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May 10, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-10

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Cloudy With Rain
Rather Cool



Federal Controls
To Be Continued
Only Bans on Racing, Entertainment
Lifted; Some Reconversion Promised

Army Reports Plan for Relocation

Of Trmoops from Europe



By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 9-The Gov-
ernment notified its civilians today
they must remain in virtually full
war harness until Japan is beaten, but
abolished immediately, the racing ban
and midnight curfew on entertain-
ment places.
"Some reconversion" to civilian
goods production was promised, at
once by War Mobilization Director
Fred M. Vinson.
But he laid down the policy that
nearly all the economic controls im-
posed for the two-front war-ration-
ing, high taxes, wage and price ceil-
ings, many manpower and production
controls-should be maintained in
force until the last shot is fired in the
'Dire Struggle Ahead'
Vinson warned at a news confer-
Hopwood Prize
Novel of 1944
Is Published
'34 Charlton' Wins
Award for Rene Kuhn
"34 Charlton," which won for Rene
L. Kuhn, '44, a major Avery Hopwood
fiction award in 1944, is being pub-
lished today by Appleton-Century.
Miss Kuhn attended the University;
from 1942 to 1944 and won a minor
award in the short story division of
the Hopwood Contest in 1943.
Her novel, originally titled "Into
the Light," is placed in Greenwich
Village and is the story of an Irish-
American family with the clash of
generations, a girl's struggle to lead
her own life as its theme.
Miss Kuhn was born in Honolulu,
and attended scools in China, Japan,
Central America, and in various parts
of the United States. She is the
daughter of Irene Kuhn, journalist
now with National Broadcasting.Com-
pany, and author of a book on her
experiences as a newspaper-woman.
Since graduation from the Uni-
versity, Miss Kuhn has done some
radio work and writing for the Unit-
ed Press. At present she is working
on a new novel.
Stalin Declares
Germans Safe,
Victory Final
MOSCOW, May 9.-EP)-The Sov-
iet Union will not "destroy Germny
or its people," Marshal Stalin an-
nounced tonight in a blunt, matter-
of-fact six-minute victory broadcast,
Speaking from his study in the
Kremlin, around which a million or
more Russians crowded in a noisy,
happy holiday mood, the Soviet lead-
er climaxed his nation's greatest
1,000-Gun Salute
Fifty-four minutes after he fin-
ished speaking, 1,000 Moscow guns
fired 30 volleys into the cold, clear
spring sky, fingered by thousands of
searchlights and arching rockets.
"The Soviet Army and the Army of
the Allied Command have forced
Germapy to fall," Stalin said, ex-
plaining the Rheims and Berlin dou-
ble surrender ceremonies.
Real Capitulation
"Being acquainted with the wolf-
ish habits of the Fascists who regard
every document as a blank piece of
paper, we did not have grounds to
believe in the act. However, this
morning when the German army put
down her arims and began to sur-
render this was not a simple piece of
Paper but a real capitulation . .. The
Soviets Union is rejoicing in victories
although it does not intend either to
destroy Germany or its people."
After the tremendous artillery sa -

lute and pyrotechnic display, Red
Air Force planes swooped and circled
over the gay scene, their roaring mo-
tors adding to the din of victory.
From the planes showered multi-
colored flares.
Today R. i. Markham will lec-
ture on "Post-War Pros-
pects in the Balkans" at
8 p. m. EWT in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Today Tea at the International

