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May 05, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-05

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11 .' !
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Mostly Cloudy with
Light Rain.






orth western


HollandDenmark Cease Firing at 2.


Tank Battle
Rages near
Moravian City
New Red Offensive
Reported in Austria
By The Associated Press
LONDON, May 5, Saturday-Rus--
sian troops, smashing out powerful
10-mile gains in the Nazis' Czecho-
slovakian mountain redoubt, liberated
all Slovakia yesterday as German for-
ces bitterly resisted Red Army ad-
vances and staged a big tank battle
near the Moravian war production
city of Olmuetz (Alomouc).
Despite violent German opposition
in which the Russians lost and then
regained at least one town, Red army
forces battled for a quick cleanup of
Czechoslovakia while the Germans re-
ported a new Soviet offensive was in
progress in Austria.
Drive Toward Junction
The Nazi high command said that
Soviet armor had opened a big drive
west of Vienna toward a junction with
American troops battling for Linz
that would cut off the Austrian re-
doubt from Czechoslovakia. The
enemy said Red army mountain fight-
ers also were plunging toward Aus-
tria's second city, Graz.
While the Red Army pressed cam-
paigns to reduce the Germans' south-
ern European strongholds, mop-up
operations continued against German
forces in northern Europe.
45,700 Enemy Troops Surrender
More than 45,700 German troops
laid down their arms and surrendered
to the Red army northwest and
southwest of Berlin and north of
Stettin, a drive was opened to clear
the Baltic islands guarding Stettin
Below the Danube, Marshal Feodor
I. Tolbukhin's Third Ukrainian army
was reported to have launched a
powerful new blow westward from St.
Poelten, where the Russians were 60
miles east of Liinz. Tolbukhin's
troops also were said to be striking
for Graz from points below Sem-
mering pass.
Clashes Break
Out in Rome
ROME, May 4.-()-Street fight-
ing broke out again today between
communist demonstrators and Ital-
ian soldiers and students who werc
screaming demands that Italy retain
the province of Venezia Giulia, a
long-disputed area at the head of
the Adriaoti, Sea.
Many persons were badly beaen
by clubs in the free-for-all battles,
including a number of students.
There was one clash at the Viminale
palace, seat of the Italian govern-
ment, and another in the Piazza

Leyssac, Sayao To Be
Among Concert Artists

Surrender BiggestSince 1918

Zino Francescatti, French violinist,
will perform his own arrangement of
the Paganini "Concerto for Violin
No. 1 in D major, Op. 6", with the
Philadelphia Orchestra in the third
May Festival concert at 2:30 p.m.
EWT (1:30 p.m. CWT) today in Hill
Paul Leyssac, renowned dramatist,

. French Violinist

will give his original narration of
"Peter and the Wolf" in the after-
noon concert; and Bidu Sayao, Rosa-
lind Nadell and the women's chorus
from Choral Union will highlight the
evening program with a performance
of "The Blessed Damozel".
Saul Caston, associate conductor
of the orchestra, and Prof. Hardin
Van Deursen, Choral Union director,
will conduct the dual concert pro-
gram today.
This afternoon's concert will open
with "Kamarinskaya", Glinka's fan-
tasy for orchestra on two Russian
folk songs, and Cantata, from "Fun
of the Fair". Both numbers will be
performed by the Festival Youth
Chorus, composed of young singers
from the Ann Arbor public schools,
under the direction of Marguerite
Zino Francescatti, who made his
debut with the New Yor"F Philhar-
mnonic Symphony in November, 1939,
playing the Paganini D major Con-
certa, will use his famous "Hart"
Stradivarius in the performance this
af ternoon.
The Philadelphia Orchestra's per-
formance of the fourth Festival con-
cert at 8:30 p.m. EWT (7:30 p.m.
CWT) today will open with the Bee-
thoven "Symphony No. 1 in C ma-
jor"; Saul Caston will conduct this
Bidu Sayao, Brazilial soprano and
20-year-old mezzo-soprano, Rosalind
Nadell, will sing the solo roles in the
performance of Debussy's "The Bles-
sed Damozel" by the Women's Chor-
us from Choral Union on tonight's
Mme. Sayao, the only South Amer-
icanm on the Metropolitan roster, will
sing arias from Mozart's "Don Gio-
vanni" and "La Somnambula" by
Bellini in the second half of to-
night's concert. Mme. Sayao's initial
performance under Toscanini in this
country was in the "Blessed Damo-
The Brahms "Symphony No. 2 in
D major, Op. 73", noted for its clear-
ness and uniform coloring, will be
the concluding orchestral selection
on the program.
The final concerts on the May
Festival series will feature Rudolf
Scrkin, pianist, four Met. artists and
the Choral Union, in the afternoon
and evening programs at 2:30 p.m.
EWT (1:30 p.m. CWT) and 3:30
p.m. EWT (7:30 p.m. CWT).

