....... _......
Lt.-Col. Paul Philips Awarded
Bronze Star, ak Leaf Cluster
Former Cadet Colonel in ROTC Here Cited for
'Forethought and Wise Planning' in North Africa
Lt. Col. Paul W. Philips, who Wa';
Cadel Colonel in the ROTC here be-
fore graduation in 1936, has been
awarded the Bronze Star Medal and
the Oak Leaf Cluster, T. Hawley Tap-
ping, general secretary of Alumni As-
sociation, has revealed.
As Chief of the Provost Branch
of the Provost Marshal Section of
the First and the Twelfth Army
Groups, Colonel Philips "worked
tirelessly and increasingly in the
planning of military police activi-
ties in the Army Group" for the
period from Dec. 4, 1943, to July 31,
1944, the citation stated.
The Bronze Star Medal was award-
cd for action during the Tunisian
campaign in North Africa. Colonel
Philips was then a major of the Sixth
Armored Infantry Regiment. The
citation accompanying this earlier
award said, "It was due to his fore-
thought and wise planning that the
constant German night attacks in
the Maknassy area were continually
i epelled with heavy losses to the
enemy forces."
Colonel Philips was a member of
Sigma Chi and Michigamua. He
also served as treasurer for Scab-
bard and Blade and secretary-
treasurer for the Interfraternity
Honors Former
U' Graduate
William G. Bryant, president of
the 1896 literary class and Nether-
lands Consul in Detroit, was recentlI
honored by the Netherlands, T. Haw-
ley Tapping, general secretary of
Alumni Association, has reported.
Dr. Alexander Louden, Netherlands
Ambassador, conferred the Officers
Cross of the Order of Orange-Nas-
sau on Bryant at a surprise dinner
celebrating the consul's 25 years of
"To me, Mr. Bryant is a symbol of
what every Honorary Consul should
strive for-unselfish sacrifice of time
and services far beyond the call of
duty," the Knickerbocker Weekly
quotes Dr. Loudon as saying.
Cercle Francais To Give
'Ces Dames'Wednesday
Albert Acremnant's French Comedy Will Be
Presented at Lydia Mendelssohn Theater
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(AP Wirephoto via bigna1 Corps Radio.)
William D. Robertson (left), Los Angeles, Calif., 69th Infantry
Division, U.S. First Army, and Lt. Alexander Sylvashko, of the
Russian Army embrace before a furled American flag and a rude
sign "East Meets West" as the Yanks and the Soviets formed
juncture across Germany on the cast bank of the Elbe river April 25. j
Mary Stubbins Will Pla at Hill;
Huser To Present RecitalTloday
Beethoven, Ravel, Bach? School of Music Grad
Albert Acremant's French play,
"Ces Dames aux Chapeaux Verts,"
which is to be staged by the Cercle
Francais at 8:30 p. m. EWT Wed-
nesday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, has achieved popularity on
'Elves and th
Shoe maker'
Will Be Given
The Department of Speech an-
nounces the presentation of the
"Elves and the Shoemaker," May 11
and 12, by the Children's Theatre.
There will be three matinee per-
formances, one at 3:45 p. m. EWT
on May 11, and two at 1:30 p. m. and
3:45 p. m. EWT on May 12. Stu-
dents in the beginning courses in
play production make up the ma-
jority of the cast.
"The Elves and the Shoemaker" by
4 harlotte Cho7r-pnning and Nora
Yully is adapted from the popular
fairy. tale. The story concerns Wid-
get and his elves who are assigned
the task of saving the shoemaker's
shop from the grasping hands of
Hackla, an old witch. The shoe-
maker is away at the wars and his
wife and daughter are unable to make
shoes in order to pay Hackla. It is
here that the elves step in and work
day and night supplying shoes to save
the shoemaker's business.
Tickets for the three matinees will
be placed on sale in the public schools
the week of May 7. The theatre box
office will be open May 9 to 12 from
10 a. m. to 5 p. m. (EWT) in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
two continents, according to Prof.