ence of a dire struggle still ahead,
predicting that Japan would not sur-
render unconditionally without a
"successful and complete invasion" of
her homeland.
This means that "a great part" of
the war worker force must stay on the
job and that munitions production
will finally stabilize at not less than
two-thirds of the present huge arma-
ment rate, Vinson stated, in his first
meeting with the press since he be-
came director of the Office of War
Mobilization and Reconversion.
Announces Army
TheArmywill reduce strength by
1,300,000 men in the next year, but
slowly at first. The Navy will not
cut, he said. Draft calls will continue
to be heavy and deferments for men
under 30 "will continue to be rela-
tively few."
Probably 1,500,000 warworkers will
lose their jobs in the next six months,
Vinson predicted, perhaps 3,000,000
more in the following half year. But
reconversion should soak up most of
them, leaving 2,500,000 unemployed in
twelve months compared with to-
day's 1,000,000 jobless.
Increase in Consumer's Goods
On the optimistic side of the pic-
ture, he forecast:
A few new passenger cars coming
off assembly lines in six to nine
months, an immediate start on mod-
erate numbers of refrigerators and
washing machines; and
An increase in gasoline rations
perhaps amounting to 50 per cent for
A-card drivers; just when, he could
not say. Commercial users, and per-
haps B-card motorists, will get an
increase too.
U.S., Britain
Discuss Urgent
Polish Problem
By The Associated Press
Commissar Molotov left for Moscow
today and Secretary of State Stet-
tinius and British Foreign Secretary
Eden huddled immediately with top
advisers on the Polish problem.
Molotov boarded a Moscow-bound
plane in midmorning. No sooner had
he left than the British and Ameri-
can foreign ministers got together
with W. Averell Harriman, U. S. Am-
bassador to Russia, and Sir Archibald
Clark Kerr, Britain's envoy to Mos-
Polish Issue Discussed
Apparently they reviewed the en-
tire question of broadening the Pol-
ish government. And apparently,
also, Harriman and Kerr got their in-
structions on how to procede on this
issue from now on. They were leav-
ing tonight for Moscow by way of
Washington and London.
It was learned that the British and
Americans still have received no re-
ply from the Russians to their de-
mand for a full explanation of the
arrest of sixteen Polish underground
leaders. They are reported standing
firm on their insistance that this
explanation be provided, with Britain
and the United States maintaining
a united front.
Russian Reply Expected
A Russian reply is expected within,
a few days, however. Stettinius and
Eden are known to feel there can be
little, if any, progress on complete
adjustment of the Polish issue until
it comes along.
Conference Delegates heard, too,
that Prime Minister Churchill was
urging Eden to return to London be-
cause of the situation raised by Ger-
many's surrender.

Nazi Chiefs
Surrender to
U.S. Seventh
Goering Yields After
Fleeing Execution
KUTZBUEHEL, Austria, May 9-
(R)-Reichsmarshal Herman Wilhelm
Goering, whose Nazi air force once
frightened the world, and Field Mar-
shal Albert Kesselring, German Com-
mander-in-Chief on the western
front, have surrendered to Lt. Gen.
Alexander M. Patch's American Sev-
enth Army.
Goerin'g, a self-professed fugitive
from the wrath of Hitler, surrendered
near here last night with his wife
and six-year-old daughter and was
flown today to Gen. Patch's head-
quarters. Details of Kesselring's cap-
ture were not immediately given.
The first of the top Nazis to fall,
into American hands, Goering said
he was sentenced to execution by
Hitler on April 24 when he sug-
gested that he, Goering, take over
the crumbling Reich.
He declared that his air force fol-
lowers shot their way through SS
troops who were guarding him at
Berchtesgaden and spirited him away
to a hideout in this area. It was with
relief, apparently, that the Nazi lead-
er surrendered last night to Brig.
Gen. Robert Stack, assistant com-
mander of the U. S. 36th Division.
Another of the original Nazis to
fall into the 36th Division's hands
in the mop-up of this a.ea of Austria
was Gen. Ritter Von E pp, who com-
manded a brief defense of Munich
but fled before American forces broke
into the city.
Goering readily posed for photo-
graphers and talked freely of his
final clash with Hitler, whom lie
described i a speech as late as
1943 as the "Greatest German in
history." He wore several medals,
including the Grand Cross of the
Knights Cross, Germany's highest
decoration, but complained that he
lost more than half his medals
when Allied planes bombed the
house where he was held prisoner
at Berchtesgaden.
Truman Signs
18-Year-Olds To Get,
Six Months' Training
WASHINGTON, May 9 - (/P) -
President Truman today signed into
law the bill extending the Selective
Service Act one year, and it was
officially announced that draft calls
"will continue to be large."
The latter announcement came
from the Office of War Mobilization,
which said:
"Deferments for men under 30 will
continue to be relatively few and
will become fewer as more veterans
return to industry and the farms."
President Truman, in signing the
draft law extension, made plain he
would have vetoed, if he could, a
section forbidding the use of 18-
year-olds in combat without six
months training. He objected that
this "places added restrictions on the
War and Navy departments in their
management of the fighting forces."

Three Million Yanks To
BeMoved Within Year
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 9-Approximately 2,837,000 troops will be moved
out of Europe within nine'months, the Army disclosed today.
Within 12 months, the Army expects to have out of Europe 3,100,000
troops,leaving only an occupational force estimated at 400,000.
The majority of these soldiers will come to the United States for rede-
ployment to the Pacific area or for discharge from the Army. The others
will be routed direct to the Pacific.
About 45,000 soldiers, including many who have been prisoners of the
Germans, will be returned to this country by air and surface ships during
this month.
Maj. Gen. Charles P. Gross, chief of the Army Transportation
Corps, outlined at a news conference this schedule for the movement i
of troops from the European andv
Mediterranean theaters:
Approximately 845,000 men or an rour Foreign
average of slightly more than 280,000
a month, will be withdrawn during
the first three months following V-E
Day. - e a 1
Approximately 1,185,000, or an Visit M ichigan
average of 395,000 a month, will be
moved out during the second three
months. Were Observers at

