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June 09, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-06-09

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4 aiI

Fair with Little
Change ini Temperatirr,

VOL. LV, No. 168



Co-Ed Is
Swinton Tells of
Strict Conduct
"Regulations Affecting Lady Stu-
dents," a poster which Prof. Roy S.
Swinton of the engineering mechan-
ics department has kept as a souvenir
from the University of Santo Tomas
in Manila, is an eye-opener on "suit-
able conduct" for University coeds.
Explaining the extreme propriety
of some of these rules, Prof. Swinton,
who recently returned to Ann Arbor
after three years internment ii a
Japanese prisoner of war camp in
Manila, yesterday pointed out that
the Filipino and Malayan women are
very coy. Though the Catholic uni-
versity is co-educational, women
must be carefully chaperoned before
their parents allow them to attend
The following regulations for wom-
en students, were established by the
University, not promulgated by the
1. Respect and obey all authorities
of the University.
2. Attend special. convocations and
3. Participate in all scientific, civic,
social and- religious extra-curricular
activities of the University when re-
quested to do so, for instance attend
mass and receive Communion the
first Sunday of each month.
4. Dress modestly, never wear'
sleeveless dresses; always wear stock-
ings and be dignified in manner.
5. Avoid loitering, unnecessary!
noise and loud conversation in halls.
6. Avoid idle talks with male stu-
7. Leave the classroom as soon as
the professor or instructor leaves it.
8. During free periods stay in the
library or in the ladies' rest-room.
9. Maintain silence in the library
and in the classroom even when
the professor is absent.
10. Pass only through the ladies'
doors, that is, in front of the Office
of the Dean of Education, or in the
northwest ladies' door leading to
the ladies' waiting room.
11. Use the side stairs only. The
main stairway is for members of
the faculty.
Santo Tomas, the oldest university
under under the American flag, pre-
dates Harvard, according to Prof.
Swinton. Conducted by padres, the
university had an enrollment of ap-
proximately 2,000 before the Japa-
nese occupation, despite competition
from six other Manila universities.
Engine SeniorsI
To Have Picic
Traditional Outing
To Be Held at Island
Senior students and faculty mem-
bers of the School of Engineering
will gather on the Island at 2 p. m.
EWT (1 p. m. CWT) today for
the Senior Outing.
The Outing, an old Michigan Engi-
neering School tradition, is being re-
vived this year after a lapse of four
years. Interdepartmental baseball
games will be held at the ball diam-
ond near the Island. Both faculty
and class members will participate
in the games, and refreshments will
be served.
Today "Land of Liberty" movie

to be shown at 7:30 p.m.
EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT)
in the Rackham Amphi-
Today Deutscher Verein mem-
bers to meet for a picnic
at 4 and 5 p. m. EWT (3
and 4 p. m. CWT) behind
University Hall.
Today Helen Newberry formal
to be held at 9 p. m. EWT
(8 p. m. CWT).
Today Last performance of "To-
night at 8:30" to be given
at 8:"0 p. m. EWT (7:30
p. m. CWT) in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Today Intramural softball finals
to be held at 1:30 p. m.
EWT (12:30 p. m. CWT)
at Palmer Field.
Today All Nations Club semi-
formal dance will be held
at 8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30
p. m. CWT) at Rackham
Assembly Hall).
Today Engineering seniors and
faculty will have outing
at 2 p. m. EWT (1 p. m.

U.S. Court of Appeals
Okays Federal Seizure

Of Montgomery
7 Y
Superfortresses Atitack
lap Aircrajft Factories
Nips Resume Suicide Strikes Off Okinawa;
Nimitz Claims 67 Enemy Planes Destroyed
By The Associated Press
GUAM, Saturday, June 9-Between 100 and 150 Superfortresses
attacked aircraft factories at Nagoya, Naruo and Akashi today with
high explosives in a three-way raid on the enemy main island of Hon-
It was the first all high explosive raid since May 19 when the B-29s
struck Hamamatsu although high explosives as well as fire bombs were
dumped on the arsenal city of Osaka Thursday.
GUAM, Saturday, June 9-Taking advantage of clearing weather,
Japanese Kamikaze pilots resumed their suicidal attacks on American
shipping off Okinawa Wednesday


CHINESE NARROW JAP CORRIDOR-Chinese tro ops were reported to have entered the northern
suburbs of the air base city of Liuchow. A Chinese spokesman said that it was quite possible that Liu-
chow and Kweilin, 90 miles to the northeast, would f all to the Chinese. Both cities were formerly U. S.
14th Air Force bases.


