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May 07, 1945 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-07

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Reds Stiffer Greatest Grief,
Heaviest Losses in Personnel,
Russians Recognize Material Aid Provided by
Americap Lend-Lease and AlliedBombing

Marshal Stresses Importane
01 Proper Attitude at Home

Former Chief of Associated Press Moscow
The Russians can claim, with scant1
fear of contradication, that they did
the most to win the war in Europe.
Theirs have been the greatest glor-
les--the Battle of Moscow, first ma-
jor Allied defensive victory; the Bat-
tle of Stalingrad, turning-point of the
war, and all the series of offensive
thrusts that carried them from the
center of Russia to the heart of Ger-
Theirs, too, has been the greatest
grief-more than 600,00 square miles
of home territory occupied by the
Germans; cities like Leningrad, Khar-
kov, and Sevastopol bombed, shelled
and burned; principal industries
evacuated and richest agricultural
areas devastated.
Suffered Heaviest Losses
Theirs have been the heaviest los
ses-by their own count, more than

5,000,000 men killed, captured or
missing. By German count, more
than 32,000,000 killed, wounded or
captured; by outside estimate, more
than 20,000,000 casualties, including
Paradoxically, the war on their
front, the largest land struggle in his-
tory, was the least publicized. No for-
eign correspondents were ever ac-
credited to the Red Army. Soviel
correspondents wrote voluminously,
but little of their material was print-
The rest was put in archives for an
eventual official Soviet history of the
war. Only when that has been pub-
lished will the full story, or at least
a substantial part, of Russia's con-
tribution to the war be known.
Lend4easp Was Big Help
Even during the war the Russians
have recognized the material aid of
American lend-lease, conspicuous
particularly in providing the Red


WASHINGTON-(/P)- Army con-
cern over the attitude of the soldierl
and his home folks during the re-
deployment of forces from Europe to
the Pacific has been voiced by Gen-
eral George C. Marshall.
The chief of staff has said that the
transfer of troops and equipment to
the east will be one of the greatest
problems in administration and sup-
ply in history, although he is conti-
dent that it will be carried out in a
"thoroughly workmanlike manner"
That phase of the job, he de-
clared, is not worrying the Army
but the human element is--now
that V-E day is here, he said, this
will be the general picture:
Every soldier in Europe will have
an "overwhelming urge" to get home
to his wife, family or girl friend.
The soldier who learns that he is
eligible for demobilization, but finds
there is no room on ships going
home, may become intolerant "even
to the smirching of a fine and sol-

C dierly fighting record". Mail from
home will be of no help because "pro-
tests will be more articulate on this
side of the Atlantic from the wives
and the families and the sweet-
The Army, Marshall said, will not
be able to meet those "very hu-
man desires" without the risk of
higher casualties in the Orient and
denying the fighters there the sup-
port they must have.
For these reasons, Marshall said,
the attitude of the people at home
will be of the "utmost importance"
to the Army's morale and fighting
"They must be brought," he said
emphatically, "to understand the ur-
gent requirements of the situation.
They must be persuaded to support
us in a last great effort to hasten the
end of this war .. .
"Any delay, any loss of momentum
in that campaign means the unne-
cessary loss or mutilation of more
young Americans."


RIG FACTOR IN VICTQRY - This picture shows a typical detachment of tank-borne troops of the Red
Army, troops which proved their mettle in the Europ can war. The detachment shown is setting out on an
operation somewhere on the Russo-German front of the time.


I I,..

Yes, the Fight Has
Been, Won in Europe!
But now
Must Be Avenged!
218 South State St.

Army with more than half its trans-
portation. They have acknowledged
the useful effect of Allied strategic
bombing in Western Europe, and reg-
istered appreciation of the diversions
of German forces from their front
by the Allied campaign in Africa and
the "second front" in Europe.
Throughout, however, they have in-
sisted that the "main burden" of the
European war was on their shoulders,
and who could deny it?
Their share of tne war began on
that apparently tranquil Sunday of
June 22, 1941, when the Germans in-
vaded Russia at dawn without dec-
laration of war or denunciation of the
1939 non-aggression pact.
The Russians eventually acknow-
ledged that they were taken by 'sur-
prise-not by the attack, but by its
timing and overwhelming power.
Three huge but clumsy Russian
fronts, or army groups, the north-
western under Marshal Voroshilov,
the western under Marshal Timo-
shenko and the southwestern under
Marshal Budenny, were unable to
contend immediately with the Ger-
man striking power.
By Autumn of 1941 the Germans
had advanced to the gates of Lenin-
grad in the north, the approaches to
Moscow in the center and to the Don
River in the south. Along that line
the Red Army defenses stiffened.
Moscow Saved
A gigantic battle developed for
Moscow, Gen. Gregory Zhukov, the
man who was to become the out-
standing Russian soldier of the war,
took command. Two German gen-
eral offensives surged close to the
Soviet capital, reaching within 5
miles of the city in November. In
December the Red Army finally halt-
ed the enemy on the snow-blanketed
battlefields and threw them back to;
a winter line.
Throughout the war the Russians
willingly sacrificed cities for time.
Odessa was the scene of the first
great siege, holding out for 80 days;
in the autumn of 1941, but pinningI
down 18 enemy divisions.1
The next great .campaign began in
June, 1942, when the Germans
launched a general offensive from the
Ukraine toward the Volga. They:
reached that river in August and
there, around Stalingrad, ,developed1
the decisive battle of the war.
With their backs to the Volga, thec
Russians succeeded first in checking
the Germans and then, by a brilliant
counter-offensive, in encircling and
smashing the German 6th Army at
Stalingrad. The battle ended Feb. 2,
1943, with the surrender of Field Mar-
shal Von Paulus.
From then on the Germans weret

