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May 20, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-20

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'A 446--


Partly Cloudy
and Warmer




oBackClaiyorce-- Alexander

Nine Sweeps Doubleheader. fromHoosiers

'Tactics Similar
To Axis Methods'

Squad Retains
Top Position
In Conference

World News Flashes

Michi gan Dumps
Indiana, 4-2, 12-5
Michigan's baseball squad took un
disputed possession of first place i
the Western Conference standing:
and moved to within two games o:
winning the Big Ten title yesterda
as it decisively defeated Indiana, 4-
and 12-5, in a doubleheader here.
Finally given a break by the wea-
therman, the teams tangled in twC
free-hitting contests which saw the
Hoosiers' perfect Conference recor
of three wins marred by a Wolverin
nine which boosted its record to fou
wins against no losses.
Ray Louthen went the distance fo'
Michigan in the first game, setting
the Hoosier down with six hits an
registering his fifth triumph of the
season, while southpaw Bo Bowma:
was touched for ten safeties in th
nightcap as he pitched his fifth win
Modak Loses
Mike Modak, ace Indiana pitche
hurled the opener and suffered hi
second defeat of the season agains'
four losses, allowing the Wolverine
only four hits. Hooier coach Pau'
(Pooch) Harrell started Al William
in the second game, but was forced
to call in Don DeArmond in the
fourth inning after Michigan ha
scored three runs on as many hits
off Williams in the third frame.
In the opening contest, Michigan's
scoring -was 4zonfined to two innings,
and all of the Wolverine hits were
collected in the fifth, when Indiana
was leading, 27-0. Joe Soboleski star-
ted the rally with: a single to ft
after one man was -out. Bob Steven-
son and Louthei followed with sin-
gles to drive ne run across, and
Jack WieiseNburer batted two more
tallies around with a triple to left.
The other Wolverine run came as
the result of a walk, a stolen base,
an outfield fly, and a double steal in
the eighth.
Hoosiers Score In Second
The Indiana runs all came in the
second inning, as Al Kralovansky got
on on an error, advanced to third on
a single by George Cherry, and scor-
ed on anotler Wolverine misplay.
Cherry came home on a single by
Bob Miller.
In the second game, Michigan
(See BASEBALL, Page 6)
Chinese Forces
Take Vital Port
Foochow Is First Big
Coastal City Liberated
CHUNGKING, May 19-(P)--The
Chinese high command announced
tonight that Chinese assault forces
had reoccupied the great east coast
city of Foochow, freeing the first of
China's important coastal treaty
ports from Japanese rule.
It was the second time in four
years that the Chinese had won back
the strategic port, 125 miles north-
west of the Japanese island of For-
mosa. The former capital of Fu-
kien province had been held by the
Japanese since Oct., 1944, and pre-
viously was enemy-occupied for five
months in 1941.
The Chinese communique said that
Chinese forces, which were driven
out of the city Tuesday night after a
brief penetration ofthe central city
area, received reinforcements Wed-
nesday and launched an attack
against the city Thursday morning.
Today MYDA presents a con-
ference with Wayne Uni-
versity on students and
the peace at 2:30 p. n.)
EWT (1:30 p. m. CWT)

in Rm. 308, the Union.
Today Dr. Reuben Kahn will lec-
ture at the International
Center on "The Carib-
bean Area" at 7:30 p. m.

