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June 05, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-06-05

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Fair and Slightly



Youth Peace Role Told;
Delegates Air Opinions

6th MVarine

Troops Land on Oroku

--- :

Representative Tell of
Chinese War Suffering
Voicing the combined opinion of
the five delegates from the World
Youth Council who spoke in Rack-
ham Lecture Hall last night, Lt. Zvo-
noser Jurissic, an officer in the
Yugoslav Merchant Marine, stated
that "No one except the youth of
the world can save the world for
Chinese Haven't Succumbed
Following a keynote address by
Dean Alice Lloyd, who welcomed the
visitors, Yang Kang, delegate from
China, related her experiences as a
war correspondent and told the audi-
ence that her "people have not suc-
cumbed to Japanese aggression al-
though 80 per cent of our industry
has been destroyed and 10 per cent
of our population has been killed."
She emphasized the fact that "Chi-
nese youth realizes the responsibility
that rests on its shoulders."
"Czech youth, too, has hopes for a
world peace," said Maria -Michel,
who was a student at Prague during
German occupation and "cultural
blackout" which existed at the time.
Security Depends On All
"World security depends on the
concerted efforts of all of us and not
just political groups," Frances Da-
mon, American representative, em-
phasized. She quoted the motto of
the World Youth Council: "We are
ready. We are determined. Forward
for our future," as a possible motto
for youth movements everywhere.
"America has no idea of what has
happened in Europe and the Far
East for she has not been exposed to
the horrors of war," declared Svend
Pedersen, officer in the Danish navy,
who added that "only through ex-
change of students can there be
understanding which will mnake pos-
sible the lasting peace that our fore-
fathers failed to accomplish."
All students are invited to a final
informdl discussion period from 10
a. m. to noon EWT today in Lane
Sa Francisco
Group Favors
Use of Force
By The Associated Press
hard core of a United Nations Char-
ter, the 'provision for efforts to end
international disputes peacefully and
to use strong armmethods if they
fail, was approved today by a United
Nations Conference committee.
Chairman Camillo Ponce Enriquez
of Ecuador said the committee had
approved an entire charter chapter
dealing with "determination of
threats to the peace or acts of ag-
gression and action with respect
Under it a compact, 11-member Se-
curity Council would serve as the in-
strument of a new World League in
bringing unruly nations into line and
preventing the eruption of war in the
It would be backed up by armed
forces directed by the top military ex-
perts of great powers.
To the Security Council would be
given the right to determine the
existence of "any threat to the peace,
breach of the peace or act of ag-
gression" and to adopt w'hatever
measures are needed to "maintain
or restore peace and security."
Before putting those measures into
effect, it could call upon disputants
to comply with provisional, tempo-
gravation of their controversy.
gravation of their conroversy.
It could propose methods for
bringing the dispute to an amicable
end-and all the United Nations are
supposed to bind themselves to ad-
just ther international differences
But in the event these attempts at1

friendly adjustment fail, they could
decide to bring pressure through dip-
lomatic, economic or other sanctions.
Today Five World Youth Rep-
resentatives will meet
with students from 10
a. m. EWT to noon (9-11
a. m. CWT) in Lane Hall.
Today Program in commemora-
tion of Thomas Mann's
seventieth birthday at
4:15 p. m. EWT (3:15
p. m. CWT) in Rackham
Today Prescott Club Convoca-
tion at 5:15 p.mn. EWT
(4:15 p. m. CWT) in the
today Sigma Rho Tau to hold