Churchill 4sks ritain Not TQ
Celebrate Until Jap is Beaten

to th--rcigo-afn-ndsl yugAercn.



BRISTOL, England --AP)-- Prime
Minister Churchill called on Britons
April 21 to restrain any celebration
of a victory over Germany in favor
of "a new leap forward" to bring the
war against Japan "to a conclusion
altogether free from any doubt."
"We have the Japanese to finish,"
he said, "and we stand absolutely
our great American ally paying off
at the other end of the world debts
as heavy as ever were iflicted on us."
Speaking only a few days before
the opening of the San Francisco
never again able to mount a suc-
cessful major offensive in the East.
The Russians were able to take the
initiative. They started in January,
1943, by breaking the siege of Lenin-
grad, opening a corridor from that
encircled second city of Russia to the
Orel Bulge Drive Stopped
Following the spring stalemate
customary on the Eastern Front, the
Germans lashed out from their "Orel-
Bulge" towards the Russian-held
Kursk salient in July, 1943. They
were beaten back, and the Russians
started their westward march.
Orel, Kharkov, Smolensk and a
mass of lesser cities fell to the Red
Army in the summer of 1943. Re-
lentlessly, the Russians drove for-
ward that autumn and winter, en-
tering pre-war Poland in January,
1944, and completely liberating Len-
ingrad during the same month.
Sevastopol was freed May 8, 1944,
after a swift Red Army spring cam-
paign in the Crimea.
Finland Surrenders
After another brief spring lull in
the center of the front, the Russians
sprang into action in June with a
general offensive that carried them
to the Vistula River and the gates of
Warsaw. They were checked there in
August but switched their drive into
the Balkans, forcing Romania to
sign an armistice Sept. 12, 1944.
Bulgaria followed suit Oct. 28. Fin-
land gave up that September 19.
The greatest of all the Red Army
offensives was launched Jan. 12, 1945,
with a tremendous rush against the
German lines in Poland. Warsaw
was captured Jan. 17, and the Rus-
sians smashed rapidly forward, iso-
lating East Prussia'and piercing Ger-
many proper.
Russia's "hour of retribution" had


World Security Conference; the
Prime Minister affirmed that "a
world security organization which we
must build and shall build will be
free and open to all the nations of
the world," indicating the eventual
inclusion of neutral and even enemy
He added, "They must live in
peace and justice with one another
and there must be always the
necessary force to restrain aggres-
Inside such an organization, "From
which we hope will come a long and
peaceful period, will be the open,
avowed and inseparable friendship
of the great English-speaking nations
cf the world," he said.
Standing in the great blitzed and
fire-blackened hall of the University
of Bristol, Churchill told his audi-
"We may pause for a moment. We
may rejoice, but it may only be for
the purpose of regathering strength.
There may be dangers that people
will feel, after this long struggle and
this great and undisputed victory
over a formidable opponent, that we
can relax. I cannot give the word for

We Rre Thankful,
that Germany has been defeated and that
many of our troops will be returning home. How-
ever, we still have the Japs to fight and we mustn't
let up for a moment until Tokyo is ours.



340 South State Street













that, . -



The American fighting forces as well
as the home front have done a spec-
tacular job in defeating the enemy in


We all give thanks for this

great step toward a final victory.
However, we must realize that this is
no cause to take a holiday while our
men push forward toward Tokyo.
Come on, Americans - Don't break

Stay on the Job!
THE WAR in one part of the world is finished. Hitler
and his friends have gone down in a sea of infamy. The
people of Europe are free again, ready to build up bigger
and better nations. Our boys made this possible,
BUT NOW they have another job waiting for them.
The war lords of Japan are still on the loose. Their ruth-
lessness and brutality must be stopped. We must continue
working on the home front to furnish our soldiers and allies
with the needed materials. We can't let down now. Keep



Now Let's Sink the Rising SunI
enemy on the run. The war is half over. Come on, let's finish the job.
All the months of training, the foot-slogging under Texas suns are
past. And the thousands of hours, shift upon shift, on the aircraft
assembly lines, bright as day behind their blacked-out windows, the Bond
Rallies, the thinning store shelves in the great cities, the sweating backs
and aching muscles on the farm . . . all these have led to this moment.


the Victory rhythm.

Let's finish the

job . .
/11 /"\-T T T '11-7 __

Don't break the Victory rhythm now, America!

The Jap, like the

Nazi, must be crushed.

Come on America-the command is forward!

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