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May 07, 1945 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-07

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1ti, MAl1C fIGA7N -DAILY

Demobilization Program lanned for Rturning Ye


Army Survey Shows
Plans of Servicemen

Aim Is Reinstatement
Into Civilian Standing

Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON - Everybody and
his brother has been proposing post-
war plans for veterans .
Now comes the Army with a line-
up of what the soldier plans for him-
The research branch of the Army
Service Forces' Information and Ed-
ucation Division interviewed thous-
apds of men-White and Negro, offi-
cers and enlisted men. In this cross-
section study it found that fully two
thirds of the men had fairly definite
1. More than two thirds of those
who have made up their minds plan
to work for an employer after the
war-in industry, on the farm or in
2. About one out of eight expects
to set up shop or operate a farm on
his own hook.
3. One in 12 plans to attend
full-time school.
4. Nine out of ten White enlisted
men intend to take up' life anew in
the state where they lived before the
war. But one out of every three
Negro enlisted men plans to switch
to another state.
5. Among White migrants, the ma-
jor move will be to the far west;
among Negroes from the south to
the industrial northeast.
The Army researchers grant that
the plans of some men may change,
but they say that the general pat-
tern revealed by the study should be
of great help to post-war planners in
government, industry and labor.
Here are some detailed findings:
A little over one third of the

White enlisted- men who were em-
ployes before induction, and plan
to be such after the war, expect to
go back to their old bosses; an-
other one third say they may re-
turn; the rest say they'll make a
stab elsewhere.
About 60 per cent of this group in-
tend to do the same type of work
they performed before induction. A
large number, however, have learned
new trades and intend to make a
change. In general, more profes-
sional workers plan to stick to their
former pursuits, fewer unskilled wor-
The survey indicates that five per
.cent of all Army personnel plan to
seek government employment; an-
other five per cent are toying around
with the idea.
The proportion of Negroes who
have a government job in mind is
more than double the ratio of
Whites. Security appears to be an
important factor among them.
Government-minded Negroes are
more interested in federal jobs
than in state or municipal ones.
Of the boys who intend to be their
own bosses, either as merchants or
farmers, seven per cent plan to oper-
ate a business; five per cent, farms.
Another six per cent are "interested"
along those two lines.
Half the men with business plans
say they'll invest $4,000 or less, but
only one-fifth know where they will
get it. Forty-two per cent had pre-
viously been independent operators;
45 per cent had worked as employes
in the same lines; 13 per cent had
had no previous experience.
'Retailing and service lines account

Associated Press correspondent
When the veterans of this war
stack arms to be mustered out, the
plan is to cut out red tape, un-
certainties, heartaches, and put him
quickly cn his civilian feet.
Besides mustering-out financial
benefits he can get government loans
to buy a home; a farm or a business.
He will have a guarantee of his job
back or unemploynment pay; school-
ing, if he wants it--other benefits.
Brig.-Gen. Frank T. Hines, Admin-
istrator of Veterans Affairs, says:
Financial benefits for disabled vet-
erans of this war and dependvcts
"are starting out at the rates which.
it took World War I veterans and
dependents 26 years to obtain."
The new demobilization plan is
a machine geared to ease the sol-
dier's worries and to expedite his
return to normal civilian life.
"G. I. Joe" overnight will become
"Joseph G. Individual."
The war department's program for
E Day, calling for partial demobil-
ization, since the war with Japan
still is to be won, stresses the men
as individuals.
In the first World War the policy
was to demobilize by complete organ-
izations, to insure maximum effic-
iency of the units remaining. This
method has been discarded as un-
fair to individuals who had "long
and arduous" service.
Furthermore, the old method
would work unfairly by releasing men
only recently assigned as replace-
ments, and discriminate against vet-
erans of extended combat service in
the Pacific or Europe or both cam-
paigns, in units not selected for dis-
To determine priorities for in-
irvidual discharges, a point system
has been set up,' giving credits for
ttal1 months in the armny, total
months overseas, decorations and
battle clasps indicating combat
service, and dependent children.
The value of the point credits soon
will be announced, now that the
European War has ended.
Of course the Army first will con-
sider whether the individual soldier
is needed for the continuing wai
e against Japan. He may be deemec
e indispensable.
But, granting that the soldier ha
- the priority credits and is not indis-
e pensible, his discharge should be
much speedier than after. the last
e war.
Troops in the Pacific will be sent
; home, as well as veterans of the
e European campaign, when replace-
ments have been sent in. And
, troops in this country, who never
have served abroad, also will figure
in the demobilization plan, again
, provided they are not indispens-
f All individuals declared "surplus'
e. in the various theaters of war will be
- returned to manpower pools in the
A United States, where those with th
e highest priorities under the poin
system will be released first.

The big hitch in the whole effort
to demobilize the soldier quickly is
the Pacific war duration. Maj. Gen, I
William F. Tompkins, who directed
preparation of the plans, says:
"The heavy strain that will be
placed upon our sea and air trans-
port facilities by the necessity for
moving millions of troops, guns,
tanks and other equipment to the
Far East will inevitably limit the
speed with which men can be brought,

back to this country from overseas.
"We do int intend to perint the
Japanese t stretch out the war
and stretch o;ut our casualty lists
byv fallipng short in our plants' fo-
tHic fighting in the Pacific."
But the process of demobilization,
as compared with that of the last
war, has been streamlined and when
final victory does come the soldier
will find transition to civilian life
much easier than the 1918 doughboy.
Priority of release for members of
the WAC will be determined in the
same way as for the rest of the army.
But the defeat of Germany
brings no demobilization of the
Navy. Rather, the Navy, now ex-
panding, will continue to expand
for the knock-out blow on Japan.

r --- _ r -

+i jst like vo iet iv

There're Still the Japs Left!
Nazi Germany lies in ruins! Hitler is defeated.
But the deaths of thousands of Americans, killed
at Pearl Harbor by Jap treachery, are still tin-
avenged. War still lies ahead.
Let us not rest on our labors!
Moseley Typewriter CO.

