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June 03, 1945 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-06-03

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Central Museum Is Needed
To House Fine Arts Collection

"There is an urgent need for a
museum building where our scatter-
ed fine arts collection may be center-
ed," Prof. James W. Plumer of the
Institute of Fine Arts, declared in
an interview yesterday.
Scattered around campus, Far East-
ern Art collections are centered pri-
marily in three University buildings:
Chinese and Philippine materials are
on display in the Museum of An-
thropology, under the supervision of
Mrs. Kamer Aga-Oglu, Assistant Cu-
rator of the museum; Siamese pot-
tery in Angell Hall, supervised by Dr.
Enoch E. Peterson, Curator of Egyp-
tian Antiquities; and Indian, Chinese
and Japanese art in Alumni Memor-
ial Hall with Prof. Plumer in charge.
A few examples are housed in the
School of Architecture.
A distinct similarity in early Chi-
nese culture is found in a pair of
bronze libation vases from north-
ern China, which date back to the

Shang dynasty (about 1000 B.C.),
and an archeological clay vase
found in southern China, Prof.
Plumer said regarding a display in
the basement of Alumni Memorial
Among. the objects on loan in Prof.
Plumer's "museum" are a Japanese
mark used in temple dances to scare
away evil spirits; miniature clay cre-
ations of horses, pigs, and servants
which, according to Chinese custom,
were 'placed in the graves of the dead
to act as symbols of what the deceas-
ed possessed in life; and an image of
Kuan Yin, Chinese goddess, which is
of a similar character to the Virgin
A Hindu painting, Japanese peas-
ant pottery, an Indian sculptor's
conception of Venus, and a Tibetan
painting, of which the mounting is
Chinese imperial gold brocade are
also in the collection. A cloth
painting from Bali illustrates that
the natives today believe in Hindu
gods, Prof. Plumer said.

10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.!
1209 South University Ruth Ann Oakes. Mgr.

Stage, Screenf
Stars Get Start
AtUniversity 1
Martha Scott Studied
Under Valentine Windt
Many former University students
who have taken Play Production
courses under the direction of Valen-
tine Windt are now famous stars of
stage, screen, and radio.
Martha Scott, popular movie ac-
tress, said, when interviewed by Kyle
Crichton for Colliers Magazine, that
Valentine Windt made her the ac-
tress she is today. Windt, who has,
been with the University since 1929,
is known for his meticulous attention
to detail which results in the profes-
sional polish of his productions.
Star of 'Our Town'
Miss Scott received her B.A. degree
from the University in 1932. She
had been very active in the play pro-
duction courses, and after teaching
for six months she gave it up for the
theater. Miss Scott achieved nation-
al recognition for her portrayal of
"Emily Webb" in Thornton Wilder's
Pulitzer Prize winning play "Our
Town". She played the role on the
stage and in the screen production.
One of her subsequent successes
was "Cheers for Miss Bishop" in,
which the enacted the life of a school
teacher from girlhood to a very old
She appeared opposite Cary Grant
in "The Howards of Virginia". The
cast of this picture included another
Michigander, Richard Carlson, who
played the featured role of Thomas
Jefferson. Carlson received his M.A.
degree in 1933.
Another film favorite, Ruth Hus-
sey, was a graduate student here in
1933-34. Miss Hussey came to the
University specifically for the dra-
matics courses offered by Mr. Windt.
Her first screen role of consequence
was in "Susan and God". "The Phil-
adelphia Story" and other successes
followed rapidly. Miss Hussey re-
ceived her training for the films from
Phyllis Loughton Seaton, '28. Miss
Seaton went from campus dramatic
triumphs to Hollywood as a dramatic'
On Broadway
Other Play Production students
now on the Broadway stage include
Frank Gardner, Frank Maxwell,
Ralph Bell, Mildred Todd, Charles F.
Holden, Robert K. Adams and Alan
We cannot omit one of the Univer-
sity's most illustrious alumni who
was active in the Department of
Speech, Thomas E. Dewey. Dewey
appeared in many of the operettas
given by the speech department, and
for a time was undecided whether to
embark on a singing career or go
into law school.

The history of women in the Uni-
versity is a tale of the pioneer tradi-
tion of Michigan, the first state insti-
tution to open its doors to the fairer
Before the 1870 resolution of the
Board of Regents which permitted
entrance to the University to any
person "who possesses the requisite
literary and moral qualifications,"
numerous arguments took place.
Opponents to the measure in-
sisted that "to admit ladies to the
University would be an innovation
never contemplated by its found-
ers or patrons, destructive to its
character and influence, and ruin-
ous to the ladies who might avail
themselves of it"-from a report of
a Regents committee to investigate
the matter.
An 1867 Chronicle (a fortnightly
publication devoted to "hot and fiery
discussion") published an editorial3
stating that "right-minded men ad-
mit that since the gun-powder plot
no more mischievous plan has ever
been set on foot than that modernly
christened 'women's rights,' and con-
cluded that "man's right to be called

argued that "The ladies by every
consideration of right and justice
have a title to a share in the educa-
tional advantages which the Univer-
sity may and should confer"-from
the Regent's committee report.
Agitation for the admission of
women began in 1851 and continued
until 1867 when the Michigan Leg-
islature passed a resolution as-
serting that the high ideals upon,
which the University was organiz-
ed could never be attained as long
as the right for women to enter
was withheld.
With this inducement the Regents
finally passed the resolution on Jan.
5, 1870.
One woman among 1,111 men-
that was the predicament of Made-
lon Louisa Stockwell who enrolled
the following February. A fellow
member of her Latin class (first ses-
sion ever graced by the presence of a
female) wrote a description of that
first day in the Michigan Alumnus.
When Prof. Edward L. White called
on Miss Stockwell he relates, there
was not a sound to be heard. You
could have heard a pin drop. AndI

the Lord of creation has been put when she gave the correct answer in
in peril. "a clear, distinct voice she won the
Favorable opinions in the matter I respect of every man present.