Gen. Walter Bedell Smith (above), Allied.Chief of Staff, signs document
imposing unconditional surrender upon Germans, at headquarters at
Rheims, France.
Markham Will Discuss Post
War Prospects in Balkans

Rueben H. Markham, foreign cor-
respondent for the Christian Science
Monitor, will speak on "Post-war
Prospects in the Balkans" at 8:00
p. in. EWT (7:00 p. m. CWT) today
in the Rackham Amphitheatre under
Stalin Discloses
Pragtie Freed;
N azisFight On
LONDON, Thursday, May 10-UP)-
Marshal Stalin announced the liber-
ation of Prague yesterday and said
that while a small group of die-hard
Germans still was resisting in Czecho-
slovakia, "we must believe that the
Red Army will succeed in bringing
it to its senses."
Just after midnight the Moscow
radio broadcast a Soviet communique
which stated that the capitulation of
the Germans was, proceeding on all
fronts except in Czechoslovakia,
where a group of German troops,
"avoiding capitulation to ,Soviet for-
ces. is retreating hastily to the west
and southwest."
T'lh Moscow communique said
Soviet troops had linked up with
Americans in Austria iii the area of
Shortly before Stalin announced
that Prague had been freed the
Prague patriot radio broadcast an
invitation to President Eduard Benes
and the national government to re-
turn to Prague from Kosice,
The German high command in
what the announcer on the Flens-
burg radio, said was the "last com-
munique" announced tonight that all
German arms had ceased firing on
order of Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz,
"We have achieved great victories
bits also heavy defeat-way sue-I
cumnbed with honor," said the an-°
An Associated Press dispatch fromI
the British Second Army said a fierce
battle was being waged at Segeberg,
25 miles north of Hamburg, in a
woods where 300 fanatic German SS
troopers and marines were battling
German soldiers.
The dispatch said the territory had
been made out of bounds for British
troops and no British troops had been
Alumni Group Will
Hear Dean Lloyd

the auspices of the sociology depart-
In his 25 years of work in Europe,
Markham witnessed the rise and fall
of the Communists in Bulgaria, the
dismemberment of Czechoslovakia,
and the growth of the power of the
Nazis throughout southeast Europe,
and was in Vienna when Chancellor
Dollfuss was assassinated.
For the past two years Markham
was Deputy Director of the Office of
War Information. He recently re-
turned to the foreign correspondent
staff of the Christian Science Mon-
itor, which he joined in 1926. This
University lecture is open to the pub-
. .
Yank Troops
Are Moved to
Pacific Theater
ROME, May 9. (IP)-Some American
combat troops already have been
transferred direct from Italy to the
Pacific war zone, Gen. Joseph T.
McNarney, commander of U.S. forces
in the Mediterranean area, disclosed
Only a relatively small number of
troops in this area will be demobil-
ized and these probably won't leave
Italy for several months, McNarney
said in a V-E Day broadcast.
The movement to the Pacific thea-
ter, he said, would be via the United
"For most of you," McNarney told
the troops under his command, "your
return to civilian life will come only
when Japan has been utterly and
finally defeated."

} About 807,000, or 269,000 a
month, will be shifted during the
third three months.
After that, the redeployment will
be carried on until only the occupa-
tional force of some 400,000 is left
Gross said that all of those troops
who are destined to be brought out
under the redeployment program
should leave Europe within a year.
After the last World War it re-
quired 10 months to evacuate 2,000,-
000, troops.
U. S. troop ships not required in
the Pacific, many British troop
ships, more than 400 converted
cargo ships and 800 transport
planes will be used to transport the
troops. Gross said that by using
captured enemy passenger ships the
movement of troops may be speeded
up by as much as 60,000 men dur-
ing the second three months of the
redeployment and by 117,000 men
'during the third quarter.
Gen. Brehon Somervell, chief of
Army Service Forces, told the news
conference that once the troops ar-
rive in this country they will be sent
to 22 army personnel centers disfrib-
uted throughout the United States.
Within a week after arriving in
this country, Somervell estimated, the
soldiers should reach home for fur-
lough, or permanent release, as the
I case may be. Furloughed men, on
completion of their leaves, willgo back
to the personnel centers, will be
formed into groups and sent to as-
sembly points for reassignments and
special training.
The personnel centers to which the
troops will go after reaching this
country include:
Indiantown Gap, Pa., serving Ohio.
lower Michigan and Pennsylvania:
Fort Sheridan, Ill., serving Illinois
Michigan and Wisconsin; and For
Snelling, Minn., serving Minnesota
North Dakota, South Dakota, Wis-
consin and Upper Michigan.
Alumni Will Hear
President Ruthven
President Ruthven will address the
University of Michigan Club of Mus-
kegon at its annual banquet this eve-
Mrs. Ruthven, T. Hawley Tapping,
general secretary of Alumni Associa-
tion, and Mrs. Tapping will also go to

