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June 03, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-06-03

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-- - i

Fifty-Fifth Year

Wallace Goes Conservative


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control
of Student Publications.

Evelyn Phillips
Margaret Farmer
Iay Dixon .
Paul Sislin
Hank Mantho
Mavis Kennedy
Ann Schutz
Dick Strickland
Martha Schmitt
Kay McFee

Editorial Staff
. . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . .City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
. . , . . Women's Editor
. . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
. . . Business Manager
. . . Associate Business Mgr.
. . . Associate Business Mgr.

Telephone 23-24.1

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved,
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
tier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
And represent the views of the writers only.
ONE of the little known happenings since V-E
Day is the Russian occupation of the Danish
island of Bornholm. The island is located in the
Baltic, 25 miles off the south coast of Sweden,
but the Russians claim that it lies off the coast
of East Prussia, 125 miles to the east.-
Although both of these assertions are true, the
Russian claim does not appear valid when we
remember that the island has historicalk been
regarded as a part of Scandinavia. Disputes as
to its ownership in the past have always been
between the Scandinavian powers and for many
years it has been a major part of Denmark. The
inhabitants of the area have no more desire to
be under the Russian rule than under the Ger-
man. Like Poland, they are forced to accept the
lesser of two evils.
Already, Russian engineers have begun work
towards establishing an air base on the island
and apparently regard the area as a part of their
defense in the Baltic, the southern coast of
which they have almost completely in their pos-
session. This means that the Russians are on
to stay and can only be negotiated off.
So far, no definite stand on the matter has
been taken by London or Washington. Russian
leaders have stated no future policy. However,
the move is of far-reaching importance and
must be settled by the combined representa-
tives of the governments concerned. This
means giving Denmark an opportunity to be
It is possible that Russia wants Bornholm to
balance Britain's probable occupation of Helgo-
land, an island located west of Jutland. If the
occupation of islands throughout this area as
well as in the whole world is to become a tit-
for-tat affair between the major powers with no
regard for the smaller nations concerned, the
doctrines set forth in the Atlantic Charter have
become meaningless. One nation cannot silently
occupy an area without making explanation to
the rest of the world. Neither can it be allowed
to occupy an area against the volition of the
It is imperative that Russia, Britain, and the
United States make known their policy in this
matter. To quietly shelve those problems
which are not pressing at the moment is add-
ing fuel to the highly inflammable heap of
grievances that could give rise to a third
world war. -Alice Jorgenson
Delay Justified
" IEPATRIATION of prisoners shall be effected
with the least possible delay after the con-
clusion of peace," the Geneva Convention states
regarding prisoners of a belligerent nation. Our
government interprets the clause "after the con-
clusion of the peace" to mean after the peace
treaty has been signed and ratified.
German and Italian prisoners now in the
United States will therefore remain and work
here until the peace treaty is signed. It is right
that they should be made to work on our farms,
and at our manual tasks for two reasons.