Men Without Women for 33 Years-But Look at is Now

After class, he continues, all lin-
ed up outside the door to see the
lady as she timidly stepped out of
the room. However, her shyness
vanished when, a member of the
class offered to escort her out of
the building, and she smiled, first
at him, and then at all.
Nevertheless, the University Ency-
clopedic Survey tells us that this kind
of treatment was not afforded to all
female scholars. In the following
year when more young women took
advantage of the University's oppor-
tunities, reaction set in. The Medi-



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Monkey Business on Campus
Is Not for Casper Milquetoast

cal School even went so far as to
consider the organization of a dupli-
cate set of courses. It was hard for
women to find rooms and male stu-
dents exerted an indifferent cour-
tesy, an 1871 Chronicle reveals.
But women were not to be deterred
from obtaining a higher education.
In the class of '71 there were four
women graduates. And in 1872 11
freshmen women were admitted.
History of women on campus
progressed with the founding of
the first sorority, Gamma Phi
Beta in 1882, with the League, cen-
ter of women's activities opening
its doors in 1890 and with Panhel-
lenic Association setting up office
in 1930.

A timid individual should stay away
from the fifth floor of the medical
building because of the wild animals.
Having solved the mystery of the
Carillon Tower a few weeks ago, I
decided last week to find out what
made those weird noises behind clos-
ed doors.
Adventurous Soul

polio experiments, he said, while the
majority of the guinea pigs carry the
tuberculosiĀ§ germ. Several of the
white rats are infected with leprosy,
he explained. The original source of
the animals came from the Wister
Institute at Columbia University.
When I asked the object of this little
zoo, he replied "to keep the diseases
alive," with the hope that some day
all of them will be cured.
One never knows what.one will find
in a harmless looking building, does

Cash may get lost or stolen!
Carry Travelers Cheques -as
good as cash and safer. Prompt
refunif any are lost or stolen. - -
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

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It takes so little time to send a card . . . yet it's
so much appreciated. Stop in to see our fine
collection of FATHER'S DAY Grcti n curds.



After you and Health Service
have won the race with the Grim
Reaper and you have thorouighly
recovered from that nasty cold,
don't throw away your constant
bedside companion-the mentho-
lated cigarette.
As it soothed you in illness, let
it invigorate you in health.
Just cut off the cork tip and
place in the ice box overnight.
Next morning, draw from the box
with gloved hand kindle with flame
and draw. No trace of dirty smud-
ges, no smell of mint-just a cold
cigarette-BUTT GOOD!

723 NorthUiuversity



,y t . .. .
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4 , .
t. rf t Jar

We have just
opened a new, enlarged

Being an adventurous soul, brave
and daring, I arrived at the Medical
Building in search of excitement one
Saturday afternoon in broad day-
light. Some of my W.A.A. friends
had told me about the freaks existing
there-pickled specimens, skeletons,
and most thrilling of all, cadavers!
The latter lured me to the scene.
Optimistically, I decided to begin
at the top and work down from floor
to floor. But on the top my adven-
ture began! Walking boldly down an
isolated hallway, suddenly I heard
a lusty sound resembling a scream.
Naturally I thought I had innocently
walked into a murder plot and a
vivid possibility streaked through my
head of another cadaver added to the
medical collection-my own. There-
fore I immediately turned, progress-
ing rapidly to the stairway, and was
soon down on the safe ground floor.
'Bodies in There'
There I renewed my search with
shaky vim and vigor and found a
huge ice-box looking contraption.
"The bodies must be in there," I
cautiously said to myself, and pro-
ceeded to open the big door with
what strength was left. A this mo-
ment a bacteriologist walked out of
his office down the hall and caught
me with both hands in a stranglehold
on the handle. "Is there anything I
can do for you?" he queried, "You
are trying to open my cold room."
(I felt like a hardened criminal all
ready.) "I was just looking through
the building," I nervously responded,
whereupon he yanked open the door
-and instead of cadavers there were
bottles and bottles of specimens of
one kind or another! Of course I was
disappointed but he consoled me.
"I can show you the animals," he
said, and so he did.
Musty Odor
We shot up to the fifth floor in an
elevator. When we walked out into
the hall I recognized a certain musty
smell, the whiff of new-mown hay
and other barn-like aromas. And
there were the animals. Screeches
galore filled the air-honks, clucks,
and baas-everything but moos and
whinnys. It was then that I heard
again the scream! (Before this exper-
ience I had believed myself capable
of telling the crow of a rooster.)
The bacteriologist explained that
all of these animals-monkeys, rab-
bits, dogs, mice, rats, chickens, guinea
pigs and sheep-were used in the at-
tempt to cure various diseases. Some
of the animals were infected at the
time, and the others would probably
come down with the diseases in the
near future. The rabbits' infected
brains are used as the rabies vaccine,
I learned, the disease carried by the
dogs and a few rats. The chickens,
guinea pigs, rats and deer mice are
infected with Trypanosomes-a sci-
entific way of saying African sleeping
sickness. The Hamster rats, queer
looking animals with no tail and
orangy fur, carry Spirochete-or re-
lapsing fever.
Polio Experiments
The monkeys are used primarily in

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