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May 24, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-24

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RIRSDAY, IMAY 24, l1945

Firftge y.ifh Ya
Fift~f th Year

Russian Relations Complicated




Edited and managed by students of the University of
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W ASHINGTON-It is always difficult to diag-
nose what goes on inside the inscrutable
Russian mind. But it is not difficult to know
what goes on in Stalin's mind regarding one man
who has played a large part in our Russian rela-
tions-Winston Churchill.
From the days immediately after the last
war, when Churchill spurred the sending of
Allied troops to Archangel and Siberia to block
the Bolshevikg, they have always disliked him.
Even when Wendell Willkie dined in the Krem-
lin, Stalin rose and launched a violent attack
against Churchill for taking Lend-Lease planes
off ships destined for Russia when those ships
stopped in Scotland.
Knowing how Churchill encouraged Czarist
admirals and generals to fight against them in
the early struggling days of the Soviet, and how
even recently Churchill remarked, "What will
stand as protection between the white cliffs
of Dover and the white snows of Russia?", it is
easy to understand why Stalin is sometimes al-
most savage in the notes he sends to .Churchill.
With Franklin Roosevelt alive, the Russians
had a friendly third party whom they liked
and trusted. to act as mediator between Stalin
and Churchill. Once or twice, especially at
Teheran, the two men were literally at each
other's throats before Roosevelt stepped in.
But today, with Roosevelt dead, Stalin sud-
denly finds himself face to face with the man
he distrusts and dislikes, and dealing with a
new American president vhom he doesn't
know, but who is generally considered under
the influence of his' anti-Russian State De-
This in itself undoubtedly is one important
reason for Russian suspicion and their throwing
of monkey-wrenches.
ritish'U. s Iusian Splieres . .
FURTHERMORE, all this has happened just
at a time when the British had already
carved out their sphere of influence in Europe
and just as the Russians were about to carve
out and enjoy theirs. With the British already
having their complete say in Greece, Belgium,
and Italy under U. S. blessing, the Russians now
see a new U. S. president stepped in to tell them
they cannot have the same free hand enjoyed
by the British.
The background to all this is important. It
dates back to Roosevelt's Casablanca meeting
with Churchill in January 1943, when the late

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Churchill's Resig nation Discussed

S HE RESIGNATION of British Prime Minister
Winston Churchill can only be construed
as a rather shrewd political move on the part
of one of the ablest, if not the ablest, politician
in the world.
Churchill, of course, has no real thought
of stepping out of the government of England
at the present time, as his resignation might
suggest to some. Rather, he is thinking of
strengthening his position with the govern-
ment and people of Great Britain for the time
when there is no extreme national emer-
gency, and the forces of domestic politics
begin to re-assert themselves.
It has been generally recognized in England
that a national election must be held at the soon-
est possible moment, with the conclusion of the
European war being unofficially set for the time
of that election. Churchill himself has repeated-
ly emphasized the need for a new mandate from
the people in order to replace the present Par-
liament which has been in session since 1935,
because of the coming of the war just before the
normal five-year term had expired.
Churchill apparently had preferred that the
election, when held, would be put to the people
strictly on the question of whether the wartime
coalition government should be continued, as was
done for the Lloyd George government in 1918.
In his speech last week, the Prime Minister re-
quested continued cooperation and good will
from the members of all parties in support of
the government which has led Britain through
the war.
It is probable that Churchill had no real
hope that the coalition might be continued
when he uttered these words, as the Labor
Party, which will present the only consider-
able opposition to Churchill's Conservatives
at the election, has indicated repeatedly a de-
sire to withdraw from the coalition and to
"go to the country" on a strictly partisan basis
with clear-cut issues drawn along the lines
of the Laborites' program of gradual social-
ization of the British economy vs. the Con-
servative platform of continued private enter-
prise and slow reform.
Only last week the Labor Party conference
voted by a prtctically unanimous majority to
withdraw from the coalition, thus forcing the
issue and leaving the next move squarely in
Churchill's lap. Churchill, nothing loath, .has
proceeded to submit his resignation without wait-
ing for the withdrawal of the Labor Ministers
from his cabinet.
The King will undoubtedly give Churchill a
mandate to form a new Cabinet, which Cabinet
will contain only members of the Conservative
Party. It is then expected that Churchill will
ask for a dissolution of Parliament and a na-
tI onal election along party lines to determine the
rmaeup of the next Parliament. If the war
with Japan i still in progress, it is highly prob-
able that C hurchill will invite Laborites and
Liberals hack into the government and continue
the coalition for the balance of the emergency.
By "resigning" at this particular moment,

