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May 20, 1945 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-20

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S1. :TiiD Y, MA1 i20, i1045

Stain Clais rrest of 16. Polish Leaers
Unrelated to GovernmentReorganization
Asserts Regime Must
A i 3
J -.
Soviet Leader Says Agreement Reached..................
With Roosevelt, Churchill at Crimea Parley
By The Associated Press '." .
MOSCOW, May 19-Marshal Stalin in his first public statement on t: f"'::... :T.
the difficult Polish question said today that the recent arrest of 16 Polish ! .
leaders had'"no connection with the cuestion of the reconstruction of the
Polish provisional government"-a regime which he declared must be "
the "basic core" for any expanded unity group.
The Soviet leader contended that his view on the Polish provisional
government was in accordance with agreements reached between himself, x:
Prime Minister Churchill, and the late President Roosevelt at the Crimean
Conference and added that any agreement on the Polish problem would ?
be reached on the "basic core" basis

Medical Unit Fiishes
31 Months Overseas

Under daily attack by buzz bombs'
n Belgium, the Michigan Hospital
Unit, composed of men and worien
from the University Hospital, has
come through 31 months overseas
unharmed, with a record number of
patients, Col. Walter Maddock, Com-{
mrander of the Unit, has informed T.
H. "Tapping, general secretary of Al-
umni Association.
"At the time of the Battle of
the 1:ul9;e we were practically on
the front line," Col. Maddock wrote.
"Air battles took place overhead,
and a jet-propelled plane cut our
water line with a well-placed bomb
approximately a quarter of a mile
from the hospital."

in Bristol and in 'lCerbourg. The
1000-bed hospital is "housed" in
500 tents on a G0-acre open field.
The only prefabricated wooden
buildings are the operating room,
Central Supply and the Red Cross
Col. Maddock told of a bomb that
fell 100 yards away, scaztterin froz,,en
sod hunks. One clod,.eihig16
pounds, crushed the head end of one
of the nurses' cots. T ihe nurse had
gotten out of bed when she heard the
buzz bomb coming,
Canadian, U.S.

"Bzz bombs were thick and con- Teachers W ill
tinuous for about two and a half
months, but they passed over, fellH31
short or fcll on either side of us," he lo s o
continued. Of the six general hospi-

Modern India
To Be Topic
Of Speaker
Author To Address
Hindustan Association
Dr. Haridas Muzumdar, professor
of sociology at William Penn College,
will lecture on "Modern India" at
the Hindustan Association program
at 8 p.m. EWT (7 p.m. CWT) Wed-
nesday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Active in Indian political life for
many years, Dr. Muzumdar figured
in the first group with Mahatma
Gandhi in the Dandi Salt March of
1930. On returning to the United
States he wrote a book detailing the
1930-32 independence movement and
the Round tableConference in Lon-
don which marked its close. An
observer at the conference, Dr. Mu-
zumdar's book represents a report
to Indians in this country of the
Indian version of the events.
Among Dr. Muzumdar's works is
a biography of Gandhi, in English,
entitled "Gandhi the Apostle". His
latest book is "The United Nations
of the World", and he is a contribu-
tor to periodicals such as "Asia"
and "Voice of India".-
The lecture will be followed by
dances, a skit and music of India.
Tickets may be purchased from the
League, International Center and the
India Art Shop, or from Indian stu-
dents on campus.

and only on that basis.
Answers Letter
Stalin's statement was in written
answer to a letter to him from Ralph
Parker, Moscow Correspondent of
the London Times.
Stalin also denied that the 16 Poles
arrested for alleged fifth column ac-"
tivities had been invited by the Sovi-
ets to attend any negotiations on the
question of reorganizing the Polish
government. He branded their lead-
er Gen. Okulicki as a notorious di-
versionist and called the others law-
Arrest Le;al
"These gentlemen," the Russian GERMAN SUB CREWMAN CAL
premier said, "were arrested in ac- German submarine U-873 which
cordance with a law similar to the camp at Belsen, Germany, which
British Defense of the Realm Act. newspaper woman questions Land
The arrest was carried out by Soviet - -
military authorities in accordance
with an agreement concluded be- j'jrq
tween the Polish provisional gov-
enmentand the Soviet military com- On Educaion
ma nd O' . t o
$']"It is untrue that the arrested -
Poles were invited for negotiations1e Given
with Soviet authorities. Soviet
authorities do not and will not con-
duct negotiations with those who Dr. Francis Lord, Director of Spe-
break the law on the protection of cial Education at Michigan State
the Red Army rear." Normal College in Ypsilanti, wil
Expresses Optimism present the twelfth program in the
While defining officially the terms series, "A Child's Education Begins
on which the Soviet Union will agree at Home" at 2:30 p.m. EWT (1:30
to reorganizing the present Polish p.m. CWT) on Monday on Station
regime until time for a general elec- WKAR followed by "Community in
tion Stalin. however, expressed be- Action" at 2:45 p.m. EWT (1:45
lief that the problem could be solved. CWT) b'Oadcast through the Uni-
___ ___versity of Michigan broadcasting
Band To Give Station WPAG will broadcast two
programs on Tue,<day at 2:15 p.m.
IEWT (1:15 p.m. CWT) and at 2:30
Annial Concert p.m. EWT (1:30 p.m. CWT). The
first is "Safety in the Home"; the
-a r na I second is "Our Way of Life".