Yugoslav Praises Aid
Of U.S. Air Power
"American air power certainly
aided us against the Germans during
the war," declared Lt. Zvonoser
Jurissic, Yugoslav naval officer, in a
Daily interview yesterday at the In-
ternational Center tea honoring five
youth delegates to the San Francisco
"We had no planes and were un-
able to protect ourselves from Nazi
air attacks until you sent your ships
against the enemy," Jurissic said.
In reply to a question concerning
Marshal Tito, Jurissic acclaimed
the Yugoslav leader as the "only
man who has been able to rally all
social and economic groups into a
unified army to fight for a demo-
cratic Yugoslavia."
On leave from the Yugoslav Mer-
chant Marine in which he has served
since 1941, Jurissic related how his
ship was torpedoed off the Atlantic
coast, and the crew of 33 men floated
three days in a life boat until they
were picked up and brought to the
United States by a Swedish ship.
He was appointed as an observer
to the San Francisco Conference
because of his connection as a lia-
son officer for youth groups be-
tween his country and the United
Stats. Jurissic is also represent-
ative of Seaman's Youth of Yugo-
Another member of the delegation,
Yang Kang, who was studying at
Radcliff College, is a newcomer to
this country; she arrived in 1944 via
India where she stayed for two
In reply to a question concerning
Americans, Miss Kang was im-
pressed with the "interest which
everyone has in current .events",
but she added that they seem to
lose their interest soon after being
aroused. "Even on your various
college campuses therre a many
organizations which aren't aware
of each other's existence, while in
China we have a unified council
among the several schools to pro-
mote further cooperation and pow-
er for our youth movements."
An American citizen and resident
of the United States until she was
12, delegate Maria Michel, former
medicalstudent, was pleased by the
enthusiasm with which the group
had been received.
Receiving a chemistry scholarship
at Smith College in 1943, Miss Mich-
el was chosen as a member of the
group because of her recent arrival
from Czechoslovakia in 1942 and as-
sociation with the National Union of
Czech Students in Prague.
Frances Damon, executive secre-
tary for American Youth for a Free
World, which is sponsoring the cur-
rent tour, completes the group of
delegates, with the exception of Sven
Pedersen, who was flying in from
Chicago for the rally.
Miss Damon explained the form-
ation of the World Youth Council
which resulted from an Inter-
national Youth Conference in Lon-
don in 1941. At this time students
and youth leaders who had escaped
from Nazi-held countries met to
set up an international organiz-
ation of young people for unified
action against the enemy forces.
The conference in August at Lon-
don will be the first since 1942; ac-
cording to Miss Damon, who noted
,that since it must be limited to 400
to 500 members the number of repre-
sentatives are chosen according to a
poplation quota, the strength of
their youth movement, and their
status as a United Nation.
A unounceinenits
Final distribution of commence-
ment announcements will be held
from 1:30 to 5 p. m. EWT (12:30
to 4 p. m. CWT) today in Rtm. 2,
University Hall.

Chinese Troops
Smash Toward
Liuchow Base
American Air Power
Support 25-Mile Dash
By The Associated Press
CHUNGKING, June 4-Bursting
through Japanese lines in a 25-mile
dash, Chinese troops today pushed
to within 28 mies of the former
American airbase city of Liuchow
while waves of U. S. bombers and
fighters blasted the fire-swept South
China rail hub.
Imperiling a second Japanese-held
former American airfield in South-
Central China, other Chinese assault
forces advanced two miles, to within
five miles of Shaoyang (Paoching),
330 miles southeast of Chungking.
Japs Abandon Area
These swift advances were an-
nounced by the Chinese High Com-
mand as reports reaching Chungking
indicated that the Japanese were
abandoning not only their overland
corridor to Indo-China, but also the
vital land bridge across China to
Canton and Hong Kong.
Liuchow, 400 miles southeast of
Chungking, is one of the most strate-
gically-important objectives in South
China. It is the biggest communica-
tion center in Kwangsi province.
Formerly a large U. S. bomber base,
it was abandoned to the Japanese last
U. S. Fifth Air Force
Joining the battle to regain the
former airbase, U. S. 14th Air Force
bombers and fighters subjected Liu-
chow to one of the most concentrated
aid attacks in China in recent
months. High explosives and incen-
diaries were rained on warehouses,
setting a large area afire, while fight-
er-bombers bombed and strafed Jap-
anese anti-aircraft positions.
The Chinese were closing in on
Liuchow-which the Japanese have
been reported preparing to evacuate
-on a 100-mile front extending along
an arc on the north, west and south-
CIO Head Raps
Lack of Plans
For CE OI 5aek
CHICAGO, June 4 P) 11, I.
Thomas, international president of
the United Automobile Workers un-
ion (CIO), declared today "There
appears to be a total lack of plans in
federal agencies to meet the serious
labor situation in Detroit and in the
Thomas, who recently surveyed
employment, cutbacks and reconver-
sion in areas from the middle west
to the west cast, addressed the
union's executive board, adding in an
interview that the labor situation
nationally is "critical."
Thomas recommended the board
make an "emphatic demand" for re-
peal of executive order 9240, which
eliminated time and a half and
double time for Saturday and Sun-
day, for removal of all manpower
controls, and for any tendency to
force workers to accept jobs at less
pay following closing of war plants.
He said the automotive industry in
March employed 800,000 workers, but
that by September it would employ
no more than 549,000. In Detroit,
Thomas added, the automotive in-
dustry at peak employed 355,542, but
six weeks after V-E Day only 200,122
were employed.
Thomas asserted the automotive
industry's plans to produce 200,000
cars this year would provide employ-
ment for "no more than 100,000 per-

