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March 16, 1945 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-16

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i~&~rivi~t~i i, THE MICHIGAN DAILY


Dentistry Students' Ball Todayl.
Will Feature Bill Layton's Band~

Bill Layton and his orchestra will
be featured at the eleventh annual
Odonto Ball, to be held from 9 p. mn.
to midnight today in the Union Ball-
The dlance, which is semi-formal, is
presented each year by the junior
class ins the School of Dentistry in
honor of the graduating class. All
dental students and their friends
have been invited, and tickets may
still be purchased from class treas-
Layton will spotlight new arrange-
ments of "inm Beginning To See the
Light" and "T7he Man I Love." His
new feminine vocalist, Miss B. J.
Fuser, wtill also sing campus favo-
In accordance with wartime re-
strictions, no decorations have been
planned. Three dental fraternities
have scheduled dinrners and parties
to be held preceding the evening's

sional brothers," George Touma, co-
chairman of the ball said today.
Members of the central committeec
include : Kenneth Jacques, co-chair--
man; G. Touma, co-chairman, Robert
Aldrich, publicity; David Striffler, x
music; and Robert Weiss, arrange- I
Women who are interested its sell-
ing war stamps in JGP booths are1
asked to attend a ineeting to be held I
at 3 p.m. today in the l:eague, ac-jc
cording to Jean Hotchkins, JG-P ;
booth chairman.C
JGP has two booths now, one i
the League and one in the Union.l
Plans for opening another one ares,
being inade but the location is still
Women who sold stamps last senm--
ester are not automatically signed !
uip for the new crew, but should at- Ic

Dormitories Buy Peitions, for
Total of $i'4,808 Panhel nDueStmp
Rusbee Moy Get Invitatio~ns
in i/ r StartpsIn Panhellenic Office'Today
Sales of w tr bondls and stamrps tol
dormitories, auxiliary dormitories, Petition for Panhellenic Ball and
and co-ops totaled $14,303 or $7-40 Panheilenic Night must be in the
perwomn fr lst ernste, t: lirUndergraduate Office of the Leapu
ly 5 Pain. tday, acc Lrdling to Peg
Mfaca l]ay, JGP dorinitory chairm an,, l,< ibengaveP. president. of Pan hel -
anmouneed yesterday. ienic.a
Chicago Lodge, uinde,. the chair- Positions available to the sorority
nanship of Barbara Dutdd, had the w yomen for Panhel Ball. are general
clhairmnan. publicity, finance, music,
highest average, having sold $53.20 -ikt arn,.arid decorarions.
per woman for the semester. Stock- This d:ance i., to be giveni in oninunc-
well was second on the list frith tion i 'th Assem bly to make the
$15.46 per woman, ac:cording to Jtine dance joint funct.ion, of the two wo--
Gimirerson, cia irra~man. mnen's organizations.
Lead by .Margo Breitineyer, Day Positions fo-r lPenhel night that
House bought an average of $13.48, B1.1Y be s cutred 5A'O eneral chair-
huel 'fappan Hueand Allen G olin a .prorms raneetspb
kint sold an. average of $' so l iy, f'" 1eaimi Dtroms. This
Under the leadership (of Betty Et- fnto ilb edm aka
1Auditi r and awar'ds will be Inade
ter, Jordan H1all bought an average1
of $9.72 per woman. Martha Cook, it the groupaxl which is ighe~cst in
Marilyn bundles as chairmian, xva I'stnhoiastic arnd war activities.


,fi,.,. t. d L.'...-, i

festivities.1 tend the mneeting too. The roorxn w1ll
"We hope that all dental students be posted.
will take advantage of their only eve -__
ning of relaxatLion with their pr ofes-