* *

Big Five Proclaim Veto Poner
Necessary for World Leacgu e
By The Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO, June 8-The Big Five firmly and formally pro-
claimed today that their veto power is "essential" if a world league is to be
created in which "all peace-loving nations can "effectively discharge their
common responsibilities" to maintain peace.-
In effect, the United States, Russia, Britain, China and France put
their veto authority up to the 45 smaller nations at the United Nations
-Conference on a "take-it-or-leave-it"

Army Officer
Sees Danger
In Conscription
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, June 8-A former
lieutenant colonel who gave, up his
commission to fight compulsory mil-
itary training told a Congressional
Committee today that peacetime
conscription "can only mean prepar-
ation for war with Russia."
Norman Thomas, head of theI
Socialist Party, another witness be-
fo' the House Committee on post-
war military policy, asserted that
"if military conscription is the secret
of defense Russia will win."
Thomas testified ahead of Roscoe
F. Conkling, the former army officer.
The two testified on peacetime
draft proposals shortly after Secre-
tary of War Henry L. Stimson had
told his news conference he would

They did it in a 1,200 word inter-'
pretation of how the veto privilege
would work. It was submitted to a
conference working committee deal-
ing with the functions of a proposed
peace-enforcing Security Council in
which the veto formula would oper-
Russia ended the biggest row of
the conference yesterday by swing-
ing around to the position of the
rest of the 'Big Five-that the veto
shall not apply to the free discus-
sions of international quarrels.
Delegates agreed small nations
would accept, reluctantly, the re-
quirement that all the five great
Spowers must approve unanimously
any steps taken by the council to
settle disputes or prevent war.
Army Plants
Reserve Unit
Of OffiOcers1

Chinese Isolate
Japanese in
Southeast Asia
Possible Capture of
Kwangsi City Indicated
By The Associated Press
CHUNGKING, June 8-A Chinese
Army spokesman said today that ap-
proximately 200,000 Japanese troops
have been isolated in southeast Asia
as the Chinese offensive rolled into
the northern suburbs of the vital
Kwangsi Province air base city of
The spokesman said it was quite
possible that Liuchow and Kweilin,
90 miles to the northeast, would fall
to the Chinese. Both cities were base
sites for the U.S. 14th air force, and
their recapture would aid American
air power in southern China.
Ja ps Fortify Area
A battle for Liuchow apparently
was taking shape. The Chinese said
the enemy, which has occupied the
city for seven months, had strongly
fortified the area and concentrated a
large number of troops there.
The Chinese High Command's an-
nouncem ent of Chinese operations
around Liuchow made it plain that
unofficial reports two days ago of
the city's fall were premature.
Chinese units have taken Tatang.
.o the Indo-China highway 21 miles
:-ouitIhwest of Liuchow, and appear
now to be in position to cut the
Kwei-Yang-Kwangsi railroad west of
Liuchow. This railroad is the main
escape route for the Japanese at
Jshan Neared From West
American officers said other Ci-
nese forces moving against Ishan
al(Jig the railroad were within six
to 12 miles of the town from the
Meanwhile, another Associated
Press dispatch revealed that the Jap-
anese homeland seemed to be moving
toward the same sort of iron rule
which the enemy has imposed on
subjected lands.
Domei Agency announced the
new economic controls, described as
designed to speed war production
and as "a further advance of gov-
ernment policy today the national-
ization of enterprises."
iAutomobile Injuries Fatal
To Mrs. Celia Sullivan
Mrs. Celia Sullivan, 50, of Lyndon
township, Washtenaw county, died
yesterday. of injuries she received
when an auto she was driving was
struck by a Wayne Creamery truck
driven by Emmet King of Detroit,
sheriff's officers revealed.