. _ ;TOKYO / g
SHIKOKU Yawata "
- Sasebo Oit
* - Omura Omuta
Nagasak* umo * JAPANa
AMAKUSA * HtoyoshsHososlm
Kokubu A'va'
It K I Mtyakonolo
Kagos~ma! 'i}Kushira
Ban Ariake
say -
IV0s(17hina Sea °
YH u TAttC 50
locates five Kyushu airfields hit in raids by carrier planes of Adm. Wil-
liam F. Halsey's Third Pacific Fleet in action announced b'y Adm.
Chester W. Nimitz after disclosing that Halsey had resumed his com-
mand of the fleet.
Education Assembly To Be Held;
Sigma Rho Tau Will Give Dinner

Half o Naha Airfield Taken;
Army Gains in Other Sectors
Leathernecks Construct Bridges to Vonainan
Island, Nimitz' s Communique Reports
By The Associated Press
GUAM, June 5 (Tuesday) - Troops of the Sixth Marine Division in a
quick amphibious maneuver, landed yesterday on Oroku peninsula, immedi-
ately south of Naha City, Okinawa, and captured half of Naha airfield, best
in the Ryukus.
In all other sectors, Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nimitz reported, the 10th
U.S. Army made substantial gains.
Maj. Gen. Lemuel C. Shepherd Jr.'s Sixth Division Leathernecks quick-
ly secured a 1,200-yard beachhead on the northwest tip of Oroku peninsula,
directly north of Naha airfield.

Teaching As A Filly
Art' Is Speech Topic
Honoring candidates for the teach-
er's certificate the School of Edu-
cation will hold its tenth annual con-
vocation at 2 p. m. EWT (1 p. m.
CWT) today in the auditorium of
University High School.
President Ruthven will open the
convocation exercises with an address
to be followed by the introduction of
the convocation speaker by Dean
James B. Edmonson of the School of
Brubacher To Give Address
John S. Brubacher, professor of ed-
ucation at Yale University, will de-
liver the convocation, address on the
topic "Teaching As A Fine Art."
Scholastic awards will be presented
by Prof. Francis Day Curtis, secre-
tary of the School of Education, and
the audience will participate in the
singing of "The Yellow and the Blue."
Winners of the 1945-46 scholastic
awards are Howard Kingsbury Hol-
land (William H. Payne Scholar) and
Arthur Henry Rice (Burke Aaron
Hinsdale. Scholar). The former
award is made to candidates for the
master's degree, while the latter is
for candidates for the doctorate.
Recommended by Council
These awards are made in accord-
ance with a recommendation of the
University Council, providing that
the services of former distinguished
staff members might be appropriate-
ly recognized and have been author-
ized by the School of Education with
the approval of the Board of Regents.
Both Drs. Payne and Hinsdale were
members of the faculty and leaders.
in the field of education.
High scholarship and high rank in
professional zeal and promise are the
requirements for the awards.
Thomas Manni
To Be Honored
Program Will Be Held
At Rackhuam Today
Sponsored by the German and
English departments, a celebration
honoring the seventieth birthday of
Thomas Mann, noted author and
personality, will be held at 4:15 p. m.
EWT (3:15 p. m. CWT) today in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-
The celebration will include
speeches by Prof. Henry W. Nord-
meyer and Prof. Fred B. Wahr of the
German department; Dr. James H.
Meisel of the political science depart-
ment, who served as Dr. Mann's pri-
vate secretary in 1938-9; and Prof.
Bennett Weaver, representing the
English department. Refreshments
will be served at a social following the

