SUNDAY, APRIU 29, 1945
Runners Add Two Titles
To Friday Night Laurels
Sensational Last Lap Sprint by Bob Hume
Edges Out NYU Runner in Four-Mile Relay
Special to The Daily
PHILADELPHIA, April 28.-Gaining revenge for last year's mistake,
and breaking a jinx that seemed to have it confined to two victories a year,
Michigan's track team captured both the four-mile and two-mile relays here
today, to give it four wins for the two-day carnival, and also took second in
the mile event.
In two special events, Gundar Haegg and Haakon Lidman of Sweden
were not so lucky, Haegg turning in a 4:12.7 performance to finish fourth in
the Handicap Mile, while Lidman
hit a hurdle and barely managed to and fourth respectively went along to
win his 150-yard hurdle event. see the country.
Take Four Events In Penn Relays
#taking the Iu4ndi
Daily Sports Editor
Wolverines Take Third Crown
Michigan had to come from be-
hind to annex its third relay crown,
in the four-mile event. Bob Thom-
ason, leading off, followed N. Y. U's
Armand Osterberg by a stride all
the way, while Archie Parsons, run-
ning in the number two spot for the
Wolverines lost a little more distance,
giving Ross Hume a 25-foot deficit
to make up on the third leg.
Doss made up the difference on
his first two laps, but then was
held even by N. Y. U.'s Henry Eck-
ert for the remainder of the jaunt,
so that brother Bob assumed his
anchor chores on equal terms with
the Violet's Rudy Simms.
Hume Gains 30 Yards
IHume sat back and let Simms set
the pace for three and three quarter
?aps before starting his kick, but then
he moved up from thirty yards back
to beat Simms to the tape by 15
feet. His time for the last leg was
4:16.7 compared to Simms' 4:19.4,
and gave Michigan it's ninth win in
the event since the Relays started.
Cornell and Army, finishing third
N. Y. U. was also the victim of
the Wolverines' comeback in the
two-mile relay, although Lady Luck
also interferred with a deft touch.(
Thomason again led off and trailed
the Violet's Eckert by four feet, and
Ross Hume, running second, finished
his leg 10 feet behind Simms.
Spill Aids Michigan
Again brother Bob put Michigan
out in front in the third leg, aided by
the fall of Francis Martin of N. Y. U.
as Hume was passing him on the
first lap. From then on it was just
routine for Dick Barnard to loaf
to a 50-yard victory. Michigan's
time was 7:56.8, while Bob Hlume
had the best time of 1:56.6 for an
individual half. N.. Y. U. Army and
Columbia followed Michigan . . .
at a great distance . . . in that or-
KEEP ON* * *
* *
t * * . . . . . r a a. .
SENATOR A. B. "HAPPY" CHANDLER (center), now high commissioner of baseball, gets ja dressing
room viewpoint on the national pastime as he talk s to players after the Boston Red-Sox-Washington
" Nationals game at Washington, D. C. Left to right are: Bob Johnson, Sox outfielder; Clyde Milan,
Nationals' coach; Senator Chandler; George Myatt, Nationals' second baseman, and Skeeter Newsom,
Red Sox' shortstop.
Yost EndsCareerWithWins
AS THE VARIOUS schools indulge in their football drills our attention
turns to Carroll Widdoes, who became Ohio State's football coach
when Paul Brown decided to go to a professional league after he was
releaced by the Navy. While subbing for Brown last season, Widdoes gave
the .Buckeyes a Big Ten crown and their first undefeated-untied season
since 1916.
Ohio officials didn't consider any one but Widdoes for this job when
Brown resigned, and though "Wid" had offers at many other schools, he
preferred to remain on the Ohio campus.
Widdoes did exceptionally well in his first year at the helm, and
thus set a difficult pattern for himself to follow in succeeding years.
Four of the six veterans composing his '44 Buckeye squad were named
on various All-American teams, and he had an unusual crop of fresh-
men at his disposal.
Although his record last year was an impressive one, it does not firmly
entrench Widdoes as an individual coach, for he not only had a veteran
squad on hand, but he used Paul Brown's strategy and his plays.
LIKE BROWN, for whom he worked- at both Massillon High School and
Ohio State, Widdoes stresses conditioning and perfection of detail,
and it was these two factors that barely saved the Buckeyes on several
occasions last fall. However, these ideas of perfection and conditioning will
not always be able to pull him through the exigencies which might arise
during the course of a season, and it will be here that his true worth as a
coach will be derived.
