4 aiI
Fair and
Keniston Speaks at
Honor Installation
Says Liberal Education Will Supply
Abilities Needed To Build World Peace
Expressing the hope that the broadest concept of the liberal arts
ediication would serge as a basis for the peace in the world of tomorrow,
Dean Hayward Keniston addressed the 'initiates of Phi Kappa Phi last
night in the annual initiation ceremony held in the Rackham Amphi-
Dean Keniston in his discussion of "The Liberal Arts in the Post War
World," pointed out the abilities and attitudes which leaders of tomorrow
would need in building the peace and asserted the efficacy of the liberal
arts in supplying these fundamentals.
Yanks Fix Bayonets in
Savage Fight with Japs
American Troops Free Most of Mindanao;
Heavy Fighting Still Continues on Okinawa
All Nations'Bill of Rights
Based on Four reedoms
Is Proposed by Stettinius
Grand March
Will Be Held
Senior Ball To Feature
Duke Ellington's Band
Senior Grand March will be one of
the highlights of the all-campus Sen-
ior Ball to be held June 1 in the
Sports Building.
Duke Ellington, "America's genius
of jazz", will be on hand to furnish
music for the colorful march in
which all seniors and their guests
may participate. The dance is not
limited to seniors, however, but is
open to all students of all schools.
Tickets for the dance will be on
sale from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. EWT
(9 a.m to noon CWT) today, to-
morrow and Friday and from 5
p.m. to 7 p.m. EWT (4 p.m. to 6
p.m. CWT) tomorrow and Friday
at the Union Travel Desk.
Sales will also be conducted from
11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. EWT (10:30
a.m. to 1 p.m. CWT) today and from
11 a.m. to 1 p.m. EWT (10 a.m. to
noon CWT)' tomorrow in the lobby
of the East Medical Building. Den-
tistry students may purchase tickets
from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. EWT (10 a.m.
to noon CWT) tomorrow and Friday
in the lobby of the Dental Clinic.
Navy V-12 trainees have been
granted 2 a.m. EWT (1 p.m. CWT)
in order to attend the dance. Senior
Ball is a revival of a pre-war tradi-
tion which seniors o.f the literary and
engineering schools 'will bring back
to the campus.
Decorations will be restricted -to
wartime limiitations. Programs will
be designed especially for the oc-
casion, however. They will be
pocket-sized magazines filled with
pictures and stories of college life.
They will be dedicated to the class
of '45.
Ellington and his orchestra will
be' appropriately clad in gowns and
mortar boards. The orchestra has
also offered to enter into the spirit
of the Ball through playing the songs
that University students select as
their favorites. A song contest i
being conducted through the sale of
tickets. Each purchaser is entitled
to vote for the number he would like
most to hear Ellington play.
Adult Education'
Group To Meet
Provost Adams, OtIer
Professors To Speak
The 13th Annual Adult Education
Institute, sponsored by the Univer-
sity Extension Service, will be held
at Detroit's Rackham Educational
Memorial today and tomorrow.
Following the 9 a. m. EWT reg-
istration today, University provost
James P. Adams will open the Insti-
tute with an address, "Standards of
Other Institute speakers include:
Prof. James K. Pollock of the Uni-
versity political science department,
Prof. Hans Leonhardt of the Michi-
gan State College history and politi-
cal science department, and Rev. W.
Eugene Shiels, S. J,, of the Univer-
sity of Detroit.
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
University history department will
address the Institute on "What To
Do with the Japanese Empire."
Today Lane Hall Music Hour at
Lane Hall at 7:30 p. m.
EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT)
Today Sphinx Club Meeting in
the lounge of the West
Quad at 7:30 p. m. EWT.
May 17 Dr. Edward H. Kraus will
deliver the annual Henry
Russel Lecture in the
Rackham AmPhitheatre
Essentials For Leadership
Some of the essentials, Dean Ken-
iston said, are marked by the flexible
mind, tolerance, compassion, and the
subjection of personal considerations
for the good of the larger community,
a concept which also must be applied
to international problems.