Wilkerson To Speak
At Banquet Today
Daniel C. Wilkerson, General Mot-
ors Corp. patent attorney and invent-
or, will speak on "Invention in the
Post-War Era" at the 16th Annual
Sigma Rho Tau "Tung Oil" Banquet
at 6:15 p. m. EWT (5:15 p. m. CWT)
today in the Union. -
Wilkerson served as a state advis-
or on military inventions during the
organizing of the original Michigan
War Council. He has been a mem-
ber of the Detroit Chamber of Com-
merce for the past ten years, is an
alumnus of the U. S. Naval Academy
and a national director of the Navy
League of the United States.
In February 1941, Wilkerson, who
has been active in military affairs in
the state during the past decade as
an organizer of the State Troops
and of state-wide Navy League or-
ganizations, predicted the fall of Ger-
many during the winter of 1944-45,
and the fall of Japan by the end of
1947, on a basis of exhaustion of mili-
tary supplies.
The banquet will be attended by
faculty members and students in en-
gineering, architecture, and science,
and will feature traditional Stump
Speakers Society humorous faculty
speaking contests as well as the an-
nouncement of winners in national
speaking contests held at the Sigma
Rho Tau convention, ten days ago.
Churchill Hits
Labor Program
In First Speech
LONDON, June 4-(/P)-Prime Min-
ister Churchill hurled himself into
the British election campaign tonight
in a fighting speech in which he
charged that the socialistic program
advocated by his laborite opponents
could not be established "without a
political police."
His address, delivered by radio,
launched the conservative party's
campaign to remain in power when
the nation goes to the polls July 5.
Churchill devoted his sharpest
words to criticism of socialism,
touching only briefly on foreign af-
fairs and then only to remind the
country of the tremendous task of
finishing off the "Japanese tyrants."
"My friends, I must tell you that
a socialist policy is abhorrent to Brit-
ish ideas of freedom," he declared.
"Therecan be no doubt that social-
ism is inseparably interwoven with
totalitarianism and the abject wor-
ship of the state.

Light Resistance
The Leathernecks encountered on-
ly light resistance, except on their
left flank, where the Japanese opened
up with automatic weapon fire.
Nimitz's communiques today re-
ported the Marines already were con-
structing bridges to Yonamau Island
in the center of Naha harbor. Avail-
able maps show causeways connect-
ing the tiny island with both Naha
city and Oroku peninsula. Presuma-
bly, these had been knocked out by
heavy naval and artillery fire which
destroyed Naha.
On the east coast, Seventh Divi-
sion infantry smashed ahead 5,000
yards - a gain of 8,500 yards in two
days - to enter Guischan town on
the south coast and virtually secure
Chinen peninsula.
Twa Town Captured
The 96th Division struck heavily
southward, captured Iwa town and
approached Meka town, which was
captured by the Seventh Division in
a broad, fanlike advance.
The first Marine Division captured
Tomosu town, half a mile south o
Kazimato in south central Okinawa,
as they developed their encirclement
of Oroku peninsula.
Maj. Gen. Pedro A. Del Valle's First
Division Marines thus are in a posi-
tion to swing west to assist in the
battle for Oroku peninsula, or to
smash southward, where some enemy
remnants are reported cut off in a
seven-square mile area between
Nagusuku on the west coast and
Mabuni on the southeast.
S1 * .i
On Jap Seaport
GUAM, June 5, Tuesday-()-
Kobe, Japan's principal seaport and
sixth largest city, felt the sting of
Superfortress incendiaries for the
third time this morning as 400 to
450 of the huge bombers unloaded
some 3,000 tons of fire bombs on
congested industrial areas.
Attack Length of City
The areanunder attack extended
from one end of the long, narrow
city to the other, skipping only a
three-mile area west of the ship-
building yards, burned out in two
previous fire strikes Feb. 3 and -March
Kobe, huddled tightly against a
ridge of wooded hills, lies along the
shore of Osaka Bay, at the 'eastern
end of the inland sea. It is about
250 miles southwest of Tokyo. Osaka,
Japan's third largest city, is just 15
miles to the east.
Population Dense
Because of the cramped position
between the shore and hills, Kobe's
33-square-mile area has an average
population density of 30,500 persons
per square mile. The city is about
10 miles long and two or three wide.
This was the 15th incendiary strike
at Japanese cities by Maj. Gen. Cur-
tis Lemay's 21st Bomber Command.
Targets today included the imper-
ial government railway shops, the
main Sannomiya railroad station, the
commercial dock area, and a heavily
industrialized section dominated by
the Kobe steel works.
Newly Formed
Club To Meet
Both American and foreign stu-
dents on campus are invited to the
general meeting of the newly organ-
ized All-Nations Club at 7:30 p. m.
EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT) today in the
International Center.
Offering students a chance to join
an independent student-run organ-
ization whose purpose is the realiza-
tion of better international relations
at the University, the All Nations