Occupation Area Revealed...
By The associated Press
SHAEF, Paris, May 19-Supreme Headquarters disclosed for the first
time today that the U. S. 15th Army's zone of occupation includes every-
thing between the Rhine and the German Border, from Wesel in the
north to Karlsruhe in the south, and a small triangle east of the Rhine from
Coblenz north to Dortmund.
Tra aps n Sierra adre
By The Associated Press
MANILA, Sunday, May 20-American 43rd Division troops and
Filipino guerillas drew tighter amountain trap on thousands of Japa-
nese in the Sierra. Madre east of Manila today after capturing Ipo dam,
source of one-third of the city's water supply.
ICC Rules in Freight Case
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 19-Ruling in the long-pending "Southern Freight
rate case," the Interstate Commerce Commission today prescibed a uniform
scale of class rates for the entire, country.
Asserting that present railroad freight rate classifications are "unreas-
onable and unduly prejudical," the Commission gave the nation's railroads
90 days in which to submit for its approval a method of reaching a uniform-
freight classification.
* * * *1 *I *
By The Associated Press
ROME, May 19-Field Marshal Sir Harold Alexander declared today
that Marshal Tito apparently intended to resort to force in backing Yugo-
slavia's claims to northeastern Italy and southern Austria-a course of
action "all too reminiscent of Hitler, Mussolini and Japan."
Belgrade radio broadcast Tito's reply that the Yugoslav army, the
same as other Allied armies, had the right to remain in territory it liberated
and the presence of his troops in the disputed zone would not "prejudge
decisions of the peace conference as to whom these territories belong."
cannot'Discard Principles
Asserting that "We cannot throw away the vital principles for which
we fought," Alexander told his land, sea and air forces in the Mediterranean
theater that all his efforts to "come '
to a friendly agreement" with the .
Yugoslav leader had failed. Policies To Be
The question had been checked.
back to the governments of the Unit- a at
ed States and Britain, he said, and 1f~sse
they now had "taken up the matter
directly" with Tito. TA r.l

FEATURED IN NAVY WAR BOND REVUE--Shown above are the members of the band of the U. S. S. Helena who will play at the free
Navy War Bond Revue to be held at 8:30 p. m. EWT Tuesday in Hill Auditorium. These men now stationed at Great Lakes, were aboard
the U. S. Helena when it was sunk in July, 1943 in the Pacific.
*~ *I * * :1 * *



U.S.S. Helena Band To Star in Show

"r, IvanI w P1' L
Discuss Recent

Headlining a free two-hour Navy
War Bond Review, to be presented
at 8:30 p. in. EWT Tuesday in Hill
Auditorium, will be the U. S. S.
Helena band with Lieut. Robert A.
Adams, USNR,. as master of ceremo-
The show, sponsored by the com-
'U'Bond Sales Jumn
Afore Than $6,000
University Sales jumped more
than $6,000 Friday and Saturday
as campus totals yesterday showed
$18,487.50 already reported towards
the University goal of $100,000 in
the Seventh War Loan.
National sales have reached 23
per cent of the individual-purchase
quota of seven billion dollars, with
sales over the $1,613,000,000 mark.
* * *
bined veterans' organizations of Ann
Arbor, will feature Jack Sherr di-
recting the Musical Mechs, and sev-
eral specialty acts. in addition to the
sea-going band.
Review Travels 10,000 Miles
As a part of the Seventh War Loan
Obviously, the 1
Man Is Wrong
About His Pants
An ordinarily calm gentleman was
virtually snatched from the door of
a bus waiting in Ann Arbor to take'
him to Arkansas yesterday, as loca'
police officers made inquiries ')out
the ownership of his newly-pressed
His former roommate had pressed
charges, alleging that the Arkansas
traveller had absconded with the1
plaintiff's pants. When the gentle-
man denied wearing the trousers, his
erstwhile roommate indignantly of-
fered to bring out his own suit coat
that would match the pants exactly
and definitely establish rightful own-
They looked at the suit coat, They
looked at the pants. The two did not
match. They were not, as a matter
of fact, even the same color. The
alleged culprit was released. He had
missed his bus.
He was very irate.
Former Daily ght Ni
Editor Weds Nurse