After tracing the development of
the liberalcarts from the Middle
Ages to the present, Dean Keniston
discussed the curriculum of the pres-
ent liberal arts college which con-
tains all major fields of intellectual
experience. This intellectual experi-
ence, according to DeantKeniston,
can best be supplied by the liberl
arts which contributes a balance of
living, the ability to weigh and judge
abstractions, and the. most import-
ant, a liberal understanding which
makes it possible for peoples of the
world to find common grounds and
thus to achieve "a world of decent
Concludes With Challenge
Dean Keniston concluded his ad-
dress with a challenge to the initi-
ates to "pledge devotion in your seV-
eral careers to the broad liberal edu-
cation essential to the peace of our
own land and to the peace of the
Prof. Clifford Woody, accepted the
134 initiatesas members of the Mich-
igan chapter of Phi Kappa' Phi, na-
tional honor society, upon presenta-
tion by Prof. Samue T. Dana, vice-
president of the chapter and Dean
of the Forestry school.;
The annual Phi Kappa Phi scho-
lastic award of $100 was made to
Evelyn Phillips, '45, by Dean Alice
Lloyd. 'Miss Phillips, initiated into
Phi Kappa Phi last night, is Manag-
ing Editor of The Daily.
Faculty Members Initiated
The initiates were honored at a
reception following the ceremony
and address. The elections to Phi
Kappa Phi for 1944-45 include, from
the faculty, Professors Werner E.
Bachmann, Floyd A. Firestone,
Thomas Franice, Merwin H. Water-
man and Haymond L. Wilder.
Seniors and graduate students
elected were: Betty Anderson, Allen
Armstrong, Lucille Barber, Tom Bat-
tin, Thomas Bliska, Carolyn Bock,
Sally Ann Boim, Edmund S. Botch,
Gerald Bouwkamp, Phyllis Bresler,
Faye Bronstein, Agnes Brown, Mary
Brown, William Brown, Margaret
Carlisle, George Carr, Norman Car-
son, Merton Church, John Clifford,
Donald Coates, Ruth Collins. Fran-
cis Covitt, Harry Daum, Lois Davis,
Shelby Dietrich, Fraklin Essenburg,
Monroe Fink, Elizabeth Follin, Alan
Frane, Robert Gaukler, Nancy Gro-
berg, Marie Grant, Cornelia Groef-
sma, Thomas Hagan, John Hamaker,
Elizabeth Harrison, Clare Herald,
George Hess, Robert Hess, Mary
Hood, Elizabeth Horner, Jerry Jac-
obson, Elizabeth Jalosky, Harriet
Jameson, Warren Jessop, Barbara
Johnson, George Johnson, Myron
Kaufman, Maurice Kimelman, Don-
See KENISTON, Page 2
Quotas Filled
Because the Detroit area blood
plasma quotas have been oversub-
scribed, there will be no more
Blood Bank activities on campus
until the fall term, a Union
spokesman announced.
By The Associated Press
MANILA, Wednesday, May 16.-
Fighting so savage that Americans
attacked Japanese with bayonets,
knives and their fists, with at least
two Yanks drowning enemy troops
by holding their heads below wa-
ter on a river, raged west of Davao
city on Mindanao island today.
American ground troops and naval
fliers have scored heavily against the
Japanese on bloody Okinawa Island,
on Mindanao in the Philippines and
within the Nippon Empire itself.
Official U.S. communiques and
front line reports late Tuesday
from roaring battle areas were
highlighted by these developments:
American troops have freed most
of Mindanao island, Philippines.
Heavy fighting continued en Ok-
inawa. The Yanks beat off fanati-
cal counterattacks and stopped the
Japanese dead in hand-to-hand
Frosh Class
Prepares for
Games Classic.
Spirit was the keynote otthe fresh-
man meeting last night at the Union
in preparation for the first wartime
edition of the Class Games classic
to :.be held May 26 at Ferry Field.
.Vic Heyliger, hockey mentor. and
Earl Riskey, of the intra-mural de-
partment, addressed a group of over
50 freshman in an attempt to- build
up still more spirit. "If 'the games
are successful this year, they my
well be a natural. carry over in f-
ture years," Heyliger said.
Proclamation Drawn Up
Dick Mixer of the Union staff
handed out proclamations to those
atten'ding to be passed 'out to soph-
omores. "You are doomed! Victory
will be ours! Back where thou cam-
est, o lowly ones. Our success will
be'" easy!" were among the strong-
worded oaths in the proclamation,
keeping in tradition with previous
proclamations. A large copy of the
proclamation will be placed on the
pole in the center of the diagonal.