fay The Associated Press
NEW YORK, May 4.-Bill Downs,
Columbia Broadcasting System cor-
respondent, said in a broadcast from
Hamburg tonight:
"More than a million Germans on
Field Marshal Montgomery's 21st
Army group front surrendered on
this historic May 4, bringing hostili-
ties to an end for the Canadian Army
fighting in Holland and the British
2nd Army fighting in northern Ger-
many. It was the biggest mass sur-
render of German forces since the
armistice of 1918.
"A German surrender mission
headed by Admiral Von Friede-
berg, commander-in-chief of the
German navy, signed articles of
unconditional surrender for the

German land, sea and air forces,
facing the Canadian 1st Army and
the British 2nd Army, at 6:25
o'clock this Friday evening. Field
Marshal Montgomery signed in be-
half of the Allied supreme com-
mander-in-chief, General Eisen-
"The only nation in northern Eur-
ope yet to be liberated is Norway.
There still is the Dunkerque pocket,
but these events must have a tre-
mendous effect on the Germans still
holding out there.
"In the words of Field Marshal
Montgemery, as he walked to the
tent where the official signing took
place, grinned, and commented to
the reporters: 'This is the mo-

isenhower Says
ra est Mass Capitulation Siice
Armistice of 1918, General Declared
By The Associated Press
PARIS, May 5, Saturday-All enemy troops in Denmark, Holland and
northwestern Germany surrendered unconditionally yesterday in the great-
est mass capitulation since the armistice of 1918, and Gen. Eisenhower
declared the enemy was beaten "on land, sea and in the air."
Only formal admission from Fuehrer Karl Doenitz that further fight-
ing was useless was needed to bring peace .to Europe five years and eight
months after the dead or missing Hitler plunged the continent into war.
A half million Germans in the north will surrender today, to Field
Marshal Montgomery under terms of the capitulation order, and with the
500,000 captured on the British-Canadian front yesterday will account for
one million men. This overshadows-
even the mass capitulation in north-
ern Italy and Western Austria Wed-Ifi '
nesday. Japs
From 8,000,000 to 500,000 Men
It was estimated that no more than
500,000 Germans remained to fight of
an army that once made all Europe
tremble. The German army at its Repulsed in Fierce
peak strength numbered 8,000,000 Land, Sea, Air Fight
By these estimates there were 300,-L T
000 in Czechoslovakia and Austria,
where the enemy was surrendering WASlHINGTON, May 4.-(/')-A
almost as, fast as the Americans ap- very large force of B29 Superfor-
proached, 150,000 in isolated Nor- tresses carried out a two-pronged
way, and 50,000 in the French ports attack on the Japanese home is-
and Channel Islands. lan1s of Honshu and Kyushu today
Associated Press correspondent (May 5 Japanese time), headquar-
Daniel De Luce reported that nego- ters of the 20th Air Force an-
tiations were in progress for the sur- nounced tonight.
render of both the Norway and * * *
Czechoslovak pockets, with Doenitz By The Associated Press
apparently delaying capitulation to 24TH ARMY CORPS HEAD-
leap antodelayingapsiulatQUARTERS, Okinawa, May 4.-Be-
let as many troops as possible escape tween 4,000 and 5,000 Japanese
the Russian occupation zone. mounted a concerted counter-offen-
Fall of Greatest Military Machi e sive by land, sea and air against
t Fom north to south,thms was thAmerican forces on Okinawa last
storyne ofthfall of Htes militarynight and today.
machine with which Hitler set out to All were repulsed with heavy Jap-
conqluer Europe. anese casualties.
1. The Germans agreed yesterday Maj.-Gen. John R. Hodge, com-
to surrender at 8 a. in. today (2 a.m. mander of the 24th Corps, said the
Eastern War Time) all northwestern assaults gave his doughboys "the
Germany, Holland, Denmark, Helgo- best day of Jap killing since the
land and the Frisian islands. Okinawa campaign began."
2. Gen. Eisenhower declared The enemy made amphibious land-
Germany was "thoroughly whip- ings on both coasts and hundreds of
ped" and called on all enemy troops Japanese were killed. An undeter-
holding out in Norway, Czechoslo- mined number still are roaming be-
vakia, Austria, the Channel Islands 1ind Yank lines.
and the French coastal pockets to Several hundred came ashore from
surrender. small wooden boats on the west coast,
3. Germans in flight to Norway, in the vicinity of Machinato airstrip.
possibly with their fuehrer, Admiral Two hundred were trapped on a reef
Doenitz, were under a terrible aerial and all were killed by amphtrac
scourge that sank or damaged 74 of crews which stormed the reef.
their vessels. Two more groups attempted a lan-
4. The remnants of the German ding near Isa village, five miles north
Nirlth and 12th armies, beaten by Approximately 70 got in, although
the Russians, gave up to the U. S. many were killed.
Ninth army west of Berlin near Sten- Others tried a landing near Yona-
dal. baru airfield on the east coast. About
60 were killed, Hodge said.