I rl~h t-00nc a nrnaram of troriaA ck"A

U.S. Post-War
Plans Warrant
Peace Requires Draft,
State Department Says
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, June 4-The Unit-
ed States' obligations under the world
security organization warrant uni-
versal military training in peacetime,
the State Department said today.
It outlined its views on the con-
troversial peace time draft plan
through Undersecretary Joseph C.
Grew as the house postwar'military
policy started its long-heralded hear-
Other Witnesses
Half a dozen other witnesses fol-
lowed Grew in the Caucus Room of
the old House office building and,
with one exception, they endorsed the
principle of building up a strong re-
serve army by inducting teen-age
males into military service for one
year of training in peacetime.
A war veteran, the head of a.
women's federation, the mother of
six men in the armed service, a
clergyman and a military news com-
mentator, George Fielding Eliot, were
among those testifying. Only the
clergyman dissented from the general
endorsement of the postwar draft.
Grew was the first witness in a
group of proponents for whom Chair-
man Woodrum (D.-Va.) set aside
the first two days of the hearings, to
be followed by two days of opposi-
tion and more than a week of rebut-
tal on both sides.
Advocate of Draft
Grew told the committee he ap-
peared as "an advocate of military
training for the young men of Amer-
"I believe a year's military training
is necessary because of our obliga-
tions under the world security organ-
ization; because in the world of things
as they are, our international policy
to be effective must have strength
behind it," Grew said.
Truman Asks
Lend-Lease Aid
Request Aims To End
Japanese War Quickly
WASHINGTON, June 4-President
Truman asked Congress today for a
new lend-lease appropriation of
$1,975,000,000 to help "bring the con-
flict with Japan to a quick and decis-
ive end."
In a letter to House Speaker Ray-
burn the president said the approp-
riation, recommended for the fiscal
year beginning July 1 would-togeth-
er with unobligated balances of
$2,400,000,000-make up a total pro-
gram of $4,375,000,000.
Supplement Program
He said that the lend-lease pro-
gram would be supplemented to the
extent necessary by the export-im-
port bank and that he would send
congress soon "a proposal providing
for adequate legal authorization and
expanded lending capacity for the
Mr. Truman said the requested new
appropriation "reflects our resolution
to give fully effective aid in order to
shorten the war and thereby reduce
the cost in Allied lives and materials."
The president's letter was accom-
panied by one in which Harold D.
Smith, director of the budget, recom-
1. Continuance of lend-lease as
"an indispensable weapon" for
complete war against Japan in col-
laborating with our allies.
2. Limitation on the use of
lend-lease funds to war and na-
tional defense purposes and reduc-
tion in their expenditure as fast

nc rrtccihl® r.nncic4nnf t:ri1H l ncn

Mary Evans JohInsone Will Be
Featured wiiIth 'U' Orchestra

Mary Evans Johnson, outstanding
student pianist, will be featured in
the Mozart "Concerto in M major,
K. 467" (for piano and orchestra) on
the University Symphony Orchestra's
spring concert at 8:30 p.m. EWT
(7:30 p.m. CWT) tomorrow in Hill
- Original cadenzas which Mrs.
Johnson prepared for this work will
be heard for the first time. An Ann
Arbor resident, she is a pupil of Prof.
John Kollen in the School of Music

ranged for string orchestra by Prof.
The Brahrns Symnplhiony in D ma-
jor, No. 2, Op. 73" will conclCtide the
'Johnson Was Conductor
The University Symphony Orches-
tra attained an eminent standing in
the immediate pre-war period under
the conductorship of Thor Johnson,
now in service. During the 1942-43
season the orchestra functioned un-
A,. nr P .ri, T)P To - nni.f ,. . ij Pj

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