and Thursday, damaging two small
Sixty-seven enemy planes were de-
stroyed, 47 on Wednesday and 20
Thursday, Fleet Adm. Chester W.
Nimitz reported today.
Aground, the first Marine division
smashed yesterday to the west coast
of Okinawa and captured substantial
ground north of Itoman town.
The Sixth Marine division drove
southeastward down Oroku Peninsula
despite strong resistance.
Advance elements of these two
leatherneck outfits were near a junc-
In south central Okinawa, clearing
weather permitted a coordinated aer-
ial, artillery and naval bombardment
attack on strongly fortified Japanese
positions along the Jaeju-Dake es-
carpment, the enemy's final defense
The Seventh Infantry Division ad-
vanced several hundred yards al-
though it had to fight through heavy
machinegun fire in the vicinity of
Hanagusuku town, end of the Yaeju-
Dake escarpment on the southeast
Maj. Gen. Pedro A. Del Valle's
First Division Marines swept south-
ward past Zawa town to the north
back of the Mukue River, 1,000 yards
inland directly east of Itoman town,
western anchor of the Yaeju-Dake
line. The advance moved the Ma-
rines 1,600 yards south of their
Thursday position, south of Dakiton
Other elements of Del Valle's divi-
sion expanded northwestward toward
the Sixth Marine Division sector on
Oroku Peninsula.
Play Productiont
Presents Final
Offering Today
The last performance of "Tonight
at 8:30," final offering of Play Pro-
duction for this semester, will be
given at 8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30 p. m.
CWT) today in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre.
The triple bill includes "Ways and
Means," "Fumed Oak" and "Family
Album." These three comedies were
chosen from Noel Coward's nine one-
act plays which comprise the "To-
night at 8:30" series.
Prof. Valentine Windt has an-
nounced that a full summer pro-
gram has been planned for Play Pro-
ductions Five plays will be given
during the eight week session. Many
of the present Play Production stu-
dents will be on hand to help pro-
duce the plays. They will be sup-
plemented by new students who come
up specifically for instruction during
the intensive eight-week period, and
others taking Play Production for the
first time.
Tickets for tonight's performance
may be secured at the Lydia Men-
delssohn box office.

Peace Group
Will Be Active
During Summer
Will Contact- Interested
Students Off Campus
Persons who wish to keep in touch
with the activities of the inter-cam-
pus peace organization during the
summer may leave their addresses
with a correspondence committee
during the meeting to be held at
4:15 p. m. EWT (3:15 p. m. CWT)
Tuesday in Lane Hall.
Committees will be organized for
the summer term and permanent
chairmen will be elected at the
meeting. A constitution will be
voted upon and plans for sending
delegates to the Washington Youth
Conference June 25 and 26 will be
Selection of representatives to the
conference is uncertain pending in-
formation from the United States
Arrangement Committee regarding
the number of delegates the new or-
ganization may have. However, Post-
War Council has volunteered to raise
funds for the delegates expenses.
A meeting of the executive board
will be held at 4 p. m. EWT (3 p.m.
CWT) Monday in Lane Hall to
elect summer officers, discuss the
preparation of a constitutional
draft by the platform committee,
determine the functioning of the
various comittees, and appoint
temporary committee heads.
Campus groups desiring to become
members of the campus-wide organ-
ization should elect a representative
for the summer term at once in order
to participate in future activities.
Speech Group
Holds Initiation
The annual Eleanor Clay Ford
Awards for varsity debaters were
presented and initiation ceremonies
for Delta Sigma Rho, national hon-
orary speech fraternity, were held
yesterday in the Rackham Building
at this year's final meeting of the
speech department Graduate Study
Joyce Siegan, '46, Mary Ellen
Wood, '46, Margaret Farmer, '46, and
Harriet Risk, '47, were the varsity
debaters who received the awards.
Miss Farmer, Betty Lou Bidwell,
'47, and Barbara Levine, '46 were
initiated to Delta Sigma Rho by John
Condylis, Martin Shapero and Joyce
Siegan, members of the local chap-
ter. Prof. Emeritus Thomas C. True-
bood, one of the founders of the or-
ganization, spoke on the history of
the organization.