V.42 Will Not
B 7
Be Cut 'Here.
Incoming Sailors Will
Maintain Navy Quota
The number of Navy trainees now
at the University will not be cut for
the summer term it was announced'
by Navy headquarters yesterday.
When the summer term begins
July 1, 997 sailors and marines will
be stationed at the University. In-
cludect in the summer complement
will be a new group of higher rank-
ing sailors and 45 marines, all of
whom have seen action on the fight-
ing fron's In accordance with Navy
policy is regards the officer training
program, all men will be broken dow;1
in rank to apprentice seamen. They
will op on campus cur 1(; or 28
months, depending on tiicr assign-
ment to hUsic and engi:nerin cour-
To c ?t 1te the juotu , 2r , traTrs-
fers to the Naval Reseiv, Oftiuers
unit 'romn other sc ools, will be
assigned lber" July 1, Thelpm to !il]
the void left by 350 sa'A S who will
leave An Arbor at the en1 of r,e
present teem.
German Defeat
Brios Gaiety
People of Copenhageni
Celbrate in Streets
COPENHAGEN, May 4.- (4'
--The Danish people burst loose from
the long, hard bonds of German oc-
cupation tonight with scenes never
before equalled in Copenhagen's 800-
year history.
The ordinarily temperate Danes
swelled into the streets, shouting,
singing, crying. . . and fighting.
In the midst of the celebration
the- Danish Freedom Council or-
dered mobilization of th whole
resistance movement, on what was
said to be a direct order from King
Christian X.
Thisput under arms an estimated
300,000 men in the capital alone.
They seemed to be everywhere, carry-
ing tommy guns, machine guns and
pistols, mostly of British and Ameri-
can make, and wearing armbands in
the Danish colors.
Some of the members of the
ieitance movement immediately

this Russian photo says the banner of victory has been hoisted on the
Reichstag in Berlin.


Dr. Malcolm


MacLean- Will

Address 66 Officer Graduates
Dr. Malcolm S. MacLean, nation- and associate director of the CATS,
ally known educator and veteran of will participate in the commencement
military government service in the exercises, which will be followed by a
Mediterranean and Pacific theaters reception for Dr. MacLean in the
as a Navy commander, will address 66 Rackham Assembly Hall.
officer graduates of the Civil Affairs,
Training School at commencement Bronze Star To
exercises to be held at 10 a. m. EWT


Today Zino Franciscatti, violin-
ist, Paul Leyssac, drama-
tist, will be featured with
the Philadelphia Orcheg
stra, Eugene Ormandy
conductor, in the third
concert in the May Festi-
val at 2:30 p. m. EWT
(1:30 CWT) in the Hill
Today Bidu Sayao, Brazilian so-
prano, Philadelphia Or-
chestra, Eugene Ormandy
conductor, will be featur-
ed at the May Festival's
fourth concert at 8:30
p. m. EWT (7:30 CWT)
in the Hill Auditorium.
Today.. Baseball Double Header
with University of Minne-
sota at 12:45 p. m. EWT
(11:45 CWT) at Ferry
Today Tennis match between
Notre Dame and U. of M.


Fountain Balks
At Spring Debut
"When it rains it pours!", the slo-
gan of a certain commercial product,
is particularly fitting in Ann Arbor.
To add to the customary vernal
rainfall, faulty Working of the Thom-
as M. Cooley memorial fountain op-
posite Hill Auditorium and the Lea-
gue contributed one more deep pud-
dIe to the general overflow.-.
Your reporter found that the dif-
ficulty was a simple tale of a clogged
drain on a large scale. Turned on
annually for the May Festival, the
fountain's pipes have become rusty
and dirty during the winter months,
James N. Galbraitb of Buildings and
Grounds explained.