Charles E. Koella of the Romance
Languages department.
The play, which was also presented
on the University campus in 1939,
consists of a prologue and three acts,
centering around a family of four old
maids. When their 18-year-old or-
phaned niece, Arlette, comes to live
with them, the regime of their pious
household is altered.
Telcide Disapproves
The new arrival is met with out-
ward disapproval by Telcide, the
eldest of the sisters, because, deter-
mined that Telcide should not domni-
nate the household as she has done,
Arlette proceeds to revive the love of
Marie, youngest of the old maids, and
her suitor of ten years before. De-
spite the embarrassing disclosure of
a hidden diary, the reunion is finally
made to the delight of both the
Although skeptical of Arlette's
Parisian way of life, Telcide has lit-
tle to say when the young orphan
promises to help M. le Doyen, dean of
the cathedral, with a raffle to raise
funds for his poor.
Happy Ending
Although she took everything into
her own hands concerning Marie and
Ulysse Hyacinthe, Arlette is greatly
displeased when she learns that Tel-
cide has a husband in mind for her.
The amusing incidents which follow
result in a happy ending.
Reserved seat tickets will be on sale
from 2 to 5 p. m. EWT tomorrow,
from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. EWT Tues-
day and from 10 a. m. to 8:30 p. m.
EWT Wednesday at the Lydia Men
delssohn Theatre. Tickets will be sold
at a reduced price to persons hold
ing tickets for the French lecture
Featured on Program
Betty Jean Huser, pianist, will
:jresent a recital, featuring Bach,
Beethoven and Ravel numbers, in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the B. M. degree at 8:30
p. m. EWT today in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Opening her program with two or-
gan choral preludes and an organ
tocatta, Bach-Busoni compositions,
Miss Huser will also play'Beethoven's
popular "Sonata in F minor, Op. 57"
and "Gaspard de la Nuit" by Ravel.
Before entering the University, she
studied with Will Humble at Kansas
State Teachers College and at pres-
ent is a pupil of Joseph Brinkman in
the School of Music.
China Night'
,Will Be Held
Prof. Sliao Chang~ Lee
::;To Lecture 011 Pacific
Prof. Shao Chang Lee, head of the
Institute of Foreign Culture at Mich-
igan State College, will lecture on
"The Future in the Pacific Basin" at
the China Night program to be held
at 7:30 p. m. EWT today in the Inter-
national Center.
Former professor of Chinese histo-
ry and language at the University
of Hawaii, Prof. Lee was Chinese
delegate to the World's Education
Conference in 1924. Crossing the
Pacific 18 times, he has received
degrees from Canton Christian Col-
lege, Tsing Hua College and from
Yale University. He is the author
of "China Ancient and Modern,"
"Popular Buddhism in China."
To Be Guest Organist
Highlighting her program with sel-
ections by Bach, Liszt, Frescobaldi
and Sowerby, Mary McCall Stub-
bins, guest organist, will present a
recital at 4:15 p. m. EWT today in
Hill Auditorium.
Organist at the First Methodist
Church, Mrs. Stubbins is a graduate
of the University of Chicago and the
School of Music here. She will open
her recital with prelude on the Christ-
mas Chorale "Vom Himmel hoch, da
komm' ich her" by Pachelbel to be
followed by Frescobaldi's "Toccata
per l'Elevazione."
The brilliant Bach "Prelude and
Fugue in G major" and "Variations"
by Liszt will be included on the pro-
gram. A final group comprising sel-
2ctions byH-ells, Pantomime and
Sowerby, presents four examples of
contemporary organ music.
The recital is open to the general
TU' Grad Club
To HoldMeeting
Dearborn Alumni Will
Discuss Pan-America
The University of Michigan Club
of Dearborn will hold the last forum
of its winter series in Dearborn to-
night at the home of John Wagner,
past president of this alumni organ-
The talks by Blanca Alvarez of
Venezuela, Luiz Romeu of Brazil, and
Julio Airaldi of Paraguay will con-
cern Pan-American relations, topic
for this forum.