s i
i ._.

tals in that Hospital Center, the The first international workshop
M'ichigan unit was the only one not for teachers from Canada and the
to be the object of a direct hit. frtahr rmCnd n h
United States has been set up a.t the
Since their arrival at the pres- University of Toronto to run from
eut site in November, the Michi- July 2 to August 3, Dean James B.
gan medics have handled 17,000 pa- Edmonson of the School of Educa-
tients, almost the same number tion announced.
handled in the previous two years The project is being 1 undertaken in
accordance with su:gg(stions made by
'gy pthe Cainada-United St~ tes Commit-
French Club Tm u"
1;_ tI ' on 'duc'aticim o' x i(h Dea in E d-
o monson is a n i bt. At present
j D "'an Edmionson is helping to select
5 2:> representatives from 25 different
j chool systems throughout the Unit-
The last meeting of '-Le CercleI ed States to attend the workshop.
l"9rancais" will be heldl from 3 to 11 He said that they are trying to select
pIm. EWT (7 to 10 p.m. CWT) Tues- a mature group of history teachers
day in the Rackham Assembly Room for the project.
and the girls will be granted 11:30 The theme of the workshop is
p.m. permission from the Dean. "Canada as a Member of the Brit-
At this meeting the committee ish Commonwealth" with particular
members of the club. the cast of this reference to relations with the Unit-
year's French play, "Ces Dames aux ed States.
Chapeaux Verts", and all those who A transcript of credit will be given
helped in the production will be by the University of Toronto recoi-

LS ATROCITY PHOTOS FAKE-Reiner Landsgraff, 20, crewman of
surrendered here, stares unmoved at a picture of bodies found at prison
he labeled as "easily faked." Evelyn Dienes, German-born Boston
dsgraff who said, "I don't telieve Germans would do such things."




U' Historian Collects Campus
Service Group Publications

The program will include French
scngs. There will be dancing, and
refreshments will be served.


Barbour Residents
To Give Tea Today
The residents of Betsy Barbour
House are giving a tea today at
which they are honoring the girls of
Helen Newberry. Other guests will
be sorority directors and their house
Presiding at the tea table will be
Mrs. A. G. Ruthven, Mrs. Herman
Page, Mrs. Robert Angell, and Mrs.
Alfred H. Lloyd.
Hair Styles
Shaped to your facial features.-
The flaseola IDarhers
Between State & Mich. Theatres


r Featuresr ercussion.
Piano Solo Numbers
The University Concert Band un-
der the direction of Prof. William D.I
Revelli, will present its thirty-second
annual spring concert at 4:15 p.m.
EWT (3:15 p.m. CWT) Sunday, May
27, in Hill Auditorium.
Featuring piano and percussion
soloists, the 78 members of the Con-
cert Band will open the program
with the Procession of Nobles from
"Mlada" by Rims:ky-Korsakov. OtherI
selections on the concert include
Berlioz's Overture, "Beatrice and
Benedict", and the Love scene from
Moussorgsky's "Boris Goudonov".
Paul Kuiter, Navy V-12 studentI
from St. Louis, Mo., will play a piano
solo, "Repartee", by David. Bennett,
and "Swinging the Ingots", by Moffitt
will feature Warren Benson as per-
cussion soloist. The concert will con-
clude with E-Lveral Michigan songs:
"Varsity", "Victors" and "The Yellow
and the Blue".

. ... .






and Jimmie are holding down.

