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March 10, 1945 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-10

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Saturday, March 10, 1945


P/{Y 1 . fX

C o- "'..- . n g... , r s s PssHc 4eft|il ' W o r ge even
ConL.gress P'-asses Ha--tef-ul 1 Work Or Fighf Bi


Youths Riot Throughout Nation
As Pool Halls Shout 'Treason'
Anxiuius America Awn its President's

FBI Will Have Jurisdiction
Over Underage 'Butt Fiends'

WASHINGTON, March 9.-In a
Return from Caucasian Fishing m e designed to clamp down on traband cigarettes. Check of drug
Banks illegal cigarette purchases by mi- store after drug store proved fruit-
--nors, the Federal Bureau of Inves- less today as Price Administration
By P. F. SISLIN tigation today announced new sleuths tried to establish where
WASHINGTON, March 9.-In a tin glumly. Wickey saw no future drastic penalties for violation of the fags were coming from.
floor battle not equalled since the in the industry and his aide, Swif- the cigarette sales laws. As the FBI agents threw out a
hectic days of the court-packing ty Lynn. refused to volunteer com-of the net designed to ensnare transgres-
metanFBI dropped a bombshell in a sig miors, the department of
"Ill stand with President Wil- secret house investigating com- justice prepared a test case to try
tives today simultaneously put the son," Wickey stated. "'m too mittee meeting yesterday reveal- Sumner Thrump, freshman at the
stamp of approval on legislation proud to fight." ing that purchases by persons un- University of Michigan, caught
designed to draft every male not Apathy Noted der 21 were becoming increasingly smoking illegally in the corridors
in the armed services into vital Exclusive interviews with other FDR-President Roosevelt grins prevalent. of Angell Ball.
therishk.t m-sTo Be Investigated Students' Rights Endangered
war work. An roie hoo noem smugely after Congiess aepprovesTh h - d 1
As a packed gallery lustily booed ployment by threat of the sweep- sweeping national service draft . g g h r ma , shrtniedcolgan
speaer fte spekerandas iona camitee ivesigaingmajoring in phys. ed., was ta-
tug edict revealed a general apa-laws, It is said that the fi sional committee investigating
thy a.Un-American Activities take over versing the hall-way from the AH
House pages worked feverishly re- - person that the government willtheinquiry of unlawful cigarette smoking
moving paper planes fiung down Cathcote T. Farraday, left-field- crack down on will be ex-gov- when authorities stepped in. He
from the gallery, Congressmen er for Monroe Street Trojans, only ernor Bricker of Ohio who is BpIchases, the unnm d, but high- wil be defended by a battery
firmly concentrated on the bus- would concede that Sherman svas new reporled by reliable anths- lynplaced FBIth executive cale for winll e defende bym bateo
ess at hand and voted for every right about var. ority to be out of a Job. "The morality of our youth is at addicts in the Law School.
phase of the measure that wouldtof stake," he cried. In an exclusive interview
"take American youth out of the SaNumerous JD's in the ante- Thrump declared that students'
pool rooms."tu enYIn rse room booed as the congressmen rights the world over were being
Defer Flies left the session. Some were smok- endangered. University students
The bill, as passed today, pro- IITwoing. remained apathetic. The Depart-
vided that no occupation not list- I\Tw O D sasterous Landfalls Need FDR's O.K. ment of Justice has issued no
ed as deferable would keep 18 to Unofficial sources revealed that statement as yet; however, the
45 year old males from national a dramatic appeal was made tar Thasmpe Milwaukbettos larte
service, regardless of physical han- By PAUL BEARERahrump. Milwaukee bettors are
dicap. Specifically listed among WASHINGTON, March 9 - As ing the sunset gun of the Judge sweeping emergency powers to offering even money that the trial
the occupations not deferable over-all nationatservice became a Advocate General's Corps station- curb thse sales but final approval makes the American Constitu-
were: rack boy, pin-ball adjuster, fact today, reports sweeping from ed on campus, the misguided labor dent's ofcice. An unconfirmed ru- tional History 114 final next term.
ticket runner and exercise boy. isolated points in the nation re- draftees loaded the field piece. mot said that Martin Dies would "Everything else has been on
Sporting circles in the nation con- vealed that you can lead a horse mar aid ta rtin Tes would the exam, why not that?" they
demned the provisions as specific- to water but you cant' make him to oncedmo m hehestate asked