First, shipping space to Europe will be at a

WASHINGTON-Some of the liberals who
fought so hard for Henry Wallace's confir-
mation are now beginning to wonder how much
he is the prisoner of old line bureaucrats inside
the commerce department. Privately they say
they don't see much difference between his ad-
ministration of commerce and Herbert Hoover's.
What has particularly aroused Wallace's
liberal friends is his appointment of a com-
mittee to study the U. S. patent system. Wal-
lace appointed the committee upon receipt
of a letter from President Truman which re-
minded him that the American patent system
had been misused by unlawful monopolies and
needed overhauling.
Whereupon Wallace appointed a committee to
study patents which included two men considered
staunch defenders of the present patent setup.
They are: Charles F. Kettering, vice-president
of General Motors, and Dr. Vannevar Bush, di-
rector of the Office of Scientific Research and
Development. This caused justice department
experts to hit the ceiling.
In the early war days, both Kettering and
Bush served as members of a patent committee
to ascertain whether patents were interfering
with the war effort. They came out with a re-
port completely white-washing the existing pat-
ent system.
So now Wallace, great liberal, appoints two
men who say the patent system is OK, on a
committee which President Truman says
should remedy the "misuse" of patents.
"'Full Employment" Discussed. . .
ONE OF THE hottest backstage battles at San
Francisco was over the simple but signifi-
cant words, "full employment," and whether
these words should go into the final charter
as an expression of hope for future mankind.
First fuss was kicked up by the American dele-
gation after gentle Dean Virginia Gildersleeve
of Barnard College reported to a closed U. S.
meeting that the commission on social and eco-
nomic welfare of which she is a member had
endorsed "full employment." Senators Connally
of Texas and Vandenberg of Michigan promptly
hit the ceiling. 'Both said the senate would turn
down the charter if "full employment" were in-
"Folks will say it will lead to an international
WPA," stormed the gentleman from Texas.
Vandenberg called it nothing but "an inter-
national New Deal," while others moaned about
" a quart of milk for every hottentot." Result
was that Secretary Stettinius, who personally
favored the "full employment" phrase, began
to back water, and asked his aides to work out
a compromise formula.
Next day, master strategy was evolved. Miss
Gildersleeve was instructed to go before the
social and economic welfare commission, propose
that the wording of the phrase which had already
been approved and voted on be changed sd as to
include "education" as well as "full employ-
ment" as .one of the aspirations of the United
Nations. If her commission could be persuaded
to reopen its discussions, Dean Gildersleeve was
also instructed to try to put some qualifying
language around the words "full employment" in
order to soften them.
Miss Gildersleeve Goes To at , , ,
GRACIOUS Miss Gildersleeves appeared that
night at the commission meeting, and asked
on behalf of the United States that the entire
discussion be reopened because the American
delegation wanted to include the word "educa-
Whereupon Australia's hard-hitting Foreign
Minister Evatt jumped up to ask whether that
was all Miss Gildersleeve had on her mind, or
whether the U. S. was merely using this as a
wedge to reopen the whole question after it had
been voted under normal democratic procedure.
Evatt was swiftly seconded by forthright
Prime Minister Fraser of New Zealand. Some
one else proposed that the commission act
first on the education question, then pry into
the aims of the American delegate later. De-
spite protests, however, a vote was taken and
the word "education" was included.

Miss Gildersleeve next urged that qualifying
language be added to make certain the charter
did not give any country the right to interfere
in the domestic affairs of another. But Fraser
objected, saying the United States was trying
to weasel out of the original vote.
The Russian delegate then pointed out that
the whole principle of non-interference was ade-
quately covered in the charter.
xh HOUGHT**.
By Ray Dixon
THE MARINES on Okinawa are making prog-
ress slowly, but Shuri.
Prohibitionists' slogan for golf players: Too
many shots the night before means too many
shots the next day.

U.S. Defeated . . .
Miss Gildersleeve vigorously defended the
American position, said the United States is not
opposed to full employment.
Australia's Evatt again sprang up to say that
he was mystified by the U. S. approach. Reading
from speeches delivered in the last campaign,
Evatt continued:
"I note that President Roosevelt ran on a
platform of full employment. I have here
several speeches by Governor Dewey in which
he endorsed full employment. And here are
some talks by Mr. Truman who is unequivo-
cal on the question, so I can't see why there
should be an argument."
In the end, Miss Gildersleeve was defeated,
had to report her failure to the U. S. delegation.
Finally a face-saving formula was worked out
by Senators Connally and Vandenberg, Repre-
sentatives Bloom and Eaton, whereby the com-
mission included in the appendix of that charter
a record of the debate, showing that it was clear-
ly meant that the phrase "full employment" did
not give any nation the right to interfere in the
domestic affairs of another.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Miracle Happened
rT'HE MIRACLE seems to have happened; Mr.
Truman really is President, a functioning,
working, succeeding President.
One thinks of the domestic political situations
in the three big western countries, America,
Britain, France; and ours is, by all odds, the
best. Both Britain and France seem to be loss.
ing hope, to be heading obscurely for domestic
showdowns of some kind. Mr. Truman does not
appear to have heard of the theory that there
has to be a lost and divided generation after each
war. lie seems quite unimpressed by the diffi-
culties of our position. He is plugging on, like
a man shingling a roof, and he has scored a
remarkable success at taking action that is de-
cisive, yet acceptable to liberals and conserva-
tives alike.
The short-term way for an executive to avoid
political strains is to be a blob, vague, indefinite,
a man of uncertain outline. Mr. Truman is not
a blob. He has a trick of dropping a little
remark, or a short formal statement, and of
then taking decisive action, a few days later,
in a manner which shows that his words were
not only words. Thus his promise to send food
to the liberated nations of Europe was followed,
within a week, by his appointment of Rep. Clin-
ton P. Anderson to be Secretary of Agriculture,
and war food administrator. Mr. Anderson is a
believer in unlimited food production, exactly
what the world food situation calls for. It is
big food news that he has replaced Mr. Marvin
Jones, who has on several occasions seemed to
be rather more afraid of surpluses and of stock-
piles than of starvation
IN MUCH the same way, Mr. Truman has fol-
lowed up a routine press conference remark
about working for closer relations with Churchill
and Stalin by sending Mr. Joseph Davies to
London, and Mr. Harry Hopkins to Moscow.
The point seems 'to be that when Mr. Truman
makes even a casual remark, it is a good notion
to remember it. The words don't lie in air;
something happens.
It is hard to out one's finger on the precise
quality which Mr. Truman has shown during
his first six weeks in office; it has something
to do with his having won confidence, a general
acceptance as a gray little man without angles.
Nobody suspects hin of anything; it is quite
impossible to build up wicked imaginations
about him. As a result he is able to use fig-
ures who were storm centers of the last ad-
ministration, such as Mr. Davies; but there
are no storms.
AND THE PRESIDENT manages his curious
gift with dignity; he does not adulterate it
by slobbering over the opposition. The appeal
he makes is based on the clarity of his own
motives, and is not, in the main, a tactical
achievement. He has already ceased to be merely
the President we happened to inherit, and is
by way of becoming a national asset in his own