campaign, the review will travel 10,-
000 miles through Michigan, Illinois,
Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky, to
stimulate bond sales during the cur-
rent drive.
A graduate of the University, Lieut.
Adams was a radio and stage actor
before his entrance into the Navy.
Since then he has produced "Sky
High" from Glenview, Ill., Naval Air
Station, and "Flight Deck Jamboree,"
from the Naval Air Technical Train-
ing Center, Chicago.
Band Stationed at Great Lakes
The band, which was aboard the9
cruiser, U. S. S. Helena, when it was
sunk in the Battle of Kula Gulf,
July 5, 1943, is now stationed at the
U. S. Naval Training Center, Great
Lakes, Ill. Band members made a
previous tour during the Fifth War
Be Discussed
Grand Rapids' use of fluorine-
treated water to check tooth decay
will be one of the topics discussed
when more than 75 leading water
works engineers meet at the Univer-
sity School of Public Health Tues-
day, through Thursday.
Engineers from Michigan, Ohio and,
Indiana will attend the in service
training course. In addition, the
problems of using chlorine and iron:
solutions in water, and fluoride treat-
ment of water will be discussed.
The purpose of the training course
is to keep the technical directors of
water supply systems abreast of new
developments," Harry E. Miller oft
the Public Health School said. 1

Loan last summer when they covered
sevens Midwestern states.
Nearly all the members of the band 'A Trip to the Caribbean" will be1
were in the Navy before Pearl Har- the topic of an address by Dr Ruben
bor, where they were stationed at the L. Kahn, chief of the Serologic Con-
time of the Japanese attack. After sultation Service at University Hospi-
December 7, 1941, they participated tal, at 7:30 p. m. EWT (6:30", p. m.
in 13 engagements in the Southwest
Pacific before the U. S. S. Helena was CWT) today in the International
sunk. Center.
Recently returned from a tour of
the Caribbean, Dr. Kahn was invit-
U.S. Casu tis ed by the Anglo-American Caribbean
Commission to study hygienic and
medical problems in the area. The
On O kinawa commission is a joint organization
designed to promote development of
Air, eveed (0 the islands and possessions of the
region. Dr. Kahn has visited the
By The Associated Press area many times, and is acquainted
American casualties of 30,526 ol- with particular points of interest.
diers, sailors and marines in two Dr. Kahn participated by invitation
mcnths of the Okinawa camwpaign, in the serological conference of the
which is still far from over, were League of Nations Health Commis-
reported today by Adm. Chester W. sion at Copenhagen in 1928 and in
Nimitz. He listed Japanese soldier Montevideo in 1930.
dead alone at 48,103. 1He is author of the Kahn test for
The Yank death and missing toll syphilis which is used throughout
was 8,310. This included 3,093 sol- the United States.
diers, 1,239 marines and 3.978 sailors.
Army wounded totalled 12,078, ma-
rines 6,180 and sailors 3,958. Death Takes Late
Fierce and bloody fighting con
tinued all along the Okinawa line. PrOfessOr's WuNio'j
The Sixth Marine Division again was
forced to give up Sugar Loaf:Hill, Mrs. George W. Patterson, (Merib
overlocking the capital city of Naha, Rowley). widow of the late Prof. Pat-
but reoccupied it for the fifth time. terson, former Associate Dean of the
Nimitz said the Japanese had "sac- College of Engineering, died at her
rificed large numbers of troops in home on Hill St. Saturday evening.
the defense of this key position." Mrs. Patterson was a graduate of
The tank-led First Marine Division the University with the class of 1890
carved out a gain of several hundred and was a member of Collegiate Sor-
yards and was operating east of osis and Phi Beta Kappa.
Wana town, due north of Shuri For- Funeral services will be held at
tress, which is flanked on the west St. Andrew's Church, Monday after-
by the Sixth Marine Division. noon at 2 p.m. EWT (1 p.m. CWT).

Alexander said the Soviet govern-
ment had been kept fully informed,
but there was no official indication
whether Russia actively participated
or what her stand might be.
Tito Agreement
A headquarters statement accom-
panying Alexander's message said
Tito agreed in July, 1944, and again
Tito Reaction One
Of Utter Surprise
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Sunday, May 20.-
The Yugoslav telegraph agency-to-
day quoted Marshal Tito as ex-
pressing "resentment and sulr-
prise" at Field Marshal Sir Harold.
Alexander's statement that Tito's
policies were "all too reminiscent
of Hitler, Mussolini and Japan."
"Such an accusation can only be
thrown into the face of an enemy
but not to a tortured and bled-
white ally who until now was rec-
ognized by all freedom-loving peo-
ple as an example of heroism and
self sacrifice in this great war of
li:;eration," the agency quoted Tito
as saying in an interview.