"It's up to you boys to defend it,"
said Mixer.
Varied Games
Among the games pianned are a
tug-of-war, volleyball, using a-high
net and a ball of extra-large size,
graveyard, in which the classes will
attempt to throw opponents to a
large mat, and a leap frog relay. The
two classes will line up and pass the
lightest man in the class to the rear
in the human forward pass.
It was also decided that Freshmen
will wear white shirts next week to
distinguish themselves.
"The two classes are of about
equal number," Heyliger said, "so
get out and fight!"
Movies of the 1944 Ohio State foot-
ball game were shown following the
Hille CIooses
Student Cou ueiI
Members of the Hillel Foundation
elected a new student council for
the coming college year yesterday in
the t'oundation.
Students elected from a prepared
nomination slate include Helen Al-
pert, Judith Chayes, Allene Colinkin,
Elaine Greenbaum, Rita Hyman.
Benson Jaffee, Betty Korash, Arthur
Kraft, Barbara Levin, Channing Lip-
son, Dorothy Raskind, Sheldon Seles-
nick, Reva Sendler, Marshall Wal-
lace, and Shirley Weinstein.
fighting, inflicting major losses on1
Marines won in close combat on
the edge of Naha, Okinawa's capital
city. Doughboys were victors in the
five-day battle for "Chocolate Drop"
Tcrpedo planes, dive bombers
and fighters from a speedy U.S.
Pacific Fleet task force hit Japan's
southernmost airfields May 12, 13
and 14. They destroyed or dam-
aged 284 Japanese planes on Kyu-
shu and Shikoku islands. Of these
83 were shot down and 93 destroyed
on the ground. Damaged or de-
stroyed were 108 grounded aircraft.
Another 73 grounded planes were
bombed and strafed with unobserved
Preliminary reports said "about
ten" American planes were lost.
Gen. Douglas McArthur'stcom-
munique reported fierce fighting
on Mindanao, Lut added that 90
per cent of the islands 36,906i
square miles of territory has been
freed by the Yanks and 95 per cent
cif its population liberated.
Strong Japanese forces still on
Mindanao have been driven into the
rugged central part of the island,
with American troops squeezing them
from north, south and east. The roar
of battle increased on two Mindanao
fronts. Yanks bound south from the
Del Monte airfield center were in a
stiff fight while to the South Ameri-
can troops locked in close combat
with the retreating Japanese.
Mutual Defense
Treaty Planned
By Unitedl States
SAN FRANCISCO, May 15.-(A)3-
Secretary of State Stettinius an-
nounced tonight the United States
plans to invite other American re-
publics to join in a mutual defense
treaty arrangement under supervi-
sion of a proposed world peace-keep-
ing organization.
In a statement proposing regional
arrangement amendments to the
Dumbarton Oaks formula, Stettin-
ius said this government would ask
its western hemisphere neighbors to
join in negotiating a treaty "consis-
tcnt with the. ch arter of the world
He said this action would be taken
at the conclusion of the United Na-
tions Conference iere.
Stettifts' announcement implied
approval by the Latin-Americani
nations of a formula under which
- the wartime Inter-Amierican De-
fense Agreement would be placed
in operation under the proposed
world organization. Future treaty
agreements of the same nature
would be carried out under the
wing of the International League.
The charter amendment to be
offered with the unanimous support
of the American delegation would
provide that nothing in the_ new
league's charter should impair "the
inherent right of self defense, either
individual or collective, in the event
that the security council (of the
world organization) does not ain-
tain international peace and security
and armed attack against a member
state occurs."
Measures to be taken under this
self-defense authority would be re-
ported immediately to the council
and would "not in any way affect
the authority and responsibility of
charter to take at any time such
action as it may deem necessary
in order to maintain or restore
international peace and security."
It was not made clear immediately
whether this proposed ameindment
has the support of others of the
Big Five powers.
'Issue May Well Be Most Imporltant
Raised at Conference,' Secretary Says
By The Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO, May 15-Secretary of State Stettinius proposed
today that drafting of an International Bill of Rights based on the Four
Freedoms become the first task of a new world organization of United
At a news conference, the leader of the American delegation declared
that the issue of human rights may well be the most important raised in the
San Francisco Conference.