ally aimed at them, drink. At promptly 5:45 p.m. yester- -c more assume the helm of asked
Meanwhile, the measure today Reconverted pool hal loungersday, before a full military review theinvestigatg committee.
Menwhthe eent'sureskay ro nentuempoymehatbyngersand just before chow, the gun was Meanwhile, John E. Rankin,
rested on the President's desk a- thrown into unemployment by the fired. The trajectory of the shell battling Mississippi solon, threat-
waiting his return from a Cauca- sweeping edict, and collegians was through the uppermost turret ened to take on any man, woman I pvr
sian fishing expedition, thrown out of luxurious residence of the quadrangle. The entire sec- or child under 21 caught smoking
Detroit Is Hard Hit halls and pipe courses, today were tion fronting South University was or purchasing cigarettes. Rankin
Al Gordo Daily special corre- bobbling their jobs as production razed and destruction of Martha drawled that e "lowed there
spondent on Detroit's home front, front soldiers. anetuto fMrh rstdta ~ 'oe hr
Cook was narrowly averted. The wouldn't be none o' that going on
today revealed in a leased-wire Salt of the Earth - JAG's have pitched tents on the while he represented Mississippi's
dispatch that Detroit's tenderloin A corps of Michigan students, diagonal in the quadrangle. Re- electorate."
belt was in a panic. now stationed in the salt mines of verberations from, the explosion OPA Investigates WA *@Z
"The publishers have begun to Wyandotte, Mich., yesterday were shattered all the glass in the con- OPA investigators in Washing-
double up," Gordo revealed, "and 'causes of one of the worst land- servatory attached to the Natural ton were busying themselves try- __
the plight of these oppressed sons falls in Michigan mining history. Science Building. ing to find the source of the con-
of toil is pathetic. The students, qualified as experts - - - -----.-__- ____ -
"Sympathetic hotel manage- because of experience threading
meats have not begun eviction their way along Michigan seques-
proceedings as yet. However, with tered walks at 8 anm. of a winter
the increased patrolling in search morning were sent to mine Wyan-
of non-essential civilians, none of dotte salt. Some of them had seen {
these gentlemen dare appear in service as sugar beet pikers dur-
the streets. ing the winter of 1942 near Caro,
Mass Demonstration Mich.
"A mass demonstration along Seasoned Well
Detroit's fabulous Michigan ave- Ambitiously, picking at the rock
mie. highlighted by placards say- salt, onward and upward, they
ing, 'W have not yet begun to undermined a good part of the
fight,' was spontaneously begun sub-strata underlying Wyandotte's
last night when it became appar- beautiful Cedar Street. The sub-
en helgiltonsoud~ sequent landfall ed to the de- A p1erfeet swit for the versatile
"ene h reisliongwheldassof struction of a whole section of
"Sienes rivaling the days of street including that part on coed. Looks dressy with frilly
British domination of Anterica w hich tthe residence of Harvo
were sepeated along Detroits bou- Frank, ex-Daily sports editor, was
levards as press gangs ranged the perched. Frank's home now has a ' d ,and
streets searching for eligible males bad list but the former Daily man
to put them to work on lathes or was out of town at the time of the costliite jewelry . . . and
in coal mines." accident.
Ann Arbor Suffers A similar catastrophe in south- casual with sweaters and skirts
Ann Arbor's pool halls were de- ern Ohio virtually demolished Al-
serted today as a long over-age liance, O., fly-speck on the map of
porter dusted the tables in the program. Henry Mantho, Daily
Michigan Union billiard empor- personage, was not available for
ium, standing gloom-shrouded and comment when the accident oc- Expertly tailored suits with cardigan
silent. The porter vouchsafed no curred hoeing his own row else-
comment, where in line with the national or lapeled necklines, Slim costume suits
A lone V-12, called Sailor Joe, service ruling.
bemusedly practiced three - rail 'Lawsy Me'
caroms on a corner table, but Michigans famed Law Quad- with dedorative buttons and pert
excepting him, there were no other rangle was a gaping shambles to-
able-bodied males. day as the result of the ill-advised bows. 1 00/ wools and gabardines
J. V. Wickey, long-time billiard activities of two national service
entrepreneur, surveyed the situa- impressed volunteers. While clean- pastels, darks, checks, stripes
Of fic1al Jewelers to 1lIost Fraternities
aUd Sororities tiMit iChligan
802 Sou-iTi SrTE SRt isPhone 9533C.. a a a

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