San Francisco Parley
Four young people from Denmark,
China, the United States, and Yugo-
slavia, who have been accredited by
the World Youth Council to represent
that organization as observers at the
United Nations Conference, will visit
the University June 4 and 5 as part
of a county-wide tour.
The purpose of their stay here will
be to give a report of observations
made at San Francisco and also to in-
still an interest in the World Youth
Conference which will be held in
August in London.
A two-day program is being ar-
ranged by a joint committee repre-
senting all the organized groups on
campus, and tentative plans include
a tea at the International Center
and a rally to be held in Rackham
A more definite program will be
announced as soon as the committee
has completed its plans, said Bob
Woodward, president of MYDA, at
the initial meeting of the group yes-
terday, which included represent-
atives from IRA, MYDA, Women's
War Council, Pan-Hellenic, Hillel
Foundation, Veterans Organization,
I. F. C., the International Center,
Post War Council, and the Union.
Tag Day Drive
Will lie Held To
He U' Camp
With its goal set at $1,800, the tra-
ditional Tag Day drive will take place
Friday, May 18.
Organized to provide support for
the University Fresh Air Camp, the
campaign will accomplish a dual pur-
pose in shaking it possible for boys
in the 9 to 13 age group to spend a
month in a more healthful environ-
ment, mentally and physically, than
that to which they are accustomed
and by offering students interested
in teaching or social work invaluable
experience in their field.
Recreational activities at the camp
are under the supervision of forty
counselors, chosen from among qual-
ified graduate and undergraduate ap-
plicants of the University. Students
who spend the eight week session at
the camp are given credit for one or
more of the following courses; Edu-
cation C120a, C120b, Sociology 200,
Sociology 201.
Located on Patterson Lake, 24 miles
northwest of Ann Arbor, the camp ac-
commodates 240 boys sent to it by
25 social agencies. 300 acres of land
and 26 permanent buildings, includ-
ing a main lodge, women's dormitory,
classrooms, cabins, workshop and
modern health unit comprise the
camp property.
The sale of tags, from which ap-
proximately half the camp budget is
derived, will be undertaken by
women's dorms, sorority and league
houses. Posts will be distributed
throughout the it and both stu-
dents and townspeople are asked to
German Prisoners
Remain in Europe

One in Four War Marriages
Will Fa ii, Dr. Burgess Asserts

Elves and the Shoemaker'
To Be Presented Tomorrow

"The Elves and the Shoemaker"
will be presented by the Children's
Theatre of the Department of Speech
tomorrow and Saturday in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
"The Elves and the Shoemaker"
was adapted for the theatre by Char-
lotte Chorpenning and Nora Tully
from the popular fairy tale. The play
tells the story of how Widget, played
by Ethel Isenberg, and his elves save
the kind shoemaker's shop from the
.,,..,, ;+n. ~on.ln.v"frvo h ia

to be forced out of their home and
into the streets when Widget, under
the guidance of Gremlo, played by
Carolyn West, carries out his first
job successfully and outwits the
crafty witch.
Three Matinees Scheduled
The rest of the cast includes Gloria
Ann Salter, Naomi Vincent, Mae Dix,
Margaret Walsh, Mary Woods, Bar-
bara Weisberg, Shirley Armstrong,
and Babette Blum.

Divorces after the war will be at
the rate of one to every four mar-
riages," stated Dr. Ernest W. Bur-
gess, University of Chicago sociolo-
gist in a lecture yesterday.
Hasty and hurried-up marriages
during the war will be partly respon-
sible for this highest divorce rate in
history, Burgess said.
Marriages To Be Hasty
"These hasty unions have not had
the test of the normal duration of
courtship and engagement to insure
the existence of tempermental coin-
.- :_ - ' .. -A.d-, -,, - ;. 4. E - , ;r

veteran feels 'I am not needed any
more'" he continued.
"A final influence making for sep-
aration and divorce will be the hasty
and ill-advised marriages after the
war," Burgess stated.
Courtship Will Be Brief
Many young people will wish to
make up for what they have missed
of marital bliss because of the war,
and will marry after only a short ac-
quaintance, courtship, and engage-
ment, he said.
No Excess of Women
"rM-r- it s tn . n ha iRs a 1ta4

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