Two Judges
Uphold Action;
One Dissents
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO, June 8-The U.S. Cir-
cuit Court of Appeals today upheld
the government in its seizure Dec. 28
of facilities of Montgomery Ward
and Company in Chicago and six
other cities, reversing a Jan. 27 Fed-
eral District Court ruling.
The appellate court in a two-to-
one decision directed that an order
be entered granting the relief sought
by the plaintiff, which was the gov-
ernment, asking for a judgment to
uphold legality of the seizure order
by the late President Roosevelt and
for an :rjunction to restrain Ward's
from interfering with army opera-
Judges Evan A. Evans and Otto
Kerner constituted the majority,
Judge Will M. Sparks dissenting.
Had No Authority
In January District Judge Philip L.
Sullivan held that President Roose-
velt had neither statutory nor consti-
tutional authority to order the seiz-
ures which followed a long labor
dispute, strikes here and in Detroit
and Ward's refusal to accede to War
Labor Board orders for the granting
of the maintenance of union mem-
TheArmy has retained possession
of the properties in Chicago, Detroit,
St. Paul, Minn., Denver, Colo., Port-
land, Ore., San Rafael, Calif., and
Jamaica, N.Y., under a status quo
order by Judge Sullivan.
Throughout the case counsel have
indicated the issues eventually would
be settled in the U.S. Supreme Court.
Recognized Relationship
The Court of Appeals declared
Ward's "recognized its close relation-
ship to and its participation in the
war effort in tens of thousands of
written applications to the govern-
ment for the many priorities for sub-
stantial amounts which it sought."
The judges concluded that they
should confine their inquiry to "the
authority of the President and Com-
mander-in-Chief in the light of the
War Labor Disputes Act."
Lab Theatre
To Give Play by
Louise Comints
"Girl's Best Friend," a play writ-
ten by Louise Comins, will be pres-
ented by the Laboratory Theatre at
8 p. m. EWT (7 p. m. CWT) Monday
in the elementary school auditorium
of the University High School.
The plot of the three-act play is
set on a campus dubbed "the Vassar
of the Middle-West," and deals with
the machinations of sorority life.
The play was selected from a number
of plays written in Prof. Kenneth
Thorpe Rowe's playwriting class by a
committee of faculty members from
the English department, headed by
Prof. Roy Cowden.
Directed by William Cooke, spe-
cial student in the English depart-
ment and former director of the Port
Huron Little Theatre, the cast of
the play will include Corrinne Essig,
John Momeyer, Glenna Baratta, Con-
nie Schwartz, Arthur Shef and Henry
The performance is open to the
Cut in Tariff
Rates Blocked
Power Denied Truman
By Senate Committee

WASHINGTON, June 8 - (/P) -
Power sought by President Truman
to cut existing tariff rates in half
was knocked out of the reciprocal
trade law extension bill today by a
10 to 9 vote in the Senate Finance
Although the President declared
the additional rate-cutting author-
ity "essential," three Democratic
members of the committee joined
with seven Republicans to delete the



not quite "conceive that any officer WASHINGTON, June 8--(/P)-A
of the United States army would be postwar reserve officer force of 400,-
so deficient in judgment" as to say 000, capable of staffing an Army of
he wanted to fight Russia. 4,000,000 men, is part of the Army's
The secretary's comment was in projected peacetime setup.
answer to a news conference ques- This was disclosed tonight by
tion about a remark which a report- Brig. Gen. E. A. Evans, who headed
er (International News Service) at- a War Department committee
tributed to Rep. Coffee (D-Wash). which drafted a postwar program
The Congressman was quoted as say- for reserve officers. Evans was
ing some unidentified military men released from the army three weeks
want war with the Soviet Union. ago to become secretary of the.
Thomas declared that in stating Reserve Officers Association, re-
homaiesecarednothtisating nactivated to support the program.
his views he was "not trespassing on The plan calls for about four times
the field of the military expert but as many reserve officers as there were
arguing what is common sense." before the outbreak of hostilities.
They would be obtained from the
Rites To Be Held officer ranks of the existing army,
I from the Reserve Officer Training
For Centenarian Corps, the National Guard and Of-
ficer Candidate Schools. Certain
William Sadler, 100-year-old resi- specialists, such as clergymen and
dent of Ypsi and York townships in physicians, also would be commis-
Washtenaw county, died yesterday at sioned regardless of military train-
the home of his grandniece in Ypsi ing.
township. Funeral services will be These organizations, kept in
held Monday at 2 p. m. from the training with weekly drills and
Moore Funeral Home. summer encampments, could be
Sadler, who was born in England mobilized immediately, Evans said,
in 1844, came to this country in 1874. in the event of an attack on this
The trip at that time took six weeks. nation.



's in Germany Produce Satire- -A Private



Associated Press Correspondent
is the kind of story that should be

but was one they all understood. It
was built around a private's thoughts
and actions during his combat serv-
ice, and generally it satirized all

The show had had so many dress
rehearsals that even its understud-
les were practically veterans.
All of them had been ready for the

All through the Ardennes break-
through, however, a few incurable
actors hung grimly onto the script
and after the battle of the bulge they

the Rhine and driving swiftly to-
ward the Elbe.
That is the way things went as
long as the war lasted. Finally V-1

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