position of the Conservatives would be by no
means so secure. On purely domestic issues,
the feeling of the British people is a matter of
speculation, with the possibility of a Labor
triumph growing stronger by the day.
Churchill, in recognizing this fact, has again
demonstrated his wisdom in matters political.
He has forced an election on the terms most
favorable to himself and to his party. When,
and if, he does decide to resign, he can do so
with his party in the nossession of a clear
majority and with possible defeat staved off
for at least five more years, including the
all-important peace-making and reconversion
period, barring unlooked-for occurrences.
-Bill Mullendore
TIVA Director
DAVID E. LILIENTHAL has been re-appointed
director of the Tennessee Valley Authority de-
spite the determined resistance of vested Tenes-
see interests directed by Boss Crump.
Lilienthal had served one term as TVA di-
rector and was praised for his efficiency by
numerous high government officials.
Chief opposition to his reappointment came
from the two Tennessee Senators, McKellar and
Stewart. Too often they have added nothing
to senatorial action other than a reiteration
of Crumps desires.
The two Tennessee legislators stated before
the voice vote that the appointment was
"personally obnoxious." Ordinarily this would
have meant the defeat of the nomination.
Majority leader Alben Barkley contended that
the matter was not purely a Tennessee question
and therefore should not be decided by its rep-
In view of the fact that President Truman
praised Lilienthal's work as TVA head, it would
seem that the executive finally has the support
of the upper house-a condition lacking in
our government for a number of years.
-Bob Goldman
Jap Ato
a 'HE PARIS radio yesterday reported the
launching of a new Japanese offensive
against French forces in Indo-China, while un-
confirmed reports reaching Chungkink indicated
the Japs were preparing to abandon most of
South and Southeastern China. This would
entail the sacrifice of Jap forces in Indo-China,
Thailand and Malay. In view of the former
report, the abandonment of forces in these
areas is improbable.
-Charlotte Bobrecker