It was the first pronouncement since Soviet Foreign Commissar Molotov
spoke of this question more than a we
Truman Hopes
For Early Big
Three Meeting
Cautions Against Axis
Rearmament 'Again'
By The Associated PressK
WASHINGTON, May 15.--Presi-
dent Truman expressed the hope to-1
day that a meeting with Prime Min-1
ister Churchill and Marshal Stalin1
could be arranged in the not far.
distant future to discuss the coming
peace program. He was not ready,
however, to talk about the time orz
The chief executive made the state-
ment in reply to a news conference
question. On the foreign news front,1
he also:
1. D_,clared that the prime objec-t
tive in working out a reparations
policy is "absolute insurance against1
German or Japanese rearmament-
ever again."'
2. Said General Dwight D. Eisen-.
hower favored, with the President's
support, a "free press and a free flowE
of information and ideas" in Ger-
many consistent with military secur-
3. Favored repeal of the Johnsonl
Act which bars loans to nations in
default on their first World War
debts to this country.
Domestically, the President spoke
out emphatically against any reduc-
tion of taxes until Japan is defeated.
He also asserted the country is going
to have anthracite coal by whatever
steps are needed Ito get it, and said
the veterans administration is going
to be modernized and expanded, but
that no immediate discharges of
personnel are in sight.
eek ago. Stettinius voiced the opin-
ion that the Economic and Social
Council of the new league should
act to establish standards for free-
dom of speech, freedom of religion,
freedom from want and freedom from
Propose Code
Explaining that the Big Four had
agreed that the enumeration of indi-
vidual and collective human rights
could not be attempted at this con-
ference, Stettinius said a "Commis-
sion on Human Rights" under a So-
cial and Economic Council should
draft a code which could be accepted
by member nations and made "an in-
tegral part of their own systems of
Stettinius simultaneously reaffirm-
ed the American position in favor of
giving dependent peoples self-govern-
ment when they are ready for it.
Discuss Trusteeship
The secretary of state met the
press as the big five powers-Russia,
Britain, China, France and the Unit-
ed States-tried off-stage for agree-
ments that would cross the trustee-
ship and regional security issues off
the list of conference problems. But
they had to wait for guidance from
London and Moscow for the British
and Soviet delegations.
Stettinius used the interval for an-
other consultation with Latin Amer-
ican foreign ministers on the ques-
tion of blending a Pan-American
Security Plan into a world peace-
keeping organization.
Conference committees, clogged
with scores of proposed amendments
to a world charter for peace, contin-
ued a fast pace of day and, night ses-
sions. Some were debating issues on
which they had argued for days.
Some were near votes on important
segments of a charter.
Committee decisions now coming
up will show how far little nations
are going to get in wangling more
authority for themselves in charting
the course of the postwar world.
Prof. Kraus
Will Deliver
Special Talk
Russel Prize To Be
Given Tomorrow
Dr. Edward H. Kraus, Professor of
Crystallography and Mineralogy an
former Dean of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts, will de-
liver the annual Henry Russel Le-
ture at 4:15 p.m. EWVT (3:15 P.m.
CWT) tomorrow in the Rackham
Dr. Kraus' subject will be "The
Unfolding Crystal". Public announce-
ment of the Henry Russel Award
will also be made at this time.
The Henry Russel Lectureship is
presented each year to the member
of the University faculty above the
rank of assistant professor whose
work is judged most outstanding by
the University Research Club. Car-
rying a stipend for research in the
particular field in which it is award-
sd, the lectureship comes from a be-
quest left by the late Henry Russel,
a graduate of this University and its
law school.
The Regents of the University con-
verted the bequest into the Henry
Russel Lectureship and the. Henry
Russel. Award, -the latter .going to
faculty members below the rank of
issociate professor who are annually
;elected for the Award by a specal,
' Grad Gets
Hodgson Appointed to
London Commission
Newly appointed U.S. Commis-
4ioner to the United Nations War
Crimes Commission in London, to
iucceed Herbert C. Pell, Lt.-Col. Jo-
"eph V. Hodgson is a graduate of the
University, the Law School and the
Judge Advocate General's School.
Col. Hodgson, who was appointed
Saturday by President Truman, had
been serving as Acting Commissioner
,f the U.S. delegation since Jan. 1,
and held the position of Deputy Com-
:mslioner since shortly after is
"raduation with the 12th Officer
"lass of the JAG School in Novem-
iter, 1943. Previously, he had served
r. Attorney-General for the Terri-
tory of Hawaii.