Maybe a world asset. For Mr. Truman has
stronger domestic support than any other
western leader of consequence. Mr. Churchill's
position at home has been weakened; he is in
the throes of a show-down. No one knows
what may happen domestically in France,
where returning French prisoners of war find
that the $20 given them by a grateful gov-
ernment will feed a man for only three days;
food strikes are breaking out, and the French
press begins to complain that de Gaulle is
too interested in restoring French "grandeur"
by obtaining territory, instead of thinking
About the French-in-France. Mr. Truman,
alone in the west, has something like solid
home opinion behind him; events are shap-
ing un to give him a great world' role, if he
will take it.
But, there, he has already asked de Gaulle to
come here for a visit, to discuss French prob-
lems. He is a man who does his home work.
(Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate)

Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-
SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 163
Faculty Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to members
of the faculty and other townspeople,
this afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clodk.
Cars may park in the restricted zone
on South University between 3 and
5:30 p.m. (CWT).
To the Members of the Faculty
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts: The June meeting of the
Faculty of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts for the aca-
demic year 1944-45 will be held Mon-
day, June 4, at 3:10 p.m. in Room
1025 Angell Hall..
The reports of the various commit-
tees have been prepared in advance
and are included with this call to the
meeting. They should be retained in
your files as part of the minutes of
the June meeting.
School of Education Convocation:
The tenth annual Convocation of
undergraduate and graduate stu-
dents who are candidates for the
Teacher's Certificate during the aca-
demic year will be held in the Uni-
versity High School Auditorium on
Tuesday, June 5, at 1 p.m., CWT.
This Convocation is sponsored by
the School of Education; and mem-
bers of other faculties, students, and
the general public are cordially in-
vited. President Ruthven will pre-
side at the Convocation and John S.
Brubacher, Professor of Education,
Yale University, will give the ad-
Margaret E. Bell
Recorder, School of Education
To the Members of the University

Senate: There will be a meeting of
the University Senate on June 11 at
3:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
To the Members of the University
Council: The June meeting of the
University Council has been can-
Student Accounts: Your attention
is called to the following rules passed
by the Regents at their meeting of
February 28, 1936:
"Students shall pay all accounts
due the University not later than the
last day of classes of each semester
or summer session. Student loans
which are not paid or renewed are
subject to this regulation; however,
student loans not yet due are exempt.
Any unpaid accounts at the close of
business on the last day of classes
will be reported to the Cashier of the
University and,
"(a) All academic credits will be
withheld, the grades for the semes-
ter or summer session just completed
will not be released, and no tran-
script of credits will be issued.
"(b) All students owing such ac-
counts will not be allowed to reg-
ister in any subsequent semester or
summer session until payment has
been made."
Seniors: The firm which furnish-
es diplomas for the University has
sent the following caution: "Please
warn graduates not to store diplomas
in cedar chests. There is enough of
the moth-killing aromatic oil in the
average cedar chest to soften inks of
any kind that might be stored in-
side them resulting in seriously dam-
aging the diplomas."
Identification Cards which were
issued for the Summer, Fall and
Spring of 1944-45 will be revalidated
for the Summer Term 1945 and must
be turned in at the time of registra-
tion. The 1944-45 cards will be used
for an additional term because of
the shortage of film and paper.

books are
office, 204
June 9.