president tacitly agreed that Britain was to
make all political and economic decisions for
the Mediterranean and the Near Eastern war
theatres. This was stretched to mean that all
Lend-Lease in this area was distributed by the
British, that UNRRA worked under British di-
rection, that no U. S. military men could go
inside Greece or Yugoslavia without a British
Roosevelt lived to regret this, especially when
he saw American tanks manned by the British
firing on civilians in the streets of Athens. In
fact, Athens was fresh in his memory when he
left for his second meeting with Churchill and
Stalin at Yalta.
WJ'oodrow Wilson's Toubles
AT CASABLANCA, Roosevelt had believed it
wiser for the United States to keep out of
European politics. He was always worried about
the trouble his old chief Woodrow Wilson ex-
perienced over Fiume and the turbulent details
of European controversies.
So Roosevelt's first decision was to leave Euro-
pean politics to the British. But later, when he
saw what happened in Greece, Belgium and
Italy, he journeyed Jo Yalta determined that
the United States must play its part in guaran-
teeing the Four Freedoms to the liberated coun-
That was behind the Yalta plan for Big
Three consultation regarding new governments,
new boundaries and other changes i the lib-
erated areas. Roosevelt had conceived this
idea as much as anything as a safeguard
against the British. But by that time, the
British had pretty well finished their program
in Greece, Italy, Belgium, Abyssinia and North
Africa; so the chief effect of the Yalta agree-
ment fell on the Russians, who were just be-
ginning to open u Poland, Austria, and the
(Copyright, 0!45, by the Be l Syndicate, inc.)
RA HRFinal. Antic'do Ls
I rjHE HIGH NAZI leaders have shown a truly
ape-like passion for art; they have collected
paintings like cocoanuts, holding them in their
arms until the last minute, and jibbering savage-
ly at those who would take them away.
Ah, culture! It must be a low fellow who has
to reassure himself by stealing $200,000,000 of
paintings, and one thinks of Goering, especially,
as a hog in chiffon, drinking tea with his pinky
up and pretending that he never really liked
mud. I am especially fond of the story of the
picture which he gave to his wife's nurse. He
said to her: "Take this, and you'll never need
money," and he handed her the Jan Ver Meer
"Christ and the Adulteress,' worth at least a
million. It was a princely gift, but not, in this
case, given as a prince would give it; given,
rather, as a barbarian would give it, a barbarian
with the free run of a museum.
It is from these final anecdotes that one
realizes what a set of racketeers the top Nazis
were, and how basically unimportant, as
people. So many of them seemed to behave,
toward the end, like characters in a Damon
Runyon story, one of those tales in which
the criminal element takes over a town for a
day. There is the confidential secretary's
story of how Hitler, hiding in his Berlin bomb
shelter in April, received a telephone call from
Von Ribbentrop.
"Hey, chief," said Von Ribbentrop, or words
to that effect, "I got a hot tip. The Allies are
going to declare war on Russia."
"That's what you say!" said Hitler. And,
bang, he hung up. Sez you! says the Chancellor
to the Foreign Minister It is like Little Caesar
barking into a telephone in a hotel hideaway,
while a manicurist works on his toe-nails to
show to all observers that he understands the
finer things of life. And Hitler's associates, it
is now said, never told him how many airplanes
America was making. They just kept it quiet.
He would have been angry, and it would have
made for a lot of noise around the joint.
And Goering, trying frantically to load a
twenty-car train with art, before making his at-
tempt at escape. These were fellows who would

even steal a locomotive. They didn't care about
Germany, except for as much of it as they
could carry.
Suddenly one sees what the structure of the
German state really was, and how these Nazi
leaders were merely hired gangsters, working
for other and more sinister characters. A
fire is sometimes as good as an x-ray, and the
German holocaust, lighting up the Nazi leaders
in their comically larcenous final moments,
tells us a lot about Germany. These were only
the hoods, the bully-boys, the dressed-up
yokels. It is true they sometimes made free
with their Junker betters; if one plays with
gangsters, one must expect to get a knuckle-
rub now and then.
But the really menacing sight in Germany
today is not the spectacle of Nazi leaders, stuf-
fing their pockets with silver spoons and run-
ning down the road. It is the dignity with which
the Junker Generals have met the end. That is
really frightening, for these are the irrevocably
committed, the never-say-dies, the men who
have no futures except to try to change the
future of the world. They are already at work
again, and the anecdotes of the final days tell
us who was really who in Germany.