Ui We have a fine selection of table
cloths, place mats, dresser scarves,
guest towels, and many other linens
which she would enjoy.
Always Reasonably Priced
1 O==o==o >)-=U=>o<=o< o<:o<= t©)<=t}
SUNDAY, APRIL 29; 1945
colonel it was announced
last week by the War De-
partment. He first served
as director of military af-
fairs for the JAG school
beginning in February,
1943, and as assistant com-
mandant for several months
last year. In December,
1944, he became command-
ant of the school when Col.
Edward H. Young, who
formerly held the position,
was assigned to the Judge
Advocate General's office
in Chungking, China.
COACH Ray Fisher's
Wolverine baseball squad
defeated Notre Dame's
Irish Friday afternoon at
South Bend, 6-1, despite
the fact that a rainy Ann
Arbor week kept the team
from more than two day's
Ray Lot then, big red
headed Navy trainee, pitch-
ed seven hit ball to annex
his third victory of the sea-
son. Tom Rosema, first
sacker, and Bill Gregor,
veteran left fielder were the
big guns in the attack, each
getting two blows. The for-
mer blasted a long triple
two of Notre Dame's hurl-
ers for nine safeties.
Last week's tabulation of
batting averages showed
that Walt Kell, versatile
third baseman, followed
Rosema with a .308 punch
while the remainder lagged
below the three hundred
MICHIGAN'S champion-
ship track squad walked
away with two medley
events in the Penn Relays
to cop top honors for the
night at Philadelphia, Fri-
Led by the Hume twins,
the Wolverines won the
distance medley and the
sprint medley. The two
titles which the thinclads
grabbed were relay cham-
pionships of America.
The quartet of Orval
Johnson, Robert Thoma-
son, Archie Parsons, and
Bob flume romped through
the distance medley course
in 10 minutes, 35 2/10 sec-
onds. They lead New York
University, Villanova and
Columbia, respectively
across the finish line.
In the sprint relay event,
week despite the cold spell
which hit Ann Arbor for a
few days. The preparation
consisted of running time
trials to determine Michi-
gan's entries in the Relays.
x: * x*
MICHIGAN'S 11 - man
track squad brought its
two-day total in the Penn
Relays to four wins yester-
day as it won the four-mile
and two-mile relays and
took a second in the one-
mile event. The Wolver-
ines came from behind in
the four-mile race as Ross
Hlume, running the third
leg, made up a 25-foot dei-
cit. Bob Hume, the anchor
man, began the last leg on
even terms with N. Y. U.'s
Rudy Simms, who was un-
able to withstand flume's
finishing kick. Bob Thorn-
ason and Archie Parsons
ran the first two legs for
the Wolverines. In the
two-mile relay, a team of
Thomason, Ross Hume,
Bob flume, and Dick Bar-
nard again led the Violets
to the tape by 50 yards.
The time for this event was
State linksters especially
on the greens. The nextj
match for the golfers will
take place at home when
the Wolverines take on the1
University of Detroit May
4. Matches with Western
Michigan, Northwestern,
Ohio State, and Notre
Dame will follow,j
VICTORY Number Two
over the Irish of Notre
Dame was registered by
the baseball squad yester-
day as it gained a clean
sweep in its two-game ser-
ies with the South Benders.
Sparked by a seven-run on-
slaught in the seventh in-
ning and the six-hit pitch-
ing performance of lefty
Bo Bowman, the Wolver-
ines chalked up 12 runs on
11 hits to swamp the Irish,
who scored four markers.
First baseman Tom Ros-1
ema was the big gun in
Michigan's attack, collect-
ing three singles. Captain
Frank Gilhooley hit two
safeties for the Irish. This
was Bowman's second win
of the season in three starts
and avenged his loss to the
Irish in a late-season con-
:.S I
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