Drug Sundries
Magaz--i nes
Fountain IService


sixth. on the list. with an ai ver, a,(, of
$9.34 per woman.
thess Macaulay, in commenting on
teetotals, said, "It has always
been thought that women were buy-
ing their share of war stamps when
they puirchased $1 worth. per mnonrth.
But; last semiestej we surpassed that
goal and the average per woman was
' '0'85 Per, month. 1. hope thaft.,"(ecan
keel) or even eceed that total thiis
Women planning to play in thec
singles badminton tournament must
sign up by noon on Saturday at Bar-
hour gyme.
The tournament will start March
1l1. "Aniyone who feels that she needs
to Practice may do so in Bar.bour*
gym, which is openm for play fromn
8:15 p. ini, to 9:15 p. in. on Wednes-
day and from 1:30 p. mn. to 3:30 p. mn.
on Satur days,", Martha Allen, bad-
ininton manager.,5said recently,
Coeds f'ho have had at least oneI
semekftster of fencing instruction are
invited to join the fencing club.I
This season the clu'b will feature
lessons in miore advanced tech -
tear chamtpion 01' New York state,
terrace as sIo~t ,.sthe weatherI
I permitf

IRushE'es3 na<y pick : up their invita-
tidons for the Saturday and Sunday
!part~ies~ from '10 a;.r, 1to 2 p.m. today
'in the Part hellenic offices of theI
League-. They arc ag ain reminded !
thatthe Underlined parties on thej
m nvitatLons :?re tnt bligatory, but
oily sngT ge,'ted and the othebr party
may be sehnLed.
' All sororii y women living outside
of time Lheir sorority houses haveI
been given 1:I L30 p[-m.i permission for
the Tuesday and ,11ursda partiesI
of nest eeok.I
Two WACs Finish
lCivilAffairs Training {
CHICAGO, March 15--(A)----Two
WA~s, the first women ever to be
Strained as military government oflic-
ers at the Civil Affairs Training.
School ait Northwestern University,,
S'will be among those receiving certi-3
ficates Saturday in the first class of
army officers trained for admini-
stration of J,-span and ,Japanese-held,
'Women Bowlers
'Mus Sig Upodayl
'For Tourncment 1
I13owlens. must register for the WAA
'ilesr't tournamrent by 5 p. in. today
in Bar boor gym or the WAB accord-1
ing to Dot. Flint, bowling manager.
rThe time 0' which gamnes are to be
played must be indicated by the par--
ticilpants when reg;isuering, and if
the fyamesiC are io lave~t4d off at this I
timeic they will h e rearded as de-I
Posting of the schedule for the
first round will be announced in the
Daily next week. Winning two out
of thrtee garnfles xwill -constitutef'win -I

USO To Wear
The Sharm ock
For St. Patrick
In soprano and alto the strains of
.When Irish Eyes Are Sniling" will
echo forths as Regiment X turns thej
USO Club into a green-bedecked place
for the St. Patrick's Day Paty to be
held fryin 8 p.,im. to midnight tomnor-
The order of the evening will be
funi and relaxation. There'll be anc -
ing in the ballroom to the latest rec-
ords while the game room will be
open for those who desire a more
strenuouars evening of entertainment.1
The game room has just been re-
decorated and in answer to many
requests a shuffleboard court has
been added to the already vast
amount of name equipment.
IDecorations will be in keeping with
the holiday spirit and there'll be
enough shamnrocks around to make allS
the rooms look a "wvee bit like Ire--
land. " A community sing will be
held during intermission featuring all
the old Irish ballads associated withI
the holiday.
The highlight of the eveings'
entertainmrent will be a Shamrrock
Taunt with' a prize being offered to p
the serviceman who finds the high-
est number of shamrocks which
will be hidden throughout the
rooms of tile USO.
All Junior Hostesses belonging to
Regiment X must attend this party
or send a registered Junior hostess,
in t helmr place. H-ostesses belonging
to any of the other regiments ares
cordially invited to attend.
Fletcher allI
Elects fficials,
Continuing under the board sys-
tem of house government inaugurated
last semester, Fletcher Hall recentlyj
elected nine men to serve as ot-!
ci.sin managing house affairs.
The hiouse is organized by floors
and three men are elected to the
board fromn each floor. Represent-
ing the first flcor are Thomas Guen-
ter, Frank Anderson, andi Edward
Baker, Arthur Ablin, Richard Fm-
rick, and Ma~rray Grant, retiringj
chaiman of the board, were chosen
by the second floor. William Kiessel,
lAnrold Walters, and Jerfomie Van
(passe were elected as third floor
Serving as chairman of the board
for the sparing term is Arthur Ablin,
while Thomas Guenter, and WilliamV
Kiessel fill the offices of scretary
and treasurer respectively. The new- -
ly created position of coordinator of
athletics will be handled by Richard
Fletcher Hall was one of the mostl
active men's dormitories on campus
last semester with two dances, an