ORGANIZED labor is sponsoring
the establishment of a Michigan
anti-discrimination act such as New
York has recently inaugurated.
Two summers ago both these states
witnessed bloody race riots. There
were some differences, causally spea-
king, with regard to 'the two out-
bursts. The ways in which they were
handled were also dissimilar.
The mayor of Detroit, who will
soon be reelected, it seems, had to
consult the gvernor at that time.
Mr. Kelly was away at a conven-
tion. Before he returned, hei-
tated, declared martial law, called
out the militia, and ordered a cur-
few, the damage had been done.
Conversely, LaGuardia, who seems
disinclined to enter the mayoralty
contest this year, handled the situ-
ation in New York with masterful
good sense and there was a mini-
mum of bloodshed. In Detroit, a
false rumr set off the ruckus; in
New York, it was the arrest of a
Real Causes ...
BUT, IMMEDIATE causes are never
real causes. That shot at Sara-
jevo was not the reason we fought
the last World War any more than
the invasion of Poland was the basis
for this one. Fratricidal warfare is
cut of the same cloth. As such it can
be predicted. Dr: Norman Humphrey,
clear-thinking Wayne University pro-
fessor of sociology, writes in the
March issue of "Compass": "Not
much social diagnostic ability was
required to recognize that Detroit
in early June 1943 was at the verge
of a social explosion."
In fact, Dr. Humphrey has called
every turn on race relations in
Detroit with keenness and accur-
I acy. Nor is he at all serene about
the immediate future. Dark forces
of dissension that once before bli-
ghted Detroit are gurgling under
the surface today. An unemploy-
ment situation of sorts exists al-
ready. The Detroit News 'ran a
most significant front page picture
recently of jobless veterans resent-
fully picketing an anto m ot ive
plant. Their grim faces looked too
much like a presage of things to
Walter Reuther told the Mead
Committee that about 60,000 women
had been laid off in the Detroit area.
War Mobilization Chief Vinson has
spoken of the million and a half men
who will be thrown out of work
shortly-not a few of them from
Michigai-and there is more than
some doubt as to whether and how
fast reconversion can take up the
The very conditions that allowed
for the brutal murder of some thir-
ty people in 1943 are present now.
If there. is a more alert constabu-
lary, there are also greater feelings
of insecurity. Locally, little can be
expected from a mayor who, though
he had a full term to salve the
wounds of racial friction, has done
next to nothing about them.
Vote May Split ...
MOREOVER, if the Wayne County
election of a couple months ago
means anything, then as between
Frankensteen and Jeffries, labor will
split its vote. The AFL nominated
one candidate for the board of edu-
cation, the CIO put up another-
Victor Reuther-who was opposed by
two factions in his own union. Be-
tween them enough votes were gar-

nered to win the election-but they
knocked each other out. So, Demo-
cratic Wayne County still has a Re-
publican Board of Education. TheI
PAC is virtually dissolved for the1
nonce, and Jeffries' reelection is
practically conceded-which means
the race problem needs to be handled
from some source other than the
As for legislation from Washing-
ton: a filibuster is more likely than a
permanent FEPC. I do not say that
such a law coming from our state
government will clear up the whole
matter. One cannot know in advance
how the Quirin-Ives Bill will work
put since it does not become an
effective New York law until July.
But, Lansing is the place for us to
turn in the absence of hope else-
We need te be rid of the stilT.
institutionalized forms of prejudice
before Jim Crow can die a natural
death. A tremendous crisis is im-
pending for America. There are
those who would shut their eyes to
it and focus them elsewhere-say
on the stock market. But the prob-
lem is real. The less done about it
on any level, the more certain our

Publication in the Daily official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angeli Nall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-
THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 155
To the Memmbers of the University
Senate: There will be a meeting of
the University Senate on June 11 at
3:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
To the Members of the University
Council: The June meeting of the
University, Council has been can-
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Fac-
ulty on Monday, May 28, at 3:15
p.m., in Rm. 348, West Engineering
All Students. Registration for Sun-
ier Term and Summer Session. Each
student should plan to register for
himself according to the alphabetical
schedules for June 28 and 29. Regis-
trations by proxy will not be accept-
Registration Material, College of
L.S.&A., Schools of Education, Music:
Students should call for summe
registration material at Rm. 4, Uni-
versity Hall. Please see your adviser
and secure all necessary signatures
before 'examinations begin.
Registration Material, College of
Architecture: Students should call
for summer material at Rm. 4, Uni-
versity Hall. The College of Archi-
tecture will post an announcement
in the near future giving time of
conference with your classifier. Please
wait for this notice before seeing
your adviser.
Registration Material, School of
Forestry and Conservation: Regis-
tration material should be called for
at Rm. 2048, Natural Science Bldg.
Chrysler Corporation, Detroit: Mr.
Amus will be in the Bureau today, to
interview students from any school,
with a commercial, mechanical or
engineering background for their
College Training Program. For ap-
pointment call the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, University Ext. 371.
American Red Cross, Detroit: Miss
German, Home Service, will be in
our office today to interview all sen-
ior girls with majors in Sociology,
Social Work, and Psychology. Those
who are interested should acall the
Bureau of Appointments, University
Ext. 371, for appointment.
Amierican Red Cross: Columbus,
0., Home Service are interested in
June graduates for case work aide.
Further information can be obtained
at the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall.