FOR SALE: Canaries, singers and
females, Parrakeets, Love Birds,
Cocketiels, bird supplies, 562 S.
7th. 5330.
LOST-Pair of glasses in red case,}
plastic rims. Lost on East Cam-
pus. Call Rose Cornish, 2-4126.
LOST-Friday-Green Shaeffer pen.
Sentimental value. Please, please
call Jean MacMain, 2-2591.
LOST: Grey Eversharp fountain pen
near Natural Science.Engraved
with L. Hodes. Call 21288.
LOST: Black Parker pen with S.
Berger. Reward. Call 6922.
LOST: Gold Wahl pen in 2003 An-
gell Hall, 10 o'clock May 18. Call
Jean Campbell, 4736. Reward.
WANTED: To- buy record player.
Will pay gocd cash price. Call
6262 after 8 p. mn.
CONGENIAL COEDS desire ride to
Texas or Mexico about July 1 or
September 1. Box 3, %Daily.
FOR RENT: Bachelor apartment.
Study, bedroom, dressing room,
bath. No cooking. Available June
15. $40 month. Shown by appoint-
ment only. Phone 4742.
SHE'S LOVELY! She's Engaged!
She subscribed to the 13 day
Uncle Freddy plan. 315 Winchell,
West Quad.
tite o
C ln

became a yearbook.-

erved as source materials.

Publications of Army and Navy In 1943 a special Graduation Num-
groups on campus are being collect- ber was issued in honor of the first
ed by the University War Historiak, graduating class. In addition to pic-
F. Clever Bald, in Clements Library, j tures and biographical sketches of
and include "The Advocate," the the men who were about to be com-
"Neko No Gakko Shimbun," "The missioned ensigns in the United
Pelorus," and "RONAG 5." States Naval Reserves, the "Pelorus"
"The Advocate," published at the contains cartoons, news items, and
Judge Advocate General's School, the "Cruise Log of 1943"
appears fortnightly. It contains news Another Navy Yearbook publish-
of the school, biographical sketches ed on the campus is the "RONAG
of students, many of whom have seen 5." It is issued by the Fifth Re-
service on the war fronts, alumni serve Officers Naval Architecture
notes, photographs, cartoons, and Group-RONAGS,--attending the
humor in prose and verse. At the Post Graduate School of Naval
end of each term, a profusely illu- Architecture which was moved
strated graduation supplement ac- from Annapolis to Ann Arbor in
companies the regular edition. June, 1943. Published in Febru-
The Civil Affairs Training School, ary, 1944, as a Commencement
CATS for short, publishes the number, it contained a brief ac-
"Neko No Gakko Shimbun," which count of the work of the Naval
translated means "The Newspaper Architecture Group, pictures of of-
of the School of Cats." It is issued ficers on the faculty, pictures of the
weekly under the date-line: Rack- graduates, campus snapshots, and
ham Hall, Ann Arbor, Michigan." sketches and cartoons by members
Since January, 1945, a Haiku con- of the staff. The sea-going char-
test has been conducted by the ed- acter of the text and illustrations
itor. A Haiku is an unrimed poem of distinguishes it from the traditional
exactly seventeen syllables. A num- University yearbook.
ber of Haikus.written by CATs stu- These publications, all of them
dents have been published in the 'war-babies" except the "Pelorus,"
"Shimbun." are important items for the Univer-
"The Pelorus" is the periodical of sity War Historian's collection as they
the Naval Reserve Officers Training will be used as sources of informa-
Corps on the campus. First issued tion for the history of the Univer-
in the fall of 1940 when the Corps sity's war-effort which will be writ-
was inaugurated at the University, it ten after the war. They will then be
was published monthly. In 1943 and placed in the Michigan Historical
1944 the policy was changed and it collections where they will be pres-f

Doi ly
from 1 p.m.

_ !


- 11



mending five hoUts of graduate cred-
it. Dean Edmonson said that the
University has agreed to accept the
credit here.


I _



SUN., MAY 20
Eastern War Time
8 :00-News.
8:05-Organ Music.
8:15-Salvation Army.
8:30-Frankie Masters.
9:05-Ralph Ginsburg.
9:30-Ava Maria Hour.
10:15-Music & Verse.
10:30-Charlie Barnett.
1'0:45-Jesse Crawford.

11:05-Church Service.
12 :00-News.
12:05--Mario Norelli.
12:30-Stories for Children.
12:45-Paul Barron.
1:15-Baseball Brev.
1:25-Baseball (Wash. at
5:30-Imperial Male Chorus
5:45--Dance Music.

6:05-Fred Feibel.
6:15-Grace Bible Fellow-
6:30-Concert Hall.
7:05--Let's Dance.
7:15-Andrews Sisters.
7:25-Band of the Week.
7:30-Music for Sunday.
8:05-Dance Time.
8:15-Concert in Miniature.
8:30-Daniel Leiberfeld.



.ryw*2a'disyrnx~SJ TA'FATAf

to 5 p.m.

Fraternity Jewelers at Michigan

Hours: 1 P.M.

to 5:30 P.M. Only
- - - - - - -


. ,I

I* - L* 4*4L *


M ichigan









We're Not Through Yet!

J A6.r T, I I -I A m


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