Four generals will be among the
49 high-ranking officers of the Judge
Advocate General's Department who
will meet here Tuesday through
Thursday to review present and fu-
ture problems, policies, and proced-
Officers To Be Included
Included in the group are Maj.-
Gen. Myron C. Cramer, Judge Advo-
cate General of the U. S. Army;
Brig.-Gen. John M. Weir, Assistant
Judge Advocate General and head of
the War Crimes Office; Brig.-Gen.
Lawrence H. Hedrick, Air Judge Ad-
vocate; and Brig.-Gen. Blackshear
M. Bryan, Jr., Assistant Provost Mar-
shal General. Gen. Cramer has been
here since Friday afternoon for the
graduation of the JAG School's 22nd
Officer and 11th Officer Candidate
Some of the officers convening for
the conference have returned recent-
ly from overseas assignments.
Subjects of Discussion
War crimes, military and civil af-
fairs, industrial plant operations, war
contracts termination and readjust-
ment, military government and re-
habilitation are the main subjects
to be discussed at the conference.
Maj. Randolph Karr, member of the
Fourth Officer class, and now Classi-
fication Officer of the Judge Advocate
General's Department, is in charge
of the conference.
The visiting officers will be wel-
comed at the opening session by Dr.
James P. Adams, Provost, and Dr. E.
Blythe Stason, Dean of the Law
School, on behalf of the University.
Gen. Cramer and Col. Reginald C.
Miller, Commandant of the JAG
School will deliver addresses.
l'YDA To Hold
Cooperating with Wayne Univer-
sity's chapter of American Youth for
Democracy, MYDA will present a
two-session conference on "Students
in the Building of the Peace" begin-
ning at 2:30 p. m. EWT (1:30 p. m.
CWT) today, in Rm. 308, the Union.
All students and faculty are in-
vited to attend the conference and to
attend the cost supper which will be

Awards Made to 15 .LS&A Students

Scholalshil) awad; to 15 students
in the College of Literature, Science
qund the Arts for the 1945-46 school
year werc announced yesterday by
Dean Erich A. Walter, head of the
school's scholarship committee.
Mary Lloyd Benson of Sandy
Spring, Md., and Betty Gloria
Goodman of Lebanon, N.H., were
each awarded the Martha Robin-
son" Ia wkis*scholarship, the in -
come from a bequest of $5,000
given in 1940 as a permanent mem-
oria l to Martha Robinson Hawkins.

York City; and Raymond J, Shinn
Jr,, Grand Rapids, for the next
school year. The stipend to each
student, currently amounting to
somewhat over $300, is taken from
a bequest of $60,000.
Mary Worcester of Middletown,
N.Y., received the Fanny Ransom
Marsh scholarship, amounting to
approximately $200. The fund was
established in 1;17 by Elia M.
'a lker of Chicago in memory of
her imothaer, The John )Fitt Marsh~
award, established by Mrs. Walker

bara Jean Rattray, Albany, N.Y.; and
Joan Shively, Bridgeport, Conn.
Frem the income of $20,000 re-
ceived by the University in 1938,
the Eugene G. Fassett scholarship
was established. It was awarded
yesterday to Jerry Jean Gaffney of
Cleveland Heights, O.
Jobs For Veterans
WillBe Discussed
A five-day institute to study re-

in February of this year that
military purposes the Allied for
of Alexander would occupy VenE
Giulia province, which embraces
disputed port of Trieste.
Yugoslavia agreed to occupy tei
tory to the East. This embraced
port of Fiume and an area east o
line running roughly north of tI
This apparently would apprc
mate the 1939 border between Yu
slavia and Italy).
Hitler Murder
Planned by SS
Allies Are Told
May 19.- ()- The $5,000-a-y
shorthand expert who shadowed I
olf Hitler with a notebook from 11
until a few days before the Fueh

ll lI

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