With Ohio high school coaches giving Widdoes their whole-hearted
support, as they did his predecessor, he will get a steady flow of per-
sonnel, which is as good as the country produces, and if he can fully
utilize this material and supplement Brown's tactics with some of
his own as an added precaution, Widdoes should eventually establish
himself as a first-rate coach.
A small fellow, as was Brown, Widdoes played half-back at Otterbein
College in Ohio, where he received his degree. His coaching experience
previous to Ohio State was with junior high schools and high schools in
Massillon. He made.the big jump from a high school coaching job to a
similar position at a major university when Francis Schmidt resigned at
Ohio State. This resignation of Schmidt's proved to be an opening that
Ohio high school coaches had been awaiting, and their combined efforts
to place Brown at Ohio materialized, as the pressure was too great for
the Buckeyes' athletic director to refuse.
Get on
the Ball...
\ .
The days are just right ...
worries are forgotten ...
and your game is complete
when playing with one of
our Prackets.
(Continued from Page 1)
time to the athletic directorship
which had been awarded him in
1921. Yost yielded to the call of
the game, however, and returned to
active coaching for two final seas-
ons, in '25 and '26.
Yost's last five years at the helm of
the football team, saw him end his
career just as he began it. During
this time, Michigan squads collected
Moore Defeats
Runner-U p,Art
Kilness, by Foot
Bangert, Fisher Share
Annual Relay Spotlight
DES MOINES, April 28.--UP-)-Billy
Moore, Western Michigan College
freshman, missed equalling the Drake
Relays pole vault record by one-six-
teenth of an inch today by clearing
14 feet even-best effort in collegiate
competition this season.
Moore, the National AAU pole
vault champion, topped his nearest
rival, Art Kilness of South Dakota,
by a full foot.
Bill Bangert, opera-singing bari-
tone from the University of Missouri,
and Harold "Whitey" Fisher, Miami
University, Oxford, O., shared spot-
light 'honors in the 36th annual re-
lays carnival.
Bangert registered triumphs in the
discus throw and shotput, while Fish-
er successfully defended his cham-
pionship in the 120-yard high hur-
dles and fired the Miamians to half-
mile and sprint medley relay tri-
Illinois Takes Three
Illinois took honors in the team
events with victories in three of the
seven relays.
No Drake records were broken.
Competition was below pre-war stan-
dards and the absence of athletes
doing a bigger job in the service of
their country was felt.
MOE £part h 'p4
four Conference championships and
two National titles, racking up 937
points to 87 for the opposition. Five
All-Americans gained national rec-
ognition under the "Old Man's" tute-
lage, and 33 Wolverine victories were
added to the record books.
On his 70th birthday, April 30,
1940, he resigned in his capacity as
athletic director, and was honored by
a testimonial dinner where govern-
ors, senators, sports writers, coaches,
and most important of all to Yost, a
good majority of the boys he worked
with during his years at Michigan,
22 Michigan All-American, and 37
captains of the teams he coached all
attended to salute the retirement of
not only Yost, the man, but Yost
the tradition.
Yost Represented State
When the Wolverine eleven flew to
California in that same year for its
first game against the California
Bears, Yost traveled with the squad
and was the State of Michigan's of-
ficial representative at the San Fran-
cisco World's Fair at the request of
Governor Dickinson.
"Athletics for All" has always been
Yost's slogan and this has resulted in
not only varsity facilities, but also
one of the largest intramural setups
Drills Continue,
Munn Reveals
Adverse Weather Has
No Effect on Practice
In spite of adverse weather condi-
tions the Wolverine spring football
drills have been progressing success-
fully, acting head coach, "Biggie"
Munn reported yesterday.
Rain and cold slid not aunt the
70 eager gridders as they went
through their paces in physical
conditioning and signal drills. The
backfield aspirants are gradually
being taught the fundamentals of
the famous Crisler system while
the prospective linemen have been
concentrating on body hardening
and the basics of line play.
Last season's lettermen, Harold
Watts, John Lintel, and Cecil Frei-
hofer are the triangle around which
the newcomers are being instructed.
These three veterans, with their
knowledge and experience of college
ball are aiding the coaches immeas-
urably in training the new men.
