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May 02, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-02

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iEDN~SD~~i'. MAY 2,4945

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4e . 473aiin

Understanding the Russians

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Fifty-Fifth Year

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff

Evelyn Phillips
Margaret Farmer
Hay Dixon .
Paul Sislin
Hank Mantho
Dave Loeweriberg
Mavis Kennedy
Ann Schutz
Dick Strickland
Mrtha Schmitt
,Kay McFee

. . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . A City Editor
Associate Editor
. . . Sports Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
. . . Womien's Editor
. . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
. . . Business Manager
, . Associate Business Mgr.
. . . Associate Business Mgr.

Telephone 23-241
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
nier. $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45
National Adwrtising Service, Inc
College Publishers Representative
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by menbers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Adolf Hitler
AN APPARENTLY authentic report announc-
ing the death of Adolf Hitler reached Amer-
ican newspapers last evening.. If the German
report is true, it marks the pgssage of what has
been symbol to the minds of American people.
The acts committed in Hitler's name-from
his rise to power over a decade ago to the most
recent reports of concentration camp atroci-
ties-have made the American people identify
Hitler and the German enemy as one single
In some confused fashion, we were fighting
against one man-Adolf Hitler-and at the
same time against the German state our minds
personified in him. When we called for the
subjugation of the German state, as part of
the same breath and the same thought, we
were asking for the destruction of Adolf
Hitler. And vice versa. The one was synony-
mous with the other.
Hitler's death yesterday will quite probably
change our notion of that identity. For today
we still fight the German state. Hitler's death
will change little in the progress of the war.
Our greatest prize is gone. but the enemy remains
to be defeated
We do not, nor will we in all probability, feel
the personal dislike for Doenitz, the new and
relatively obscure German head, that we felt
for Hitler, even though Doenitz will assume
practically the same position Hitler held. The
Doenitz regime may be as short-lived as the
Bagdolio regime in Italy, and good Nazi though
he is, we probably will never perform the same
identification process on Doenitz.
Hitler might be called a great man-although
people will disagree as to in what respect. His
passing now, while of little import to how the
Allies will prosecute the war, will affect the
German people to the extent that they them-
selves were indoctrinated with Hitler's dogmas.
If the Nazi state and party have been so
thoroughly organized and its pattern of gov-
ernment so well laid out as we have been
led to believe, then the loss of one leader will
not disrupt the machinery we are fighting
With the loss of their leader the German
people may crumble and collapse, believing
that without the inspiration of der Fuehrer
there is no more reason to fight. They may set
their fallen leader up as a martyr and fight
even more fanatically to achieve the goals he
gave them.
They may feel that at last they have been
relieved of part of a restricting yoke and act
accordingly to remove the whole vestige of a
system that oppressed them. Or the Germans
being essentially ordinary people, they may
emulate the example of the American people
who two weeks ago mourned the loss of their
own great leader and continue to go about
their daily wartime business.
-Ray Shinn
Blood Bank

HE MAY Blood Bank was filled yesterday in a
surprisinglv short time-less than an hour