ence, and the Arts: Juniors who wish
to apply for admission to the Senior
Honors course in English should file
letters of application in the English
Office (3221 A.H.) not later than
Friday, May 25.
Student Recital: Ruth Wolkowsky,
pianist, will be heard in a program
of compositions by Bach, Schubert,
Mihaud, asnd Brahms, at 7:30 p.m.,
CWT, tonight in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater. She is a pupil of Joseph
Brinkman and presents the recital
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor of
Music. The public is cordially invited.
Student Recital: Marian Cole Sieg-
fried, contralto. will be heard in re-
cital at 7:30 CWT, Friday exehing,
May 25, in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
ter. A student of Hardin Van Deur-
sen. Mrs. Siegfried has arranged a
program of songs by French, Italian,
German, and English composers. The
public is invited.
Student Recital: Lola Phyllis Craw-
ford, Mezzo-soprano, will present a
recital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bach-
elor of Music in Music Education, at
7:30 p.m. CWT, Saturday, May 26,
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Miss
Crawford is a student of Hardin Van
Daursen. Her program will include
groups of Italian, German and Eng-
lish songs, and will be open to the
general public.
Sixteemth Annual Exhibition of
Sculpture of the Institute of Fine
Arts: In the Concourse of the Michi-
gan League Building. Display will be
on view daily until Commencement.
"Kishna Dancing with the Milk-
maids' an original Rajput brush
drawing with studies of the hands in
crayon. Also examples of Indian fab-
rics. Auspices, the Institute of Fine
Arts, through May 26; Monday-Fri-
day, 1-4; Saturday, 9-11, CWT. Al-
umni Memorial Hall, Rm. B.
Exhibition under auspices of Col-
lege of Architecture and Design:
Architectural work of William W.
Wurster, Dean of School of Archi-
tecture and Planning, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, and former
prominent architect of San Fran-
cisco. Mezzanine Exhibition Rooms
of the Rackham Building. Open daily
except Sunday, 2 to 5 and 7 to 10
p.m. through June 2. The public is
cordially invited.
Tea at the International Center,
every Thursday, 3-4:30 p.m. Faculty,
foreign students, and their American
friends are cordially invited,
Bible Study Seminar: Mr. Littell-
will continue this study with a dis-
cussion of Hosea. Any students in-
terested will be welcomed in Lane
Hall this evening at 6:30 (CWT).
Chemistry Club will meet at 6:45
pm. (CWT) in Rm. 303 Chemistry
Bldg. Dr, L. 0. Brockway will give
an illustrated talk on "Electron Diff-
raction and Industrial Surface Prob-
lems". Interested faculty members
and men in chemistry and chemical
engineering are invited. Refresh-
ments will be served.
- - -

and Molly
Illu.sra ted by Licty

"eI deot want to interfere with your buying War IBond,
Abner, but youlI have to find another place to hIe them."





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Littleboy, can you tell Theoretical Evaluation of Norm
,..., iar t!A - I Frequencies of Vibration of the Is


Did you hear what the radio said about

FH e must have heard of ( ab
r sh1 t , I1 Barnaby believes .1



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