VETERAN - This GI Joe, showing complete war-weariness in his
tired face, is only one of the thousands of soldiers, sailors and marines
who will be returning home as veterans. These are the men who must
make the rapid adjustment back to civilian life and these are the men
for whom the Vetarans' Administration is working and planning that
their adjustment may be rapid and successful.

for most of the business enterprises
"Over half a million men in the
Army alone definitely plan to operate
a business of their own after the
war," says the report. "Should their
plans materialize they would create
almost as many new firms as the net
decline in the number of business
establishments since Pearl Harbor."
Pointing out that one out of every
three would-be farm operators will
have to start shopping around for a
farm tract, the Army researchers
"They may well come up against a
paucity of good farm land which, in-
cidentally, will be selling at much

.., p

"Describe it to me, will you, Mac?"
"Yeah, I hear 'em yelling, but I can't see a thing-you see, I lost my eyesight.
Lost it in one of our camipaigns. Lost it so these guys can do their yelling now.
"This is what I used to dream about in the jungle. God, if I could only see for
just five seconds.
"That girl there-is she laughing-or crying? I had a girl-once. Sure I wrote
her when this happened to me. I told her I was tired of her. What else could I say?
"Listen to that newsboy . . . "GERMANY FINISHED!" I'd give anything to see
those headlines. What else does it say? Anything about the Pacific? I hope you
guys realize there's still the Pacific.
"Yeah. I was there, all right. If you could have seen what I saw, you wouldn't
need to read any War Bond ads. Nothing left of your best friend but his helmet
landing in your lap. Made me kind of mad, I guess. They say I was still fighting
when I couldn't see any more.
"Yeah, it's bad enough. But it makes it worse when you hear someone saying the
war's practically over. Acting as if it's time to ease up on War Bonds and all. Then
you wonder what you did it for. It's not over yet. Those Japs can do a lot of damage.
I ought to know.
"DO ME A FAVOR, will you, Mac? Keep on buying War Bonds for my buddies
out there. And put a little extra in for my sake, will you?"

higher prices than before the war
There is danger that many will be
forced to settle on cheaper sub-
marginal land."
The researchers found that ap-
proximately seven per cent of the
White enlisted men, five per cent
of the Negro enlisted men and. 12
per cent of all officer personnel
plan to enter full-time school.
This would give a total of more
than half a million men from th
Army alone. Nine out of ten ar
high school graduates.
Eighteen per cent of the men in-
terviewed are considering part-tim
The full-timers lean toward the
liberal arts and sciences, or profes
sional and technical specialization
the part-timers will shoot for trade
and business courses.
The northeastern United States
says the survey, may expect mi
grants, especially from the south.
"The southern region," it °added
"while it may retain some of its war
inspired growth, has poorer recon
version prospects and a high ratio o
new entrants into the labor force
Out-migration on the part of ser
vicemen is shown by the survey. I
similar picture can be drawn for th
west north central region.
Governor Kelly
Issues Victory
LANSING-(P)-Governor Kelly
today issued the following Victory
Day proclamation:
"No words of mine, or any man
can adequately pay tribute to this
glorious achievement of Allied
arms. I can not do more than to
say to these brave men of ours
the dead and the living, that their
nation is moth humble and grate-
"This is a time for prayer and
thanksgiving. It is also a time fo
the solemn reflection that the task
is bit half finished. Our other
ruthless, barbaric and unrelenting
enemy, Japan, remains to threaten
the dignity and freedom of the hu-
man race. We must resolve at this
time to make an even greater ef
fort to destroy the war lords o
Japan and uproot every vestige o
their pagan 'new world order'.
"We must stand fast and tru
during the days ahead so that we
as a united nation, may march wit]
our valiant allies down that roar
that leads to the final and com
plete victory and an enduring
world-wide peace."

All the things you've been fighting for are just the same
....and we're counting the days till you can take your place
among them.
Now we're looking forward to your homecoming. Looking
forward to the day we can shake yur hand, to the day when you
will hang up those khakis or blues in the closet, resume your
place among us and take up the good American life just where
you left it.
OUR HAPPINESS at one victory cannot
let us suffer a defeat. The war is half won;
we must win it covipletely before we stop
working for that victory. Let us strive
more than ever before
126 EAST HURON STREET Phone 4241



..we're through with half of -our enemies.
But let none of us forget that we are only
HALF way th rough. Our boys on all those


islands in

the Pacific,


in China and

Burma, are not rejoicing because they can

come home.

Their war Is yet to be won, so

let's not forget them!


us all rejoice

Yes, Victory in
Europe is ours!
But there is much to do be-
fore cowplete victory is ours.
We must remain even more
united in our determination

today, but tomorrow dig in again and finish
this war completely and forever.
TT - V T Fq E-




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