SAN FRANCISCO-To the average outsider, the
most difficult thing to understand about this
conference is the attitude of the Russians. Poor
press relations, plus a few inept moves have
melted down a large mountain of goodwill built
up by the valor of the Red Army. In a few short
days they have destroyed much of the favorable
sentiment in Latin America, ana through no
fault of ours, won us more friends below the
Rio Grande than we ever had before.
However, one purpose of this conference is
to get to understand people and we are going
to have to understand a lot about the Rus-~
sians in the future. First, let's look at some
of the things hardest to understand.
One of the things Molotov did in San Fran-
cisco was to invite two prominent Latin-Ameri-
can delegates to dinner at the Russian consulate,
along with a few carefully selected Europeans.
Latin guests were Mexico's tall, handsome For-
eign Minister Padilla, and Chile's aristocratic
Foreign Minister Joaquin Fernandez y Fernan-
dez, who is rapidly assuming a new leadership
in Latin America.
Molotov drank a toast to Chile and her new
establishment of diplomatic relations with Rus-
"There are so many Chileans who want to
become ambassador to Moscow," joked Foreign
Minister Fernandez in return, "that it is one of
my greatest problems." Mexico's Padilla, ap-
irently on excellent terms with Molotov
said: "All Latin America would be pleased if our
sister republic, Argentina, was admitted to the
Molotov, in mellow mood seemed to register
no objection.
Mood Changes. .
BUT A DAY LATER the mood was different.
Padilla arose in secret session to propose
Secretary Stettinius as permanent chairman of
the conference. Molotov promptly objected.
He pointed out that four countries had invited
the other nations to attend this conference and
that the representatives of all four host coun-
tries should rotate as chairman.
Foreign Minister Padilla then delivered a
recitation of previous precedents where the
nation which served as host also acted as
chairman. When he had finished, Molotov,
who had already pointed out that four na-
tions were hosts, got up and remarked:
"I am glad to be instructed in diplomatic
procedure by the delegate of Mexico, but ap-
parently he prepared his little speech before
he heard my view."
Padilla, who had not read his speech, was
taken aback. He mumbled something about
always being prepared when he attended a con-
ference, and sat down. After a long, hot de-
bate, Molotov won his point. But the manner
in which he jumped on the Mexican lost him
friends. A lot of Latins, jealous of Padilla's
brilliant oratory, previously had been opposed to
him. But Molotov veered them in the opposite
Next day, in secret session, Foreign Minister
Jan Masaryk of Czechoslovakia, a nation cooper-
ating with Russia, pointed to the vacant chair of.
Poland and moved that the Lublin government
be admitted. Foreign Minister Subasich of
Yugoslavia, also close to Russia, seconded the
motion. Whereupon, Anthony Eden, white-faced
and prim, emphatically opposed. There followed
more hot debate.
Finally, to break the deadlock, Foreign Min-
ister Spaak of Belgium proposed a compro-
mise resolution 'expressing sympathy with
Poland and honing that she could be admit-
ted soon. Genial, rotund Ambassador Caceres
of Honduras, a great friend of the U. S. A.,
rose to second Belgium.
Whereupon Molotov cracked back: "Notwith-
N CENTS pays for a bath, hot or cold,"
advertised a local barber shop in the Daily,
1893 version. Front page headlines, distinguish-

ed by their lack of verbs, reported news that
is still familiar.
"It is reported that there are good pros-
pects for closing the University in a day or
so on account of the great shortage of coal,"
says an article in the best news jargon of
the Gay Nineties. "A railroad blockade in the
East is the cause of the trouble, and a lively
correspondence has been held with railroad
Other news which vied with front page ad-
vertisements: the faculty granted a petition
"to play a game of baseball with Minnesota
on some Monday," and the Congregational cler-
gymen of New Haven have asked Yale to "take
steps" to suppress gambling.
"The funniest comedy ever produced" was
touted for one night only at the Grand
Opera Llouse in direct competition with H.
L. Watterson speaking on "Money and Mor-
als." -Milt Freudenheim

standing the support of the Republic of Hon-
duras, the Soviet Union stands by its position."
Delegates Startled...
A NOTE of biting sarcasm rang through Molo-
tov's voice which startled the delegates. It
sounded as if the powerful Soviet Union, repre-
senting the greatest land-mass in the world,
was trying to put the tiniest republic in Latin
America in its place. Again, Russia lost more
friends. And later when the vote was taken on
seating Lublin Poland, she lost that also.
These are some of the things about the Rus-
sians that take a lot of understanding. On the
other hand, when Molotov, after winning his
point on rotating the chairmanship, finally sat
in Stettinius' place, he did an excellent job.
He got off a little gag about being glad the
conference would now have an opportunity to
hear Russian, and proceeded to handle the
session in the most expert manner.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Peace Confterencee
quality is going out of the conference. We
are putting behind us those agitated early days,
as for instance when it was rumored that the
Russians were keepin a ship in the harbor so
that they could go home on a moment's notice,
should anything about the conference displease
them. There are fewer rumors now. Our atti-
tude toward the conference is firming up. It is
becoming hard to remember how scared many
Americans were only ten days ago, when the con-
ference seemed like a hot-house plant, and a
rough breath might shrivel it.
Those were the days when a suggestion for
any change in Dumbarton Oaks seemed fatal;
and indeed) many of us carried on as if hold-
ing a conference meant holding our breaths for
a month. Our conception was not really that
of a conference, but of some difficult and
complicated rite which we had to perform-
without a single false step, or a misreading of
the ritual at any point. So many of these
mists are clearing away that it is a little
hard to remember now why it seemed so plain,
a fortnight ago, that to grant seats in the
Assembly to two of the Soviet republics would
wreck the structure of world peace.
We did not know, ten days ago, whether the
conference could survive a difference of opin-
ion, or a- change of conception. We know now
that it can. That is why it is important . to
hold conferences, for it is only in conference
that we can find these things out. The confer-
ence is not only a different conference from
what it was a week ago; the world is a some-
what different world.
Another development has been the calling off
of the expected struggle between the large na-
tions and the small nations. This will be a
bitter disappointment to our isolationists, many
of whom have elected themselves honorary citi-
zens of the small nations, except, of course, when
they are demanding island bases on the ground
that we are a great power.
Instead of a fight between the large nations
and the small nations over the question of polic-
ing the world, a totally unforeseen development
has taken place. The small nations have become
the spokesmen for social and economic progress.
Australia is raising the question of full employ-
ment, from which the big nations are shudder-
ing away. Perhaps it is as natural for small
nations, as it would be for small men, to raise
these bitter questions in the presence of more
powerful neighbors.
A new perspective is opening up; it is the
small nations which are calling for enlarge-
ment of the powers of the Social and Economic
Council. They are content to let the big
nations manage the Security Council, which
deals with military affairs; they are not pre-
tending to a false equality in this sphere. The
small nations are finding their "equality" in
the demand that the new world organization
pay more attention to economic settlements
than had been originally planned. This in-
fluence is a wholesome one, for economic ques-
tions are truly international, and world-wide,
and cut across regional security arrangements
and other such military localisms.