After graduating Ann Arbor High
in 1917, Col. Hodgson studied in the
College of L.S.andA., graduating with
an A.B. in 1921. He received his
LL.B. from the Law School in 1925.
Prizes Awarded
~ByArt Group
Four first place awards and an
honorable mention were presented
in the Twenty-Second Annual Ehi-
bition of the Ann Arbor Art Associa-
Cron, which will continue in the Gal-
'cries of the Rackham Building until
May 18.
Sh-urileff Presents Three C's
Of Metropolitan Planng
"The great significance of modern
city planning is in the three C's of
Completeness, Coordination, and
Continuity," declared Prof. Flavel
Shurtleff, of the Massachusetts In-
stitute of Technology, yesterday at
the Rackham Building in his lecture
"The Field of Town Planning" spon-
sored by the School of Architecture
and Design.
Prof. Shurtleff stressed that plan-
ning must be done with the whole
city in view and that planners must
be continually on the alert to change
the plans to keep up with the times.
"It is also important," he said, "for
planners to keep in mind the -rela-
tionship of parts of the community
to the whole."
"Too often," he pointed out,
"schools are built with no room for
playgrounds or at a busy intersec-
tion." He said that the basic con-
ception of city planning is that it
is for the people and must be ade-
quate for the people's needs.
Public Participation
Success in town planning depends
upon public understanding and par-
ticipation, Prof. Shurtleff declared.
"The more public interest, the bet-
ter the project," he said. Hetold
how Boston aroused public interest
in its city planning by offering a
$5,000 prize for the best city plan.
Over 92 teams sent in entries, he
said. While the first prize plan will
probably not be carried out in one-
fourth of its detail, he said, the con-
test was successful for its aroused
public interest. Prof. Shurtleff stress-
ed the importance of having sociolo-
gists, lawyers, and businessmen in-
t.rctPr in nannin~ fr iti a no+t
are responsible to the city council or
Too often city planning boards are
created but are given no appropria-
tion to work with, Prof. Shurtleff
pointed out. Lip service is not
enough, he said, and boards must be
voted appropriations to have a fair
chance to succeed.
New Grad Outing
Club To Meet Today
The recently - revived Graduate
Outing Club will hold a meeting at
7:30 p.m. EWT (6:30 p.m. CWT) to-
day in the Outing Club Room at the
Rackhain Building.
An organization which has been
allowed to lapse during the past
year, the Outing Club has been set
up again to include graduate stu-
dents, alumni, faculty members and
some undergraduates. There will be
no dues for membership this term.
Persons interested in joining the
club will be welcomed at the meet-
ing, where activities for the remain-
der of the semester will be planned.
JAG School G radation1 To Be Held Ftiday
First place awards went to Aarre
K. Lahti for an oil painting, "The
Sixth Day of Creation", to Walter J.
Gores for a blue ceramic bowl, to
Albert Decker for a water color,
"Keep 'Em Rolling", and to Emil
Weddige for a color lithograph, "Ice
Fisherman". The honorable mention
was received by Minnie Douglas for
her water color, "The Bunch Quit-
Maj.-Gen. Myron C. Cramer, Judge
advocate General of the U.S. Army,
will arrive here Friday to participate
n the graduation of 76 officers and
Ifficer candidates from the JAG
Forty-seven members of '11th
Officer-Candidate class will be
commissioned as officers of the
Judge Advocate General's Depart-
ment at the conclusion of a parade
to be held at 4:15 p.m. EWT (3:15
Dr. E. Blythe Stason, Dean of the
Law School, Prof. James K. Pollock
of the Department of Political Sci-
ence, Dr. T. Hawley Tapping, Gen-
eral Secretary of the Alumni Service,
Arthur Stace, editor, and Eck Stan-
ger, photographer, of the Ann Arbor
Other guests will be Orville U.
Foster, Jr., vice-president of the
Detroit Bar Association and Capt.
e,. -_ ,_._ r,
Reception in Honor of Wagner
To Be Held by Spanish Club
in honor 'of Prof. Charles Wagner,
retiirin manager of the Romance
Under the general chairmanship of
Ali Pm.fnp . T 1antn-Amrivan pron-