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March 10, 1945 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-10

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T INK, for a minute, about what's hap-
pened to most of us at home in the last
three years.
Chances are, you've had all the work you
could handle at higher wages than ever before.
In spite of higher taxes and somewhat
higher prices, you've netted more hard cash
than ever before.
You've made more money-you've had
less time to spend it-and, for a couple of
years now, there's been less and less stuff
to spend it on.
On top of that, you've had thrust at you

at every turn the finest chance this world
has ever seen to save and invest that muney.
You've been asked to invest in War Bonds
which, when held to maturity, pay you back
$4 for every $3 you put in. Through the
Payroll Plan, it's been made easy for you
to buy those Bonds automatically-to save
bigger amounts with greater regularity than
most of us were ever able to save before.
In the last three years, in short ..
You've had the chance of a lifetime to accu-
mulate money! Money for your old age-money
for emergencies-money to set you up in busi-

ness-money that can help make this a healthy.
prosperous country for your boy when he come
home from war!
Did you grab the chance? Have you been
backing this war to the limit with your dol-
lars-have you been buying all the War
Bonds you could and hanging onto them like
grim death?
If you have-fine.
If you haven't-well, it's not too late to
start right now. But you ought to get in and
pitch doubly hard, to make up for lost time
-and money!



Keep faith with our fighters
Buy War Bonds for Kee s

Alexander Drug Store
727 N. University
Alexandra School of
338 S. State
Ann Arbor Bank
4.4 S. Main-330 S. State
Broadway Market
1027 Broadway
Budget Shop
611 E. Liberty
Caikiins-Fletcher Drug Co.
324 S. State-818 S. State
Compus Beauty Shop
73. N, University

Campus Cut-Rate Drug Store
224 S. State
Campus Shop
305 S. State
Capitol Market
123 E. Washtenaw
Chelsea Flower Shop
203 E. Liberty
Clark's Market
1215 Prospect
Collins Shoppe
600 E. Liberty
Cunningham's Drug
Stores, Inc.
226 S. Main

DiMattia's Hollywood Salon
1114 S. University
Dillon Gown Shop
309 S. State
Gray and McDougall
1123 S. University
Jefferson Grocery
411 E. Jefferson
June Grey Shop a
1121 S. University
Hume Market
810 Brown
Huron Street Market
721 E. Huron
Kay-Jay Shop
221 S. Main

Kessel's Fashion Shop Chester Robert's Gift Shop
Campus Shop-9 Nickels Arcade 312 S. State

f- I

Levin's Grocery
217 E. Washington
Mademoiselle Shop
1108 S. University
Midway Bicycle Shop
322 E. Liberty
0. D. Morrill
310 S. State
Nut & Nibble
339 S. Main
The Quarry Inc.
320 S. State

Rolfe Market
609 W. Jefferson
State Savings Bank
125 S. Main
Tom's Market
611 N. Main
A. H. Turner
702 Dewey
Vaughn Street Grocery
1028 E. University
White Market
607 E. William


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