Another development: The press has begun
to think about itself, in a new,objective way.
The Christian Science Monitor and the New
York Herald Tribune have both been moved to
discuss the question of the dangers as well as
the values inherent in having a thousand re-
porters banging away about the same little
squabble. The best news that could come out
of the conference would be that it was chug-
ging along, rather dully, making progress, with-
out sensations. But there is a hunger for in-
cidents, and in reporting them, a kind of inno-
cent total distortion is possible, as there would
be if a massed chorus of a thousand voices sang
a classified ad.
The free press is magnificently justifying
itself by beginning to look at itself, as well
as at the conference; by thinking about its
function; by beginning to cover itself, as a
part of the story. That, too, is a development
of the conference, a sign of how this tremen-
dous adventure in democratic process is crys-
tallizing ideas in all of us.
(Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate)

re 4,ini// At, theState..
By PAULA BROWER THE STATE has one of the year's
WAS IN LOVE once; who has not more enjoyable products in the
WASn? IhV e ee; whoasnis form of "Practically Yours,"a
been? I have revelled; who smoothly done comedy-drama that is
uninitiated in revels? Nay, I was a certainty to rank among this seas-
mad;s? at whose prompting but a on's better productions. As played
god's?" We too played when the time by Claudette Colbert and Fred Mac-
of playing was; and now that it is Murray, the film is excellent enter-
no longer, we will turn to worthier tainment.
Three of us were having coffee and Practically Yours" delves into a
tweet.rolls in the League one after- case of mistaken identity. MacMur-
noon in a small post-class interlude may plays a war hero who is believed
customarily dedicated to the partak- dead. It eventually develops that he
ing of such stimulants. A couple of ?s very much alive and complications
Ccmpany A classes had pushed tables arise over the fact that his "dying
together to the right of the door and words" have been misconstrued as an
nere eagerly drinking malted milks admission of love for a former office
as an incentive toward learning their acquaintance, Miss Colbert he was
Japanese. There was a continual sctua ing to naig) Fom
slow shift in personnel at a couple this situation an entertaining film
of tables where a few intellectuals has been developed of the type that
were holding forth like hosts at an this team has been doing with con-
open house with conversation being sistent success for a number of years.
offered instead of refreshments, and It should please a wide audience.
most of the tables in the center were The joys of slapstick are briefly
occupied by chattering members of investigated in a notable scene
the Women's War Council who were showing a self-inflating life-raft
taking a few minutes out of the long doing its stuff in a jammed subway
afternoon hours spent working in For the benefit of those who frown
their offices. on this sort of thing, I hasten to




