern United Nations policy
toward neutrals who were indiffer-
ent to thetAllied cause emerged to-
day with the disclosure that Spain
-long pro-Axis-would be barred
from the peace table.
It seemed clear, however, that the
policy would affect Argentine and
Eire as well as Spain. It left at least
four other countries-Sweden, Switz-
erland, Portugal and Turkey-up in
the air.
Turkey went part of the way
toward restoring herself in Allied
good graces by belatedly breaking
diplomatic and economic relations
with Germany-but only after Prime
,Minister Churchill declared on May.

British Eighth.
Gains in Italy
ROME, Nov. 15.-(,)-The British
Eighth Army, advancing from small
bridgeheadsiestablished acrossthe
Montone River west of Forli, drove
forward to a general line two miles
north of a loop of the river and made
good progress elsewhere along the
eastern sector of the Italian front,
the Allied Command announced
After crossing the Montone Eighth
Army units seized a foothold on
broad Highway Nine, leading to Bo-
logna, at a point two miles north-
west of Forli, capturing Monte Pog-
giolo and the village of Villagrappa
south of the road.
Resistance generally seemed to
slacken in the hills below Highway
Nine.nAllied forces were ingcontact
with the Germans about 1,000 yards
northwest of San Varano, which is
on the southern outskirts of Forli.
An advance of 2,000 yards was made
in this area.
Over 50 Naval V-12
Men Leave Campus
Over 50 men in their first and sec-
ond semesters of the Navy V-12 group
on campus were recently sent to
schools throughout the United States

Sayre To Speak on Phtlppine
relations with United States

The Hon. Francis B. Sayre will
speak on "Our Relations with the
Philippines" at 8:30 p. m. today in
Hill Auditorium.
This lecture will be the first in
eight scheduled for the 1944-45 Ora-
torical Association series. Sale of
season tickets for the series closed
today, after which only individual
lecture tickets may be obtained.
Sayre, High Commissioner to the
Philippines at the time of the inva-
sion, and former Assistant Secretary
of State, gained a thorough know-
ledge of the Islands as chairman of
the Joint Preparatory Com'iittee on
Philippine Affairs and as a member
of the body planning new economic
ties with the Philippines.
Earlier experience as a diplomat
was received when Sayre acted as
adviser in foreign affairs to the Si-
amese government. As Assistant Sec-
retary of State, Sayre worked direct-
ly with Cordell Hull in the making
of the recent reciprocal trade treat-
Sayre has been connected with the
faculties of Williams College and
Harvard Law School, serving in 1929

the Hon. Carl J. Hambro., Head of
the Norwegian Parliament and Pres-
ident of the League of Natioas As-
sembly on "How to Win the Peace,"
Nov. 22; Lillian Gish, "From iV-
wood to Broadway," Nov. 3i) Oca


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