In addition, both Lintel and Frei-
hofer are trying out at different
positions, with an eye toward snag-
ging berths in the new slots if they
become proficient in them. Lintol,
who alternated at center with
Watts last fall, has switched to
tackle, while Freihofer, who han-
died the end pesition, is working
cut as a guard.
Foltz, Johnson and Albin stand out
among the neophites as regards pre-
season performances. Foltz is a full-
back who hails from Toledo and has
been preceded by a reputation which
forbodes future successes. Johnson
played tackle at Mt. Pleasant, and
Albin, also from Mt. Pleasant, han-
dles the center berth.
- - -t-
The perfect
loafers and
"special" tou
so importar
Take your c
pastel color,
cially uco
shade, too-
in the nation. His aim has been to
have every student competing in some
type of sport, not merely for Confer-
ence titles, but for the conditioning
and spirit of competition which it
Tomorrow, the university, the state,
and sporting fans everywhere will
raise a salute to a 'Grand Old Man,'
one whose name literally means-
Michigan Sports.
rn heaven)
complement for
saddles, wonder-
s add the final
uch for those ever
nt casual dates. SIZES 9-
hoice of white or
s. There's espe-
us liUe greenE1 75cP
1y soft
711 North University
907 South State
s ..
_ tL
F _-_
FFlexibl . . . feather-lIght . .. designed
and crafted to make walking a pleasure and
DeLiso flats a fashion "must"
r] ~ARMY RUSSET .. .
- - - - - - - - - Clip Here And Mail To A U.-M. Man In The Armed Forces . - - - -
- - - - -
WAR enrollment of some
3,000 graduate and under-
graduate students, surpass-
ing the previous high of
2,413 in 1940, is anticipat-
ed by the College of Engi-
neering, Dean Ivan C.
Crawford stated. The De-
partment of Engineering
Research has grown 500 per
cent in volume during the
war years. Contracts
amounting to approximate-
ly $1,350,000 were given the
department by private in-
dustry and the government,
during the period 1943-
1944. "It is expected that
following the war this
phase of the College of En-
gineering will be much
more important than it
was in pre-war days," Dean
Crawford said. In regards
to returning veterans, the
College will make every ef-
fort to expedite their pro-
gress so that the veterans
may get out into active
work as soon as possible.
the last space addition, was
made, 1764 students, with
the college enrollment of
1940 of 2413. "Unless ad-
ditional space can be se-
cured, the college will be
greatly handicapped in at-
tempting to handle in-
crease after the war," he
said. "Complete plans
have been prepared for ad-
ditions to East Engineering
Building, but unfortunate-
ly, it does not seem that
there will be appropriations
to build these during the
coming year or two." There
will be no radical revision
or curricula since techni-
cal subjects are relatively
fixed in amount and have
not materially changed
during the war. Reforms
are not being advocated by
engineering societies to ex-
pand curricula outside the
technical fields in force at
the University since action
taken by the faculty of the
College of Engineering 20
years ago. Twenty per cent
course has been designed
especially for the veteran
who wishes to take advan-
tage of the educational and
loan provision of the G.L
Bill of Rights in preparing
himself for ownership or
employment in a business
concern. The course is the
first of its kind to be an-
nounced in this country.
Inquiries have been receiv-
ed from veterans in var-
ious parts of the United
States in response to radio
and newspaper announce-
ments, but it is impossible
to estimate how many reg-
istrants will be expected.
Reports of the course were
printed in Stars and
Stripes (Paris edition) and
letters from the fighting
fronts have been received
from men asking for more
information regarding this
four month intensive train-
ing course in business ad-
ministration. , The first
meeting of the course will
be in November.
Lucky Strike for April 27"
was the slogan adopted for
the ball. Gene Krupa and
his orchestra was featured,
and the band leader fur-
nished an all-professional
floor-show at intermission
took part last week in, a
small-scale United Nations
conference to discuss the
character of a peace char-
ter. The Post War council
presented this mock con-
ference to determine cam-
pus opinion on the prob-
lems of a world organiza-
tion and to promote in-
terest in the issues now
under discussion in San
Francisco. The group plans
to draw up a miniature
United Nations Charter on
the basis of agreements
reached in the panels. Stu-
dent delegates from the
University of Michigan and
Wayne University repre-
sented each of the Allied