of this story of Brooklyn tenement
life as crystallized in the life of the
Nolan family. Dorothy McGuire as
the determined mother, James Dunn
as the improvident father and Joan
Blondell as the generous, jovial Aunt
Cissie all contribute performances of
a quality rare to the moving picture.
They are all the more admirable be-
cause in script form, as they were in
the book, these characters were mere-
ly obvious types. Under the touch of
this excellent cast they become indi-
vidual, interesting ,personalities in
spite of the script.
Despite the handsome competi-
tion, it remains for Peggy Ann
Garner in tfle central role of
young Francie to really put "A Tree
Grows In Brooklyn" over. While it
is a common thing to generously
over-rate the accomplishments of
child actors, no one could have
seen her as the child Jane in "Jane
Eyre" without realizing that here
was true, innate ability. That opin-
ion is confirmed now by this per-
formance. It is a characterization
so marked by personal understand-
ing that no director could possibly
have taught her the sense of tim-
ing and restraint apparent here.
She is a genuine actress and she
and her aforementioned colleagues
make "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn"
a major screen event.
Bly Ray aDixon
EZO is coming to town tomorrow.
He's so handsome he always
knocks the women off their Pinzas.
Ann Arbor is due for a sort of
artificial brownout from 7:07 to
9:04 a. m. on July 9 according to
Prof. Rufus of the astronomy de-
partment. Only trouble is that
we're never up that early in the
We finally found out from a fugi-
tive from French 32 that "Ces Dames
aux Chapeaux Verts" means "These
Dames with the Green Lids." Color-
ful aren't they?



"Do you think college will ever
go back to normal?" asked one of
my companions after glancing at
these groups and at the miscellan-
eous girls who comprised the rest
of the League's clientele that aft-
ernoon. "I mean normal like it
was supposed to have been before
the war, when there were J-Hop
and house-parties and football
weekends, and everybody concen-
trated on things like that, that
we ve never seen?"
We considered the almost mythical
Pre-war College for a few moments.
"I doubt it," and "I hope not!" my
friend and I replied simultaneously,
whereupon we went on to weigh the
good and bad features.
D URING THESE war years Michi-
gan has undergone a severe dis-
location. This has been contributed
to by the presence of Army and
Navy men on campus, who, by the
very military nature of their training,
have not participated in University
activities. It has been brought about
by the absence of civilian men in
classes, in activities, in the lobbies of
women's residence halls. The accel-
erated program has made for a
change of emphasis toward the aca-
demic from the casual preoccupation
with idle, time-filling organizational
projects. "Essentiality" has come to
be thesprinciple qualificationcfor an
academic program: the tendency is
toward the practical.
Students taking short courses
and hurrying through school on
the accelerated program are in-
terested primarily in getting out.
Less and less is college being con-
sidered a pleasant place to spend
four years; it has come to be a
mea.s of preparation for the work
which will follow, and students
have tried to make up for its in-
adequacy by putting in extra effort.
As tradition after tradition has
been thrown out to aid wartime
conservation of time, materials, and
energy, an air of greater serious-
ness has begun to pervade the cam-

advise that "Practically Yours" still
remains a generally literate effort
that contrives to stay above the
inferior mentality level sometimes
exhibited by Hollywood.
*At the Michigan
r HE MICHIGAN'S "A Tree Grows
In Brooklyn" is, of course, one
of the major film events of the year.
Based on a popular best-seller and
the subject of an extensive adver-
tising campaign, the film is assured a
large degree of success. The unusual
thing is that "A Tree Grows In Brook-
lyn," unlike such other products of
intense publicity as "Mrs. Miniver"
and "Going My Way" which left you
wondering what all the shouting was
about, largely fulfills your expecta-
The film, through a series of com-
promises with the Betty Smith novel,
will please both those who liked the
book and those who thought it was
Acting is the secret of the success






MAY 2, 1945

VOL. LV, No. 136
Publication in the Daily Ofricial Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
.1021 Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
this afternoon from 3 to 5so'clock.