(9 a. m. CWT) today in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.J
Before joining the Naval Reserve,
Dr. MacLean was associated with Uni-
versities of Northwestern, Minnesota,
and Wisconsin and served as Presi-
dent of the Hampton Institute (Va.)
and as chairman of the Fair Em-
ployment Practices Committee. He
graduated from the U. of Michigan
in the Class of 1916.
Of the 66 graduating officers, who
have finished an intensive six-month
course in which they have acquired
a speaking and reading knowledge of
the Japanese language, two are mem:.
bers of the WAC.
Although most of the officers will
be transferred to a West coast stag-
ing area, several will be sent immedi-
ately to the Pacific.
Dr. Ruthven, Dr. W. F. Ramsdell
and Col. Stephen A. Park, director

Be Awarded to
Capt. Her glwldt
Marine Captain F. H. Bergholdt
will receive the Bronze Star for ac-
tion at Guam last August with the
Third Marine Division, Ninth Regi-
ment, in a public ceremony to be
held at 11:15 a.m. EWT (10:15 a.m.
CWT) today iW the Intramural (IM.)
Commander A, N. Williams, Execu-
tive Officer of the Navy unit will
present the medal to Capt. Bergholdt
in the presence of the Marine de-
Capt. eBergholdt, who has been sta-
tioned in Ann Arbor since the early
part of April, is expecced to succeed
Major John P. Wilbern shortly as
Commanding Officer of the Marine


5. The Bavarian-Austrian re-
doubt vanished, with the U. S. Sev-
enth army seizing Hitler's Berchtes-
gaden, the bastion of Salzburg, and
Innsbruck, key to communications
in the Alps. Organized resistance
virtually ceased on a 70-mile front
and 50,000 prisoners were taken,
6. The Seventh Army plowed on
into Italy through the Brenner pass,
meeting the U. S. Fifth Army's Italian
7. The U. S. Third Army accepted
surrender of an entire Panzer divi-
sion at the Czechoslovak border, then
drove 10 miles or more unopposed in-
side, threatening to outflank the ar-
senals of Pilsen.
8. The Third Army last was re-
ported three miles from the strong-
hold of Linz, and the German com-
munique said the Americans had en-
tered that third largest city of Au-
9. Pilots back from Czech'oslo-
,akia bombing missions said thou-
sands of civilians were in flight
from Prague, fleeing toward the
American lines ahead of the Rus-
sians. Apparently they were Ger-
man civilians.
Meteor Blamed
For Explosionts

These open tions were coordinated
with a counterattack by a Japanese
regiment on the left center of the
Seventh Division's front and a heavy
air strike which Hodge said had
caused some damage to shipping.
(Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nimitz
said five light ships were sunk.)
The counterattack on the Seventh
Division was supported by 20 or more
"Perhaps there were 3,000 Nips in
this attack," Hodge said. "There was
much hand to hand fighting and one
element of infantry engaged in a
greniade battle which lasted several,
Martin Rites
To Be Held
Services Sunday in
Detroit for U Student
Funeral services for June R. Mar-
tin, who died Thursday' at the Uni-
versity Health Service of pneumonia,
will be held at 3 p. m., Sunday, at
the Hamilton Funeral Home, Detroit.
The body will lie in state until 9 a.m.
this morning at the Dolph Funeral
Home, 312 Maynard.
Funeral services will take place
Monday at Cedar Springs.
M1i Martin 18 .enrolled as a

Technics Final Issue on Sale May 15

The "Technic," oldest publication
on campus, and the oldest' engineer-
ing college magazine in the nation,
will go on sale May 15.
The last issue of the year will
feature three articles by members
of the engineering faculty and one
student article "Rigid Airships" is
+, i1-_ m, f 0 V M .,ls . , x.inl

on its own in 1923 when that organ-
ization ended, and has been "abso-
lutely independent" since. It is the
Tan Beta Pi Initiates
19 New Meimbers

official publication of the Engineer-
ing College. The magazine is en-
tirely student-run; reports are sub-
mitted periodically by the editors to
an advisory board of four members
of the engineering faculty.
From a crowded two room office on
the third floor of East Engineering
Building, the "Technic" comes forth


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