JGPlay CatWi ll Meet Today
The en iart- cast for Jumnior Girls
Play will hiold. its first meeting at begun to work a
4 p.mu. today in time JGP office in the the play, which
League, according to Carol McCor- in spring. Accord
inick, director of the play, publicity chairma
The purpose of the meeting will niey, ticket chairr
be to explain about the theme of the within this area
play, and the rehearsals which will attend the play.
beg in in the near future. purchase by ma
The script for the play is original tickets in advanc
and is being completed by the script
committee. under the chairmanship Junior women
of Marcia Wellman and Marian work on the c,
Johnson. Members of the committee for the JGC Pla~
include Doris Heidgen, Betty Kam- Joan Portz at 4
ens, Carleen Gorinsen, and Rhea 1 maraes at 24514
Christain. Evy Horlic, composer, has ed to help in
completed two original songs for the signing and cu
play, turves.
The other committees have also

\1 T

r ,
, . ,

The REXALL SOEnthe CornlpL
340 South State Streest

Is Both sections of the univ
Women's Riding Club will meet
p. rm. Monday in front of Ba
gym. This will eliminate the T
dlay section, which is consoir
(with the other, according t(*,Vii
-I Thomas, president.

versi ty


u Wne h oundthaevery coedi on damn -

6 ~~~o i ;. i a "mi i.%,I 'iilt ie. ' in1
ptus irterested ine I whng will enter C hristmias party amtong their socim,
the tournament i." Mi.s Flint saidI events.
whren ,amltincmg tihe tournament. -- -__ . _._. -.- -.. _ -- - --.(y4
G ! inlen s tImm.o-'lf1.~ ot i1151 for {fx" I I YN (^V ST I N TVI CTORY\



htx the


Journey-Mrnded Coeds Must Plan .
HWardrob~eAround One Suitcase
y AC1IAA EWCoeds who are planning a trip to they are useful for days of relaxation
h s~ee their favorite se rvicemen at his and. for getting a sun tan. These are
camp may profit by these tips on to be worn with a cotton jiersey
clath Lo to ake and in packing the sweater, that folds up into practi -
one suitcase that. always' turns out cally nothing to facilitate packing.
to be too small, One dressy dress is essential for a I
ver'satility shmould be the keynote visit. This should be as femintine as
! of any ottf'i#, taken on a trip where possible, arid perhaps in black. One
space is at a premium. The ideal is of the best materials for time dress
a three piece suit consisting of jacket, jta must pack is silk or rayon crepe.
I kirt and topcoat in matching tweeds. 3'These materials (10 not wrinkle and
ThYe skirt, worn with a tailored blouse cm u ftecoddsics
and the (coat wvould be suitable for looking smooth and chic. Rather
the trza in, whEile the jacket could be than artificial flowers, the traveller;
added frtealipratmmn should rely on jewelry that dloes not
I of arrival. take up much space for her acceS-
Two Blatus( for Chlkangeability sores.
Two blouses, one tailored and the
other frilly, make th,.e suit a change-1
able outfit that can be used for at-I
Imost any occasion, If the suit is
high collared it can always be worn
Iwihm a c Yoker necklace of pearls and
pearl earrings.
To tuck aw~ay in the corners of
the suitcase, an extra scarf of brnit~
liant silk-print or a dickey would be
a useful idea for the emergency
occa.sion' that always pops up. Gloves
of fabric in colors matching the
scarf wuzld create an adclitiona;?
Shorts for a Sun Tan
For those visiting a southern camnp,
'there are shorts in contrasting color
to go with theC coat. Knee length,

ha;l.~ 6 Nuirt 1j

_4 ,tea,,, S

CLEAN CUB' - alert -- well-bred . t
casual in the knowing American way.
Hancisonme shoulders, perfect fitting w~aist-
line --~ in beige or soft green worsted
cr'pe wjithsterling silver btitns. Jiunior
!IC" ...3 9 ~.

. ' e2 t :
't, a s '.
, a , ,z
, >
, '
, t
i < - a ih' '.
< _ 3
S P 4 2



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