C.W.T.) - Eleanor Steber, soprano;
Hertha Glaz, contralto; Frederick
Jagel, tenor; Nicola Moscona, bass;
University Choral Union; Philadel-
phia Orchestra; Eugene Ormandy
and Hardin Van Deursen, conductors.
Sixteenth. Annual Exhibition of
Sculpture of the Institute of Fine
Arts: In the Concourse of the Michi-
gan League Building. Display Will be
on view daily until Commencement.
Events Today
Senior Society: There will be a
meeting at 4 in the 'League. All
members must attend.
Inte' -Guild Seminar: Rev. Chester
Loucks will lead a discussion on the
Lignon method of religious educa-
tion at the Seminar in Student
Christian Movements at 3 in Lane
Hall this afternoon.
Music Seminar: Mr. Lazlo Hetenyi
will again lead the Lane Hall Music
Seminar this evening at 6:30: The
work to be studied is Verdi's Requiem
lvn f.z

We've occasionally complained
about the barrenness of our student Academic Notces
life-the absence of the traditional Graduate Students: A list of stu-
rituals, pranks, parties, etc., which dents expecting master's degrees in
we had learned to expect since be- June has been posted in the Gradu-
fore we came to college. A lot of ate School office. Each .student is
these things have been removed by requested to check whether his name
official edict-and even more of is listed properly with the correct de-
them have died natural deaths be- gree and department indicated.
cause students simply haven't had
time or inclination to keep them go- Con erts
ROBABLY this attitude won't last. May Festival Concerts. To avoid
WhBALthiswaattituededwontha confusion and embarrassment, the
When the war has ended and the sympathetic co-operation of Festival
last veteran has left school, the old concert-goers is respectfully request-
traditions will be revived and col-cet-goes:u
lege will once more be a place to play ed, as follows:
an esy ay o BOC-sip s dnce The public willy please come suf-
an easy way to BMOC-ship as dance fiinl eal st be seted o
committeeman, but in the meantime tciently ear y as to be seda on
the present attitude represents a time, since doors will be closed and
wholesome reaction. latecomers will not be admitted dur-
If the war has done nothing else ing numbers.
it has brought the campus a little Holders of season tickets will please
closer to the outside world. The old detach the coupons for the respective
"ivory tower" isolation must not be concerts before leaving home, and
allowed to return, for the existence present for admission, instead of pre-
of this attitude hinders both the uni- Those leaving the auditorium dur-
versity and the students who are Thgsineasinareeruiredpr-
supposedly educated by it from mak- ing intermission are required to pre-
suppthedyredatedosibycontribution sent door checks for re-admission.
ing the greatest possible Parking regulations will be en-
to the rest of the world 1 A 4 ~ - r T



The Annual French Play: Le Cercle
Francais will present "Ces Dames
aux Chapeaux Verts", a modern
French comedy in one prologue and
three acts by Albert Acremant, at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater,
tonight at 7:30 p.m.
All seats are reserved. Tickets will
be on sale at the box office from 9
a.m. to 7:30. A special reduction will
be made for holders of the French
Lecture Series card. Call 6300 for


Coming E
Tea at the Interna
every Thursdav 3-4:30

The important thing from now on.
is going to be to keep things in their
properproportion. We who have
spent the war years in school have
probably gotten an overdose of
severity, but we have alsoshad
greater opportunity and encour-
agement to put our efforts to bet-
ter use.

aorced by the Ann Arbor kPonceuij--ice De---- ', 1
partment. foreign students, and tl
The several concerts will take place friends are cordially
as follows :
Thursday, May 3, 8:30 E.W.T. (7:30 Inter-Guild Invent
C.W.T.)-Ezio Pinza, bass; Philadel- dists and Protestant A
phia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy, the subject of Rev. J
Conductor. liscussion at 3 Thurso
Friday, May 3, 8:30 E.W.T. (7:30 in Lane Hall.
C.W.T.) - Oscar Levant, pianist;
Philadelphia Orchestra; Choral Inter-Guild' Inventor
Union; Eugene Ormandy and Hardin Kenna will lead ac
Van Deursen, conductors. "Methodists and Prote
Saturday, May 5, 2:30 E.W.T. (1:30 in Lane Hall this af
C.W.T.)--Zino Francescatti, violinist; (CWT). Any studentsi
Festival Youth Chorus; Paul Leyssac; be welcomed.
narrator; Philadelphia Orchestra;

tional Center,
p.m. Faculty,
Lieir American
ory: "Metho-
ction" will be
J. B Kenna's
day afternoon
ry: Rev. J. B.
discussion on
stant Action"
ternoon at 3
interested will



Well, Gus, we'll have to go over
those books again. Got to find

The books! Hodges says they've all disappeared!

By Crockett Johnson
Wiwi There's a man from the
Securities and Exchange


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