Departmental Library
due in the departmental
University Hall, Saturday,


State of Michigan Civil

Service an-



THE CITIZEN and the Christian,
or the citizen and the Jewish be-
liever, or the citizen and the agnostic
are two selves within the same per-
sonality. However, when the man in
minoritynstatus looks himself over
he is inclined to think of himself
alone as being in this dual relation-
ship. For example, that able teacher
and writer, Prof. Mordecai Kaplan,
writing -in the "Reconstructionist"
for June, finds the Jewish people of
the United States compelled, as he
holds, to live in two civilizations at
once-in Judaism and in America.
Here is lifted a challenge to our
democratic attempt to found a peo-
ple on cultural pluralism. The writer
finds that his tradition is called upon
to be a herald of the better life which
eventually man shall enjoy, called
upon to stand out ahead of the slow
evolving culture bleakly pointing the
way to a slow moving mass of people,
called upon to practice the ideal
while living in the practical conform-
ity of Americanism.
But how about the high-minded
Christian? He is of the majority,
yet he, too, feels called upon to live
the ideal. He, if he will be a genu-
ine Christian, will not only be an
American but will guard jealously
the reverend mien, will scan and
re-study the sacred scripture, will
be imbued day by day with the
discriminations made by the great
prophets of the Bible, will hold the
Gospel of Jesus as summarized in
the Sermon on the Mount before
himself and his family as the acme
of good taste and will, like the
martyrs if need be, be ready to live
or die for that faith, hope and love
which constitute the Christian val-
ue. The nobler the religious self
the more certain the seemingly
lonely status. This is true of either
the man in majority status or the
devotee in minority position.
BUT BEYOND the mental and spir-
itual aspects, on which level both
the Jew and the Christian are always
dual selves, there is the matter of
how patient the man is. The philo-
sophical man of faith who has a
Christian training will usually insist
that man can commit himself unto
the Lord, follow the known laws of
God, practice all the Christian vir-
tues in his life among men, but must
then wait upon God. Grace is not
attained but given us by the Deity.
At this point he will insist that pa-

tience based on the faith that the
Universe itself is more interested in
the finalĀ° outcome than man can
possibly be.sThe believer, having
done the best he knows, can wait,
for he is not God but only a creature
permitted to struggle within the area
of his Creator. On the other hand,
the Jewish believer, as it were, seems
to run ahead of God and to take
into his own hands the final as well
as the introductory works. It is
thought that by refusal to inter-
marry, by insistence on many ancient
ceremonies, by isolation of the family
within the traditions of Israel, the
Jewish believer, instead of waiting
in faith upon God, makes a short-
cut to perfection.
This concept of "two' civiliza-
tions lived at once" brings before
the majority of religionists a spe-
cific challenge. If those fifty mil-
lions who gave the census takers
their church affiliation should sud-
denly or even within this recon-
struction period become "dead-in-
earnest" Christians practicing wor-
ship with regularity, diligence in
the training of children, ethics of
Jesus in business, and strict Good
Samaritan economics in the com,-
munity, most of the grosser evils
of the nation, on the one hand,
would cease to have promoters,
and on the other, would cease to
have patronage. Black markets
would starve, monopolies, which
ultimately gouge the consumer,
would cease, usury, that ancient
grinder of the poor, would finally
be no more, the number of church
members entering American jails
would decrease, and fully half of
the common sins of our era, this
era, called the Sensate Culture,
would soon be a matter of history.
But here ,we recall that it is the
minority who is disciplined. The
majority, undisciplined, takes its re-
ligion sitting down or reclining. We
Christians are only theoretically re-
ligious. Let the priest or the preach-
er appear for us before the altar,
that is what they are for, we might
well say. But of course we never dare
to state the degree of our negligence.
For this reason, it is the Jew who
takes his faith seriously or the devout
Catholic Christian marooned within
an unsympathetic community, who
loves the ideal sufficiently to live'
gladly in two civilizations at once.
One is impelled to congratulate the'
minorities, therefore, and for the
majority to pray the prayer John
Drinkwater wrote:
"Grant us the will to fashion as
we feel,j
Grant us the strength to labor as
we know,

nouncements for the following exam-
inations have been received in our
office. Institution Recreation In-
structor A & B, salary range from
$135.25 to $170 per month, Insti-
tution Recreation Director I, $180 to
$220 per month, and Property Sales
Clerk B, $125 to $145 per month.
Further information can be obtained
at the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall.
Brach & Sons Candy Company,
Chicago, Illinois: Representative
will be in our office on Tuesday, June
5, to interview Mechanical and In-
dustrial Engineers, Chemists, Food
technologists, and also Literary and
Business Administration students for
Training Program. For appointment
call the Bureau of Appointments,
University Ext. 371.
Social Security Board, Detroit and
Cleveland: Mr. Waechter, and Mr.
Pollock will be in the office on Wed-
nesday, June 6, to interview all sen-
iors who would be interested in work-
ing for them. For further infor-
mation and appointment, call the
Bureau of Appointments, University
Ext. 371.
Michigan State Cicil Service: Mr.
Joseph Corcoran will be in the office
on Thursday, June 7, to interview all
girls who would be interested in the
Psychiatric Aide Program. Psychol-
ogy and Sociology majors are prefer-
red. For appointment call the Bureau
of Appointments, University Ext. 371.
Summer Employment Opportun-
ities for Veterans: Four to'six stu-
dent veterans are desired for full
time jobs from the end of the present
term to the beginning of the fall
term in October. Outdoor work in
the maintenance of grounds and
buildings in a district close to Ann
Arbor. Veterans interested are re-
quested to communicate immediately
with the Veterans Service Bureau,
1508 Rackham Building.
Admission: School of Business Ad-
ministration: Applications for ad-
mission to the School of Business
Administration for the Summer
Term or Summer Session should be
filed at 108 Tappan Hall prior to
June 15. Fall Term enrollees should
also apply now if they are not to be
in residence during the summei
Student Recital: Janet Wilson, a
student of organ under Palmer
Christian, will be heard at 3:15 CWT,
this afternoon in Hill Auditorium, in
a program of compositions by Han-
del, Bach, Franck and Widor.
Given in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bach-
elor of Music, the recital will be
open to the general public.
Student Recital: Arlene Burt, a
student of violin under Gilbert Ross,
will present a recital at 7 CWT to-
morrow evening, June 4, in the As-
sembly Hall of the Rackham Build-
ing. Her program will include compo-
sitions by Tartini, Bach, Lalo, and
Kreisler. The public is cordially in-
Student Recital: Ivor Gothie, pia-
nist, will .present a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music at 7
p.m., (CWT), Tuesday, June 5, in
the Assembly Hall of the Rackham
Building. A pupil of Joseph Brink-
man, Mr. Gothic will play composi-
tions by Scarlatti, Paganini, Mozart
and Debussy. The public is cordially
The University of Michigan Sym-
phony Orchestra: under the direction
of Gilbert Ross, will be heard in its
second concert of the current season
at 7:30 p.m. (CWT), Wednesday,
June 6, in Hill Auditorium. The pro-
gram will consist of compositions by

Frescobaldi, Mozart, and Brahms,
and will feature Mary Evans John-
son, pianist. The general public is
Sixteenth Annual Exhibition of
Sculpture of the Institute of Fine
Arts: In the Concourse of the Michi-
gan League Building. Display will be
on view daily until Commencement,
Events Today
The Congregational-Disciples Guild
will meet at 4:00 p.m. at the First
Congregational Church for the Guild
Banquet. Dinner will be served to
only those who have made reserva-
tions, but all are welcome to the fol-
lowing Installation Service.
Post-War Council Meeting will be
held this evening at 5 p.m. CWT
at Slosson's home, 2101 Devonshire
Rd. Both Post-War Council mem-
bers and those interested in becom-
ing members for the Summer Ses-
sion are cordially invited.
Coming Events
Members of the faculty and stu-


We suppose what the denizens
course do is eat mashie potatoes.
thought golf course they should! Put

of the golf
On second


By Crockett Johnson

Well, son, that imaginary
Fairy Godfather of yours
didn't come to our picnic.

I told you he wouldn't ... Mmm.
Missed a fine meal, didn't he?
Mmm ... I'll stretch out for a

it's just as well your Fairy
Godfather didn't get here,
Barnaby. None of us would

Hell'bo, mboy. Sorry I'm
Daote.I hope 1haiven'tI

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